Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-21-23 Full episode B&B 21st December 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-21-23 Full episode B&B 21st December 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy not letting dad get all the attention so she draws it back to herself by fake blaming herself for keeping Eric alive. THAT'S OVER MOVE ON. It takes a total attention who-er to keep the attention alive by inserting herself into contraversy.

  2. Zende seems to be smitten with Luna. And she's totally unaware. I wonder if he's genuinely interested in her, or if he's just doing it to get back at RJ.

    1. She's very attracted to him, I noticed the eye contact way back at Eric and Ridge's fashion show, I think he wanted to get back at RJ but I think he's genuinely growing a connection to her now, or at least that's where the story will lead.

  3. Steffy, pick a side!!!! Constantly you're making knee jerk decisions but and on schedule you have a change of heart! Leave Liam, sleep with Bill, take Liam back, blame Hope, forgive Hope, trash Sheila for same/similar crap you've done, move across the globe to other side of world , return a week later, pressure Dad to not honor his Dad's final wishes!!!!
    How about for the next 10 times, stfd πŸͺ‘⬇️ and STFU πŸ˜ΆπŸ€πŸ€«πŸ‘§

  4. Ridge is Bridget's Uncle and Stepdad!
    Anymore affairs on this show, Eric will be his OWN GRANDPA! πŸ•΅️πŸ§”πŸ‘΄

    1. Since Eric is dad to both Ridge & Bridget, doesn't that make them half siblings? Also, since Ridge & Brooke haven't yet re-married, Ridge is not currently Bridget's stepdad; however, I expect him to be in the near future...

    2. Ridge is Bridget’s half/step/brother and step/father AND uncle!! and she is his half/step/sister and step/daughter AND Aunty!! Soon they will have to start inbreeding if they don’t bring more characters in..

    3. I am confused. How is Ridge an uncle to Bridget? I can't figure out that part of the family tree...

    4. Yes ridge is Massimo’s son

    5. And there were quite a few years in which they thought he was her bio dad too πŸ˜… and to make matters worse - when it became clear that he's not related to her, they started having feelings and kissed 🀣

    6. I know, it’s very confusing 🀣🀣🀣 they should devote an anniversary episode to Brooke and present her a Forrester family tree to put over her mantle, if there’s enough room to fit it!! 🀣🀣🀣 it would take them a year to piece it together and the tree would be a mess, with branches all over the place.. you would need a biology degree to understand it!!

    7. Ho funny brigitte is ridge step daughter but hope and Thomas are not step siblings πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. Zende has a creepiness about him when it comes to Luna.
    Steffy has definitely been all over the place on her thoughts about Eric and the experimental procedure. 🀦‍♀️🀦‍♀️🀦‍♀️
    And Colly, I think you nailed it - we’re gonna get our Christmas miracle.

    1. He does Lynn.. I think he will fall for her and try to take her from RJ?? Or even if he doesn’t fall for her I think he will try to take her from him anyway for revenge??

  6. Zende is more and more unhinged with every episode. Ridge is actually very patient with him considering what kind of person Ridge is. If Rick would act like Zende he would yell at him and tell him off. I'm sick and tired of his whining and demands.
    He wanted to decide that he and Ridge are going to work on Eric's line. Who does he think he is? Eric himself wanted RJ to work on that line and Zende doesn't respect it at all.
    He also has the eyes for RJ's gf and hopes to steal her...
    He is so disgusting. He even acts offended that Ridge went to the hospital with RJ and not him. First of all... RJ is Ridge's son and why would Ridge even want to go anywhere with Zende while he is being rude to him? It's not like anyone is keeping this spoiled brat from visiting Eric at the hospital.
    I'm so done with him and his "I'm a great designer" attitude. He is so great that Thomas had to be rehired because he almost tanked HFTF. He couldn’t catch hope’s vision while she is around but now he can with eric’s πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Zende went to design school and has years of experience but according to Eric himself RJ has natural design talent and that's something the design schools can't teach and zande couldn’t design for couture.
    Even if it would be true that he is so great, Eric made a decision and he needs to stop blaming RJ and Ridge for this just because he didn't have the balls to confront Eric about it. He can feel sad and hurt... I don't blame him for it, but RJ and Ridge are not guilty here. His beloved grandpa that he refuses to blame made that decision.
    Ridge already said he would allow Zende to work on the collection with him and RJ but Zende seems to think as an Employee he gets to decide who gets to finish designing Eric's Legacy collection and its not RJ
    People say why not all of them working on the collection but it’s seems zande doesn’t want that πŸ˜‚
    in my opinion it's time for Ridge to remind Zende that he is an employee at the family company , Not a shareholder or management ..
    therefore Zende doesn't get to make decisions about what RJ's role in the company is or isn't
    If Zende wants to be a boss man then maybe he should go start his own fashion house .

    1. And did he started with designing directly at the company when he joined
      So why not RJ
      Such a hypocrite
