Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-28-23 Full episode B&B 28th December 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-28-23 Full episode B&B 28th December 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

There will be no episode 12-29-23 due to the holiday.


  1. What was Thomas thinking? He knows Hope is not in the best mood after both Steffy & Ridge asked how she feels about Thomas. Then, to propose immediately after all that. At work? When anyone can walk in the middle of the proposal. Wouldn't some other place been more romantic? Like, maybe, Rome? Location & timing are important!

  2. What's your answer Hope? XD I'm glad Xander is back! Thomas what are you doing.... smh

  3. Hope looks like a doll , her hair is so pretty it really suits her like that

  4. Thomas looks so young in those flashbacks! He has has definitely gotten more attractive with age. The facial hair helps too. But yikes, he is really moving too fast. I was not expecting a proposal already, and obviously neither was Hope.
    Ack!!! And we have to wait until Monday to hear Hope's answer! But I really want her to say yes, just to see everybody flip out over their engagement. I really think that IF Thomas is honest with Hope about what happened with Emma (that he was following too closely and that he didn't call 911), she will forgive him. I mean, she forgave him for everything else he did back then, so why not that? It's only if he tries to cover it up that he's going to have problems.

  5. Maybe the storyline will be that on there wedding day they’ll come and arrest Thomas , like all the soap shows

  6. Does this site have the day ahead episodes like the young and the restless?

  7. monday is new years day not tomorrow. so why no b&b tomorrow? its just a regular day.

    1. On the pre-holiday Friday, a repeat episode from June this year will be broadcast on TV.

  8. I laughed when thomas saud he lived in remorse 😂😂😂😂😂

  9. Oh my gosh - best episode ever!! Where to begin….😁😁😁😁😁
    Mmysh, you nailed it! Zander is back to set the record straight on Emma!! Praise Jesus!!
    And Thomas, don’t you think it would be wise to wait for Hope to actually tell you she “loves you” before you propose marriage??!!! And in the office, no less! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Pretty sorry proposal. Hope is not giving the vibe to anyone (including Thomas) that she is anywhere near ready to commit to Thomas for life!! I will be extremely surprised if she says yes on Monday’s episode. But if by some miracle she says yes, it will soon be over as soon as the truth FINALLY comes out about Emma! No way Hope is gonna look the other way on that one!!
    The crash scene was chopped down to nothing on today’s episode. But if you watch that scene in its entirety, Emma was not texting when she crashed (cuz I know Elle is poised and ready to say it! ) LOL!
    Mmysh, I can’t tell you how happy I am that this deep dark secret is FINALLY gonna get revealed!!! And Zander said it perfectly - “The Thomas you know is not the real Thomas. What he did was EVIL!!” Absolutely true!!
    But I gotta say, no 30 something year old kid makes a doctor appointment for a routine physical. That was ridiculous, and simply a way for the writers to introduce Zander to Finn!
    And I had forgotten that Zander had gotten fired at Forrester for hiding the truth about Beth, but Thomas hid the news and threatened employees if they told anyone, and of course Thomas comes away from all that unscathed!! 😡😡😡😡😡
    It is high time the chasing Emma off the edge of the cliff gets revealed!!!
    Please Hope, say NO!!!!! You don’t look at all happy about the proposal and still have not alluded to being in love with Thomas. The right answer is NO!!!!

    1. I just can’t wait for the look on her dumb face when she knows (if they go there) that you are bedding a killer who killed your friend who’s only was trying to do the right thing by you
      She should be disgust with herself
      And of if she knew the rest
      Planning to drug her and drugged liam
      And lynn the whole scene still on youtube even if in here it was short

      And here is the bounce scene of hope and ridge still no admission 😂😂😂

      Here daughter is doing well according to her
      But I doubt your daughter will feel ok when she is old enough to know the truth and how her mother awarded the man who did this to her

    2. Mmysh, it’s gonna be a rude awakening for Hope for sure! And just enough to take Thomas back to his evil / angry place.
      And correction on my spelling….its spelled Xander not Zander.

    3. And wait to see hope be back to the bad logen women a brook‘s daughter if she turned him down 😂😂

    4. Emma was texting when she was driving then she looked up and smashed , if she wasn’t texting she wouldn’t have crashed she would’ve looked at where she was going

    5. No she wasn’t texting when she ran her off
      The the whole episode is on youtube
      Watch it carefully before blaming the victim

    6. Gosh guys I'm still speechless!! 😍😍😍 best episode of the year. I have to re-watch to really believe it. They did it. They brought back the Emma topic and it was so good, with the flashbacks of her beautiful face and kindness. I didn't think it will happen. People WILL know! Now all I can hope for is that Xander stays on and helps Finn.
      Btw has Thomas been walking around with a ring in his pants?

    7. Lynn as always the absolute same thing we say - how was Thomas punished in the company for how he kept the secret and threatened people?
      And I'm actually hoping somehow they trick Hope into saying yes (because she won't by her own feelings I think that's pretty sure) and then at the altar she hears the truth. Oh I'm going to have some seriously strong sensation then that I probably won't can't name in writing here 😂

    8. Mmysh, I saw it this morning she was texting and as soon as she put the phone down it was to late she went over, you have to watch it again and then you’ll see for yourself

    9. She was texting I’m on my way then it was to late once she looked up , and that’s when she crashed

    10. Mmysh that was a beautiful scene I loved it. Ridge has a very sane view on things and on the past. Oh Thomas has changed, I'm sure that helps Emma's parents... not! Hope doesn't love Thomas. And something will happen and she will learn some things hopefully.

    11. Unknown, Mmysh sent me the YouTube video of that entire scene. And there was a definite delay between the time Emma threw her phone down and when she actually went off the cliff. She had already put her phone down, then Thomas’ high beams blinded her from behind as he came roaring up on her butt! She looked in her rear view mirror, then went off the cliff. Please rewatch it.

    12. Yes my apologies ladies , it’s just this morning they showed it different , she was still driving after putting the phone down I’ve seen it now

    13. Unknown, I’m sure the writers intentionally left it up for interpretation so that the viewers would argue about whose fault it was. They like it when we’re engaged in discussion because it tends to mean people are interested and watching.
      I think the Thomas fans will always say it was Emma’s fault. And the NON Thomas fans will always think he was the cause of the crash.
      I’m just glad it’s finally going to be out in the open like it should have been a looooong time ago!!

    14. Thanks unknown for rewatching it and not being like some that even if saw the truth they still don’t wanna acknowledge it

    15. Lynn, our last discussion on this matter where you wanted me to look at the video link that Mmysh had posted, I believe you said that Emma was not texting, that she was paying attention to the road when Thomas came up behind her. So now that we have seen that she was, in fact, texting, your story has changed to her not texting when she ran off the road and crashed.

      To be clear, I have never said that Emma was texting when she ran off the road and crashed. I have been saying that she had not been paying attention to the road because she was fiddling with her phone and had been distracted.

    16. Jason he should have and he should have said something about Emma back then, talked to the police and told them Thomas was chasing and his motivation. Could have saved us (some of) the Thope 😅 but we're here now and at least Emma is not forgotten. To me, no matter what level of justice is achieved, it will be enough because I had accepted that it will be none. Even if it's "just" Hope finding out and confronting him and Thomas admitting what he did and especially didn't do (call 911 but leave), that's plenty. Those things rarely see actual legal justice but show justice for sure.

    17. Its as simple as that if the psycho didn’t tailgate her that night she would be alive
      So yeah she is dead because of him
      Its not that hard to get it

      And if he is so innocent why he deleted the GPS records and flo get out because he and his father didn’t want the police to look in the right places
      Then he threatened others they will share her fate if they speak
      Its a killer behavior for me but sure not to you because no one can or should defend that

    18. Elle, I didn’t say she wasn’t texting. I said she wasn’t texting when she crashed. She had already put her phone down. She saw bright lights in her rear view and looked up, only to see a car speeding up behind her (Thomas). By the time she looked back down at the road ahead of her, it was too late and she went flying off the cliff.

    19. Mmysh, perfectly said above!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    20. Indeed Mmysh perfectly said. Thomas knew damn well his role considering all that he did *after* the crash. It was bad enough what he did before and during, but also after. I'm sure if Hope gets to hear, she'll want to know all the details and then it's karma time. Not only the Emma herself aspect, but the whole association with the darkest time in her own life will be too much for her to continue with Thomas.

    21. I hope they don't rush through this storyline though. I want angst, I want Finn confronting Thomas and I want to see Thomas turning back to his true colors to try to keep his biggest secret from Hope in all the Thomas ways he can think of 😁😁 and the stakes would be especially high if she had said yes to his proposal.


      He threatened her before she left
      He was violent with her physically and verbally
      No wonder she was so scared when she found out that he is the one following her
      He made her speed so he caused the crash it’s simple

      When Li‘s car crashed its has exactly the same circumstances as Emma’s
      What is funny that if Li died in that crash those same people who are saying now that tommy boy didn’t kill emma, they will say that sheila killed Li

  10. Omg omg omg I'm screaming! It's like I imagined this episode and they took it from my dreams and shot it!!! 😍 😍 😍

    Xander 😍👏🏼 are you really going to ensure some, any form of justice for Emma? I didn't think we'd hear the poor girl's name again. I'm kicking my feet here!!!

    That flashback with Ridge irked me soooo bad... Ridge, you duplicitous jerk, how about someone else who was involved in keeping Beth and threatened everyone if they told? How was his crime in society and the company punished? Ah wait. But oh justice comes in various forms and times and I'm soooo hoping Xander helps. Finn certainly is interested. 🤩🤩

    1. Milla, me too! I was ecstatic!!!! BEST EPISODE EVER!! So much happened today. It was like watching a condensed 2 months when you compare it to the usual snail’s pace the show normally follows.
      Xander is gonna be the hero that sets things right!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      I also liked how we, the viewers, got a taste of the old Thomas in the flashback!! You can just see his maniacal wheels spinning in his head! That’s the Thomas I remember every time I see Hope and Thomas together romantically!
      Boy, this sure turned a cold hose on all those viewers who have been hot for the Thomas / Hope love story!!
      Thank you, Bell Jr!!! Finally!!!!

    2. Lynn exactly, for me as well he's that guy and continues to be that guy as long as he lives on conscious-free where Emma is concerned.
      I can't wait to see how this story unfolds and I'm also so grateful to Bell for sweeping it back from under the rug. Really bold move and I live for such surprises 😍

    3. Exactly as Xander said…..What kind of person has no conscience, no remorse???
      A sociopath - that’s who!

    4. Indeed ladies
      And Thomas saying he lives in remorse
      Really 😂😂😂😂😂
      But i do believe him about the regret because he always regrets getting caught 😂
      I hope we will not hear oh you bringing up Thomas’s crimes everyday false rubbish 😂😂

    5. It's getting exciting that's for sure 😁🤩 (I hope I don't jinx it!) I'm looking forward to more moments to discuss what haooens in the new year 🤗🤗

    6. I hope that too milla 🤞 😂😂

  11. This is a joke Xander knew for ages about Baby Beth
    Does Bell think fans senile that we don't remember the whole story 🤔
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  12. I don't think the police will be able to prove a case against Thomas. I mean where is the proof. A lot of accusations and assumption is all I see. No one saw Thomas behind Emma on that road. Yes they may have footage of him leaving straight after her but nothing after that. Xander will story up shot with his accusations but without proof or Thomas admitting the authorities have nothing.

    1. I would really like to see Thomas have some accountability in Emma’s death. But at the very least, it will be a big turn-off and a ‘take a big step back’ for Hope. Hope needs to see just what Thomas is capable of, and she will put an end to the romance.

    2. Aussie Deb, that's true. Xander has no proof. He just assumes that Thomas murdered Emma. Thomas never hit Emma's car so there's no evidence he was even at the scene. Both the producer and actor have also said that Thomas did not kill Emma so, Xander being back maybe has nothing to do with justice for Emma but just as angst for Thomas and Hope for us to see how Hope really feels about Thomas.

    3. Elle, yes, it's another test to see if Thomas has *really* changed. Will he admit to Hope what he did? NOT murder, but he did follow Emma too closely in his car, and he failed to call 911. In real life I don't think anyone would call it murder.

  13. And ladies as for yesterday and your replies to my comments ... I don't really give a damn. You all write books each day on your version of what we all should agree or disagree on. It's like your way or the highway every day with your little gang bang. I don't like the Forrester's, I was a Logan fan but Brooke just puts me off lately and as for Donna, I can't stand the woman. Running around with a bottle of honey behind an octogenarian panting for a bit is just sick. Not to mention the gallons of water she forced the said person to force down before his collapse. Sheesh.

    1. Nobody is telling anyone what they should agree or disagree on. You literally came on my conversation to start insulting me and the people I was talking with where we were simply agreeing with each other. I don't care if you agree or disagree. But I will speak up if I see out of nowhere personal insults to them in my conversation.

    2. @Aussie Deb, this gang bang doesn't have a life, all these miserable woman with no life of their own do is tell people what to say and think, it's a joke 😂😂😂😂 they do nothing but criticize everyone on the show and off the show...from the way they dress to what they say, I can't work out why they watch the show when they are ALL so full of hate! They are like this in real life, I guarantee it!

    3. @Mila, acting like the Lynn victim 😂😂😂😂😂

    4. unknown I don't even know what a "Lynn victim" is, but sounds like someone complaining about Lynn, which is not my behavior but rather... well, yours 😅 I love Lynn.

    5. Milla, you're not guilty of it but Mmysh and Lynn come on here as though their opinions are facts and they are always right. I just responded to Lynn's post on Wednesday's blog where she said that she has been saying that Liam dumped Hope "until she's blue in the face" as though her opinion is the right one and the only one that matters. Not to mention Mmysh going on and on about Thomas murdering Emma as though it's true and everyone must agree that it is. We all have different opinions but they are just that - opinions. I'm just glad that it's not only the FFs who are seeing it.

    6. Elle I understand what you mean. But when this here started Mmysh was just discussing with me and Lynn. Absolutely 0 reason for drama and personal insults and yet they came. Nobody was addressing Aussie or anyone else. I understand if someone says something in the moment when it's warranted (like you did) but this here was and continues to be plain insults for the sake of it.

    7. I have never seen Mmysh call anyone names - a bored housewife or doesn't have a life or in any way talk about their real life person - to make a point about the show. In my book that's much worse than insisting what are "facts of the show" (which I agree with you are often subject to interpretation)

    8. I've never liked the personal attacks either.

    9. It was especially impressive when I was accused of defending Steffy (yes) and probably acting like Steffy in real life and that makes me delusional 😂 Me. And Steffy.

    10. Well elle sure you can’t accept it as facts but its still is
      Its so funny that’s we should accept your opinion as facts but you can’t accept ours 🤔
      But i get sure how can you accept his behavior while its disgusting and shouldn’t be defended
      So you deny it

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. unknown AKA Little U - you are like the human form of a side ache. You have absolutely no purpose. You just come to stir up trouble. You never add anything of value…. no opinions about the characters or the events of the episode. You only come on this blog to bash the viewers - more particularly - me.

      What a sad little troll you are. You just bitch and and complain about the bloggers. No one wants you here! Just go away troll!!!

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Elle, Liam did dump Hope. And not once did he backslide and consider taking her back. He drew his line in the sand over the Thomas kiss. Liam never went to the cabin to reconcile with Hope. His only goal has been to keep Hope away from Thomas, while he stalks Steffy behind the scenes. Hope tried multiple times to save their marriage, but Liam wasn’t having it. And on Thursday’s episode….Hope repeated that very thing to Ridge when she told him that she thought her marriage to Liam would last forever! But look how that turned out. Thomas was a consolation prize. That’s all he’s ever been

    15. Elle, I should preface that comment above with the words…..”In my opinion.” I’m sure my comments do come across as ‘my way or the highway’ sometimes. But anything I write on here is obviously my opinion. My opinions are just strong in many cases. Lol

  14. No one forces anyone to read anything. If we are so annoying to you, then skip past our comments and read as you please. Not sure where all this hostility came from. You’re acting like we lashed out at you personally, Aussie Deb. But no one did any such thing.

    1. Just because they don’t like the facts we write about the psycho murderer rapist they adore
      Its so funny when someone adore and admire such a disgusting fictional character then write insults to real people
      Just show how their moral compass works
      Especially this mental unknown with small u just like him/her 😂😂

    2. Ignoring this scum is the bast way for this attention seeker

    3. Case in point! Thomas has never murdered or raped anyone but yet, they are "facts" according to Mmysh. Sigh.

    4. I and others, have been called many names, pathetic, sick, delusional among many more. Just for a different opinion. Now I see disgusting, immoral and scum being thrown around. Sigh.
      Anyway is there a new show today? Haven't seen any this week but have to watch Thursdays after reading comments.

    5. 😂😂😂😂 oh look how hypocritical defending the bully just because he is a fan of Tommy boy

      Btw D you are included in unknown comments about how our life is empty and we are such a desperate housewives spending our day speaking about the characters
      But sure its ok with you since they share ur same opinion 😂
      So yes thats pathetic
      And elle what thomas is are facts not according to me according to logic
      Its just i don’t fool myself

    6. @Mmysh, the only mental case here is YOU! You people dig as deep as to what people are wearing, what they eat, what they drink. their hair and even their push up bra's as I recall. You don't like it when I call a spade a spade, you call it "throwing insults" yet you do the exact same thing! Scum you say 😂😂😂 I've never known a bunch of woman who tear down people in a damn soapie...HOW MENTAL IS THAT...why do you bunch of hateful woman watch it when NONE of you "haters" have anything nice to say about all project hate, it's sad!

    7. @D these women don't like to be called out on their bad behavior. They can call others what they want but beware when someone else does it, reminds me of spoilt rich brats the way they carry on, especially when they are ALWAYS right and THEIR opinion matters more than someone else's 😂😂😂😂😂 all because of a soapie 😂😂😂😂 God help their families!

    8. @Mmysh, oh one last thing....go up to your comment at 5.17pm 28th November...i quote your comment...."just can’t wait for the look on her dumb face" wow, are you 12 years old Mmysh 😂😂😂😂 Please enlighten us about insults one last time 😂😂😂😂😂, seems like only YOU are allowed to do it 😂😂😂😂😂 I think you are 12 years old posing as a 35 year old 😂😂😂😂

    9. Look at Little u trying to rally the troops around her. Typical bully behavior - tries to get others to bully the person too.
      Little u - you are the most juvenile person ever!!! You act like a 6 year old!!! Pathetic!!!!

    10. Well lynn i will not even bother to read its comments
      As i said we shouldn’t waste any time on a scum
      Look when we give it a shred of attention
      Go back to ignore it
      Its not worthy of our time

    11. Indeed ignoring is best. I for one am still so stoked by yesterday's episode 😍🤩 can't wait for Monday or Tuesday to see the development. I hope little u has an extra glass of champagne to chill over the holidays 😀

    12. I’m sure you are correct Mmysh and Milla, I should just ignore. But that Little u gets on my last nerve. I swear she needs meds. I am her focus 90% of the time. That’s what bugs me the most!

    13. I feel you lynn
      But don’t give it what they want

      Anyway i hope this storyline will be good not another throw finn under the bus to redeem tommy boy the psycho 🤮

    14. Mmysh, you have better willpower than I do. Lol. But I will do my best to ignore. I think this storyline is finally gonna bring the Thomas / Hope thing to a head. It’s been going on far too long. And it’s time the writers take us in some direction. I don’t think Finn will get thrown under the bus. But we’ll see.
      I just realized that we are missing Friday’s episode and most likely there won’t be an episode on Monday either for New Year’s Day.
      Maybe I’ll make a New Year’s resolution to ignore Little u. I know she feeds off my attention. She is such a parasite! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    15. Indeed lynn 😂😂
      And happy new year in advance my dear to you and milla ❤️❤️

    16. Happy New Year, Mmysh! I hope this new year brings you everything you desire! ❤️. Blessings to you and your family!

    17. Happy New Year, Milla!! I’m definitely looking forward to some better B&B episodes in 2024! I watched Thursday’s episode twice cuz I loved it so much! 😁😁😁
      I hope you have a wonderful and blessed 2024, my friend! ❤️

    18. Happy new year, dear Lynn ✨I wish you as well a healthy, prosperous and amazing one! And many exciting episodes in the show 😍

    19. Mmysh Dec 29@11.28am , you say I'm hypocritical? For what? I wasn't defending anyone. My comment was meant for Milla's post at 8:25 am, she's never seen you call anyone names. I was just giving an example.
      Just watched the episode and have to say a few things. Thomas, that was way to quick especially after all the hounding Hope just had. She made it clear to Ridge, they are happy the way things are and dosen't have a crystal ball but it's nobody's business. It's between her
      and Thomas. She won't say yes on Monday. She's not even divorced yet? I've missed episodes?. Don't know the whole story behind Emma, but the little I saw she was distracted, texting or not. But Zoey had a few strange looks and comments in some of those scenes.
      My moral compass might be F'd but love Thomas and Hope's chemistry.

    20. D I see a difference between calling a behavior sick and pathetic in relation to the SHOW and calling a person in relation to their REAL life a bored housewife without a life or acting like x or y in real life. Or any of the messed up things we as people and our lives have been called on this post and the last one based on our OWN conversations with each other and nobody else.

      Both are NOT okay for me, but the second one is entering the personality of someone you don't know and talking about a real life you have absolutely no idea about. And that's what I wanted to make a distinction about where Mmysh is concerned.

    21. Well D you call us hypocritical all the time but sure its ok coming from you guys
      And my words you mentioned always were about the character
      So if speaking bad words about the characters bothers you just don’t read my comments but again its ok with you when someone call brook sftv
      If unknown‘s comments about us were coming from any of us im sure i will see you coming on us oh you are bullying others blah blah
      But you didn’t do any comment about the sick comments she always write about the posters not the show
      And its obvious why
      So next time when you want to present yourself as a person against bullying just do it against everyone not only the ones who don’t share your opinion because that’s sorry is hypocritical

    22. Happy new year Mmysh!! I wish you a blessed, healthy, beautiful 2024 ❤️✨

    23. Wish you also a happy new year full of happiness and love and peace of mind ❤️❤️❤️

    24. Milla there were many personal attacks and insults that weren't warranted but I'm not about to get into this.
      Happy New Year 🥂

    25. @Lynn, there we go, repeating what i say again.....can't use your own imagination, gotta keep repeating what i say as if YOU were the bright spark to think of it......bwaaahaaahaaaa.........IDIOT! Exactly Lynn, Exactly Mmysh, Exactly Milla....sound familiar.......losers! Bully....bwaahaahaa, you are hysterical, the ONLY bully here is YOU Lynn when other's don't agree with whatever it is that you :D

    26. Hey Little u - I copy nothing you say except to throw it back up in your face!! There is not one single person on this blog that agrees with your nastiness. Everyone realizes you are nothing but an angry little troll!!! 🧌 🧌🧌🧌🧌 So piss off!!! Go cry in the corner because NO ONE listens to you or agrees with any of your psychotic rants!!!!

  15. Very good episode 👍...Thank you Bob ❤️💗... Happy New Year 🍾🥂🥳

    1. Happy new year Ariel ✨ and yes amazing episode! I'm re-watching now to fully appreciate it.

  16. So if this story goes correctly the minute Finn mentions Xander Steffy should shut Finn down and tell her about him and Zoe involvement

  17. So if this story goes correctly the minute Finn mentions Xander Steffy should shut Finn down and tell her about him and Zoe involvement

  18. HAPPY NEW YEAR BOB and Group xxxx

  19. Omg, unknown what’s it to you what people write in here , even if its 2 pages full of comments they can write what ever they want , so you need to get a life and go away , and leave us all alone about our comments, I enjoy reading each and every one of them , as of your comments they pathetic , so go grab your little broom and fly away

    1. Unknown (not to be confused with unknown)…..THANK YOU!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Ahahah the little 🧹 got me! Well said Unknown 😂🤗

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Little u on her little 🧹 !! Yup!!

    4. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    5. Jason no i will leave that to you
      You can go and hold his hands
      But try not to vomit 😂😂😂

    6. Jason, I would only go to mock him. Lol

  20. HAPPY NEW YEARS BOB!🤹‍♂️🤹‍♀️🤹🎅🤶🧑‍🎄🥳

  21. Happy New Year fellow bloggers!! Hope everyone has a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024!! 🎉🎉🎉

  22. Happy new year to you all 🍾 🥂

    1. 🍻Happy New Year 🍻 Best wishes to everyone. ❤️

    2. D, Happy New Years love, I hope this will be a bigger and better year!! ❤️❤️❤️

  23. Happy New Year to all! And special happy new year and big thank you to Bob! ❤️❤️❤️

  24. Thank you Bob 😜💛 good episode! Looking forward to the upcoming weeks 👀💗 happy new year everyone 💃💚

  25. Replies
    1. It was a rerun from Rome with the opera singer.

  26. Happy Newyears to all, and a special thank you to Bob for all his hard work bringing us the show all year long!! ❤️❤️❤️

  27. Hi Bob Happy New Year
    Is there an episode today please xxxx

  28. We weren’t advised that the bold won’t be on , only on the 29th , bob can you please let us know when it comes back on please , people would like to know as well

  29. All good it’s on there now thanks bob and happy new year
