Friday, May 28, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-28-21 Full episode B&B 28th May 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-28-21 Full episode B&B 28th May 2021


  1. Ugh ... there’s Brooke referring you her daughter’s sex life and then her own. Ew. Thomas knows something is up and will overhear. It’s funny how they always refer to the “secret.”

  2. This will further hurt Thomas and betray Ridge’s trust. Maybe Ridge will give Shauna another chance. I hope so, he actually seems happy with her. With Brooke it seems like all they have between them is sex. Brooke is so selfish and self absorbed she never cares if Ridge and his family get destroyed. It’s all about the Logans.

  3. Thanks Bob.

    I cannot believe it's Friday and Liam still hasn't gone to the police as yet. He needs to just get it over with.

    1. So bored they are stringing this stupid crap out.

  4. Oh oh. Brooke is starting to come around about Thomas? Liam is expressing gratitude to Thomas for being there for the kids? Is it possible that they are going to explore Thomas and Hope with Brooke appoving of the union and finally seeing Liam as someone unfit for her daughter? Bring it on, I say.


    1. I see Bill telling her about Liam and keeping it from Ridge. Then he finds out and walks out on her. Maybe

    2. Brooke was faking it, manipulating Ridge so he would forget she was wanting to be Bill again to “talk about their children “ lol

    3. Douglas is Thomas’ son, Liam is an arse thanking him for caring as Douglas is his. Douglas clearly loves his real Daddy, that’s not Liam.

    4. I caught that, too. How obnoxious and insulting to thank Thomas for being a father to his own kid. Liam looks like he’s ready for a guilt-ridden nervous breakdown which should come as Hope encourages him to continue hiding what happened to Vinny from
      the authorities.

  5. It's a waste of time dragging out Liam and Hope on turning himself in. Just do it, they make an arrest and immediately makes bond and free till trials outcome.....jeesh

    1. Bill will spirit him away somewhere and maybe Hope and Beth will just for go with him and good riddance.

    2. Is murder a bailable offense? Given the cover up, the police will be hard pressed to believe that it was an accident, especially since Liam has motive. If the charge him for murder, he may have to stay in prison until the trial.

      And I'm sorry, but the police are not very good at their jobs if they cannot find a suspect. Liam had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting Vinny. Csi should have been able to get some of the tire marks off the street for analysis.

    3. It's a soap opera. Stop expecting reality. They bring people back from the dead. People fall off cliffs, get thrown in vats of whatever, get pushed from helicopters and survive. But you expect CSI. It's not that type of show

    4. They made such a big deal about Bill selling the car, I would have thought that they would have at least gone the route of finding out the type of car that run him over. It certainly isn't a stretch.

  6. Liam may do some time for not coming forward but Bill is the guilty one.

    1. He’s a Spencer between Bill and Brooke they have a judge in their pocket... Liam will walk so will Bill... he always does.

  7. I’m so tired of Liam and Hope storyline can y’all please give someone else the spotlight (PLEASE!!)

    1. Yup it was boring the first minute it started and just getting worse, can’t until Steffy and Finn are back and Sheila Carter is meant to be showing up as well!!

    2. Steffy isn't that interesting.

    3. Anything is better than the boring repetitive Hope and Liam show... watching paint dry for instance. They have no chemistry and two weeks of propping them is so damn boring, now dragging it out. Enough already.

    4. Steffy's a lot more interesting than Hope. That's for sure. If Hope's not crying, she's begging, if she's not begging, she's crying. All she does is cry and beg.

  8. Maybe Liam will ask Thomas to take care of Hope and children during his prison time? 🤔 As he thanks him so much

  9. Oh yes ask Thomas to care for his Baird that Hope and Liam stole from him. How insulting!!

    1. Bairn ... stupid smart device.

    2. We knew what you meant. Our phones are evil.

  10. Is it possible that Vinny got hit by 2 drivers who were hit-and-run drivers?

  11. Many criticize the girls' outfits. I have to say that I'm tired of seeing that hair flopping down in Thomas's face. There. I said it. I'm officially being over critical of stuff. :)

    1. Congratulation 👏🏽😉

    2. I appreciate the comments here because sometimes, I can only listen to the show. What you deem as hypercritical, is most likely a shared opinion of thousands of others. If it wasn’t mentioned here, I might never know. I enjoy finding what you critique and I usually agree. Okay - going to peruse the video for Thomas and his hair! LOL

    3. lol!
      I do like Thomas' style, though. The blue plaid shirt he was wearing the other day, the orange shirt he was wearing today (well, yday).

    4. Love that tartan top! Thomas looks like a Coll young designer!

  12. If is about critic guys now, so i dont like at all this new actor who play Zende. When he talk he open mouth too much ugh.. previous was better

    1. Special when he talks with emotions

    2. he opens his mouth too much haha. That's funny!

    3. And his face is completely emotionless. If he's happy, sad, mad, you wouldn't know it. When he planned the dinner for Paris, he said he was excited about it. I couldn't tell. When he asked Paris to sing, he talked about how beautiful her voice was and that he loves listening to her. I still saw no emotion.

    4. Totally agree and he raved about Zoe’s singing ehhh tone deaf 😆. Paris has a lovely voice actually but it has to be all about stupid Zoe. Zende is like a cutout... talks but not a human ahahaha.

  13. Ok this is a SOAP. Do like the rich do and let the story go no one knows, Liam sucks it up and deals w it and life goes on. Come on happens daily . Thanks Bob

    1. You have a distorted view of “rich” people. Anybody can commit a crime on purpose or by mistake and choose to keep quiet. Even ultra rich people have gone to prison and/or lost everything due to their bad behavior. Aren’t we trying to break free from stereotypes in our world now?

    2. True, rich people have gone to prison but to a much lesser degree. There are countless cases of this, just look at all the celebrities. They can afford expensive lawyers that get them off with little consequences to their actions.

    3. The point was that it was insinuated that Liam & Bill could act like rich people and get away with it. One’s wealth has nothing to do with them keeping quiet about a crime. Lieutenant Baker has consistently done his job over the years and is not intimidated by the Spencers or Forresters. Yes, do look at celebrities who went to prison: Martha Stewart, OJ Simpson, Leona Helmsley, Bill Cosby, Bernie Madoff, Lori Loughlin, Jeffrey Epstein, Wesley Snipes, Oscar Pistorius, Felicity Huffman, Jerry Sandusky, Phil Spector and Rod Blagojevich, just to name a tiny few, would beg to differ with you. What about Matt Lauer and Roger Ailes who lost multimillion dollar jobs, their wives and huge settlements, along with their reputations over bad behavior. Being rich does not give one immunity.

  14. Watched it through Hope sure is a hypocrite xxxx

  15. Brooke is so annoying! She wants to go to Bill's office for third time within a 24-hr-period to talk about her daughter's and his son's reunion (= their sex life) and his opinion on the matter

    1. She just cannot stay away from Bill it’s why she wants Liam and Hope together so badly. It gives her an excuse to stay in Bill’s orbit.

  16. She sure is its all about the logans thank you Star xxx
