Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-17-21 Full episode B&B 17th June 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-17-21 Full episode B&B 17th June 2021


  1. Justin is Vinny’s killer. Thomas will be in danger because he finds proof.

  2. Like I said yesterday, that’s why Justin is dragging his heels in getting Liam and Bill arraigned and out of there if the judge grants bail.

    1. You are so right!!!!! Justin is the killer, trying to frame Bill

    2. Oh wait Justin didn’t kill Vinny, it was suicide! Justin will try to capitalise in it but he didn’t kill him.

  3. What have i missed? Why would Justin have killed Vinny when we saw the accident. thank you

    1. Nothing just a bunch of fake spoilers lol

  4. Someone is pregnant but I don’t want to give more details cuz some enjoy the surprise.

    1. Seriously with all the fake spoilers??? They have said so much rubbish on the spoiler blogs that never happens. They are just guesses about the storylines.

    2. Bbfan, I didn’t know there were spoiler blogs, Miss Know-It-All. My posts were vague on purpose to leave the details for the small screen. You will be eating your words.

    3. So you are writer for B&B or just clairvoyant??? Lol I’ve read such wild “official spoilers “ they are just conjecture or what fans would like to happen. None of knows unless we actually work for Bell… I highly doubt we have anyone here that is ahahahha 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂

    4. Oh and Steffy is still pregnant is she not? Lol

  5. All of that is Hope's fault cuz none of that wouldn't happened if she didn't put Liam out of house. The accident would never happened cuz he would sit at home

    1. That is something that was beyond her control of knowing, so she is not at fault....silly...

    2. 😂 Ah people, some takes it too serious..

  6. Is in what universe does hope or bill or Liam or Brooke Seem to think that Liam and bill should not be in jail awaiting is ill awaiting trial

  7. Am sick of the Logan show.. bleh. It would be brilliant if Liam goes away and Thomas raises Hope and Liam’s baby Buwhahahaha!

  8. Brooke is a nasty cow.. what a witch!!

  9. Hope is all me me me whah whah whah bleh 🤮

  10. Here's a new plot twist. Thomas starts investigating some of Vinny's other friends. Vinny thought he was dealing with small time street drug dealers back when he got those drugs for Steffy, and she became addicted. It turned out to be the cover for an international drug cartel ring.

    The cartel had to cover their tracks since Vinny could never keep his mouth shut. The cartel arranged for Vinny's death by drugging him and placing him in the road that night. This series of events would prove Bill and Liam's innocence of intentionally murdering Vinny. They would only be charged for their parts in the accident's cover-up.

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  12. Liam is so boring. The parts with Wyatt and Bill and the lawyer were good.

  13. the writers finally found a way to keep Liam and Steffy from having sex put a glass wall between them. If Finn is this wonderful guy why did he have sex with Steffy and get her pregnant christian people don't have sex when they a
    ren't married.

    1. Like Hope sleeping with Liam while he was married to Steffy and getting pregnant with Beth? Or Brooke getting pregnant with her sons in law or or sleeping with her brother in law or etc etc

      Not everyone is “Christian” and a lot who claim to be have many children out of marriage etc. Who are you to judge? I’m not.

    2. I don't understand your post. When did any character on this show profess to be Christian?

    3. Exactly Elle.
