Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st July 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st July 2021


  1. Steffy makes me sick today not 2 mention paris n brook not even no blood in the water

    1. Let alone no exam done, cord already cut, no placenta delivered after the birth and where the hell did the midwife disappear to? Usually sticks around for a bit longer than that. Damn I wouldn’t be just lounging in the tub after delivering in it - a bit gross. The baby OG going to be cold wrap him up let alone Steffie get out of your wet clothes. By the way childbirth is tiring she looks pretty energized, to be on her knees still in the tub, lol.

      Back to Quinn and Eric - even if he doesn’t actually say the words during this ceremony he is still legally married to her Brooke!!!! Brooke you are one to talk, you slept with both his son’s and your own daughters man (how do you think Hope came about ), kept an on a gain off again yoyo relationship with Ridge between him and his then wife, who hasn’t she slept with???

    2. Brooke also slept with her sister's husband. She will sleep with anyone shiny and new.

    3. You do realise that this isn’t supposed to be in real time. Like hours pass between scenes etc. No one wants to see a bloody pool, we know that is the reality.. it’s a soap just like the ones who give birth and are holding 3 month olds lol c’mon!!!! It’s a soap you get a fee for what happens , the emotions etc. Go watch Call the Midwife if you want a more realistic fake birth hahhahahah.

  2. Weirdest birth ever having the baby come out face down in the water. Usually a baby is born face up. Usually you have to save your strength for pushing. There is some pain involved. This baby was born already breathing. Weird!

    1. Considering the position She was in during the birth and the fact babies can be facing any direction when they are born what you said makes no sense! My bestie is a doula and seen a lot different births and mums every one is different and this a soap not a documentary. If she was in pain then people would be saying that is too fake blah blah she had a lovely water birth at home life goes on. Focus on Brooke the evil witch and Paris the nosey nubbs trying to ruin lives and move on.

    2. Read the 12:59 post. Also, check with a doctor who delivers bites or someone who has actually given bith.

    3. Sure hope the baby will not end up with bruises on his face.

    4. I watched again you don’t see the baby being born the midwife gives him to Steffy at that point where do you get these stupid ideas? A child born in birthing pool has less shock n trauma. They go from one warm bath like environment to another rather than a cold burger shock after being squeezed out. Bairns that need forceps are all bruised and their heads misshapen at first. Give me a water birth anytime.

  3. thank you!!! Finally it's end of the road for quinn.

    1. Soooooo happy Quinn is getting kicked to the curb! She is a lying, conniving bitch!! Good riddance Quinn!

    2. I’m laughing since Brooke is the biggest home wrecking human around! I think everyone forgets what a cheating womaniser Eric was in the day! He of all people should understand and forgive Quinn. He did far worse to Stephanie when he cheated on her with Brooke!!!

    3. Brooke slept with Deacon when he was freshly married to Bridget (Brooke's daughter) and she even got pregnant with him still while he was married to her daughter. She also slept with Eric (and had two kids with him), and slept with both his sons : Ridge and Thorne. Then she slept with he sister's husband, Bill, and got pregnant with him while he was still married to Katie, had a miscarriage but still made him divorce her sister to marry her. Oh there wasn't there this time when she slept with Oliver, who was Hope's boyfriend at the time ? Her second daughter... Brooke she shut the fu©k up when it comes to other people's sex affairs because no one is more a slut that Brooke !

    4. Like Stephanie always said, Brooke is the slut of the Valley lol.

  4. Poor Carter! He doesn't deserve to be humiliated in a public manner like this! Brooke is disgusting! How dare she pass judgment on Carter and Quinn after everything she has done! How many mistakes has that whore made?

    1. there is no bigger whore than Quinn she is las vegas trailer trash

    2. that is all very true but Brooked deserves to get back at Quinn since Quinn outed her kiss with Bill. Brooke is a slut from the valley as Stephanie used to call her and lives up to the name every day. But poor Carter is going to be shunned by the family has he has worked hard for and earned everything he has. He deserves a better way to be treated. He was so stupid to sleep with Quinn, but he wasn't committed to anyone at the time.

    3. Entre PUTES quinn et brooke peuvent se serrer la main, mm si la reine mère est brooke...bien contente que quinn soit démasquée! Cette grosse Pute et Sorcière mérite tt ce qui suivra!! Karma!!????🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    4. Poor Carter, he should not have done it! Like I said he did what the writers had he do! Brooke does what she’s supposed to do, they wrote her this way from the beginning of the show.

    5. Brooke is definitely the slut from the valley that has slept with every man and boy ( Oliver wasn’t an adult yet) on this bloody soap! She slept with her husband and his sons, she slept with her daughters’ husbands and boyfriends, her sister’s husband, with other women’s husbands and boyfriends! Quinn had one affair and you think she’s the one who is a whore??? Please!

    6. Brooke slept with Deacon when he was freshly married to Bridget (Brooke's daughter) and she even got pregnant with him still while he was married to her daughter. She also slept with Eric (and had two kids with him), and slept with both his sons : Ridge and Thorne. Then she slept with he sister's husband, Bill, and got pregnant with him while he was still married to Katie, had a miscarriage but still made him divorce her sister to marry her. Oh and... wasn't there this time when she slept with Oliver, who was Hope's boyfriend at the time ? Her second daughter... Brooke should shut the fu©k up when it comes to other people's sex affairs because no one is more a slut that Brooke !

  5. Quinn is no angel, but Brook is just totally a witch. It really wasn't any of Paris's business. I thought both women have said that they were not going to go. Then they both show up and it wasn't for support. When Carter and Quinn had their affair, it was more like she was just living in the same house as Eric and they weren't really together. Carter acts more like he cares about Quinn than Eric does. Quinn does look beautiful in that dress.

    1. Totally agree and honestly Carter does care more! Eric always worries about Brooke’s feelings first!

    2. you are correct on so many levels. Quinn and Eric both compliment each other in their outfits. I do feel sorry for Carter and he was genuine.

    3. Carter could have said no.

    4. I would like to see Carter and Quinn get married. Too bad she's too old to get pregnant...

  6. Did Hope finally give Donna the day off?

    1. Buwhahahaha! Aye and Thomas is missing so she couldn’t get him to take the bairns!

  7. interesting when a woman has a baby she goes to the hospital in the delivery room with a doctor a staff of nurses here they do it in a pool with just a woman there. what a joke poor child will haave trash for parents that aren't even married living in sin

    1. Get over it, they are engaged and none of your business, please! Home Water births are common all over the world! Seriously??

    2. seriously they are engaged decent people don't have sex before they get married but then I guess a dipshit like you wouldn't know better

    3. 😂😂 Unknown, where do you live? in which century? if you think that way, you shouldn't even be here cuz this opera is just about sex before married 😂😂 so pity for you, is not your place if that fact disturbs you and you take that too serious. you can't watch that series, better go pray. And don't have place here for your poor insult .. weakly, dude👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾

    4. @gami I'll one up you here.... the show is about sex before, after and during marriage, and not necessarily with one's own spouse either. Seems Unknown likes to live vicariously through these characters if he/she watches the show on a daily basis and is confused about what to stand for. If he/she feels so strongly about it, then just stop watching instead of coming here to judge fictional characters. 😂😂

    5. Elle that's true that's true .. 🙈😄

    6. UNKOWN has lost their mind. Who watches a soap but yet is seriously throwing a fit OVER HAVING SEX B4 MARRIAGE🤣🤣🤣🤣 U might wanna stop watching ya goof ass. Ur a sinner just for watching just like us all. Oh lord we are all gonna be damned to HELL🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7. Unknown thinks they are living in a Puritan village apparently maybe lol your insult was sad and what kind of ignorant human are you? Seriously why watch only to verbal batter other fans. No one wants hate speech on here. Attacking people you don’t know is ridiculous! Stop watching soap operas, you cannot convert the world to whatever sanctimonious bullocks you are peddling. Not ta, cheerio, bug Har off! Lol

    8. You do know that Finn is a doctor right and the midwife is a nurse with specialist obstetrics training so she actually had a doctor and and nurse present at the birth, Steffy even commented on it to Finn that she couldn’t be in better hands!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂

    9. It's too funny guys 😂🤣

  8. This must be the cleanest baby who has been born in the history of men kind. I understand that its not real but this is as fake as it can be.

    1. Well they were born in a soap 🧼 opera 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂

  9. People deliver babies with midwives. Can be in a hospital or at home. Not all hospital births have a “team” of nurses present either. My first delivery was with a single doctor in hospital no nurse. Second in hospital with midwife - no nurses or doctor needed that is why there is a midwife. Third delivery at home with midwife by choice at home. No doctor or nurse. Not water birth as I don’t like water during labor it’s not comfortable for me as I’ve tried all 3 times.
    Where I live we have universal healthcare system so we choose what we would like. Our system is paid for in part by our tax system. Out tax system helps pay for many things we have - roads, education, infrastructure, and transportation at a more reasonable cost. That is just a few of the things.
    Midwives have been assisting in delivering babies for many, many years. This is not new. Nothing to do with trash.
    Some other locations in the world you do not get married. You have a family. You stay together. There is no marriage just the commitment.
    Then there are other locations where if a parent states it is ok for a child to get married and provides permission that is legally allowed!! Guess you are ok even if that girl is 12???? That’s not a SIN in your eyes ( the child the baby is not born out of wedlock, to me that is still l rape cause if that girl was not legally married and that age it would be considered statutory rape in some countries)!!!!

    1. Me and another RN and the Mom and several Nurses had to deliver a baby without a Doctor present! That baby didn’t want to wait for him to get there, we walked in the room and there he was with his little face peeking out, so I got the Mom and my fellow RN delivered the baby while I got an IV in the Mom! That was at a small Hospital, these things happen all the time!

    2. Midwives in UK and Ireland are nurses with special obstetrics training! Most babies are born with midwives. Usually dr only comes in for medical necessity. Home births are very common and safe.

  10. what a beautiful birth scene. She may have just won an award for her outstanding acting, but this definitely deserves another one for sure.

    1. Steffy sure didn't impress me.

    2. Totally agree, am sick of the super traumatic births they always portray on soaps. It was lovely to see a loving supportive Finn with her and his look of awe at the wee toes was precious !

  11. Go Brooke! Take that evil witch down! I've been looking forward to this moment.
    I'm not a big Steffy fan but I must admit that childbirth scenes are so incredible. She looks fenomenal

  12. Ridge needs to marry Shauna for real before somebody else grabs her.

  13. I’m so happy; finally after a long wait the truth is being revealed. The shady & questionable manipulative threatening cheating Crocodile smile Quinn doesn’t win. She’s still the same Quinn & puts on a front deceitful to Eric. She an angel? She’s the devil in disguise putting up a front deceiving Eric that she’s changed.
    By the way she instigated started affair with Carter; going over to his place commenting on his sex appeal, body muscles & all and imagining how she would like to divulge him like a decadent delectable yummy cookie 😅So delish. Her eyes said it all as well & it was inevitable. You think it’s because Eric hasn’t given her any attention or too focused on the Logans; bogus. He has given her countless chances to get her act together and his love. The badness inside her produced insecurities and fear of losing Eric & her lifestyle makes it worse. If she really loves Eric & understands that she’s not the right person for him and lets him go; would be right thing to do. She would learn from it, acknowledge & be accountable for what she did. She would earn respect as well just doing that. If she worked on herself to be a better person, during next relationship it would be authentic and solid if she changed her ways. She didn’t deserve a good man like Eric. He never cheated on her and it took a reasonable amount of time for him to trust her again and given her ongoing previous history of bad repulsive behaviour. Respect & trust must be genuinely earned. Eric is an Angel who had to put up with, tolerate and keep on forgiving Quinn countless times. He’s been unknowingly enabling her. He needs to cut her off from his life for good, once & for all. Unfortunately there’s always going to be the other protégés upcoming villain. Please give Eric a big stress free break. I think no matter what role each Actor plays whether good or bad; it’s just the role they play well & doesn’t reflect on their own personal characters. I’m no fan of villain characters & especially when they pound badly on the good characters but I value all as they make the show. As I’ve said before; all the Actors are beautiful and in their own special ways & yes including Quinn and any other villains. The ugliness comes from the villain character they must play, followed storyline to appease the viewers and when
    they live in the moment & as if it happened; magically they play that character so well and if a bad character role gets on your nerves or mine at times while watching the show; they did well; successfully playing that role. 🤗
    They’ve chosen a beautiful cute & adorable baby boy as the new born. All babies are beautiful cute adorable in their own ways. I love them all. Those people who are lucky to be Parents and deserving of being descent, loving, good, caring, protective & nourishing Parents; you have the best gift you’ll ever have. Enjoy creating special memories with them. Although not always easy remember that not all are lucky to be Parents and your Children will also bring you joy, laughter and special moments in your life. You’re blessed.
    🤗 ❤️ 🙂 🥰 🌸 🦋

    1. Carter could have said no.

    2. WELL SAID FunDollyM. Loved it!!!!

    3. Replying to post at 5:59 PM. Thank you. Wishing you a wonderful fun weekend. 🙂

    4. Dolly how can you say all those things about Quinn yet ignore the decades of ugly deceitful often cruel things Brooke has done. She was a gold digger that stole Ridge from his fiancé, she then seduced and married his father but still sleeping with and pursuing Ridge. She has been unfaithful to every man she’s ever been with. She has slept with and destroyed so many other peoples’ marriages including her own sister and both of her daughters! She is a complete hypocrite and she still plays in Eric’s emotions and uses crocodile tears to get away with everything. She has never once shown remorse for those hurt by selfish actions. She feels entitled to do anything, to cheat, to lie, to hurt anyone as long as she gets her way! She has no right to attack anyone else.

      It’s Ridge and Eric didn’t see that Quinn didn’t attack Ridge’s marriage for no reason. Brooke verbally assaulted Quinn from day one. Brooke drove Ridge away with her rabid attack on Thomas, she stole his son to give Hope a replacement for Beth. Brooke physically assaulted Shauna but neither Eric nor Ridge saw that! Brooke plays innocent with them and then attacks others. Brooke manipulated Ridge and Eric with her pregnancies, and fake ones.

      She hates Steffy and Thomas because they are the product of Taylor and Ridge’s marriage!! She resents them because she wanted Ridge to only be with her even though she slept with an married other men she wants them to focus on Brooke!

      She has hated anyone who was with Eric and doesn’t want him to be married she thinks he should just live alone forever! How selfish?

      She has been forgiven every rotten bad thing she’s done yet sits in judgment on Quinn? Pot meet bloody kettle.

      As for Quinn she’s done some bad things sure. Judging her for where she was born is ridiculous! No one has a choice about where they are born or the circumstances of their birth. Privilege and wealth don’t make a good person look at Dollar Bill!

    5. I totally agree and some of these people who are obsessed with Brooke, they remind me of those people that see the actors and see the characters and does something to them! Like go up to them and say I hate you, I have read that some actors go through that all the time !

  14. Poor Eric he'll be heartbroken.. Donna will support him

    I'm happy for Steffy and Finn❤️🤗

    1. Eric likes Shauna's looks.

    2. Eric is prob gonna be pissed off at Shauna too for going along with this.

    3. I saw that they are setting Eric to be with Donna. Honestly I never understood that. Donna isn’t very clever and Eric is worldly man. He needs an intelligent wife, Donna definitely isn’t that.

    4. But Donna has true love for Eric and she could never cheat him. Just that he doesn't want her

    5. Donna cheated on Eric with Owen and stole his company. So no true love there. Sorry.

  15. A friend of mine had a water birth (but hers was in a hospital), and she said the pool was a gross bloody mess afterwards. You can bet they weren't just sitting around in it after the baby was born. I'm kinda glad they showed a "sanitized" version of the birth. I mean, would we really want it to be 100% realistic? Maybe some shows could do that, but in a soap like B and B it would seem really out of place to have a super-realistic birth scene.

  16. If it wasn't going to be realistic then the delivery should have been in a more normal way rather than in something that would be a bloody water mess.

    1. It’s a bloody soap nothing is realistic!!

  17. It was not even Paris' place to tell Brooke. She should have just kept her mouth shut and now that Brooke knows she is going to stop this wedding from happening. How very predictable. But at the same time, Carter brought this on himself. Carter knowingly slept with Quinn who he knew that she was married to Eric. Carter betrayed not just Eric but Zoey as well cheated on her with Quinn.

    1. He didn't cheat on Zoey at all, they weren't together at that point. He did betray Eric though. Zoey herself had been testing the waters with Zende which is why the relationship with Carter ended in the first place. He couldn't trust her anymore. Now when he betrayed Eric, he knows no one isn't perfect, not even him.

    2. Carter didn’t cheat in Zoe he had broken up with her because she betrayed him while they were engaged! Carter was single and free to be with whomever he chose. Fair enough Quinn was married to Eric and he was being emotionally abusive by saying I forgive you come home but you are just a housemate I can’t stand to look at. The fact is he forgave Brooke for cheating on him with his own sons!!! He can’t forgive Quinn for defending herself from the witch? He certainly won’t forgive her for sleeping with Carter. She’s not Brooke after all. I cannot fathom why he wants that cheating slag with Ridge. It’s only a matter of time before she goes after Bill or someone shiny and new.

  18. Sinn baby boy is born and now that he is, they can truly be a family

  19. Wee Hayes is gorgeous and was absolutely mesmerised by JMW! I think it’s the mummy milk… she’s a natural for sure! It’s funny the difference in how she and AK interact with the bairns you can see that being a mum IRL makes a difference. Finn was lovely too so loved that gorgeous birth scene with them and wee man!!! Welcome baby Hayes!
