Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-21-21 Full episode B&B 21st July 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-21-21 Full episode B&B 21st July 2021


  1. Eric telling Ridge and Brooke that he placing Quin in Carter hands, not knowing she is actually in his arms as he speaks .And Brooke joking saying Carter is sticking it to Quin. little does she know he actually doing
    that lol.

    1. Carter's on top of it? NO CARTER'S ON TOP OF HER!!!!

    2. me too, I didn't even 'get' the sticking it one when watching the show hahaha

  2. Quinn is SO gorgeous, and that portrait has to be the ugliest photo of her ever. LOL

    1. She looks so old in that portrait! The background should have been a different color because I think there is too much white! She wanted to see Carter the last time wearing a dress she could get off really quick!😂 I heard later this week Wyatt is going to talking to her about how she’s acting, and like I said one time, I think Wyatt will ask Bill get Carter to work for them. If he does, this will be the start of the fight between Bill and Ridge. Then, my prediction is Bill and Ridge will get start fighting again and Ridge will disappear or something for awhile and Brooke will start get together with another man or even Bill!

    2. That's what I said, I agree. I think Carter will end up as Bill's lawyer and Justin as Forester's.

    3. About portrait i think the same thing every time they show him

    4. I want to see Ridge or Eric catch Carter with Quinn to kick start things

  3. Thank you, Bob.

    Ridge does not seem to be in complete agreement about Eric's divorce. And Brooke seems overly enthusiastic. This can cause problems.

    And what is up with Steffy and Finn inviting Paris to stay at their home? For a second, I thought they were going to tell her about Finn's place being empty now that he is living with Steffy. From what I recall, Finn did not live too far from Steffy so it's in the neighbourhood. I really hope we are not going to have Paris fall for Finn.

    1. I doubt Paris is going to fall for Finn! I imagine they are being nice to her!

    2. Patis is also a manipulative bitch even smarter than Brooke. First helping with the baby, than praising the house and than whining about living at the hotel. Either she is also a gold digger or a psychopath. I haven't decided yet. 😂
      But Steffy and Finn will regret it.

    3. Maybe, I tend to look fir the best in people instead of looking for bad!

    4. It's a soap. There are no good people in it. 😂

    5. Most people that comment here think Steffy is a saint!

    6. Wanted and got every man Hope has ever laid her eyes on, cheated on all of them, cheated on Finn, slept with her father in law... Yeah, a real saint. 😂
      But I like her because she is more honest and less manipulative than the others.

    7. I wasn't quite sure what to think about that, either. Either they are going to show us a 'perfect friendship' or Paris is going to fall for Finn or .... she might become obsessed with Steffy, thinking that she has the perfect life and the she wants to be like her and go through her stuff and start dressing like her.. I don't know :)

    8. Finn keeps a secret about his family. In previous episodes when Finn proposed to Steffy he did it because he didn’t want to invite his family to the wedding, by doing the weeding in the beach house he would avoid inviting his family

  4. I can't stand Paris! Can she join Zoe in Paris? That is her name after all.

  5. I think Bell is trying to give Steffy a best friend and confidont aka maid of honor. I get trying to get some who will bee on Steffy's side no matter what I just have a hard time trusting Paris to do that.

    1. I think so too....someone for Steffy to confide in...the only other females in her life are Hope (yuck) and her mother. It will probably help the storyline

    2. that would be nice! I am hoping for an outcome like that

  6. This whole Quinn/Carter storyline is stupid! Cater has always been an upstanding and moral guy and that is what made him so attractive. The show is making him out to be a schmuck and pushover...not attractive. Hate that story line!! Grow a spine Cater, don't be duped by Quinn's self pity. Ugh! Carter acts so dense!!

    1. Soooooo Carter having feelings for Quinn and sleeping with her means that he's not upstanding or has no morals?

      From what I'm seeing, both Carter and Quinn know that what they are doing is wrong but they also seem to have genuine feelings for each other. I don't think it makes Carter any less upstanding or immoral. It just shows that he's a human being with weaknesses.

    2. I like seeing that side of Carter. Not happy that it happened at Eric's expense, but still glad to see him like that for a change.

  7. I love the Carter Quinn storyline. First off, Carter is no doubt a handsome man, Quinn is a beautiful woman and looks way better than Brook ever thought to especially when you're using them as sexy storyline s. What's wrong with Carter being younger, Eric was way older than her and I read the story where (Liam) as an actor speaking of his parts said that when he and Quinn had the storyline between him it was one of the best times he's had playing his role on B&B.
    She's a great a great actress and plays crazy great, evil great, and good great. I think she should really be on regular movies. I like it when there's at least one person that will tell Brook off! Lol they always make her say stupid things to others not acting as if we have been watching, Duh!!! Lol she's certainly not going to win any saint awards for all the crap she's done but yet, she's always the one pointing out sawdust I. Others eyes I stead of the plank I. Her own. 😂

  8. That will be awkward when Paris will live in s&f house. is not her place to be there. she will take care of babies, steffy will go back to work, time to time finn will stay alone with her, get her know better, they will even work together about this foundation, as paris proposed last time. sth will appear between them. they will have few awkward situations with underdress, taking water in the night. troubles are coming

    1. First it looks innocent, but wait..

    2. It’s dumb because they have Amelia who has been Kelly’s nanny since Steffy went back to work after her birth! They don’t need a live in. Maybe Steffy feels safer with someone there if Finn is working nights at the hospital or they are just really generous people who feel bad she has no where to go.

    3. They want to help her honestly and Paris honestly is thankful but it's always starts like that, not big deal and after surprise. Otherwise writers would never have introduced it. Not mentioned that Steffy put the wedding aside, for some reason. Not that she has sth in her mind, but is good time that in the meantime sth happen

    4. Don't forget that here everything happen for some reason

    5. All of them always start innocent cuz they care too much about other person till finish somewhere where they shouldn't be

    6. I’m thinking Paris knows Zende is Steffy’s cousin and when he finds she’s staying with them he’ll be anxious to get her to move in with him instead… watch! She has got to get her claws into that Forrester money somehow. Zoe failed and Paris isn’t planning too.

      Finn looked her her like, aww wee girl. They are just being kind hearted!

      Steffy is still on Mat leave and has full time help already. Amelia will be taking care of Hayes and Kelly when Steffy is back to the office. Finn is excited about finally being a father and husband.

      Never want to see that witch Brooke as CEO she is NOT qualified… stealing a company and running it into the ground isn’t good.. remember the cutbacks on lines etc to keep Forrester viable.

      That story was not accident, Brooke totally set that up, Ridge knows it too!

    7. I don't like it one bit, gami! I'm pretty sure FC can pay her hotel fees till she finds her own place. She must be entitled to some perks.

  9. Brroke must be the ceo again

  10. I ve got bored with all these stories with Hope/Steffy/Liam/Finn/Paris! We need to see the real B&B protagonists in new stories! And these areBrooke, Eric and Ridge!

  11. Carter please let Quinn go. If the owner and creator of your company don't want her then neither should you. Will the writers please, please, please let her exit the Bold and the Beautiful and move on somewhere elsewith someone who doesn't have a life, friends and a career to loose? Thank You very, very much :-)

  12. It was hilarious hearing Brooke describing herself again and pin it on Quinn what a sanctimonious, hypocrite!

  13. Did anybody maybe get an idea that since Thomas is Steffy's bro and he drops in all the time, that maybe he'll fall for Paris? Then there would be the Paris/Zoe drama and Thomas/Hope drama. Just a thought. Always expect the unexpected on a soap.

    1. You forgot Zende in the equation..

    2. Yes. I thought of that later, but who knows? Maybe he finds somebody or she ditches him. Just a thought. Now we're hearing about Paris and Finn? Sheesh.

  14. The scenes between fin, steffy, and neon nails Paris. So fake. Nobody would buy it in real life. Major fashion designer letting the help stay at her home. C'mon. Getting slow again.

    1. Buwhahahaha small charming beach house?
      Have you watched the aerial photos? It’s good sized, in Malibu, exclusive property with a private beach worth many millions, remember when she bought it from Bill?

      I think Eric’s palatial mansion and estate is exactly what she is going for! Manipulating Zende into moving her in with him at granda’s place 😂

  15. I think Finn is hiding something and when it comes out Steffy's world will come crashing down

    1. For sure. There is definitely something up with him.

  16. We all know what's next. Quinn will be pregnant 🤣🤣🤣

  17. I wonder if Brooke will see Quinn in the same dress she is wearing today and recognize it from the video call with Carter? I love Quinn and Carter together. I hope Carter goes to work for Bill or sets up his own office instead of giving up Quinn. There is a lot of chemistry between them.

    1. When she visits Carter Quinn should better burn every peace of cloth afterwards. 😂

    2. haha that or she should just go there naked right away, her clothes don't stay on for long anyway :)

  18. Did I hear Brooke say that Quinn has a "roving eye"🙄 I swear either these writers have amnesia OR they're trying they darnest to give us 😙

    1. I heard her say that, too. And the fact that Brooke is the one who said that makes it even more ridiculous... :D

    2. Brooke is bitter because her precious Ridge pursued Quinn and couldn’t quite let her go.. I think he still has a soft spot for her, even if he can’t admit it. He was right asking Eric if he really wanted a divorce.
