Monday, July 5, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-5-21 Full episode B&B 5th July 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-5-21 Full episode B&B 5th July 2021


  1. So pathetic of Quinnhoe trying to put a blame on Brooke & Paris in spite of her affair.

    1. I know, like they named her have sex with Carter!

    2. And look at Brook so inasent when she has been with Bill

  2. NO pity for Quinn here...AT ALL!!!

  3. yes hope go with that phone to the police, Yes end of the road for quinn, betraying woman, eric deserve much more..

  4. Wow, what a exciting show today! How is she going to explain that one to Hope?

  5. I feel for Eric. How could Quinn do such a thing with Carter?

  6. Lmao @ Eric saying that he wants someone who is faithful to him after he continues to carry on an emotional love affair with Brooke. On the other hand, in their entire marriage, Quinn has cheated once.

    I wonder how long has Justin had Thomas locked up? Has he been given any food? Water? Justin looks tired. Betrayal seems to be taking a toll on him. 😂😂

    1. I'm wondering when Thomas got to go to the restroom.

    2. But other people have said about Eric and Brooke and Donna, it seems like Eric should have looked in the mirror when he was talking to Quinn. It sounds like that was a pot calling the enormous kettle black.

    3. Yes, he has cheated on all of his past wives at some point or the other. He has never cheated on Quinn though. He has stayed true to her. I can only surmise that he gained some wisdom with age. However, the continual act of putting Brooke before Quinn, never standing up for Quinn when Brooke is talking about her and always throwing Brooke in Quinn's face like Brooke is more important to him than his own wife, consitutes emotional betrayal to me. So while he may not have cheated physically, he certainly has not been completely loyal to Quinn. He also betrayed his vows when he decided to distance himself physically from Quinn.

    4. Haha i also wondered about Thomas where he go pee

    5. Well said Elle, Eric is still defending Brooke 🤮

    6. I had to laugh when Eric was talking about how the others knew and loved him etc for years … literally Carter, Ridge and Brooke were the only ones who fit that description and Brooke just plays with his emotions to keep him on a lead!

      Eric is still in love with Brooke, that is a decades long emotional affair to any woman he’s involved with. How sad Brooke was so bad to Eric and as Elle pointed Eric always cheated on whoever he’s been married to. With Quinn that emotional betrayal cuts as deep as if he was sleeping with Brooke and well Brooke knows it. She provoked issues with Quinn so she can rub that in her face, “Eric chooses me, he always chooses me” is Brooke’s motto!!!

    7. Correct, Bbfan! Brooke loves to throw it in Quinn's face that she is not the matriarch of "Eric's house" or his life and that she does not belong. Brooke is disgusting and needs to mind her own damn business.

      It is said that the devil finds work for idle hands. Seems that without a man to cheat on Ridge with, Brooke's only recourse is to insert herself into Eric's and Quinn's marriage. I personally think she sees herself as Eric's legitimate wife after the passing of Stephanie.

  7. Refreshing whenever truth is revealed and it sets all free in several ways & including relief from the guilty party’s; no longer have to put up with guilty consciousness for all badness they’ve done to others. Healing process for all and helps them move on to much better greener and healthier pastures; a reprieve. I hope Thomas will be saved & be set free. He has become a better man and he wanted to reveal the truth to set Liam free so that Liam could resume his life with Hope. Now Hope is going to suffer at the hands of Justin Villain & just like Thomas. Hopefully it won’t be much longer before Justin is caught once the truth comes out. It’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it just like all of you. For person that said she smells a lecture & for me not to teach lesson; it’s not about you, not even talking to you nor others. What does my opinion regarding any episode have to do with lecturing or with you for that matter? NOTHING! Stay in your lane and don’t come out to stir trouble for others & confronting people just because you disagree with outcome of scenes in episodes, etc, & if you have nothing good to say and you accuse people of nonsense or twist context of what’s being expressed said to fulfill your need for attention or something else, something’s not right. If you’re looking for confrontation don’t bother replying to my comments. Whenever I read people’s comments whether I disagree or agree, I don’t bother commenting replying to anyone’s opinions because I’m not looking for trouble. It’s their opinion and I leave it at that. I replied to one anonymous person who had courtesy to reply kind comment on what I wrote. Person deserved thank you from me.
    This platform is for all to ENJOY sharing and expressing their opinions of episodes & how they feel about certain situations on episode and in real life. Please be considerate & kind all of us; you don’t have to be mean spirited & especially when episode outcomes don’t go your way. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. If you like to be treated the way you dish out mean spiritedness to others; it’s your issue but please stop spoiling things for others here. It’s not a lecture. I have a need to stand up for myself. Respect & peace to all
    🤗 🦋 🙂 🌸

  8. Punch that whiny bitch and put her in the cage Justin!

    1. That is probably what is exactly going to happen

    2. Justin really did not think this through. Who the heck confiscates a phone and leaves it powered on???

    3. At least turn off ringtone hehe

  9. Wondering what the writers will do now with Hope since she found the phone? Katie knows she went to see Justin as she left immediately from being with her. So if Hope goes missing Katie will figure that out and the story will get good - remember the phone will be backed up to the cloud - Zende will have done that or at least he checked with Thomas before he reset it that it why he got the texts from Vinny.

  10. Quinn should have slapped Brooke so hard or punche1d her in her BIG NOSE.


    2. NOT A NUCE COMMENT!!!!!!

    3. It is never Brooke's fault. Even when she cheats on her own husband, it is not her fault. So whose fault is it that she was lurking in front of Quinn's bedroom eavesdropping on a private conversation between Quinn and Paris? Whose fault is it that she was practically salivating at the mouth to run downstairs to stop the wedding? Quinn may have cheated but it was none of Brooke's business. She took it upon herself to get involved because she wanted to get back at Quinn. This is not about Eric and what he deserves, it is ALL about getting back at Quinn. And that's why Quinn should have punched her lights out!

    4. I agree and Brooke never has the right to open her mouth about anyone ever!! She is the biggest hypocrite around! Queen of cheating and dirty tricks!!

  11. I hope Carter and Quinn get married and Carter goes to work for Spencer publications. Spencer will need somebody else when Justin goes to jail.

    1. For me Queen and Carter don't match together at all, but idea about Carter work in sp that's not bad, may happen.

    2. Yes I agree that's the best thing that could happen for them.

  12. I think Carter really loves Quinn and now she is free for him to marry her.

  13. Flo's dress was really cute.

  14. Ridge needs to dump Brooke and kick her out of RIDGE'S HOUSE.

    1. Sadly that big estate is Brooke’s she bought it back after she stole Forrester from Eric and got millions in alimony.

    2. What a Shame. No wonder nobody likes Brooke. Brooke needs to loose it all and Ridge, top.

    3. Not everyone hates Brooke just you guys, you are known as “Logan Haters”

  15. And there we have Steffy on back burner as liam in prison and Hope played by A wanted meatier roles so what A wants she gets
    Boring our screens for years now and still no Emmy
    B&B has lost heavily
    Look at it Bell
    All stories and logan wins
    Thank you Star xxxx

    1. Sad but true Mandy bleh.

    2. Don’t you know that Steffy just had baby and can’t work all the time and those scenes with her and Flinn were shots long ago, probably while she was still pregnant!

    3. Actually she shot the birth after she returned from Mat Leave. I saw an interview with JMW about shooting the water birth etc.

    4. Oh, I forgot you are obsessed with her!

  16. It's obvious that Ridge is disappointed

  17. Ridge and Shauna make a much better couple than Ridge and Brooke.

    1. Shauna seems to be the only one who uses her common sense. She knew that it was wrong for all of them to be involved and present in Eric and Quinn's issues. Shauna is a true friend. Look how she immediately came forward and admitted that she knew about the affair and kept it a secret. Ridge is with the wrong woman.

    2. Totally agree Elle… Ridge will get sick of Brooke eventually and she will run to Bill or whoever and cheat and he’ll divorce her yet again. Lol

  18. Quinn Quinn Quinn the only Queen Brooke gets forgiveness over and over and over.....and has no reason to cheat other than for the heck of it and ppl saying that Eric doesnt deserve it yes he does for ignoring Quinn and punishing Quinn for what she did to you guess Brooke ....gimme a feaking break

  19. Video not here.. Pls can yyou fix it. Thank you for alllowing us to watch this soap.. Been a fan since my childhood years and feels like crying if i cant watch it.. Literally rge only thing i watch on Tv.. ❤️

  20. Brooke is not a saint ! she is more cheater than everyone in this room... Eric is not fair ! he pardon brooke but not his wife ! he doesn't deserve Quinn ! He is fault ! he rejected her for many weeks ! he is cruel and not fair ! this show become juste a logan show ! stop that ! it is not good for my eyes.

  21. Quinn how does it feel embarrassing people in front of their family and friends?? Lol. There you go. In this instance Eric did not even throw a punch like Ridge did to Bill. I see the evil look in Quinn's eye.she is going to do something terrible to Paris orBrooke or both of them. Great episode today. Justin fumbling when Hope asked about Thomas phobe was so so funny lol.

  22. I'm sorry I just can't feel sorry for Eric for what Quinn did to him as I see it karma comes back even to somewhat good people like
