Monday, July 12, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-12-21 Full episode B&B 12th July 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-12-21 Full episode B&B 12th July 2021


  1. wonderful Liam is free from prison, thanks bob !!!!!!!

  2. OMG I won't lie, that ending made me cry!

    1. I know! Finally something to smile about!

    2. that ending made me cry to !

    3. me too!! And I am not even a fan of Liam.

      Brooke makes me so sick, not like Eric isn't hurting enough already, she has to come in and make a stupid remark about Quinn's portrait. The man just found out his wife had an affair with another man, give him a break!

  3. Sooo corny Hopeless and Liam!!so now they will live "boring ever after" ...enough of them and I know the writers are ALL in "Team Logan especially Brooke butt can you believe Brooke lecturing ANYONE about cheating I almost wet myself from laughing hahahaha

    1. I totally agree,,Brooke shouldn't even show her face,,Hell she have slept with all the men in that family,,including her son in law,,and let's not forget had a baby by him,,

    2. Unknown at 11.39 keep your pathetic comments to yourself, because it only shows stupidity!!!

    3. Pot meet kettle and yours shows ignorance congratulations! You win 😂

  4. LOOOL that’s the most unrealistic moment ever😆 oh what soaps won’t do hhhh

  5. Replies
    1. Some of of us like all characters we don’t focus on one person!

    2. You mean like all Logan characters hahaha.

  6. Thanks Bob.

    That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. A judge ordered that Liam be imprisoned until trial due to him being a flight risk and Baker just let's him go based on a video. No verifying the authenticity of the video, no due process, nothing. He just sets him free. 😂😂😂

    As for Brooke,... no words. I await the day that Ridge leaves her hypocritical, sanctimonious, judgemental self to be with Shauna.

    1. Shauna will probably be with Eric!

    2. Exactly Elle! No way could Liam just hop out and in what world do prisoners going to max security ride unguarded and unconfined in a regular van? That final scene was so boring despite the epic music in the background. All the Logan propping is soooo boring.

      Ridge is going to be gunning for Justin when he finds out he held Thomas in a cage.

      Brooke needs to shut the f%&$# up! Queen of cheating who slept with Eric’s son while she was married to him, dares talk to Quinn about cheating? Especially after she just made Hope take her cheating husband back and lectured her about marriage? I guess that only works for Logan brats!

      I’m glad Quinn put her in her place. Brooke is so damn smug after all she’s done.

    3. I wonder if anything is going to happen between Quinn and Carter again. I have to admit, I liked watching the two of them together.

    4. I hope Shauna and Ridge end up back together! She’s good for him and actually cares about him. Brooke is only about Brooke and controlling everyone’s lives in her orbit.

    5. Honey Bear is Donna.. ugh can’t bear that another time bleh. It would be fantastic if another woman came along and Eric says, Brooke who?

  7. Elle, you said it perfectly.

  8. Quinn looked gorgeous with her hair down. I wish Ridge would have some good lines to shut Brooke's mouth up.

    1. I thought so myself. I thought she looked absolutely beautiful today. If this is the result of Eric dumping Quinn, he should have dumped her a long time ago! Lmao.

      Seriously though, what I like is that Quinn knows she cheated and decided to walk away gracefully. No begging or crying saying that it was a mistake. She owned up to her s&^%t. I also liked how she put Brooke in her place.

      Quinn: Are you here to gloat?
      Brooke: I just want you gone.
      Quinn: So then, why don't you leave so I can get back to it. What do you want from me? A mea culpa. I don't owe you anything.

    2. Quinn is stunning....she looks better than ever, beautiful woman

    3. Totally agree she was luminous!

  9. First of all Brooke needs to mind her own business. Isn’t Ridge good enough. She had Eric once and she cheated too she always cheats on her men, so she needs to quit calling the kettle black ass. She wants Eric herself or for her sister. Either way it’s none of her business what Eric and Quinn decide to do. As far as Hope and Liam goes. Good to Thomas for coming forward to show he has changed even though he still loves Hope. He just got brownie points. This episode made me cry too

  10. Please bring a new gorgeous blonde on for Thomas who will really love about him. I wonder if Finn has a sister, even if she looks like a female Finn.

    1. Give him a fiery red head or beautiful brunette… blondes on this show are all Logan’s!

    2. haha a female Finn! Maybe Finn has a twin sister, I don't think we've ever heard anything about this family but maybe I don't remember? If he does, where are they, especially now that the baby is born?

  11. lol that was funny, what would brooke know about being loyal haha she really standing there asking if quinn was worthy of being loyal. brooke needs a rain check on herself lol

  12. ok justin
    deleted the video so how was it still on thomas's cell phone ? maybe justin thaught he did.

  13. Now can we finally have a break from BORING LIAM for at least a month or 2 months or a lot more months????

  14. I wonder if Flo has an identical twin sister that she doesn't know about and she could be with Thomas.

  15. how many time did ERIC CHEAT ON stefany his late wife//?
    how many times BROOK CHEAT AND Betrayed her sister and her daughter and her husbands?
    how many times Ridge cheat on his wifes or lovers?
    all hypocrites judging Queen


    1. It's that ok that others cheat on him

    2. I was kind of hoping that Carter and Quinn would get together now that she's evidently free and if she is free. I think Carter is a much better man than Eric with Eric's weird attachment to Brooke and his always listening to what Brooke says rather than putting her in her place.

    3. Eric had women cheat on him that’s why it was so hard on him when he found out she did!

    4. Eric the serial cheater himself!

  16. I loved that ending! I cried too!!

  17. Thank you Bob. Well it is a soap. Brooke is to much geeze they sleep around all the time. Eric refused to have Quinn around so she went to Carters bed, Zoe and Carter were split up neither should feel guilty in my opinion. I guess Carter is leaving the show or Eric doesn't fire him in the next one?

  18. They have set it up for Eric to be with Donna again

  19. Aww so happy for Liam and hope. Finally. Let them enjoy some happy time together but hey this is a soap. Watch them pair Thomas and hope shortly. Quinn looked nice.

  20. We have seen way too much of BORING Liam. We need a break from BORING Liam.

  21. It is ALSO time for Eric alone with Brooke, the love of his life to get his!!! He has got away with MADDINESS for much too long!!! Writers/Publisher's, This should be the time for Carter to REMIND him of ALL the Lying, Cheating, Manipulating, etc, that he "PROTECTED" him from over the years!!! Just Saying!!!

  22. Eric, TREATED , Stephanie the Mother of his Children like "SHIT"!!! Writers/Publisher's, please allow Carter to REMIND him of All the Maddiness he done over the years!!!! Eric, have No Right to JUDGE "ANYONE". Just Saying!!!!!

  23. Finally, yessss. Hope and Liam reunited. And Quinn: byeeeeee!! Brooke is right, bitch Quinn had it all and now she suffers the consequenses. And that's only good.

    1. Brooke did all that Quinn did x 1000! She’s cheated on everyone she was ever with and is the biggest gold digger out there! She did the same thing when she was married to Eric only cheated with his son and it was a long torrid affair! She also got pregnant with Bridget convinced she was Ridge’s daughter while married to Eric! She has no right to say anything!!

  24. This ending scene is ridiculous. It is pretty much the same exact bits, Steffy running on the beach after he was kidnapped, the run jump leg wrap and from when Liam found out Steffy's divorce for Wyatt was finally final and they could get married. Run through the parking lot, he's confused, she explains, and all is well. Parking lot smooch. COME ON!

    1. They have to recycle because they want you to forget that Liam and Steffy had that kind of relationship. We’re supposed to believe that the only person Liam ever loved was Hopeless. Despite his telling Steffy he was still in love with her 😂. Boring… They need less filler and more action… the show is so short already and sick of endless flashbacks and long pauses to see Liam or Hope looking surprised or confused 🤔

  25. Brook, shut up!

    The moment of set Liam free.. please.. and imagine what will happen inside this car between other prisoners

  26. Who else wishes self righteous Brooke - the woman who has slept with all men Forester - would receive payback for being such a colossal skank.

  27. Hope running after Liam was soooo cheesy.

    1. As if… yeah the slow motion, flowing hair thing… I agree with PP very Bionic Woman moment there. Now we get a week of Liam looking confused over how Hope knew blah 😕

  28. I cried throughout this B&B episode 😭😭😭
