OMG nobody can imagine how happy and excited I was to see Finn still alive and it's even the same Finn. I knew he was alive all this time. It's either going to be Finn or Li that gets Sheila. I would like it to be Finn because of Sheila saying how changed she was and then after what she did. It would be the ultimate payback for her. A lot of people aren't going to be happy that she didn't tell anybody he was alive though. I wonder how everybody will react especially Steffy and the police.
Brilliant!!!! I knew he had to be alive!!! Hurrah! I guess he stays in a coma until after JMW and his real life wifey give birth!
Hope was so cross, the constant eye rolls and sighs lol 🙄🙄and yet, Bill was all about Steffy hahahah. Liam will always run to help Steffy buy am soooo glad Finn is coming back! He’s 100% better for Steffy!
Anyone else wonder why Brooke had to know about Sheila before Li??? WTF? I can’t believe Brooke didn’t go crying to Bill first thing when she found out.
BB, I know we disagree here but Li, imo, does not deserve anything from the Forresters. I found her behaviour very stand-offish from jump and I did not like it one bit. To add, how can she allow Steffy to grieve Finn and Kelly and Hayes to miss having him around knowing that he is still alive? I bet she blames them all for what happened. She alluded to it today when she said that since meeting Sheila, she lost her husband and then her son (paraphrasing). She probably thinks that if Finn had never met Steffy, her life would not have been turned upside down the way it has been.
I’m thinking today was just a cover, because she really liked Steffy before when she and Jack met her. She can’t have his ashes because he’s not dead lol and I don’t think she wants them to go through the pain if a memorial service when he’s still alive.
She is a bit cold personality wise but it could be cultural as well. Jack seems like he’s security services or something… I don’t know. There is more going though for sure.
I get Li hating Sheila, especially since she shot her son and his wife, slept with Li’s husband, and basically blew up Liam’s life!
However, that being said, I feel terrible for Steffy, Hayes and Kelly suffering needlessly.
Steffy tried to play nice with Li. but Li don't play nice, just weird and scary. . She said she and her husband were together then, as if they aren't now? HUH what happened there? Finn's vitals are better than a lot of ours. Why still hide it? They got the shooter in custody. What's Li going to do make a Frankenstein monster out of Finn?
Maybe Li has planned to brainwash Finn to backdate a liberty-bibberity policy to blame Sheila as the one who stole and wrecked her car when she herself was driving distracted? I agree she wants to keep him away from the Forresters, but the danger is over for the reason she was hiding him.
What did Li mean lost her husband? Was anything mentioned in the show? Sheila's in jail, so Li not telling steffy Finn is alive is some sadistic get-back to the Forresters. Li should have told her the minute Sheila was captured and the danger was over. Sheila is spilling like crazy, so they don't need to pretend Finn is dead anymore to his family. Now another contender appears for biggest bitch on the show. It's a very tight competition.
BBfan101 thanks for that info. I didn't know that. Li is just interested in Sheila thinking Finn is dead to keep her son away from Sheila. The satisfaction is in how long she can do that even if he wakes up and it gets blown. But what happpened to Li's milktoast husband he wasn't with Sheila. Maybe he ran off with Donna when Eric wasn't looking. Li doesn't like Steffy either so she doesn't care about them mourning.
🤣🤣 oldfan, tanner novlan who plays Finn , prior to starting on b&b, did a commercial for a company called liberty mutual, and he has to pretend he can’t get the words correct and it’s like constant bloopers.. so he has been nicknamed liberty bibberty..
Thank you, Colly. Sometimes here in Australia, we do get American adverts with an Australian voice-over, but not for Liberty Mutual as they do not have a branch here. However a few weeks ago Tanner Novlan appeared in an old repeat episode of Law & Order with Jerry Orbach. Jerry died in 2004 (18 years ago) so I don't know how older Tanner would have been then, but he did not look any younger than he does now, but still very recognisable. Interesting! Oh, don't worry he wasn't guilty even after getting a good "grilling" from Det. Lenny Briscoe.
Oldfan I am an Aussie too! I love that show, but I havnt seen that episode.. I will have to find it and watch it!! Love set. Lenny Briscoe, he’s awesome 🤣🤣
The Forresters are celebrities. When Steffy and Finn were shot, I am sure it was all over the news. Similarly, I am sure when Sheila was arrested for the crimes, it was all over the news. How do Bill and Li not know this by now?
I’m thinking that since Finn is still alive, Baker has to be a part of this. In order for it to be convincing for Sheila and to get her to confess the Forrester clan couldn’t be allowed to know about it.
I mean there is no way that the morgue wouldn’t know Finn was alive and that Li could have taken him to treat him. She’s a top surgeon so we can expect that she operated on Finn. He’s in a coma for now.
She should tell Steffy but am wondering if Baker is making her keep quiet for now because of Sheila. Maybe they are hoping she will further incriminate herself?
What Li is doing is against the law. Sheila has been charged for murder and Li knowing that Finn isn't dead and keeping it from the police is withholding evidence and obstruction of justice. I am not sure that Baker would be involved. But, this is soapland so anything is possible, I guess.
Wow! Did that surprise me! The look I saw on Li, she looks like she is ready get Sheila. It is going to be a shock for everyone when and if we see Finn walk again. Oh and last Friday, Brooke should not have gone to see Sheila, she just doesn't realize how sneaky Sheila can be. Brooke better start getting herself some bodyguards, HEE! HEE!
Heheh 😈 I can’t wait to see Sheila go after sanctimonious Brooke. Honestly, Brooke was only there because Sheila dared to interfere with Brooke , it had nothing to do with her shooting Finn and Steffy. I was laughing today with Hope, I could feel her wanting to make it all about what Sheila did to Brooke but she wanted sympathy from Bill over Liam running off to Steffy and got nothing 😂. Those Spencer men all love Steffy 🥰
Ell, hope still had the nerve to say to Liam she has plenty of support.. she didn’t like it when Liam said he couldn’t debrief with steffy because he had to leave.. he was hinting to her that he needs to be there more despite her support network because it’s not just steffy, his daughter has been affected by this as much as steffy.. if not more,because she is so young and doesn’t understand it, and the fact Finn treated her like she was his own, like Liam pointed out..
He should not have had to rush home, why?? The kids were not there, just hope.. so why did he have to rush home after doing one of the hardest things he had to do.. I am glad he pointed that out, but it still didn’t stop her making the point she has others..
Did u notice the look on her face when Liam said his heart breaks for Hayes, growing up without a father.. she looked concerned that he might take up that role.. if he can b a father to Douglas, why not Hayes who is half brother to his daughter.. and Finn was their for his daughter when he barely was.. hope doesn’t like the fact Liam is stepping up and being more present in his daughters life which includes steffy.. she doesn’t like him having “another family”, even though he had that family before she had Beth..
Oh yes Colly, I noticed. Hope is not okay with this at all. It's written all over her face. However, she pretends that she is okay with it because she loves to hear Liam sing her praises about how selfless she is. I want to see how long she's going to allow it before she puts her foot down.
Steffy has all the support she needs. Liam should only step in where Kelly is concerned to ensure that she is not severely affected by Finn's sudden departure from her life. I also understand that Liam and Steffy are friends but I wish she would not be as dependent on him as she is right now.
Hi Bob! Please can you try and get rid of all these annoying ADS??? It is so disturbing and annoying to have to watch and then have these stupid ads pop up every five minutes! Also, is there no other streaming link which you can use to upload the episodes? For better audio and video quality.... Dailymotion is not that great at all...Please consider using another streaming link with better quality!
I don't think Baker wants to take a chance of the news of Finn's survival getting back to Sheila just yet. The best way to keep a secret is to tell no one! Li still has to confront Sheila at the jail. Sheila provides additional information with each visitor.
Anybody have a guess as to Finn's location? It almost looks like a dark hotel room. But, that doesn't make sense, because, hospital equipment & supplies would be needed to care for Finn...
Renee, I think it is a safe house organised by Lt Baker.. he would definately know if Finn was dead or alive.. as I said below, being a murder case he would have had to see Finn’s body and make enquires to the coroners for the case.. so I think it’s a safe house.. but being a soap who knows.. how Li got access to Finn’s body without police help is odd because steffy is his wife.. the body should have been released only to her, so Lt Baker obviously knows he is not dead..
Colly, I agree that Baker has to know Finn is alive. That makes sense about a safe house. The room was so dark that it makes me wonder if the safe room is at the jail where there is minimum windows & maximum security.
I wonder if the Liam loan will end up being ex-sex before Finn shows back up. I see another oopsie coming on. Does Bill ever see his granddaughter? Why is Bill not offering support for Steffy and his granddaughter?
I think the reason Li is not saying anything is because if he doesn’t pull through, then steffy would have to grieve all over again.. I can understand that, but at the same time, it is wrong.. Mayb Li is hoping he won’t remember steffy when he comes out of his coma, the same way she didn’t remember, and if that’s the case, then she might b thinking she can keep him away from them to keep him safe.. in her mind, if everyone thinks he is gone and he doesn’t remember, then Sheila will never be a threat again if she thinks he is gone..
Mayb lt baker knows, and they r keeping him hidden till Sheila is sentenced, and that’s why she is in that little apartment, Mayb it’s a safe house?? Mayb that’s how they will go with steffies mat leave?? They might tell her, and she leaves to b with him under the pretence that she is leaving to grieve?? Or as I said from day one, she will b pregnant with his child and he comes out of the coma just before she gives birth, and turns up when she is in labour.. Mayb he sees her with Liam and thinks it’s Liam’s baby and decides to disappear?? Who knows?? JMW has to go on may leave and TN is already on mat leave with his new baby I think??
I think something like that may happen also. I am thinking that Sheila escapes and Steffy takes the kids and goes into hiding. Finn may not remember being married to Steffy and having a child and Li keeps him hid until Sheila is caught. I read that Kimberly Brown is still filming, so they are not done with Sheila yet.
Yes Joy, I get the impression that Li does not like the forresters, or at the least resents them because Sheila only came out of the woodworks when he married steffy.. KB has signed another contract for 3 years, which a long time for someone who usually comes and goes and is not a part of the regular cast.. so she must escape somehow, they r not going to have her behind bars receiving visitors for three years..
Did anyone notice the 👀 on hopes face when Liam said how sad it was that Hayes is going to grow up without a father.. it seemed to b like she was worried that he might take up that father figure role?
The other thing I did not like was that, steffy said she didn’t get a chance to see Finn before he was cremated.. Even if Finn was dead, Li would have had no right to go ahead and do that without discussing it with steffy.. she is his wife, that should have been left up to steffy.. it hasn’t even been a week since steffy was shot, in soap time it’s been about 5-6 days at most, and usually it takes weeks before a body is released in a situation like this.. where it is a murder case, their has to b a coroners inquest, so the body would be with the coroner for at least 3 weeks..
That’s right BB, Lt Baker would have made enquires to the coroners and would have had to see the body.. so he would well and truly know he is not dead..
Thanks RG, I knew it even when they had them acting off screen shocked he was chopped.. I just had a feeling by the way they didn’t do any tribute to TN, they usually do some sort of tribute for the time they were on the show for, then when Li said what she did at the hospital, and the way she was acting.. plus jack didn’t even have the respect to show up.. too many odd things..
In Australia if you are not legally a persons spouse then you have no legal rights to claim their body. I know this for a fact. My daughter was subpoenaed to the Supreme Court of Australia. Thankfully she won as the other side was pulling a swift on her by not informing her of the trial date. I don't know why but I had a funny feeling that all was not good and I got my daughter into the city just before the trial was starting.
Steffy is Finn’s legal spouse!! They just never showed them filing the papers, which they never do anyway. Like we never saw Liam and Hope go to judge to have their legal marriage either. Last I checked a 4 yr old bairn cannot officiate a marriage lol!
It is so wrong for Li to keep Steffy's husband and Hayes from his father, regardless if he is in a coma. Having Steffy and Hayes by his side could help bring him back. It is so incredibly selfish and cruel to do this to a wife and son that Finn loved so very much. Li has some issues going on herself.
I think we havnt seen jack because where Finn was shot, there is only two major organs, one of the kidneys, and the larger intestines.. it is easy to do a partial bowl removal and go on to live a full healthy life, and we can also live with just one kidney also.. however, being in the state he is, it would be a great strain on the body to recover with both these things, so I think the reason we have not seen jack, is because he has possibly donated one of his kidneys, as he would b a perfect match, being his father.. also, depending how high yhe bullet wound was, it could also have damaged the liver, which is on that side but higher up, it could have done damage to that organ as well, but because the liver is crucial to life and responsible for most function in the body, it is the only organ that can regenerate.. in many cases of liver transplant, only a partial part of liver is needed, because it will go on to regenerate to a full functioning liver.. so I think Li , being a world class surgeon has operated and jack is in recovery, because a kidney transplant is a very taxing procedure, Morsi to the diner than to its recipient..
Good for Li Jack, Sheila and Forrester's have been nothing but bad for her son She is a good actress and extremely beautiful Of course we have to wait for the maternity leave to be over and Lame to cheat with Steffy
I do appreciate Bob making these available but the heck is the deal with an AD every 3 minutes??? Anyway around it? I only have one video option once i click on a date (episode)
Yes! Finn is alive!
ReplyDeleteI knew it!! Yay!!
DeleteOMG nobody can imagine how happy and excited I was to see Finn still alive and it's even the same Finn. I knew he was alive all this time. It's either going to be Finn or Li that gets Sheila. I would like it to be Finn because of Sheila saying how changed she was and then after what she did. It would be the ultimate payback for her. A lot of people aren't going to be happy that she didn't tell anybody he was alive though. I wonder how everybody will react especially Steffy and the police.
ReplyDeleteMaddy, I screamed when I saw Finn. I am sooooooooooo happy that he is still alive.
DeletePissed at Li though.
DeleteI said it from day one, I knew he was still alive!! Soooo happy!!
DeleteBrilliant!!!! I knew he had to be alive!!! Hurrah! I guess he stays in a coma until after JMW and his real life wifey give birth!
ReplyDeleteHope was so cross, the constant eye rolls and sighs lol 🙄🙄and yet, Bill was all about Steffy hahahah. Liam will always run to help Steffy buy am soooo glad Finn is coming back! He’s 100% better for Steffy!
Anyone else wonder why Brooke had to know about Sheila before Li??? WTF? I can’t believe Brooke didn’t go crying to Bill first thing when she found out.
BB, I know we disagree here but Li, imo, does not deserve anything from the Forresters. I found her behaviour very stand-offish from jump and I did not like it one bit. To add, how can she allow Steffy to grieve Finn and Kelly and Hayes to miss having him around knowing that he is still alive? I bet she blames them all for what happened. She alluded to it today when she said that since meeting Sheila, she lost her husband and then her son (paraphrasing). She probably thinks that if Finn had never met Steffy, her life would not have been turned upside down the way it has been.
DeleteI’m thinking today was just a cover, because she really liked Steffy before when she and Jack met her. She can’t have his ashes because he’s not dead lol and I don’t think she wants them to go through the pain if a memorial service when he’s still alive.
DeleteShe is a bit cold personality wise but it could be cultural as well. Jack seems like he’s security services or something… I don’t know. There is more going though for sure.
I get Li hating Sheila, especially since she shot her son and his wife, slept with Li’s husband, and basically blew up Liam’s life!
However, that being said, I feel terrible for Steffy, Hayes and Kelly suffering needlessly.
I understand her hating Sheila. For sure! But I agree with you, don't take it out on Steffy and the kids.
DeleteDid Li's husband run off with a nice person, anyone not a mean-headed-side-eye lady?
DeleteWhat a program today!! So Finn is alive and when baby Hope and Brooke find out they will be happy.
ReplyDeleteThey will be happy for themselves... that they don't have to worry about Liam going back to Steffy. Selfish witches!
DeleteChillllllllllllsssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaayyyyy!
ReplyDeleteFinn is alive, in what state. She should tell Steffy
ReplyDeleteSteffy tried to play nice with Li. but Li don't play nice, just weird and scary. . She said she and her husband were together then, as if they aren't now? HUH what happened there? Finn's vitals are better than a lot of ours. Why still hide it? They got the shooter in custody. What's Li going to do make a Frankenstein monster out of Finn?
ReplyDeleteI think she wants to keep him away from the Forresters. I'm not sure how she expects to keep him locked away when he comes to though.
DeleteMaybe Li has planned to brainwash Finn to backdate a liberty-bibberity policy to blame Sheila as the one who stole and wrecked her car when she herself was driving distracted? I agree she wants to keep him away from the Forresters, but the danger is over for the reason she was hiding him.
DeleteWhat did Li mean lost her husband? Was anything mentioned in the show? Sheila's in jail, so Li not telling steffy Finn is alive is some sadistic get-back to the Forresters. Li should have told her the minute Sheila was captured and the danger was over. Sheila is spilling like crazy, so they don't need to pretend Finn is dead anymore to his family. Now another contender appears for biggest bitch on the show. It's a very tight competition.
DeleteI think Li is talking about finding out about Jack and Sheila’s affair, that Jack is Finn’s bio daddy and the damage it caused their marriage.
DeleteI don’t know what to make of Li’s behaviour, the writers might be messing with us…
Wait till Steffy finds out that her husband is alive. Then it will be a fight to the death for Finn. May the biggest bitch win! Lol.
DeleteBBfan101 thanks for that info. I didn't know that. Li is just interested in Sheila thinking Finn is dead to keep her son away from Sheila. The satisfaction is in how long she can do that even if he wakes up and it gets blown. But what happpened to Li's milktoast husband he wasn't with Sheila. Maybe he ran off with Donna when Eric wasn't looking.
DeleteLi doesn't like Steffy either so she doesn't care about them mourning.
What is this "liberty bibberity" business? Is it a person or a thing?
Delete🤣🤣 oldfan, tanner novlan who plays Finn , prior to starting on b&b, did a commercial for a company called liberty mutual, and he has to pretend he can’t get the words correct and it’s like constant bloopers.. so he has been nicknamed liberty bibberty..
DeleteThank you, Colly. Sometimes here in Australia, we do get American adverts with an Australian voice-over, but not for Liberty Mutual as they do not have a branch here. However a few weeks ago Tanner Novlan appeared in an old repeat episode of Law & Order with Jerry Orbach. Jerry died in 2004 (18 years ago) so I don't know how older Tanner would have been then, but he did not look any younger than he does now, but still very recognisable. Interesting! Oh, don't worry he wasn't guilty even after getting a good "grilling" from Det. Lenny Briscoe.
DeleteOldfan I am an Aussie too! I love that show, but I havnt seen that episode.. I will have to find it and watch it!! Love set. Lenny Briscoe, he’s awesome 🤣🤣
DeleteThe Forresters are celebrities. When Steffy and Finn were shot, I am sure it was all over the news. Similarly, I am sure when Sheila was arrested for the crimes, it was all over the news. How do Bill and Li not know this by now?
ReplyDeleteI’m thinking that since Finn is still alive, Baker has to be a part of this. In order for it to be convincing for Sheila and to get her to confess the Forrester clan couldn’t be allowed to know about it.
DeleteI mean there is no way that the morgue wouldn’t know Finn was alive and that Li could have taken him to treat him. She’s a top surgeon so we can expect that she operated on Finn. He’s in a coma for now.
She should tell Steffy but am wondering if Baker is making her keep quiet for now because of Sheila. Maybe they are hoping she will further incriminate herself?
What Li is doing is against the law. Sheila has been charged for murder and Li knowing that Finn isn't dead and keeping it from the police is withholding evidence and obstruction of justice. I am not sure that Baker would be involved. But, this is soapland so anything is possible, I guess.
DeleteWow! Did that surprise me! The look I saw on Li, she looks like she is ready get Sheila. It is going to be a shock for everyone when and if we see Finn walk again. Oh and last Friday, Brooke should not have gone to see Sheila, she just doesn't realize how sneaky Sheila can be. Brooke better start getting herself some bodyguards, HEE! HEE!
ReplyDeleteHeheh 😈 I can’t wait to see Sheila go after sanctimonious Brooke. Honestly, Brooke was only there because Sheila dared to interfere with Brooke , it had nothing to do with her shooting Finn and Steffy. I was laughing today with Hope, I could feel her wanting to make it all about what Sheila did to Brooke but she wanted sympathy from Bill over Liam running off to Steffy and got nothing 😂. Those Spencer men all love Steffy 🥰
DeleteI liked when Bill told Hope that she would have to share Liam for right now since Steffy needs all the support she can get.
DeleteEll, hope still had the nerve to say to Liam she has plenty of support.. she didn’t like it when Liam said he couldn’t debrief with steffy because he had to leave.. he was hinting to her that he needs to be there more despite her support network because it’s not just steffy, his daughter has been affected by this as much as steffy.. if not more,because she is so young and doesn’t understand it, and the fact Finn treated her like she was his own, like Liam pointed out..
DeleteHe should not have had to rush home, why?? The kids were not there, just hope.. so why did he have to rush home after doing one of the hardest things he had to do.. I am glad he pointed that out, but it still didn’t stop her making the point she has others..
Did u notice the look on her face when Liam said his heart breaks for Hayes, growing up without a father.. she looked concerned that he might take up that role.. if he can b a father to Douglas, why not Hayes who is half brother to his daughter.. and Finn was their for his daughter when he barely was.. hope doesn’t like the fact Liam is stepping up and being more present in his daughters life which includes steffy.. she doesn’t like him having “another family”, even though he had that family before she had Beth..
Oh yes Colly, I noticed. Hope is not okay with this at all. It's written all over her face. However, she pretends that she is okay with it because she loves to hear Liam sing her praises about how selfless she is. I want to see how long she's going to allow it before she puts her foot down.
DeleteSteffy has all the support she needs. Liam should only step in where Kelly is concerned to ensure that she is not severely affected by Finn's sudden departure from her life. I also understand that Liam and Steffy are friends but I wish she would not be as dependent on him as she is right now.
Eow. That is fucked up:)
ReplyDeleteSo Finn is in a coma Thank you Bob xxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Bob! Please can you try and get rid of all these annoying ADS??? It is so disturbing and annoying to have to watch and then have these stupid ads pop up every five minutes! Also, is there no other streaming link which you can use to upload the episodes? For better audio and video quality.... Dailymotion is not that great at all...Please consider using another streaming link with better quality!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the episodes nonetheless....
Why in hell wouldn't Li tell Steffy that Finn was alive/in a coma? What's up with that?
ReplyDeleteI don't think Baker wants to take a chance of the news of Finn's survival getting back to Sheila just yet. The best way to keep a secret is to tell no one! Li still has to confront Sheila at the jail. Sheila provides additional information with each visitor.
DeleteAnybody have a guess as to Finn's location? It almost looks like a dark hotel room. But, that doesn't make sense, because, hospital equipment & supplies would be needed to care for Finn...
ReplyDeleteRenee, I think it is a safe house organised by Lt Baker.. he would definately know if Finn was dead or alive.. as I said below, being a murder case he would have had to see Finn’s body and make enquires to the coroners for the case.. so I think it’s a safe house.. but being a soap who knows.. how Li got access to Finn’s body without police help is odd because steffy is his wife.. the body should have been released only to her, so Lt Baker obviously knows he is not dead..
DeleteColly, I agree that Baker has to know Finn is alive. That makes sense about a safe house. The room was so dark that it makes me wonder if the safe room is at the jail where there is minimum windows & maximum security.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the Liam loan will end up being ex-sex before Finn shows back up. I see another oopsie coming on. Does Bill ever see his granddaughter? Why is Bill not offering support for Steffy and his granddaughter?
ReplyDeleteI think the reason Li is not saying anything is because if he doesn’t pull through, then steffy would have to grieve all over again.. I can understand that, but at the same time, it is wrong.. Mayb Li is hoping he won’t remember steffy when he comes out of his coma, the same way she didn’t remember, and if that’s the case, then she might b thinking she can keep him away from them to keep him safe.. in her mind, if everyone thinks he is gone and he doesn’t remember, then Sheila will never be a threat again if she thinks he is gone..
ReplyDeleteMayb lt baker knows, and they r keeping him hidden till Sheila is sentenced, and that’s why she is in that little apartment, Mayb it’s a safe house?? Mayb that’s how they will go with steffies mat leave?? They might tell her, and she leaves to b with him under the pretence that she is leaving to grieve?? Or as I said from day one, she will b pregnant with his child and he comes out of the coma just before she gives birth, and turns up when she is in labour.. Mayb he sees her with Liam and thinks it’s Liam’s baby and decides to disappear?? Who knows?? JMW has to go on may leave and TN is already on mat leave with his new baby I think??
I think something like that may happen also. I am thinking that Sheila escapes and Steffy takes the kids and goes into hiding. Finn may not remember being married to Steffy and having a child and Li keeps him hid until Sheila is caught. I read that Kimberly Brown is still filming, so they are not done with Sheila yet.
DeleteYes Joy, I get the impression that Li does not like the forresters, or at the least resents them because Sheila only came out of the woodworks when he married steffy.. KB has signed another contract for 3 years, which a long time for someone who usually comes and goes and is not a part of the regular cast.. so she must escape somehow, they r not going to have her behind bars receiving visitors for three years..
DeleteDid anyone notice the 👀 on hopes face when Liam said how sad it was that Hayes is going to grow up without a father.. it seemed to b like she was worried that he might take up that father figure role?
ReplyDeleteThe other thing I did not like was that, steffy said she didn’t get a chance to see Finn before he was cremated.. Even if Finn was dead, Li would have had no right to go ahead and do that without discussing it with steffy.. she is his wife, that should have been left up to steffy.. it hasn’t even been a week since steffy was shot, in soap time it’s been about 5-6 days at most, and usually it takes weeks before a body is released in a situation like this.. where it is a murder case, their has to b a coroners inquest, so the body would be with the coroner for at least 3 weeks..
ReplyDeleteI agree Colly which is what makes me think Baker is in on it. He had to know Finn wasn’t dead at the scene.
DeleteThat’s right BB, Lt Baker would have made enquires to the coroners and would have had to see the body.. so he would well and truly know he is not dead..
DeleteColly, you were right all along about Finn being alive! You're so smart...bang on
DeleteThanks RG, I knew it even when they had them acting off screen shocked he was chopped.. I just had a feeling by the way they didn’t do any tribute to TN, they usually do some sort of tribute for the time they were on the show for, then when Li said what she did at the hospital, and the way she was acting.. plus jack didn’t even have the respect to show up.. too many odd things..
DeleteIn Australia if you are not legally a persons spouse then you have no legal rights to claim their body. I know this for a fact. My daughter was subpoenaed to the Supreme Court of Australia. Thankfully she won as the other side was pulling a swift on her by not informing her of the trial date. I don't know why but I had a funny feeling that all was not good and I got my daughter into the city just before the trial was starting.
DeleteSteffy is Finn’s legal spouse!! They just never showed them filing the papers, which they never do anyway. Like we never saw Liam and Hope go to judge to have their legal marriage either. Last I checked a 4 yr old bairn cannot officiate a marriage lol!
DeleteIt is so wrong for Li to keep Steffy's husband and Hayes from his father, regardless if he is in a coma. Having Steffy and Hayes by his side could help bring him back. It is so incredibly selfish and cruel to do this to a wife and son that Finn loved so very much. Li has some issues going on herself.
ReplyDeleteI think we havnt seen jack because where Finn was shot, there is only two major organs, one of the kidneys, and the larger intestines.. it is easy to do a partial bowl removal and go on to live a full healthy life, and we can also live with just one kidney also.. however, being in the state he is, it would be a great strain on the body to recover with both these things, so I think the reason we have not seen jack, is because he has possibly donated one of his kidneys, as he would b a perfect match, being his father.. also, depending how high yhe bullet wound was, it could also have damaged the liver, which is on that side but higher up, it could have done damage to that organ as well, but because the liver is crucial to life and responsible for most function in the body, it is the only organ that can regenerate.. in many cases of liver transplant, only a partial part of liver is needed, because it will go on to regenerate to a full functioning liver.. so I think Li , being a world class surgeon has operated and jack is in recovery, because a kidney transplant is a very taxing procedure, Morsi to the diner than to its recipient..
ReplyDeleteHope Li is a better Surgeon than our "World Classed Psycologist". Wouldn't trust that woman Taylor as far as I could throw her messing with my head.
DeleteOops, 🤣🤣 * more so to the donor, not Morsi or dinner.. I forget this is b&b not silence of the lambs.. lol
ReplyDeleteSheila & Hannibal would make an interesting couple!
DeleteThey would make an even more interesting child together, imagine that!! It would b chew it’s own umbilical cord off!!
DeleteCongratulations to JMW on the birth of baby Brando Elion Ruspoli with her hubby Elan Ruspoli, what a wee love!!!! Mummy to three wee boys now! 😎🥰🥰🥰🥰
ReplyDeleteGood for Li
ReplyDeleteJack, Sheila and Forrester's have been nothing but bad for her son
She is a good actress and extremely beautiful
Of course we have to wait for the maternity leave to be over and Lame to cheat with Steffy
I do appreciate Bob making these available but the heck is the deal with an AD every 3 minutes??? Anyway around it? I only have one video option once i click on a date (episode)