Donna asks "Why do you always look at me like that?" Eric, should say "I'm trying to remember who you are." and, "I'm done, go home." She should say, "Ok Jed Clampett." Brooke and Hope talking, Beth needs him too. Hope looking like Who's Beth again? Donna asks, Where'd you go? He was drifting off in altzheimer's land.Donna sing, "Come listen to a story bout a man named Jed, poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed." Jed, oops I mean Eric can dance a jig. Eric: You bring a positivisity to my life you don't care that I'm a quick draw. Maybe Eric will slip and say, Stephanie you're back! Brooke to Liam, How is Ridge? Meaning have Ridge and Taylor done the deed?
I find it hilarious that they have a game for old men called “pickle ball”, 🤣🤣 how appropriate!! That’s when the pickle becomes so small that all that’s left is the ball?? I am from Australia, so not well versed with what pickle ball is?? I am just guessing here?? We have a game here for old men , called bowls, and they play with big balls!! They have to knock each others big balls out of the way!!
I find it hilarious that over there they have a game for old men called pickle ball?? It’s sounds like when their pickle gets so small and shrivelled up, all that’s left is the ball? We have a game in australia for old men, called lawn bowls, where they play with big balls, and they have to knock each other’s big balls out of the way.. is it the same principles?
Actually, one must be in pretty good shape to play pickle ball. It involves running around a court with racquet in hand, trying to hit a ball over a net.
I agree’s sad that Liam feels that he has to explain himself to brook all the time, and what kind of a question is that hope, “so how much time do you “want” to spend at steffies”? How stupid?? Like he can give a time frame.. she literally just got out of hospital, and he has kelly clinging to him, and it’s only going to get worse when they tell her about Finn.. which they haven’t even got to yet.. and the despise on brooks face, both in the cabin and when she almost knocked the curtains of the window coming into the house.. pure hatred and despise.. I hope Liam puts his foot down with brook.. but he won’t because he is conditioned to having her in his face telling him what to do!!it really is bordering spousal abuse!! Only he is not brooks spouse, although, you have to wonder sometimes 🤣🤣
They Forget that Steffy & Liam we're married AS She createt her 2. sweet Babygirl , He wars with Steffy since 2013 a Family !!! I Hope Soon He Leave Brooke & Hope !!!
Why are almost all women portrayed as either pathetic and desperate or evil on this show? Really great role models 😒. Maybe it is just me, getting older and wiser but l used to engage more in the plot during the decades while now l keep seeing flaws and sad,humiliating women's roles here.
I agree.. it’s terrible the way they portray woman on this show.. it wasn’t always that way.. only since bell senior passed away and his son took over and made it all about his own fantasies..
Totally agree, they take any strong females and make them needy, nutters or diabolical. It says a lot about Bell Juniors view of women. I miss the old Sally Spectra snark and plotting, Stephanie’s snarky banter, Taylor and Brooke food fights, Steffy taking no prisoners, etc… what happened to the stealing each other’s designs, fashion wars etc??
Eric's not playing fair at all. He gave Quinn permission to be with Carter, he should have at least given her the courtesy of a "say so" with Donna. Yay or nay!
Donna: "As long as I get this part of you." Really Donna? What happened to "Eric is married." You sure changed your tune real quick. I can't help but feel sorry for Donna. First she was relegated to being Beth's full-time nanny and now she's Eric's full-time nanny.
Was that Hope trying to put her foot down with Liam where sleeping over at Steffy's is concerned? Liam already has it in his mind that Hope is not angry for him sleeping out last night and here she comes cooing with him like a frikkin baby. Hope needs to tell Liam how she really feels!
Oh Brooke. You wonder why Reedge is not coming home? It's because the longer he spends time with his family, the more he realizes how cold and heartless you are. You don't like or support his kids, he's quite often unheard when he tries to stand up for himself and to top it off, you let him know that his home is really your home.
Ridge and Taylor - I didn't see that one coming! I'm happy to see them bonding as a family again. It's about time. What a turnaround where Liam is concerned. I remember when he went to Steffy's, at Brooke's behest, to find out what Ridge was doing so that he could report back to her. Now, he is supportive of Ridge being where he is and thinks that Ridge is where he is supposed to be.
Agree with all Ell.. Eric can have Donna!! I want a Quinn carter 2.0.. it’s coming.. today was so boring with Eric Donna, I fast forwarded through them.. I can’t wait till Quinn finds out what Donna is up to!! Cannot wait to see what Quinn does..
I gotta give it to Donna, she’s got guts!! And it was hilarious her saying “all those years behind that desk” wanting to jump on him!!?? Eew.. and she is happy to settle for the bottle of honey and a pair of tweezers.. she is after the money, prestige etc, cause she is sick of sharing a desk with loopy Pam, and seeing her sisters doing so well, that she’s willing to risk her life for it!!
I’m laughing how it’s just fine for Eric to cheat when Donna ( who has had so much work done she wasn’t recognizable from some angles) but Brooke, Donna and Katie ranted about how worthless Quinn was to sleep with Carter. Eric is ridiculous , “oh Donna yes I’m going to shag your pet. But I do care about my wife…you understand don’t you?” Donna, “yes Honey Bear, just remember to leave your mistress all the money in your will… as soon as the ink is dry, you’ll have a terrible honey accident “ 😂🤣😂🤣😢🤣
Brooke was pathetic today. Beth always gets to have her daddy and Douglas has a Father his name is Thomas! Kelly deserves to see father for once , especially during this time! Seriously Beth doesn’t have daddy for one night and it’s soooooo unfair. God forbid, Liam give Kelly one second of his time. Brooke is ridiculous, Kelly got one night, time to put all your focus back on Beth again… smh.
Keep staring at your door Brooke, I’m sure Ridge will feel the disturbance in the Force and hurry back to you 😂 😂🤣.
Ridge kissing his dock and NOT missing Logan what a relief at least for the moment. He’s happy to get a break from Brooke making it all about herself and not caring is Steffy is okay or being there to support Ridge as a father.
Hope and Liam have serious troubles ahead. They neither one of them are happy and Brooke has to tell them how do live their lives as usual. I love how she just walks in the cabin, I guess it is her house so… no boundaries at all!
BBfan, you forget, these are the Logans who have one standard for themselves and a totally different one for everyone else. Hypocrites! And Brooke is the biggest hypocrite of all coming down on Quinn for cheating on Eric but urging Donna to cheat with him.
That comment about Beth was unnecessary. Even Hope looked at Brooke like "what are you talking about?" Lol.
Lmao @ Ridge sensing the disturbance in the force. 🤣🤣🤣
omg🤣🤣🤣keep staring at the door wishing ridge to come home. ridge will feel disturbance in the force and run thru it any time now. 👊👏👏 best funniest line ever.
Brooke's quite lonely these days, so much so that she has resorted to meddling in her daughter's marital issues. A little romp in the hay with Donna and Eric might put back that pep in her step. 🤣🤣
way sge acts over liam i think brook wannts a romp with him too since sge controls his every move and tells him where to go not GG o do and not do even mpre than hope does
Oh, poor poor bad ass brook, you are heart broken that ridge is not coming home.. I really feel for her!! Ridge should get his priorities straight, just like Liam, hey brook?? You are right brook, liam should get his priorities straight too, cause hope, Beth and Douglas need him so much more than kelly!! Sorry people, excuse the sarcasm, can’t help it!!
I love how liam walks in the door and brook does all the talking while hope stands there like a stunned mullet!! Brook- oh better now your home, and now steffies out of hospital you can put your focus where it’s needed most, here.. and Beth needs you so much more than kelly.. the glares coming from brook as she was listening in so intently.. liam must be sooo sick and tired of brook constantly being there, telling him what he can and can’t do!! It annoys the shit out me, never mind him, and hope just sits back and let’s her do it..
Brook completely ignored the fact he is being there for kelly.. kelly who, did u say liam?? I guess that’s because brook has never ever acknowledged kelly as Liam’s.. Beth has always had liam thanks to brook.. how dare he spend any time with kelly, especially now!! And she has the nerve to ask about ridge, while he is trying to have a private conversation with his wife..
And hope, do u think if the tables were turned, the suggestion that they now decide that kelly can come over, knowing she is scared and is clinging to her mother, is a good idea?? That would have been handy while steffy was in hospital, but now, great idea!! And what a stupid question, so how much time do you think you will be over there?? They haven’t even broken the news about Finn to kelly yet?? God forbid kelly needs her dad at the moment, how dare she brook!! We don’t want to take ANY attention away from Beth, do we, it’s just not right!!
Keep going the way yous r girls!! U keep on on that bad ass track brook, it’s a great look!!
Colly, what Hope really wanted to know was how many more nights Liam would be spending with Steffy... um, Kelly. She tried but failed horribly at making her true feelings about the situation known. Guess she likes those pecks on the cheek before her husband darts off to be with his other family and the other woman he loves.
Ell she failed because her mum shut her mouth for a second and let hope speak.. hope can’t explain how she feels cause she relies on her mother for that.. I think that Mayb the umbilical cord is choking her at the moment..
Honestly Hope doesn't need to be married not to Liam anyway. I think Hope should be with Steffys brother Thomas . Atleast he would love Hope and give her the world .
I agree with you Chris.. I would actually like to see hope with Thomas, I don’t want Liam for steffy either.. he has really put both woman through the ringer.. the fact he said at the hospital that he has to step up, says a lot.. and he allows brook to interfere and cause more problems for him and hope.. the main reason hope is so insecure about her marriage is solely because of brook.. everything she says to hope, puts doubt in her mind.. hope wants to be supportive of this situation, but as soon as she tries to be, brook tightens the cord and chokes her.. instead of reassuring hope that Liam loves her, but needs to step up for kelly at the moment, but will come back home to her, she is scaring the crap out of her, and instilling fear and insecurity into her.. hope can’t make up her mind wether to be supportive or not because brook won’t shut her trap, and is controlling hope , Liam and their marraige..
I am surprised she doesn’t stand at the end of their bed and tell them how it should b done.. it’s absolutely mind blowing how much control brook has over liam hope and everything in between.. she is the epitome of a narcissistic control freak.. and I am being kind here because if I said what I really want to I would be banned 🤣🤣 even the fact she is asking why won’t you come home ridge, shows how screwed up she is.. as if his priority would be her right now, but the sheer arrogance of her shows that she truly believes she should b his priority right now..
brook brook brook stop trying to run liam and hopes marriage. you cant even run ur own relationships properly. stop begging ridge to come home. hes right where he needs to be now .and should dont want him home because you love him .you just dont want him to be back with taylor. and if lil miss hope cant handle luam being there for steffy and his daughter and knowing how liam still feels about steffy too she knows how to divorce him and set him and herself free from the situation gosh forbid either you or hope be single for 2 secs b4 ur next bedmate comes along and again brook stfu hope made it a point to tell thomas liam stayed all nite with steffy so neither you or hope should jump down his throat for speaking his thoughts on liam and steffy so both of yawl just sstfu let the chips fall where they gonna fall. which will be deacon and thomas for you abd hope to lean on hook up with
@ Colly, this episode was pretty stupid. Don’t fret, I will be here blasting my opinions when there are things worth commenting on. When the episodes are anti-climatic (much like Eric’s erections) I get bored and don’t say much.
Anyone UP for a game of Pickleball? 🥒🍆🍑💋 Donna you should want more for yourself. You deserve it. What relationship that starts as an affair ever ends well. Eric why didn't you just tell Quinn you want to move on? Let her and Donna both find happiness. Right now you are using both women. Pathetic Writers just trying to keep the illusion of Eric being vital. Trying to give him a S/L when he has one foot out the door. They are desperate to hold on to original characters and only one is a Forrester. So this is what they come up with? I guess they need to get a Logan woman back in the mansion should Eric retire or pass on. Then the center of the show would still revolve around Logan's while keeping the Forrester house in the show.. for continuity and legacy.
Robin Hood Bell jr Always taking and giving to his precious Logans Taken the Foresters men Taken over the Show Taken over The Company Now they've takrn Evetytjing name Forester ...on to Quinn😙......
Hi Bob, hope you're well. I'm playing catch up as I haven't been able to watch since April. The May episodes are missing, is it possible to reload? Thanks in advance
Our local community center is offering free pickle ball lessons.
ReplyDeleteThinking of singing up. 😜🔥🍆🍑💄👠👩❤️👨👄💋💓🔥❤️
DeleteThose Forrester men and Logan women. It's never ending.
ReplyDeleteDonna asks "Why do you always look at me like that?" Eric, should say "I'm trying to remember who you are." and, "I'm done, go home." She should say, "Ok Jed Clampett."
ReplyDeleteBrooke and Hope talking, Beth needs him too. Hope looking like Who's Beth again? Donna asks, Where'd you go? He was drifting off in altzheimer's land.Donna sing, "Come listen to a story bout a man named Jed, poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed." Jed, oops I mean Eric can dance a jig. Eric: You bring a positivisity to my life you don't care that I'm a quick draw.
Maybe Eric will slip and say, Stephanie you're back!
Brooke to Liam, How is Ridge? Meaning have Ridge and Taylor done the deed?
*howls, 'till I cry!!*
DeleteAs long as pickle ball doesn't mean some old dude's dysfunctional parts
ReplyDeleteI find it hilarious that they have a game for old men called “pickle ball”, 🤣🤣 how appropriate!! That’s when the pickle becomes so small that all that’s left is the ball?? I am from Australia, so not well versed with what pickle ball is?? I am just guessing here?? We have a game here for old men , called bowls, and they play with big balls!! They have to knock each others big balls out of the way!!
DeleteI find it hilarious that over there they have a game for old men called pickle ball?? It’s sounds like when their pickle gets so small and shrivelled up, all that’s left is the ball? We have a game in australia for old men, called lawn bowls, where they play with big balls, and they have to knock each other’s big balls out of the way.. is it the same principles?
DeleteSo in pickle ball, is the aim of the game to find the ball?
DeleteOr find the pickle?? 🥢 there’s no tweezer emoji so chopsticks next best thing, someone hand them to Donna!!
DeleteActually, one must be in pretty good shape to play pickle ball. It involves running around a court with racquet in hand, trying to hit a ball over a net.
DeleteOh, thank you fanny, so it’s tennis, but with a different name??
DeleteEric you go boy. You gotta do what you gotta do.❤❤❤❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteI am so Disgustet by Brooke & Hope For me they are Monster all This Years !!!
ReplyDeleteWhen will a certain Liam Spencer understand that Brooke & Hope have been manipulating him constantly for 10 1/2 years???
Me me me The Same 🤬 what they Done After Aspen Died !!!
I agree’s sad that Liam feels that he has to explain himself to brook all the time, and what kind of a question is that hope, “so how much time do you “want” to spend at steffies”? How stupid?? Like he can give a time frame.. she literally just got out of hospital, and he has kelly clinging to him, and it’s only going to get worse when they tell her about Finn.. which they haven’t even got to yet.. and the despise on brooks face, both in the cabin and when she almost knocked the curtains of the window coming into the house.. pure hatred and despise.. I hope Liam puts his foot down with brook.. but he won’t because he is conditioned to having her in his face telling him what to do!!it really is bordering spousal abuse!! Only he is not brooks spouse, although, you have to wonder sometimes 🤣🤣
DeleteThey Forget that Steffy & Liam we're married AS She createt her 2. sweet Babygirl , He wars with Steffy since 2013 a Family !!!
DeleteI Hope Soon He Leave Brooke & Hope !!!
Poor poor Quinn, Eric is putting his pickle and balls elsewhere!!! Lovin’ this Karma!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCant logan woman go after single men
ReplyDeleteThank you Bob xxxx
Mandy, was that a serious question?
DeleteWhy are almost all women portrayed as either pathetic and desperate or evil on this show? Really great role models 😒. Maybe it is just me, getting older and wiser but l used to engage more in the plot during the decades while now l keep seeing flaws and sad,humiliating women's roles here.
ReplyDeleteI agree.. it’s terrible the way they portray woman on this show.. it wasn’t always that way.. only since bell senior passed away and his son took over and made it all about his own fantasies..
DeleteTotally agree, they take any strong females and make them needy, nutters or diabolical. It says a lot about Bell Juniors view of women. I miss the old Sally Spectra snark and plotting, Stephanie’s snarky banter, Taylor and Brooke food fights, Steffy taking no prisoners, etc… what happened to the stealing each other’s designs, fashion wars etc??
ReplyDeleteTo hell with the Brooke and hope rant ...let's talk about steffy acting skills! This girl is a damn great actress 👏🏾 🙌🏾
DeleteYes Dezzi, I think steffy is up for another Emmy.. Mayb that’s why brook is so spiteful?
DeleteListen Steffy plays her rolls so perfectly like geezzee she make it all look so realistic.
DeleteEric's not playing fair at all. He gave Quinn permission to be with Carter, he should have at least given her the courtesy of a "say so" with Donna. Yay or nay!
ReplyDeleteDonna: "As long as I get this part of you." Really Donna? What happened to "Eric is married." You sure changed your tune real quick. I can't help but feel sorry for Donna. First she was relegated to being Beth's full-time nanny and now she's Eric's full-time nanny.
Was that Hope trying to put her foot down with Liam where sleeping over at Steffy's is concerned? Liam already has it in his mind that Hope is not angry for him sleeping out last night and here she comes cooing with him like a frikkin baby. Hope needs to tell Liam how she really feels!
Oh Brooke. You wonder why Reedge is not coming home? It's because the longer he spends time with his family, the more he realizes how cold and heartless you are. You don't like or support his kids, he's quite often unheard when he tries to stand up for himself and to top it off, you let him know that his home is really your home.
Ridge and Taylor - I didn't see that one coming! I'm happy to see them bonding as a family again. It's about time. What a turnaround where Liam is concerned. I remember when he went to Steffy's, at Brooke's behest, to find out what Ridge was doing so that he could report back to her. Now, he is supportive of Ridge being where he is and thinks that Ridge is where he is supposed to be.
Carter and Quinn. Oh my! Hoping to see some action soon. Lol.
DeleteElle brava, exactly! 👏👏👏👏👏
DeleteAgree with all Ell.. Eric can have Donna!! I want a Quinn carter 2.0.. it’s coming.. today was so boring with Eric Donna, I fast forwarded through them.. I can’t wait till Quinn finds out what Donna is up to!! Cannot wait to see what Quinn does..
DeleteI gotta give it to Donna, she’s got guts!! And it was hilarious her saying “all those years behind that desk” wanting to jump on him!!?? Eew.. and she is happy to settle for the bottle of honey and a pair of tweezers.. she is after the money, prestige etc, cause she is sick of sharing a desk with loopy Pam, and seeing her sisters doing so well, that she’s willing to risk her life for it!!
I’m laughing how it’s just fine for Eric to cheat when Donna ( who has had so much work done she wasn’t recognizable from some angles) but Brooke, Donna and Katie ranted about how worthless Quinn was to sleep with Carter. Eric is ridiculous , “oh Donna yes I’m going to shag your pet. But I do care about my wife…you understand don’t you?” Donna, “yes Honey Bear, just remember to leave your mistress all the
ReplyDeletemoney in your will… as soon as the ink is dry, you’ll have a terrible honey accident “ 😂🤣😂🤣😢🤣
Brooke was pathetic today. Beth always gets to have her daddy and Douglas has a Father his name is Thomas! Kelly deserves to see father for once , especially during this time! Seriously Beth doesn’t have daddy for one night and it’s soooooo unfair. God forbid, Liam give Kelly one second of his time. Brooke is ridiculous, Kelly got one night, time to put all your focus back on Beth again… smh.
Keep staring at your door Brooke, I’m sure Ridge will feel the disturbance in the Force and hurry back to you 😂 😂🤣.
Ridge kissing his dock and NOT missing Logan what a relief at least for the moment. He’s happy to get a break from Brooke making it all about herself and not caring is Steffy is okay or being there to support Ridge as a father.
Hope and Liam have serious troubles ahead. They neither one of them are happy and Brooke has to tell them how do live their lives as usual. I love how she just walks in the cabin, I guess it is her house so… no boundaries at all!
Sorry for typos, autocorrect is on a rampage 😂
DeleteBBfan, you forget, these are the Logans who have one standard for themselves and a totally different one for everyone else. Hypocrites! And Brooke is the biggest hypocrite of all coming down on Quinn for cheating on Eric but urging Donna to cheat with him.
DeleteThat comment about Beth was unnecessary. Even Hope looked at Brooke like "what are you talking about?" Lol.
Lmao @ Ridge sensing the disturbance in the force. 🤣🤣🤣
omg🤣🤣🤣keep staring at the door wishing ridge to come home. ridge will feel disturbance in the force and run thru it any time now. 👊👏👏 best funniest line ever.
DeleteBrook can always hop in her spaceship and dart over there to beam ridge up and bring him home??
DeleteLol I thought with Brooke and Liam “sensing something 😑” lately they must have mad Jedi powers!! 😂
DeleteBrooke can go " romp" with her twin " slut valley going after ppl men " sister and ole fart Eric🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteBrooke's quite lonely these days, so much so that she has resorted to meddling in her daughter's marital issues. A little romp in the hay with Donna and Eric might put back that pep in her step. 🤣🤣
Deleteway sge acts over liam i think brook wannts a romp with him too since sge controls his every move and tells him where to go not GG o do and not do even mpre than hope does
DeleteWith Eric being into polyamory, he can add Brooke back to his harem or have sister mistresses??? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣
DeleteElle agree totally with you...can never understand what ALL these men see in Brooke she is sooo " cold and heartless" 😙
DeleteOh, poor poor bad ass brook, you are heart broken that ridge is not coming home.. I really feel for her!! Ridge should get his priorities straight, just like Liam, hey brook?? You are right brook, liam should get his priorities straight too, cause hope, Beth and Douglas need him so much more than kelly!! Sorry people, excuse the sarcasm, can’t help it!!
ReplyDeleteI love how liam walks in the door and brook does all the talking while hope stands there like a stunned mullet!! Brook- oh better now your home, and now steffies out of hospital you can put your focus where it’s needed most, here.. and Beth needs you so much more than kelly.. the glares coming from brook as she was listening in so intently.. liam must be sooo sick and tired of brook constantly being there, telling him what he can and can’t do!! It annoys the shit out me, never mind him, and hope just sits back and let’s her do it..
Brook completely ignored the fact he is being there for kelly.. kelly who, did u say liam?? I guess that’s because brook has never ever acknowledged kelly as Liam’s.. Beth has always had liam thanks to brook.. how dare he spend any time with kelly, especially now!! And she has the nerve to ask about ridge, while he is trying to have a private conversation with his wife..
And hope, do u think if the tables were turned, the suggestion that they now decide that kelly can come over, knowing she is scared and is clinging to her mother, is a good idea?? That would have been handy while steffy was in hospital, but now, great idea!! And what a stupid question, so how much time do you think you will be over there?? They haven’t even broken the news about Finn to kelly yet?? God forbid kelly needs her dad at the moment, how dare she brook!! We don’t want to take ANY attention away from Beth, do we, it’s just not right!!
Keep going the way yous r girls!! U keep on on that bad ass track brook, it’s a great look!!
Colly, what Hope really wanted to know was how many more nights Liam would be spending with Steffy... um, Kelly. She tried but failed horribly at making her true feelings about the situation known. Guess she likes those pecks on the cheek before her husband darts off to be with his other family and the other woman he loves.
DeleteEll she failed because her mum shut her mouth for a second and let hope speak.. hope can’t explain how she feels cause she relies on her mother for that.. I think that Mayb the umbilical cord is choking her at the moment..
DeleteSo true Colly , you are right about the cord around her neck. Hope just acts like a shy 5 year old that can't think or speak for herself.
DeleteHonestly Hope doesn't need to be married not to Liam anyway. I think Hope should be with Steffys brother Thomas . Atleast he would love Hope and give her the world .
DeleteI agree with you Chris.. I would actually like to see hope with Thomas, I don’t want Liam for steffy either.. he has really put both woman through the ringer.. the fact he said at the hospital that he has to step up, says a lot.. and he allows brook to interfere and cause more problems for him and hope.. the main reason hope is so insecure about her marriage is solely because of brook.. everything she says to hope, puts doubt in her mind.. hope wants to be supportive of this situation, but as soon as she tries to be, brook tightens the cord and chokes her.. instead of reassuring hope that Liam loves her, but needs to step up for kelly at the moment, but will come back home to her, she is scaring the crap out of her, and instilling fear and insecurity into her.. hope can’t make up her mind wether to be supportive or not because brook won’t shut her trap, and is controlling hope , Liam and their marraige..
DeleteI am surprised she doesn’t stand at the end of their bed and tell them how it should b done.. it’s absolutely mind blowing how much control brook has over liam hope and everything in between.. she is the epitome of a narcissistic control freak.. and I am being kind here because if I said what I really want to I would be banned 🤣🤣 even the fact she is asking why won’t you come home ridge, shows how screwed up she is.. as if his priority would be her right now, but the sheer arrogance of her shows that she truly believes she should b his priority right now..
Deletebrook brook brook stop trying to run liam and hopes marriage. you cant even run ur own relationships properly. stop begging ridge to come home. hes right where he needs to be now .and should dont want him home because you love him .you just dont want him to be back with taylor. and if lil miss hope cant handle luam being there for steffy and his daughter and knowing how liam still feels about steffy too she knows how to divorce him and set him and herself free from the situation gosh forbid either you or hope be single for 2 secs b4 ur next bedmate comes along and again brook stfu hope made it a point to tell thomas liam stayed all nite with steffy so neither you or hope should jump down his throat for speaking his thoughts on liam and steffy so both of yawl just sstfu let the chips fall where they gonna fall. which will be deacon and thomas for you abd hope to lean on hook up with
DeleteYes, Go pammy!! Spot on girl!!
DeleteJacqueline is such an amazing actress!
ReplyDeleteWow the brook fans have even awefully quiet today, even u Lynn!! 🤣🤣
ReplyDelete@ Colly, this episode was pretty stupid. Don’t fret, I will be here blasting my opinions when there are things worth commenting on. When the episodes are anti-climatic (much like Eric’s erections) I get bored and don’t say much.
Delete🤣🤣 you make me laugh love!!
DeleteAnyone UP for a game of Pickleball?
Donna you should want more for yourself. You deserve it.
What relationship that starts as an affair ever ends well.
Eric why didn't you just tell Quinn you want to move on? Let her and Donna both find happiness. Right now you are using both women. Pathetic
Writers just trying to keep the illusion of Eric being vital. Trying to give him a S/L when he has one foot out the door.
They are desperate to hold on to original characters and only one is a Forrester. So this is what they come up with? I guess they need to get a Logan woman back in the mansion should Eric retire or pass on. Then the center of the show would still revolve around Logan's while keeping the Forrester house in the show.. for continuity and legacy.
Robin Hood Bell jr Always taking and giving to his precious Logans Taken the Foresters men Taken over the Show Taken over The Company Now they've takrn Evetytjing name Forester ...on to Quinn😙......
ReplyDeleteHi Bob, hope you're well. I'm playing catch up as I haven't been able to watch since April. The May episodes are missing, is it possible to reload? Thanks in advance