THANK YOU BOB It's getting ore complicated then it ever was. Why would Finn's mother be so cruel knowing how much Steffy loved him. I hate it when Brooke and Baby Hope get together to make more conflict again the Forresters. The Login's have no limit.
Cruel? She is the reason he is alive and a doctor and a good person. What have foresters done for him? Brooke and Hope discussing Hayes and IF he understands Finn is "dead". At least the intelligent mother Li said thank goodness Hayes is too young to comprehend.
I’m pretty sure everyone (including Taylor and Ridge and of course Steffy) have been talking about “telling the kids” about Finn. The fact that Brooke brought it up at all was because she was repeating what she had heard FROM the Forresters. But as I always say, it’s just no fun for you ladies unless you can bash the Logan women. Kind of sad really…
Lynn, the Logan lovers bash the forresters just as much.. I have read alot of nasty comments from some Logan lovers over the years.. so I think that’s just the nature of the Logan v forresters on the blog lol
Colly, when there is some action that lends itself well to commentary, then bash away. But often times I think they just look for something…anything to say because they haven’t met their “Bash Brooke” quota for the day. I noticed my team (team Brooke) generally doesn’t try to meet any daily quota. We just comment on things that are actually worth commenting on. And like I said before, maybe cuz most days more people from “Team Steffy” are comment on these blogs.
Lynn, ppl watch the show every day, have u thought that the small team of Logan lovers don’t comment because brook behaves in ways that they can’t defend?? Has that ever crossed your mind? You seem to think that brook is an absolute angel and even when it is as plain as day she is being horrible, you still make excuses for her.. I am talking about myself when I say this, I am always objective, I will complement the Logan’s when given reason to, but sadly that is not often wether u see that or not.. brook could do ANYTHING and u will defend her to the death lol
That is absolutely not true. I have said for days on end that I don’t think Brooke should support Hope’s marriage to Liam. I agree that Liam is a waffler. I have said that for days. And Brooke being such a fan of Liam is bad. Pleeeeaaaase show me once where you bashed Steffy?? I don’t remember that ever happening. So once again, I don’t get your point. Why accuse me of something that you guys do every single day?? And no, it does not occur to me that Brooke is the villain just because there are more of you. I’ve already addressed that in previous comments. You guys have your little club on this blog, and people are not wanting to be in the minority to go up against you ladies. I, however, have zero issue with it. I actually don’t mind being in the minority at all.
Hope to Brooke: You're going back into the office. Brooke thinking, yes I have to go stake my claim. Taylor is using the office to grom on to Ridge. I have a lot more eaves droppings to do. Brooke pretending she is sympathetic to Steffy her ultimate rival for Ridge's attention. I have to be there to undermine Taylor! sheila sheila sheila at fault for everything! Go for it Li. This isn't twisted at all-eyeroll. Brooke is auditioning her never before seen sympathy, of Steffy, to Hope. If Hope buys it, those dimbulb Forresters will buy it too. Steffy memememe me me me me memememem.Old anthem. Li's coming by, sounds like fun. Can I choose a few root canals instead? I'd like to give sheila a medal for the label switch. She's looking much more entertaining. Brooke and Hope let's go over the label switch again, and pin everything wrong on her. Ok. Brooke: How long has Liam been gone? Hope should say, " Oh 2 boinks worth. " Steffy wants to lean on Li. Li saw Steffy throwing herself in Liam's arms, so Finn doesn't need her! Kids allowed out of coma to go to the park, WITH NANNY OF COURSE. Here's your lunch, nyquil nyquil gulp gulp. While Steffy is asking LI where is he? Li thinking of going full on psycho- devil blue eye girl!. Brooke is ashamed of Hope. My daughter a not so good husband stealer! Even when they are married, they have to steal back hubbys from renewed perceived threats. Steffy: How do I ,I I IMe me me me go on, (the only one who counts.) What's finn's insurance worth> hmmm did he have double indemnity? I have to go on with my life, don't I?
Book, considering Steffy was shot, is still recovering and found out her hubby’s bio mum murdered him, I’d say she has a right to have some support from a friend. I understand you don’t like her but she’s not being selfish or unreasonable… she loves her husband and is distraught about losing him. She makes her own money and I don’t think his life insurance is anywhere in her thinking.
Amelia is taking the kiddos because she’s their nanny and keeping them in their normal schedule is even more important after a big trauma. Steffy and Finn would normally be at work so she’s just keeping them in their routine so they can feel safe.
I must have missed Steffy throwing herself into Liam’s arms… I saw him give her a gentle hug of support, but neither of them was doing anything inappropriate. It’s perfectly normal to comfort a friend who has just lost their spouse 😢.
Hope did really well standing up for herself and Liam and showing empathy for Steffy, long may it last. I laughed when she brought up Bill and Deacon, “emmm Mum you have two exes that still love you… just saying…” 😂.
Brooke said the right words in front of Ridge but clearly she doesn’t believe them lol. Hope’s expressions showed she want buying it either. Whatever Brooke’s intentions might be, the things she says would definitely undermine a marriage and being up doubts regarding her son in law.
Li thinks she still needs to protect Finn, from Whom?? That means that not only Steffy, Kelly and Hayes think he’s dead but Jack too. She’s cross with him, and rightly so but it’s cruel to make them all think he’s dead. Having Steffy and the bairns with him, might help him fight his way back!
Lol Eric hugging Brooke isn’t an issue lol, but sleeping with Donna while he’s married to Quinn is a different story. Whether you hate Quinn or not it’s not okay for him to be sneaking around having an affair. Just get a divorce already… if he truly cares about Donna at all he’s hurting her by treating her like a piece of meat, then going home to his wife for emotional support and intelligent conversation. 🙄🙄
Someone - I don’t remember who, went crazy on this blog about “Brooke laying in Eric’s arms” and how extremely inappropriate it was. I argued it was absolutely no big deal in many comments. So someone (maybe not you, BBfan) absolutely was berating Brooke for the Eric hug scene.
Correct Bbfan. Steffy is also still recovering from a gunshot that almost killed her. She cannot manage the kiddies on her own. She needs help. I'm surprised Paris isn't helping out more since she was so good with them when she was staying there before.
BBfan, I agree that 2 wrongs don’t make a right and Eric should not be carrying on with Donna behind Quinn’s back. If he doesn’t love Quinn, then divorce her. Cheating is wrong no matter what.
I'm surprised you don't remember, Lynn since you went back and forth with me trying to prove your point.
I never said that Eric was wrong for hugging Brooke, I stated that as soon as Brooke started having problems in her marriage there she goes rubbing up on another man seeking comfort. It wasn't about a hug being wrong, it was about classic Brooke behavior - finding comfort in the arms of another man.
Elle, I get all the Brooke haters confused because there are many of you. What you wrote above makes zero sense. Steffy was looking for comfort from Liam. Brooke was looking for comfort from Eric. Both were ex’s. Both were friends. And oh by the way, Brooke hasn’t recently slept with Eric. But Liam recently slept with Steffy. You don’t have any leg to stand on with your comment.
And just one more thing on this “laying in the arms of another man” comment. You knew at the time you made your comments weeks ago that Brooke sees Eric as a very good friend and nothing more. You absolutely knew Brooke wasn’t planning on ANYTHING happening with Eric that was inappropriate, and yet you still went on and on with your outrage of Brooke. It was TOTALLY uncalled for.
Again, it was not about the hug, neither was it about anything that Brooke may or may not be planning. It was about Brooke running to another man for comfort as soon as her relationship is in trouble. It's her MO and it cannot be compared to Steffy seeking comfort because, as far as she knows, her husband died. Completely different scenario.
As for my comment being uncalled for, I don't post here to please others. I post to comment on what is happening in the show. I've observed how put off you get by us Brooke-haters to the point where you feel compelled to make us see the error of our ways. However, you don't say anything to the Taylor or Steffy-haters because I guess you're okay with it even though many times those comments are also uncalled for. That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think?
If you don't like what is being posted about Brooke, you can always ignore it instead of telling us how we should or should not post about your fave.
Ell, I agree with you, a lot of brook fans have made comments that r on the nasty side, and I am not referring to u Lynn, or any particular person, just many that have made comments that are not called for and that I don’t agree with, but that is the nature of a blog..
as I said earlier, we all have our faves, and we all have our opinions and that is the whole point of this blog.. for everyone to freely comment on what they think about the show and it’s characters.. there will always be lovers and haters and opinion’s.. if we don’t like what others say, then that’s their opinion and vice versa.. we cannot make people change their opinions because we don’t agree, and there r many uncalled for opinions, that is just the nature of this blog..
Elle, well if we are gonna talk about MO’s, then let’s talk about the Steffy MO of her sleeping with Liam who is married to another woman, Hope. And how Steffy tries to wrangle ways to get Liam away from Hope. Let’s talk about Steffy sleeping with Liam when he was married to Hope, or how Steffy wanted Liam to keep the secret by not confessing the infidelity to Hope. Or how Steffy conspired with Thomas to keep Liam for her very own. You want to talk about MO’s, then you should be talking about your beloved, Steffy. I haven’t seen Brooke sleep with anyone else other than Ridge the 4 + years I’ve been watching the show. I can’t say the same for Steffy. Steffy slept with another woman’s husband.
So if anyone should be “put off” by a woman being in some other man’s arms, it should be us Hope / Brooke fans who don’t think Steffy should be laying in Liam’s arms. We know Brooke’s concerns are absolutely justified concerning Liam. And my comment about Steffy’s MO with Liam is absolutely justified. And of course I don’t argue with people who agree with me, anymore than you argue with people who agree with you. I make my own comments on the blog about the show and people argue with my comments. And I also comment on others comments, just like you do. I am not unique in trying to make other people see my side. That’s what every single person on this blog does.
Lynn, I am sorry love but I have to disagree here.. I don’t think brooks concerns r justified for the simple fact that yes liam cheated, so if she knows he is a cheater , why push for hope to b with him, to then have to keep in on a choker lead to make sure he doesn’t hurt her again.. oh I want u to b with Liam but I don’t trust him, don’t let him out of your sight!! It’s easy to blame steffy Lynn, but it was him who ran to her.. if he really loved hope, he wouldn’t run straight to steffy and sleep with her.. and for the record Lynn, it was he who initiated them sleeping together, not steffy.. but if it makes ppl feel better, just blame steffy and give Liam a free pass.. and to add to that, brook may not have slept with anyone else for a while, but she sure has been snogging different men over the last few years!! Oh, but let me guess, that’s ok, because it’s brook?? Mmmm
Colly, I don’t remember it like you remember it. Liam went to Steffy’s after he saw Thomas kissing the mannequin. Steffy and Liam started drinking and kissing and ended up sleeping together. Liam didn’t initiate anything more than Steffy, they were equally guilty. I remember distinctly that Liam was guilt ridden about the betrayal and Steffy kept insisting he keep the secret because she absolutely did not want Finn to find out. Liam was being eaten alive by guilt for the betrayal he had committed to Hope, and Steffy felt no guilt at all. Hilarious!! All Steffy cared about was protecting her secret so Finn wouldn’t dump her. It was completely pathetic on Steffy’s part. Cowardice at its finest!!! She wasn’t about to let the betrayal to Finn ruin her future with him. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 And all the Brooke haters go on and on about keeping the kiss from Ridge! Not even in the same ballpark of betrayal!! I feel like a broken record sometimes. As I’ve stated, I have only watched the show for the past 4 1/2 years. So I don’t know what happened during the time I wasn’t watching. But 4 1/2 years is plenty of time for me to assess Brooke’s character today. And I see her as faithful to Ridge. So whatever she did or didn’t do in the past…10 years ago, isn’t a concern to me. I agree that Brooke shouldn’t have to worry about Liam cheating…and if she is, she should be telling Hope to dump him, not keep him tethered. I’ve said multiple times that I think Liam should be kicked to the curb by all the women on the show. And I have no idea why Brooke has such a soft spot for Liam, but she does. I think part of it is because of baby Beth (that we never ever see.) Brooke wants the family kept together and she knows Hope loves Liam, so Brooke wants that family kept in tact.
And have all the Brooke haters considered the fact that they were horrified that Brooke would allow Deacon to come into the house to spend time with Hope, but when Liam is going over to Steffy’s to play house for hours on end, that is perfectly acceptable??? Explain that to me. Your contention was that Brooke had a past with Deacon, so it was unacceptable that she would allow him on the property to spend time with his daughter. And yet Steffy, who has actually screwed Liam while he was married to Hope should absolutely be allowed to have Liam come over to her house to take care of her without any regard for Hope’s feelings about that. Sometimes I don’t think you ladies hear yourself talk.
Lynn, firstly, yes they drank together, BUT, Liam started telling steffy how he still loves her and wanted them to get back together, steffy told him no and to go sort things out with hope, but he kept going on about how he missed steffy and kelly and their life together, and then HE kissed HER.. then they got caught up and slept together..
now, u say that steffy wanted to keep it a secret because she didn’t want to lose Finn, yet when brook haters were talking about how wrong it was that brook kept HER secret (for months), U basically said, oh she only kept it from ridge because a whole bunch of “circumstances” spiraled out of control and then she didn’t tell him because she just didn’t want to hurt him and something along the lines of what was the point in hurting him by telling him etc.. what a load of bullshite Lynn!!
You completely contradict yourself and make excuses for brook and ALL of her behaviour, no matter what that behaviour is, u always defend her to the death even when it’s blatantly obvious how bad her behaviour is, then u wonder why u r the minority because MOST people DONT LIKE brook, for very OBVIOUS reasons!! U r doing my head in love.. u say we don’t know how to b diplomatic and admit when our faves r wrong, yet brook can do NO wrong in your eyes.. I don’t even remember a time where u have been diplomatic where brook is concerned..? u always have a reason why it’s ok for brook to behave badly but quick to berate other characters u don’t like..
At the end of the day, u can blame steffy all u want, BUT, Liam ran straight to her, told her he wants her back and misses her and still loves her , then she said no go sort it out with hope , he wouldnt , then HE kissed HER, go back and watch it again and refresh your memory.. yes she didn’t want to hurt Finn, just like brook apparently didn’t want to hurt ridge, and before u say “oh, but brook didn’t sleep with him”, sorry it was still a betrayal, and with a man ridge despises most on earth at that, and before u say it wasnt her fault cause she was drinking, the same can b said for steffy then cause she was drinking.. Lynn, do u not see the contradictions u make?? LIAM fucked up, he betrayed hope, it’s not steffy’s fault, she DID NOT put a gun to Liam’s head and say sleep with me.. but if it makes u feel better to blame EVERYONE else for your faves behaviour, that is your prerogative love !!
Lynn, Liam has 2 families, it is not unreasonable for him to support his family with steffy after a major tragedy.. ridge didn’t want a man he despised just waltzing in the front door of his home.. that is also reasonable, considering that is the home he shares with brook.. she did not listen to his feelings.. ridge warned her deacon would cause trouble and he did.. ridge does not have family ties to deacon.. his family with brook is RJ, hope is his step daughter.. he does not have to put up with deacon.. that’s the difference.. Liam has every right to b at steffies, and supporting her and kelly because like it or not, they r also HIS FAMILY.. that simple!!
And one last thing, u said that u have been diplomatic where brook is concerned, by that you mean that u don’t know why brook wants hope with Liam.. that’s not being diplomatic.. maybe if you said that brook should stay out of hopes marraige or brook shouldn’t be saying these things when she told ridge she actually cares about and wants to support steffy then behind his back try to take away any support steffy has.. and brook should tell ridge how she REALLY feels about the way liam is supporting steffy and that she thinks it’s wrong, and ask him what he thinks about stopping Liam going there and taking kelly away from her mother when kelly is scared confused and sad, and wants her mother!!
Cowardice at its finest is to chuck a tantrum cause your husband was stuck on a tarmac and pull out a bottle of vodka and pressure a man your husband despises to drink with u on new years cause u can’t b alone for 5 minutes, kiss that man, then lie to your husband for months on end and coerce others to keep your secret including manipulating a young boy because your to much of a coward to just tell him the truth because u don’t want him to dump you and then blame it ALL on alcohol??!!
To be fair you keep harping on how Steffy cheated with Liam once, while he was married to Hope and never let it go. Hope on the other hand did it multiple times when Liam was married to Steffy!!! Hope actually moved in with Liam and was sleeping with him while he was married to Steffy. In their last marriage she threw herself at him so many times and then slept with him and got pregnant with Beth, all while he was married with a pregnant wife and again when they were engaged to remarry after Kelly was born.
The three times Liam and Steffy were married, Hope cheated with Liam in them all but that is NEVER ever spoken of or totally excused since Hope saw Liam first! That is bullocks, cheating is cheating.
Steffy isn’t an angel 😇, but then she’s Never claimed to be one! Hope does and she and Brooke go on and on but Hope has done more cheating with a married man than Steffy but it’s okay???
The fact Brooke with her very very chequered history has no business slagging anyone else off. She constantly tries to make Hope insecure so she’ll strangle hold Liam… that is so toxic and damaging. Being concerned is one thing, but Brooke is totally controlling and she even admits that she knows what’s best for everyone else. That’s arrogant and narcissistic, how about letting Hope and Liam figure it out. How about not making everything a competition… most parents don’t want their children stuck with cheating spouses.
I want to see Finn and Steffy reunite and Liam go home to wife. Maybe they can act like mature adults for a change. End of the day, even Hope is telling her mum not create problems where they don’t exist!
Lynn, please feel free to say what you want about who you want because this is a public blog and you are entitled to your own opinions. Have at it!
And if you think Steffy sleeping with a married Liam is her MO, then I'm curious to know what you think about your girl, Hope. She lost her virginity to a married Liam. She also moved in with a married Liam and started planning a wedding even though Liam was still in love with Steffy. Then, when she returned to LA a few years ago, she slept and got pregnant by a married Liam while his wife was also pregnant. If one night of drunken sex is so bad in your eyes, what do you think of Hope's behavior? She was in a right frame of mind, BTW, and knew everything she was doing.
Lynn since you’ve only been watching for 4 years or so you’ve missed literally 30 yrs plus of history. Brooke slept with many other women’s husbands and boyfriends. She cheated on Ridge sleeping with his siblings, she slept with Ridge while she was married to Eric and had to paternity test her children because she didn’t know who the father was more than once.
Brooke stole her sister’s husbands/boyfriend’s / fiancés as well her own daughter’s. Poor Bridget lost both Nick and Deacon to Brooke. Brooke had many other men over the years and was Ridge’s mistress for a lot of them. The writers have revised history to make it seem she and Ridge has this long committed relationship. That isn’t true. In fact she chose other men several times over Ridge. He chose Taylor over Brooke too.
There is so much history. Same with Hope. She slept with Liam repeatedly when he was happily married to Steffy. Hope had opportunities to be with Liam but her immaturity and constant ultimatums prevented them being together. Hope was a spoiled sheltered princess and wanted it to be a fairytale romance. Hope stomped off in a huff or threw tantrums whenever she didn’t get her way or life wasn’t perfect.
She never acknowledged that Liam was in love with Steffy. He told her over and over that he was in love with his wife.
Hope chose to marry other men and have relationships. So again this fake history that she only loved Liam is rewritten by Bell Jr.
I understand that you didn’t see all that, but a lot of us did. We have every right to call out Brooke and Hope for being hypocritical when Steffy did it One time!!!!
Steffy doesn’t hold herself out as a paragon of virtue. She readily admits her mistakes. Brooke and Hope never see anything wrong with their behaviour. In fact Brooke encouraged Hope to sleep with Liam while he was married because she was entitled to, but oh Steffy best not speak to him.
I hope you can understand that while you like Brooke some of us don’t forget all the lives she destroyed without a second thought or people she hurt. If she had remorse and wasn’t so sanctimonious it might be easier to find some good in her. Honestly, except at the very very beginning episodes, she became more and more unlikeable as a character.
I laughed when Ridge talked about her big heart… it is only for herself. For everyone else it is a wee stone, shrivelled and hardened more than the grinch. She doesn’t really care if Hope is happy . It’s all about her competition with Taylor. Brooke has always had multiple men vying for her attention. She’s unhappy with just one. Right now she has Bill and Deacon waiting in the wings for her. She has a decades long history of turning to other men when things don’t go her way.
Liam shouldn’t be with Hope or Steffy, he’s a selfish twat. At least Taylor sees he’s toxic and doesn’t want Steffy to go through that. Brooke should have supported Hope when Liam cheated and she decided she deserved better than an unfaithful husband. Brooke forced her to take him back.
I have to say though, when your husband cheated on his former wife with you how many times?? Why would you ever expect him to be faithful to you? If he will cheat with you, he’ll cheat on you.
Anyway there is tonnes of history for decades and it definitely colours one’s thoughts on the show and characters.
The one and ONLY thing I will give Brooke is that she doesn't go after men as relentlessly as she used to. However, the fact that she continues to make these so-called "mistakes" at her age speaks to something that's still broken deep down inside of her. Maybe if she attempted to be a less selfish and self-absorbed person who would genuinely care about others, maybe she can begin to heal that brokenness inside of her.
There is no way I have the time or energy to reply to all the many comments directed at me above. I will hit highlights only. And this is why the Brooke lovers don’t comment as much on this blog because you ladies come at the Brooke supporters like a pack of wolves. Lol
Colly, you and I have a very different recollection of what happened when Steffy and Liam drank that night and ended up in bed together while he was married to Hope. I remember Liam telling Steffy how destroyed he was by what he had just witnessed at Thomas’s apartment. However, I DO NOT remember Liam telling Steffy he was still in love with her and then they went to bed together. I don’t recall anything like that. So if you are sure that happened, then please point me back to that episode date, and I will do my best to go back and watch it. What I do recall is Liam being riddled with guilt and wanting to tell Hope multiple times, but Steffy kept threatening Liam if he told because she was beyond determined to keep the truth from Finn. Disgusting!!
Additionally, you can’t possibly compare a kiss to having sex. Yes, Brooke wanted to keep a kiss secret. Steffy wanted to keep a f*ck secret!!! You are comparing apples to oranges yet again. Keeping a kiss secret is 10,000 times less significant than keeping a screw secret!! Moreover, there were feelings involved with Steffy and Liam. And zero feelings involved when Brooke kissed Deacon. So NO, I am not being hypocritical. As usual, your comparisons are not remotely comparable.
Colly, I never used the word “diplomatic” with regard to Brooke and Liam. I have zero clue what you are referring to. I said I can be OBJECTIVE about Brooke. That means I don’t agree with her fondness of Liam with regard to her daughter. That’s what I said.
Elle and BBfan, all the things you refer to, I did not see. I am basing my opinions on what I have seen. I watched the first two years when the show first started. And started watching again 4 1/2 years ago. That’s good enough for me to make my judgement. Whatever Brooke did before, I have no knowledge of. I think 4 1/2 years is plenty of time to make an assessment of someone’s character. And I like Brooke and think she is a stand up person. End of story.
Oh and apparently Ridge agrees with my assessment of Brooke. Because he goes back to her over and over and over again. So looks like Brooke’s own husband sees Brooke like I do, and not like you ladies do. And at the end of the day, that’s what matters.
Liam never said he wanted to get back together when they got drunk and slept together. Liam said, I gave up a lot when I CHOSE Hope. That’s what Liam said.
Lynn you keep saying you are basing your opinions on the last four and half years and ignoring all the rest of the show… that is analogous to reading 4 paragraphs of War and Peace and proclaiming yourself and expert on the book and characters!!!
Add to that constantly mocking other readers who read the whole book and are fully apprised of the entire story, historical setting, etc!
I thought there was a special news report report yesterday which only allowed part of yesterday’s episode to come through. And today was supposed to be the full version of yesterday’s show. But it seems identical to yesterday’s.
Yes Lynn, that’s what bob said yesterday, but it was a bit confusing?? It was only a few minutes of the beginning part of this episode, which was so odd?? The news report must have been in those first few minutes.. We got most of that episode so really there’s no reason they couldn’t put up todays new episode?? Weird?
I happen to look at the show on CBS when it airs everyday and yesterday, it aired for all of 3 seconds before it was cut to bring the special news report. The news report ran for the entire B&B segment meaning that the show did not air at all (except for the first 3 seconds). That's why it was shown again today in its entirety.
I wonder that too Elle. If it was my daughter I would not have pressured her to stay married to him after he cheated on her. If she can’t trust him, it will be a matter of time before he does it again.
If left to herself, I don’t think Hope would have taken him back.
I agree, Elle. I have no idea why Brooke likes Liam for her daughter. Liam is a waffler and always has been. And both Hope and Steffy should have kicked Liam to the curb. He should be a parent to his kids, but that’s it.
I agree Ell, that’s what I was trying to say yesterday.. brook always blames steffy for Liam’s misgiving’s, and then pushes hope and Liam back together.. so you have to wonder why?? I think it’s because of the rivalry between Logan’s and forresters, because no mother would want a man who cheats with her daughter??
Here in Canada there was no episode at all today, not even a repeat. Colly sweetie? I have your email, would love to chat with you. Too bad you're in Australia, a phone conversation would be long distance but have your email. Ttys
D, please email me, I would love to talk with you, even if it is through email.. please email me beautiful lady ❤️❤️ U didn’t miss much anyway, it was basically the same episode but just a few minutes more, and nothing major in that!! ❤️❤️
if it’s through email, the time won’t matter because it will just come through and it won’t matter what time it is, if it was night here but morning there, and u sent the email , I would see it when I woke up in the morning anyway.. so don’t worry about timing love, just send it and I will email back as soon as I get it xx please do , I would love to talk to u even if it’s through email xx
I think this is last night's episode ?
ReplyDeleteYes :(
ReplyDeleteIt's getting ore complicated then it ever was. Why would Finn's mother be so cruel knowing how much Steffy loved him.
I hate it when Brooke and Baby Hope get together to make more conflict again the Forresters. The Login's have no limit.
Cruel? She is the reason he is alive and a doctor and a good person.
DeleteWhat have foresters done for him?
Brooke and Hope discussing Hayes and IF he understands Finn is "dead".
At least the intelligent mother Li said thank goodness Hayes is too young to comprehend.
I’m concerned neither of them knows an infant can’t understand 😂
DeleteI’m pretty sure everyone (including Taylor and Ridge and of course Steffy) have been talking about “telling the kids” about Finn. The fact that Brooke brought it up at all was because she was repeating what she had heard FROM the Forresters. But as I always say, it’s just no fun for you ladies unless you can bash the Logan women. Kind of sad really…
DeleteLynn, the Logan lovers bash the forresters just as much.. I have read alot of nasty comments from some Logan lovers over the years.. so I think that’s just the nature of the Logan v forresters on the blog lol
Delete@ I don’t get it - you must have missed when Li asked Steffy….”Have you informed the children??”
DeleteColly, when there is some action that lends itself well to commentary, then bash away. But often times I think they just look for something…anything to say because they haven’t met their “Bash Brooke” quota for the day. I noticed my team (team Brooke) generally doesn’t try to meet any daily quota. We just comment on things that are actually worth commenting on. And like I said before, maybe cuz most days more people from “Team Steffy” are comment on these blogs.
DeleteLynn, ppl watch the show every day, have u thought that the small team of Logan lovers don’t comment because brook behaves in ways that they can’t defend?? Has that ever crossed your mind? You seem to think that brook is an absolute angel and even when it is as plain as day she is being horrible, you still make excuses for her.. I am talking about myself when I say this, I am always objective, I will complement the Logan’s when given reason to, but sadly that is not often wether u see that or not.. brook could do ANYTHING and u will defend her to the death lol
DeleteThat is absolutely not true. I have said for days on end that I don’t think Brooke should support Hope’s marriage to Liam. I agree that Liam is a waffler. I have said that for days. And Brooke being such a fan of Liam is bad.
DeletePleeeeaaaase show me once where you bashed Steffy?? I don’t remember that ever happening. So once again, I don’t get your point. Why accuse me of something that you guys do every single day??
And no, it does not occur to me that Brooke is the villain just because there are more of you. I’ve already addressed that in previous comments. You guys have your little club on this blog, and people are not wanting to be in the minority to go up against you ladies. I, however, have zero issue with it. I actually don’t mind being in the minority at all.
Hope to Brooke: You're going back into the office. Brooke thinking, yes I have to go stake my claim. Taylor is using the office to grom on to Ridge. I have a lot more eaves droppings to do. Brooke pretending she is sympathetic to Steffy her ultimate rival for Ridge's attention. I have to be there to undermine Taylor!
ReplyDeletesheila sheila sheila at fault for everything! Go for it Li. This isn't twisted at all-eyeroll.
Brooke is auditioning her never before seen sympathy, of Steffy, to Hope. If Hope buys it, those dimbulb Forresters will buy it too.
Steffy memememe me me me me memememem.Old anthem.
Li's coming by, sounds like fun. Can I choose a few root canals instead?
I'd like to give sheila a medal for the label switch. She's looking much more entertaining. Brooke and Hope let's go over the label switch again, and pin everything wrong on her. Ok. Brooke: How long has Liam been gone? Hope should say, " Oh 2 boinks worth. "
Steffy wants to lean on Li. Li saw Steffy throwing herself in Liam's arms, so Finn doesn't need her! Kids allowed out of coma to go to the park, WITH NANNY OF COURSE. Here's your lunch, nyquil nyquil gulp gulp.
While Steffy is asking LI where is he? Li thinking of going full on psycho- devil blue eye girl!. Brooke is ashamed of Hope. My daughter a not so good husband stealer! Even when they are married, they have to steal back hubbys from renewed perceived threats. Steffy: How do I ,I I IMe me me me go on, (the only one who counts.) What's finn's insurance worth> hmmm did he have double indemnity? I have to go on with my life, don't I?
Book, considering Steffy was shot, is still recovering and found out her hubby’s bio mum murdered him, I’d say she has a right to have some support from a friend. I understand you don’t like her but she’s not being selfish or unreasonable… she loves her husband and is distraught about losing him. She makes her own money and I don’t think his life insurance is anywhere in her thinking.
DeleteAmelia is taking the kiddos because she’s their nanny and keeping them in their normal schedule is even more important after a big trauma. Steffy and Finn would normally be at work so she’s just keeping them in their routine so they can feel safe.
I must have missed Steffy throwing herself into Liam’s arms… I saw him give her a gentle hug of support, but neither of them was doing anything inappropriate. It’s perfectly normal to comfort a friend who has just lost their spouse 😢.
Hope did really well standing up for herself and Liam and showing empathy for Steffy, long may it last. I laughed when she brought up Bill and Deacon, “emmm Mum you have two exes that still love you… just saying…” 😂.
Brooke said the right words in front of Ridge but clearly she doesn’t believe them lol. Hope’s expressions showed she want buying it either. Whatever Brooke’s intentions might be, the things she says would definitely undermine a marriage and being up doubts regarding her son in law.
Li thinks she still needs to protect Finn, from Whom?? That means that not only Steffy, Kelly and Hayes think he’s dead but Jack too. She’s cross with him, and rightly so but it’s cruel to make them all think he’s dead. Having Steffy and the bairns with him, might help him fight his way back!
So Liam hugging Steffy is perfectly acceptable, but when Eric was hugging Brooke weeks ago, that was clearly inappropriate???? Hmmmmm…..
DeleteLol Eric hugging Brooke isn’t an issue lol, but sleeping with Donna while he’s married to Quinn is a different story. Whether you hate Quinn or not it’s not okay for him to be sneaking around having an affair. Just get a divorce already… if he truly cares about Donna at all he’s hurting her by treating her like a piece of meat, then going home to his wife for emotional support and intelligent conversation. 🙄🙄
DeleteEric will always have a massive soft spot for Brooke and I would expect him to comfort her… no surprises there.
DeleteSomeone - I don’t remember who, went crazy on this blog about “Brooke laying in Eric’s arms” and how extremely inappropriate it was. I argued it was absolutely no big deal in many comments. So someone (maybe not you, BBfan) absolutely was berating Brooke for the Eric hug scene.
DeleteCorrect Bbfan. Steffy is also still recovering from a gunshot that almost killed her. She cannot manage the kiddies on her own. She needs help. I'm surprised Paris isn't helping out more since she was so good with them when she was staying there before.
DeleteBBfan, I agree that 2 wrongs don’t make a right and Eric should not be carrying on with Donna behind Quinn’s back. If he doesn’t love Quinn, then divorce her. Cheating is wrong no matter what.
DeleteI'm surprised you don't remember, Lynn since you went back and forth with me trying to prove your point.
DeleteI never said that Eric was wrong for hugging Brooke, I stated that as soon as Brooke started having problems in her marriage there she goes rubbing up on another man seeking comfort. It wasn't about a hug being wrong, it was about classic Brooke behavior - finding comfort in the arms of another man.
Elle, I get all the Brooke haters confused because there are many of you.
DeleteWhat you wrote above makes zero sense. Steffy was looking for comfort from Liam. Brooke was looking for comfort from Eric. Both were ex’s. Both were friends. And oh by the way, Brooke hasn’t recently slept with Eric. But Liam recently slept with Steffy. You don’t have any leg to stand on with your comment.
And there was no “rubbing all over another man”. Anymore than Steffy was “rubbing all over Liam”. Just pure hypocrisy.
DeleteAnd just one more thing on this “laying in the arms of another man” comment. You knew at the time you made your comments weeks ago that Brooke sees Eric as a very good friend and nothing more. You absolutely knew Brooke wasn’t planning on ANYTHING happening with Eric that was inappropriate, and yet you still went on and on with your outrage of Brooke. It was TOTALLY uncalled for.
DeleteAgain, it was not about the hug, neither was it about anything that Brooke may or may not be planning. It was about Brooke running to another man for comfort as soon as her relationship is in trouble. It's her MO and it cannot be compared to Steffy seeking comfort because, as far as she knows, her husband died. Completely different scenario.
DeleteAs for my comment being uncalled for, I don't post here to please others. I post to comment on what is happening in the show. I've observed how put off you get by us Brooke-haters to the point where you feel compelled to make us see the error of our ways. However, you don't say anything to the Taylor or Steffy-haters because I guess you're okay with it even though many times those comments are also uncalled for. That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think?
If you don't like what is being posted about Brooke, you can always ignore it instead of telling us how we should or should not post about your fave.
Ell, I agree with you, a lot of brook fans have made comments that r on the nasty side, and I am not referring to u Lynn, or any particular person, just many that have made comments that are not called for and that I don’t agree with, but that is the nature of a blog..
Deleteas I said earlier, we all have our faves, and we all have our opinions and that is the whole point of this blog.. for everyone to freely comment on what they think about the show and it’s characters.. there will always be lovers and haters and opinion’s.. if we don’t like what others say, then that’s their opinion and vice versa.. we cannot make people change their opinions because we don’t agree, and there r many uncalled for opinions, that is just the nature of this blog..
Elle, well if we are gonna talk about MO’s, then let’s talk about the Steffy MO of her sleeping with Liam who is married to another woman, Hope. And how Steffy tries to wrangle ways to get Liam away from Hope. Let’s talk about Steffy sleeping with Liam when he was married to Hope, or how Steffy wanted Liam to keep the secret by not confessing the infidelity to Hope. Or how Steffy conspired with Thomas to keep Liam for her very own. You want to talk about MO’s, then you should be talking about your beloved, Steffy. I haven’t seen Brooke sleep with anyone else other than Ridge the 4 + years I’ve been watching the show. I can’t say the same for Steffy. Steffy slept with another woman’s husband.
DeleteSo if anyone should be “put off” by a woman being in some other man’s arms, it should be us Hope / Brooke fans who don’t think Steffy should be laying in Liam’s arms. We know Brooke’s concerns are absolutely justified concerning Liam. And my comment about Steffy’s MO with Liam is absolutely justified.
DeleteAnd of course I don’t argue with people who agree with me, anymore than you argue with people who agree with you. I make my own comments on the blog about the show and people argue with my comments. And I also comment on others comments, just like you do. I am not unique in trying to make other people see my side. That’s what every single person on this blog does.
Lynn, I am sorry love but I have to disagree here.. I don’t think brooks concerns r justified for the simple fact that yes liam cheated, so if she knows he is a cheater , why push for hope to b with him, to then have to keep in on a choker lead to make sure he doesn’t hurt her again.. oh I want u to b with Liam but I don’t trust him, don’t let him out of your sight!! It’s easy to blame steffy Lynn, but it was him who ran to her.. if he really loved hope, he wouldn’t run straight to steffy and sleep with her.. and for the record Lynn, it was he who initiated them sleeping together, not steffy.. but if it makes ppl feel better, just blame steffy and give Liam a free pass.. and to add to that, brook may not have slept with anyone else for a while, but she sure has been snogging different men over the last few years!! Oh, but let me guess, that’s ok, because it’s brook?? Mmmm
DeleteColly, I don’t remember it like you remember it. Liam went to Steffy’s after he saw Thomas kissing the mannequin. Steffy and Liam started drinking and kissing and ended up sleeping together. Liam didn’t initiate anything more than Steffy, they were equally guilty. I remember distinctly that Liam was guilt ridden about the betrayal and Steffy kept insisting he keep the secret because she absolutely did not want Finn to find out. Liam was being eaten alive by guilt for the betrayal he had committed to Hope, and Steffy felt no guilt at all. Hilarious!! All Steffy cared about was protecting her secret so Finn wouldn’t dump her. It was completely pathetic on Steffy’s part. Cowardice at its finest!!! She wasn’t about to let the betrayal to Finn ruin her future with him. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteAnd all the Brooke haters go on and on about keeping the kiss from Ridge! Not even in the same ballpark of betrayal!!
I feel like a broken record sometimes. As I’ve stated, I have only watched the show for the past 4 1/2 years. So I don’t know what happened during the time I wasn’t watching. But 4 1/2 years is plenty of time for me to assess Brooke’s character today. And I see her as faithful to Ridge. So whatever she did or didn’t do in the past…10 years ago, isn’t a concern to me.
I agree that Brooke shouldn’t have to worry about Liam cheating…and if she is, she should be telling Hope to dump him, not keep him tethered. I’ve said multiple times that I think Liam should be kicked to the curb by all the women on the show.
And I have no idea why Brooke has such a soft spot for Liam, but she does. I think part of it is because of baby Beth (that we never ever see.) Brooke wants the family kept together and she knows Hope loves Liam, so Brooke wants that family kept in tact.
And have all the Brooke haters considered the fact that they were horrified that Brooke would allow Deacon to come into the house to spend time with Hope, but when Liam is going over to Steffy’s to play house for hours on end, that is perfectly acceptable???
DeleteExplain that to me.
Your contention was that Brooke had a past with Deacon, so it was unacceptable that she would allow him on the property to spend time with his daughter.
And yet Steffy, who has actually screwed Liam while he was married to Hope should absolutely be allowed to have Liam come over to her house to take care of her without any regard for Hope’s feelings about that.
Sometimes I don’t think you ladies hear yourself talk.
Lynn, firstly, yes they drank together, BUT, Liam started telling steffy how he still loves her and wanted them to get back together, steffy told him no and to go sort things out with hope, but he kept going on about how he missed steffy and kelly and their life together, and then HE kissed HER.. then they got caught up and slept together..
Deletenow, u say that steffy wanted to keep it a secret because she didn’t want to lose Finn, yet when brook haters were talking about how wrong it was that brook kept HER secret (for months), U basically said, oh she only kept it from ridge because a whole bunch of “circumstances” spiraled out of control and then she didn’t tell him because she just didn’t want to hurt him and something along the lines of what was the point in hurting him by telling him etc.. what a load of bullshite Lynn!!
You completely contradict yourself and make excuses for brook and ALL of her behaviour, no matter what that behaviour is, u always defend her to the death even when it’s blatantly obvious how bad her behaviour is, then u wonder why u r the minority because MOST people DONT LIKE brook, for very OBVIOUS reasons!! U r doing my head in love.. u say we don’t know how to b diplomatic and admit when our faves r wrong, yet brook can do NO wrong in your eyes.. I don’t even remember a time where u have been diplomatic where brook is concerned..? u always have a reason why it’s ok for brook to behave badly but quick to berate other characters u don’t like..
At the end of the day, u can blame steffy all u want, BUT, Liam ran straight to her, told her he wants her back and misses her and still loves her , then she said no go sort it out with hope , he wouldnt , then HE kissed HER, go back and watch it again and refresh your memory.. yes she didn’t want to hurt Finn, just like brook apparently didn’t want to hurt ridge, and before u say “oh, but brook didn’t sleep with him”, sorry it was still a betrayal, and with a man ridge despises most on earth at that, and before u say it wasnt her fault cause she was drinking, the same can b said for steffy then cause she was drinking.. Lynn, do u not see the contradictions u make?? LIAM fucked up, he betrayed hope, it’s not steffy’s fault, she DID NOT put a gun to Liam’s head and say sleep with me.. but if it makes u feel better to blame EVERYONE else for your faves behaviour, that is your prerogative love !!
Lynn, Liam has 2 families, it is not unreasonable for him to support his family with steffy after a major tragedy.. ridge didn’t want a man he despised just waltzing in the front door of his home.. that is also reasonable, considering that is the home he shares with brook.. she did not listen to his feelings.. ridge warned her deacon would cause trouble and he did.. ridge does not have family ties to deacon.. his family with brook is RJ, hope is his step daughter.. he does not have to put up with deacon.. that’s the difference.. Liam has every right to b at steffies, and supporting her and kelly because like it or not, they r also HIS FAMILY.. that simple!!
DeleteAnd one last thing, u said that u have been diplomatic where brook is concerned, by that you mean that u don’t know why brook wants hope with Liam.. that’s not being diplomatic.. maybe if you said that brook should stay out of hopes marraige or brook shouldn’t be saying these things when she told ridge she actually cares about and wants to support steffy then behind his back try to take away any support steffy has.. and brook should tell ridge how she REALLY feels about the way liam is supporting steffy and that she thinks it’s wrong, and ask him what he thinks about stopping Liam going there and taking kelly away from her mother when kelly is scared confused and sad, and wants her mother!!
DeleteCowardice at its finest is to chuck a tantrum cause your husband was stuck on a tarmac and pull out a bottle of vodka and pressure a man your husband despises to drink with u on new years cause u can’t b alone for 5 minutes, kiss that man, then lie to your husband for months on end and coerce others to keep your secret including manipulating a young boy because your to much of a coward to just tell him the truth because u don’t want him to dump you and then blame it ALL on alcohol??!!
DeleteTo be fair you keep harping on how Steffy cheated with Liam once, while he was married to Hope and never let it go. Hope on the other hand did it multiple times when Liam was married to Steffy!!! Hope actually moved in with Liam and was sleeping with him while he was married to Steffy. In their last marriage she threw herself at him so many times and then slept with him and got pregnant with Beth, all while he was married with a pregnant wife and again when they were engaged to remarry after Kelly was born.
DeleteThe three times Liam and Steffy were married, Hope cheated with Liam in them all but that is NEVER ever spoken of or totally excused since Hope saw Liam first! That is bullocks, cheating is cheating.
Steffy isn’t an angel 😇, but then she’s Never claimed to be one! Hope does and she and Brooke go on and on but Hope has done more cheating with a married man than Steffy but it’s okay???
The fact Brooke with her very very chequered history has no business slagging anyone else off. She constantly tries to make Hope insecure so she’ll strangle hold Liam… that is so toxic and damaging. Being concerned is one thing, but Brooke is totally controlling and she even admits that she knows what’s best for everyone else. That’s arrogant and narcissistic, how about letting Hope and Liam figure it out. How about not making everything a competition… most parents don’t want their children stuck with cheating spouses.
I want to see Finn and Steffy reunite and Liam go home to wife. Maybe they can act like mature adults for a change. End of the day, even Hope is telling her mum not create problems where they don’t exist!
Lynn, please feel free to say what you want about who you want because this is a public blog and you are entitled to your own opinions. Have at it!
DeleteAnd if you think Steffy sleeping with a married Liam is her MO, then I'm curious to know what you think about your girl, Hope. She lost her virginity to a married Liam. She also moved in with a married Liam and started planning a wedding even though Liam was still in love with Steffy. Then, when she returned to LA a few years ago, she slept and got pregnant by a married Liam while his wife was also pregnant. If one night of drunken sex is so bad in your eyes, what do you think of Hope's behavior? She was in a right frame of mind, BTW, and knew everything she was doing.
Lynn since you’ve only been watching for 4 years or so you’ve missed literally 30 yrs plus of history. Brooke slept with many other women’s husbands and boyfriends. She cheated on Ridge sleeping with his siblings, she slept with Ridge while she was married to Eric and had to paternity test her children because she didn’t know who the father was more than once.
DeleteBrooke stole her sister’s husbands/boyfriend’s / fiancés as well her own daughter’s. Poor Bridget lost both Nick and Deacon to Brooke. Brooke had many other men over the years and was Ridge’s mistress for a lot of them. The writers have revised history to make it seem she and Ridge has this long committed relationship. That isn’t true. In fact she chose other men several times over Ridge. He chose Taylor over Brooke too.
There is so much history. Same with Hope. She slept with Liam repeatedly when he was happily married to Steffy. Hope had opportunities to be with Liam but her immaturity and constant ultimatums prevented them being together. Hope was a spoiled sheltered princess and wanted it to be a fairytale romance. Hope stomped off in a huff or threw tantrums whenever she didn’t get her way or life wasn’t perfect.
She never acknowledged that Liam was in love with Steffy. He told her over and over that he was in love with his wife.
Hope chose to marry other men and have relationships. So again this fake history that she only loved Liam is rewritten by Bell Jr.
I understand that you didn’t see all that, but a lot of us did. We have every right to call out Brooke and Hope for being hypocritical when Steffy did it One time!!!!
Steffy doesn’t hold herself out as a paragon of virtue. She readily admits her mistakes. Brooke and Hope never see anything wrong with their behaviour. In fact Brooke encouraged Hope to sleep with Liam while he was married because she was entitled to, but oh Steffy best not speak to him.
I hope you can understand that while you like Brooke some of us don’t forget all the lives she destroyed without a second thought or people she hurt. If she had remorse and wasn’t so sanctimonious it might be easier to find some good in her. Honestly, except at the very very beginning episodes, she became more and more unlikeable as a character.
I laughed when Ridge talked about her big heart… it is only for herself. For everyone else it is a wee stone, shrivelled and hardened more than the grinch. She doesn’t really care if Hope is happy . It’s all about her competition with Taylor. Brooke has always had multiple men vying for her attention. She’s unhappy with just one. Right now she has Bill and Deacon waiting in the wings for her. She has a decades long history of turning to other men when things don’t go her way.
Liam shouldn’t be with Hope or Steffy, he’s a selfish twat. At least Taylor sees he’s toxic and doesn’t want Steffy to go through that. Brooke should have supported Hope when Liam cheated and she decided she deserved better than an unfaithful husband. Brooke forced her to take him back.
I have to say though, when your husband cheated on his former wife with you how many times?? Why would you ever expect him to be faithful to you? If he will cheat with you, he’ll cheat on you.
Anyway there is tonnes of history for decades and it definitely colours one’s thoughts on the show and characters.
Thank you, Bbfan. I couldn't have said it better.
DeleteThe one and ONLY thing I will give Brooke is that she doesn't go after men as relentlessly as she used to. However, the fact that she continues to make these so-called "mistakes" at her age speaks to something that's still broken deep down inside of her. Maybe if she attempted to be a less selfish and self-absorbed person who would genuinely care about others, maybe she can begin to heal that brokenness inside of her.
There is no way I have the time or energy to reply to all the many comments directed at me above.
DeleteI will hit highlights only. And this is why the Brooke lovers don’t comment as much on this blog because you ladies come at the Brooke supporters like a pack of wolves. Lol
Colly, you and I have a very different recollection of what happened when Steffy and Liam drank that night and ended up in bed together while he was married to Hope. I remember Liam telling Steffy how destroyed he was by what he had just witnessed at Thomas’s apartment. However, I DO NOT remember Liam telling Steffy he was still in love with her and then they went to bed together. I don’t recall anything like that. So if you are sure that happened, then please point me back to that episode date, and I will do my best to go back and watch it. What I do recall is Liam being riddled with guilt and wanting to tell Hope multiple times, but Steffy kept threatening Liam if he told because she was beyond determined to keep the truth from Finn. Disgusting!!
Additionally, you can’t possibly compare a kiss to having sex. Yes, Brooke wanted to keep a kiss secret. Steffy wanted to keep a f*ck secret!!! You are comparing apples to oranges yet again. Keeping a kiss secret is 10,000 times less significant than keeping a screw secret!! Moreover, there were feelings involved with Steffy and Liam. And zero feelings involved when Brooke kissed Deacon. So NO, I am not being hypocritical. As usual, your comparisons are not remotely comparable.
DeleteColly, I never used the word “diplomatic” with regard to Brooke and Liam. I have zero clue what you are referring to. I said I can be OBJECTIVE about Brooke. That means I don’t agree with her fondness of Liam with regard to her daughter. That’s what I said.
DeleteElle and BBfan, all the things you refer to, I did not see. I am basing my opinions on what I have seen. I watched the first two years when the show first started. And started watching again 4 1/2 years ago. That’s good enough for me to make my judgement. Whatever Brooke did before, I have no knowledge of. I think 4 1/2 years is plenty of time to make an assessment of someone’s character. And I like Brooke and think she is a stand up person. End of story.
DeleteOh and apparently Ridge agrees with my assessment of Brooke. Because he goes back to her over and over and over again. So looks like Brooke’s own husband sees Brooke like I do, and not like you ladies do. And at the end of the day, that’s what matters.
DeleteLiam never said he wanted to get back together when they got drunk and slept together. Liam said, I gave up a lot when I CHOSE Hope. That’s what Liam said.
DeleteLynn you keep saying you are basing your opinions on the last four and half years and ignoring all the rest of the show… that is analogous to reading 4 paragraphs of War and Peace and proclaiming yourself and expert on the book and characters!!!
DeleteAdd to that constantly mocking other readers who read the whole book and are fully apprised of the entire story, historical setting, etc!
Make sense???
Thank you Bob
ReplyDeleteIs there todays? Xxxx
I thought there was a special news report report yesterday which only allowed part of yesterday’s episode to come through. And today was supposed to be the full version of yesterday’s show. But it seems identical to yesterday’s.
ReplyDeleteColly you are correct, they must have shown it again today . We got the extra 6 min at the beginning.
DeleteSorry Lynn, you are right it’s a repeat just with the opening segment today that got bumped yesterday.
DeleteYes Lynn, that’s what bob said yesterday, but it was a bit confusing?? It was only a few minutes of the beginning part of this episode, which was so odd?? The news report must have been in those first few minutes.. We got most of that episode so really there’s no reason they couldn’t put up todays new episode?? Weird?
DeleteI happen to look at the show on CBS when it airs everyday and yesterday, it aired for all of 3 seconds before it was cut to bring the special news report. The news report ran for the entire B&B segment meaning that the show did not air at all (except for the first 3 seconds). That's why it was shown again today in its entirety.
DeleteThe only question is, will Steffy and Liam wait until after her maternity leave to have sex?
ReplyDeleteI don’t think they will at all!! She’s already on mat leave, her baby was born earlier this week.
DeleteThat's the yesterday episode
ReplyDeleteThere is no new episode today. It's the same as yesterday except, it's the full version.
ReplyDeleteWhy does Brooke want Liam as Hope's husband if she doesn't trust him to stay faithful to her? For the life of me, I don't understand it.
ReplyDeleteI wonder that too Elle. If it was my daughter I would not have pressured her to stay married to him after he cheated on her. If she can’t trust him, it will be a matter of time before he does it again.
DeleteIf left to herself, I don’t think Hope would have taken him back.
I agree, Elle. I have no idea why Brooke likes Liam for her daughter. Liam is a waffler and always has been. And both Hope and Steffy should have kicked Liam to the curb. He should be a parent to his kids, but that’s it.
DeleteI agree Ell, that’s what I was trying to say yesterday.. brook always blames steffy for Liam’s misgiving’s, and then pushes hope and Liam back together.. so you have to wonder why?? I think it’s because of the rivalry between Logan’s and forresters, because no mother would want a man who cheats with her daughter??
DeleteI agree Lynn, Liam doesn’t deserve either woman.. when he can’t have one he runs to the other.. there’s no way I would want my daughter with Liam..
DeleteHere in Canada there was no episode at all today, not even a repeat. Colly sweetie? I have your email, would love to chat with you. Too bad you're in Australia, a phone conversation would be long distance but have your email. Ttys
D, please email me, I would love to talk with you, even if it is through email.. please email me beautiful lady ❤️❤️ U didn’t miss much anyway, it was basically the same episode but just a few minutes more, and nothing major in that!! ❤️❤️
DeleteI will. Trying to get a grasp on the time difference. At this end it shows my post at 5:15 but it's really 8:15 here. Sorry not tec savy.
Deleteif it’s through email, the time won’t matter because it will just come through and it won’t matter what time it is, if it was night here but morning there, and u sent the email , I would see it when I woke up in the morning anyway.. so don’t worry about timing love, just send it and I will email back as soon as I get it xx please do , I would love to talk to u even if it’s through email xx
ReplyDeleteBob varför så mycket reklam