Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th February 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-14-24 Full episode B&B 14th February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. I wouldn’t say Poppy is a bad mother.. she has raised Luna to be a sweet, loving , good kid, and did it on her own with not much.. There are many people who suffer anxiety and alcohol can make it a lot worse so they turn to marijuana or something else.. but to be so careless with them, that is a MAJOR problem.. This whole scenario is a very sad one, and most of all for Luna.. Poppy will have to live with the guilt of what she put Luna through.. No parent is perfect, and raising kids, is the hardest thing to do in life.. They don’t come with an instruction manual, and parents do make mistakes, sometimes small and sometimes huge, like this, but Poppy has always been a devoted and good mother to Luna from what has been shown so far… people will disagree with my comment, but, it’s not as though Poppy has neglected Luna her whole life for a life of hard drugs, that become more important to them than their children, and even use them right in front of them, which I have seen in my work setting quite a lot.. Alcohol can have much worse effects on people suffering anxiety, much worse, but to be so careless, anything could have happened to Luna in that big city.. Major, major mistake on Poppy’s part..

    1. Completely agree with so much of what you have said.
      However I’m not convinced that this is cannabis.
      Yeah whatever cannabis psychosis is possible, the first time to that extent of hallucination and then not further symptoms of psychosis no.
      How is Poppy functioning? So we haven’t seen her take 2 but. So what exactly are these “mints”? Acid makes you hallucinate but if it’s acid hue the hell is Poppy having a conversation with Bill 1 or 2 hours after taking one? It certainly is going to start peaking by then. If mushrooms going to be similar that she would be rambling nonsense in conversation.
      So shall be interesting what is found to be in these.

    2. It could be something like a small amount of Ketamine or something similar, they are often used in recreational drugs.. it depends where she sources it from.. Marijuana can absolutely cause psychosis and hallucinations if enough has been taken, especially if it was a substantial amount on the first use, and although 2 glasses of champagne doesn’t sound like much, when mixed with that, especially first use can absolutely cause what happened.. The strain of Marijuana should also be taken into account, and how it’s grown.. There are potent strains and if it was grown hydroponically, it can have adverse effects, then add champagne, in a small petite girl like her, and nothing else in her system?? But Ketamine, opioids and fentanyl (morphine) will make you hallucinate and are also used to make these types of recreational drugs.. it could also be a mix of substances.. Not necessarily the most common like cocaine, acid, etc.. There are so many variables, and how the person who uses it reacts with it.. Especially first time using it..

    3. Also, Poppy did tell Bill, they were “natural”, and she said to Luna she thought they were “harmless”.. So maybe what is in them is not what Poppy thinks there is, or it is a potent strain grown hydroponically that Luna had an adverse reaction to?? When people “green out” they don’t have psychosis, but do hallucinate..

    4. Colly agree with everything you said about Poppy. She has been a good mother. Luna seems to have a good head on her shoulders. And the edibles (THC) Poppy takes after 20 yrs, is probably too strong for Luna. The sad part is now Zende is dragged into this. And I bet Eric did see Luna leaving the quest house. That's why all the questions .

    5. D, the thing with edibles is that they take much longer to absorb than if taken other ways, such as smoking it, and they have to be processed through the gut.. so they creep up on you more slowly.. and yes, the amount of substance plays a huge role as well.. Poppy has built a tolerance to it if using it for well before Luna was born, so they probably contain a considerable amount, and Luna having more than one in a short period time with alcohol added, and being first time, things could have been a lot worse.. I hope it comes out what is in them, I would be curious to know!! But I don’t think the writers themselves have even thought about that, like with Eric’s illness, just take a stab and don’t put a name on it!! 🀣🀣🀣

    6. They have to be losing alot of viewers with the writing. Just look at the few comments lately. Not much to discuss. But the repetitive Luna asking Poppy what about the mints for 1/2 hr today? Let's move on. I shouldn't be posting after a few glasses of wine. 😊

    7. 🀣🀣🀣❤️

  2. I was just waiting for Eric to bring up RJ and Luna as an example of finding “the right one”, to see Zende’s reaction!! If Eric was up early walking the property or standing on his balcony, I wonder if he saw Luna leaving?? Maybe that’s what his impromptu early morning visit to Zende was really about?? Fishing maybe?

  3. Well, so much for my prediction that Hope was going to accept Thomas's proposal on Valentine's Day. This was definitely not the most romantic Valentine's episode πŸ˜•. Would have been nice to see some "couples" moments, if not between Hope and Thomas, then Finn and Steffy. This storyline with Luna and the mints is really rather depressing.

    1. Agreed!! Why do they put such horrible episodes on when it’s celebration days!!

  4. But on a positive note, I think the actors portraying Luna and Zende are doing a really good job with this storyline, as awful as it is. And at least Zende is feeling some remorse for what he did.

    1. Wow, I missed the part of what he did!!! Maybe too focused on what THEY together did. Super unfortunate for the both of them. 😒

    2. Well of course it takes two to tango. But we all knew Luna would feel remorse. Given what a jerk Zende has been lately, him feeling remorse was not a given.

  5. I know Eric owns the property, and Zende is his grandson but he should still knock before just walking in. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, and maybe it's what people do on television shows. It always bothered me about the show Friends. They all just walked in each other's apartments across the hall.
    Anyway, it's time to stop calling them "mints". Pills, drugs? Poppy made a mistake, but a very costly one for Luna. She won't be able to keep this a secret from RJ. Her guilt will show on her face. And you can imagine the awkward glances between Luna and Zende at work. For some reason Zende is more attractive when he's not being a jealous jerk.
    Where is Sheila? Remember her? It's like the writers have just abandoned Sheila and Deacon. Just a random thought.

  6. I feel for Zende. All the focus is on Luna at the moment, but I really feel that Zende is just as gutted as Luna. We all know who is going to cop all the blame even given the circumstances.

    1. I know 🀦🏾 this is so just sad . The poor boy was crying

  7. Oh meehnn. This is such a f*cking mess.. for the first time no one intended to hurt any one on purpose . This whole mess is al because of these mints . This is so so so very sad. Poppy is not a bad mother , zende is not an S.O.B , Luna isnt a slut an R.J definately didnt deserve any of this... My god what a mess 🀦🏾🀦🏾 Li is going to eat this whole situation up . I hope Steffy won't get involved in this . The last thing i want to hear is her hypocritical lecture about being faithful πŸ™„πŸ™„

    1. I hope so too! Steffy is just like that. I can't stand a lecture from a person who isn't perfect. No one is, but you know what I mean

    2. Steffy would be the first one to defend Luna! She was drugged, she was hallucinating and will be honest with RJ! She’ll be unhappy with Zende for sleeping with RJ’s girlfriend and rightly so!! He’s been so hostile to RJ and doing everything he can to come between RJ ans Luna!

      Steffy is not some evil witch I hate that people talk about her like that! She’s no hypocrite. She admits her own mistakes but isn’t afraid to call others out on it.

  8. B&B should have worked Valentine's Day into the stories. First Valentine's Day for RJ & Luna should have involved RJ giving roses to Luna. It would have been nice to catch up with Deacon & Shelia. Did they have a romantic Valentine's at Deacon 's place or were they busy at the restaurant? So many couples right now & NOTHING romantic. It would have been entertaining to see Liam all alone admitting he has no Valentine. πŸ˜‚

    Today's show needed to happen to further the story, but it could have been delayed a day. ♥️

  9. Well going out on a limb here. With all the pill popping ( magic mints) I'm guessing the pill needed now is the morning after one. I'm hoping B&B isn't going to beat a dead horse with the next scenario being .. who's the baby's daddy paternity dilemma. Zende is just as gutted as Luna.

    1. Zende is only gutted that he didn’t have proper revenge on RJ since Luna thought she was with him not Zende. He thought he got one over and is upset that it was something that horrified Luna.
