Friday, January 10, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-10-25 Full episode B&B 10th January 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-10-25 Full episode B&B 10th January 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Completely boring scenes with Logans.

    2. Agree Dodzia
      The Logans sisters are like High school from the valley. Lol eavesdropping and calling right away.

    3. Unknown, I was convinced it was Jack! 😁

    4. Me too on Jack! Where’s D — ?? She was convinced it was Finn. 😉😉

    5. I'm still not convinced it's Jack, just yet. There is something going on with Bill, and the night of the murders, Jack and Justin were seen there. It's a huge possibility it's Jack, but if not then I say Poppy and Finn had a night of drug filled sex.
      Today the show seemed really boring.I missed the last 5min also. It sounds like the most interesting part.
      I also missed alot of shows over the holidays. When did Donna find out about the take over and everything else that was going on?? I didn't see any of that, or how she and Eric reacted to it as a couple. I figured it would have caused alot of tension between those two.

  2. Tridge in a few scenes is much sexier than Bridge with their thousand scenes since 2003. :D

    1. Yea especially with this Taylor actress looking like her daughter's peer not mother XD. This is too ridiculous

    2. Btw Taylor is an attempted murderer of Bill and the real murderer of Darla and far more but she never take responsibility for her actions :) I'm pretty sick from her constant innocence. Same goes for Steffy, pretty foul.

    3. OMG that's like a hundred years ago Xsoundscool 🤣🤣

    4. Not to mention that Darla’s death was ruled accidental, she was changing her tyre in the dark in a stormy night with no visibility! It was an accident!

    5. All the hate towards Taylor when Ridge is the one who is pursuing her! He’s single! He’s no longer with Brooke and can see and do whatever he wants!

      He’s a complete tosser but he’s still the one pursuing a relationship with Taylor! He always loved her according to him!

      Ridge is the one wanting to buy back the beach house. I think RJ was renting it.

    6. Taylor was drunk and killed Darla. Now steffie killed Darlas daughter who is also her uncle Thorn daughter probably why he left Foresster. Carter should get rick to come back and help run the company as he is part Forrester, he should bring thorn back to, Thorn is a Forrester and for many years Ridge made him feel like an outsider because Ridge wanted to take control of the company. So all this is power hungriness for Ridge and his daughter. Even Felicia Eric daughter also worked there and Ridge fought with them for power because he knows he is not Eric biological child. Eric Jr. Bridgette, Thorn, Felica and the other sister all are first heirs before Ridge, but he acts like the company is only he and Steffie. oh how i wish Thorn and rick could come back. Thorn would finally have his day over Ridge

    7. I think the part you ladies are missing is that it is clearly all a game to Ridge!! The only ones who ever end up completely devastated are the women!! Ridge just bounces back and forth like a ping pong ball!!
      Look at Ridge’s face at the end (if you were able to see the last 5 mins of the show.). That is NOT the face of a happy man. He’s just playing games, and the ONLY ONE in for heartbreak is Taylor!! Let’s place our bets now!!!

    8. Ridge just turns on whatever charm he has and these women are putty in his hands. Soooooo incredibly GROSS!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. For the record….I don’t hate Taylor. I just think she’s a fool and an opportunist, and a little slutty.
      And I don’t want to hear one single word about Taylor’s broken heart syndrome this next go-around! Clearly she was faking or she would never be this clueless to put her health at risk again!! Or would she….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    12. @Peggy and @Xsiundscool, you both seem REALLY upset that Ridge is with Taylor and they GONNA have SEX 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤭 please don't forget that Brooke is an attempted murderer too, let me refresh your memory, she tried to kill Steffy by pulling out her life support while in hospital so please don't pretend that the SFTV is so innocent 🤭🚩

    13. Oh Lynn you do hate Taylor just as much as we hate ALL the HOgan's. We don't care about what YOU want to hear or not, you are not our mother to tell us to keep quiet 🚩 very strange that if Taylor was telling lies that she would have allowed Ridge to go with her to see Dr Buckingham when she was misdiagnosed in Europe, shit, Taylor MUST have slipped Dr B a 50 to diagnose her in front of RIDGE 😂🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

    14. Just keep trolling little u. That’s clearly all you have in life. You aren’t worth anyone’s time.

    15. Iunknown : 👍🏻👍🏻 you are a fresh air too :) ! HOOOOOOOOOOOOgan ^___^ Well, there you go, I can be positive! Yeah, I know, but it doesn't go in the direction of moralizers :D! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOgan ^_____________^!

    16. meli embracing the TROOOOOOOOOL life... found your true calling

    17. yes ! get a real life :D I don't need to make a double fake account to say what I think! Avoid insulting or go to the hospice if you can't stand people saying that HOOOOOOOOOOOOOgan are profiteers!

    18. Lynn, Ridge's face at the end, I didn't see it as him being unhappy. Pensive maybe, but not unhappy. He was probably thinking about the end of an era with Brooke, which is understandable.

      I don't know how long it's going to last with Taylor this go around but I wish Taylor didn't rush into things with Ridge given what went down last time. If it were me, he would have had to prove his worth and prove that I wouldn't be wasting my time going back to him.

    19. Elle, fair enough. I’ll give you pensive. 😊
      Honestly, Ridge doesn’t have enough years on the planet to prove to either woman he wouldn’t be wasting their time. All he’s done his entire adult life is waste women’s time. At some point you just have to accept the fact that this is who he is and wash your hands of him.
      I think all of us (even as bloggers) get sucked into his desperate attempt at charm with our favs. He sure puts it into overdrive sometimes… with this recent Taylor interaction at Eric’s. But it’s all just a show for him. He’s a scared little insecure man who has a very thin veil of charm which allows him to “get the girl” time and time again. He’s old and washed up! What do they even see in the waffler??!!! All three of them need serious counseling.

    20. meli stop trying to strain your little brain, it won't come up with anything smart. trolls are trolls and you're one of them. keep trolling with the other brainless unknowns, that's all you parasites can.

    21. please continue your harassment :) you are doing your lost cause a disservice! The mental asylum welcomes you with a nice straitjacket :)! Chase me again, you're wasting your time :) and time is precious

  3. Brooke took over the company hostilely like in 1993 and is once again a victim of her own greed. :D

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yea... don't mention the fact the Forresters were trying to deceive her and discredit her from HER own Belief. It's pretty disgusting.

    3. BeLief wasn’t Brooke’s! She created it as part of her job at Forrester. It belonged to her employer!

      Anymore than any chemist etc owns pharmaceuticals they develop at work, etc.

      That whole story line was the opposite of Intellectual Property laws in any jurisdiction!

      Forrester shouldn’t have had to try and trick an employee from trying to patent something that was intellectual property of the company! Brooke had to no right to patent that formula in her name!

    4. Doozie, exactly, and she made a complete mess of it, same as when Rick and Miah staged a coup. They were petty and vindictive and ran it into the ground. Bell Sr showed Brooke as a greedy gold digger… Brad Bell changed history to redeem her and make her his heroine!

      Brooke is still making excuses for Hope! Her motives were in NO way pure, what a joke!

      Hope wanted power and revenge! Just like her mum did back in the day!

      Mine of Logan’s were minimalised or repressed or overlooked! Forrester bent over backwards to accommodate them and give them support and keep dead lines running just to make them happy. Their whole persecution complex is ridiculous! It’s just a sense of entitlement!

    5. I think the formula was an accident

    6. Brava BBFan! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Correct on Brooke's BeLief formula. It was created in a Forrester lab while she was a Forrester employee. It belonged to them.

      And Hope manipulated Carter to take control out of pure revenge and spite for Steffy firing her. Brooke saying that her heart was in the right place is ridiculous. Hope really did a number on her momma. Brooke's so weak. It's why I kept hoping that she would stand with the Forresters against Carter and Hope. Hope's in her 30s and she will continue to have Brooke wrapped around her little finger for 30 more years. Just watch.

  4. Ridge is the one pouring his heart out now but, why is Taylor falling for it? They are moving way too fast.

    And why would Donna call Brooke to deliver such devastating news knowing that her sister is still in her mourning period? I would not have done that. And did she say "my house" as though Ridge is a stranger there? It's his father's house. Wow Donna.

    1. Elle agree. Brooke and Ridge split up so why is Donna reporting his movements like he’s cheating or something?

      Brooke already knows he’s with Taylor now.

      Maybe Donna thinks that if Brooke knows it will be easier for her to move on without Ridge?

      Although they may push her to pursue her destiny??

      I can’t believe Brooke told Katie her plan since Katie can’t keep a secret to save her life 😂

    2. My house lol. She is entitled by marriage
      That is Ridge's mother and father home
      A family home
      And Brooke said his room
      So he still has rights

    3. @Vennie 💯👏👏👏 I laughed when she said "MY house" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤭🤭🚩 gold diggers, ALL of them 🤔

    4. Lmao BBFan 😂 😂 For sure! It's not going to be long before Carter and Hope find out. 😂 😂 😂

      I still say Donna shouldn't have called Brooke. Maybe if she saw Brooke still struggling after some time, she could have told her... "Girl, snap out of it! Ridge planned a special night for Taylor recently. He wined and dined her then, he took her up to his room and she spent the night. It's clear he has moved on. You should too."

    5. Elle! So nice to finally see you, lovely lady!! Now I’ll know who I’m talking to! 😊😊😊

    6. Aw shucks, Lynn. You got me blushing over here ☺️🙃 Thank you! 🤗❤️ And right back atcha 😉

  5. Funny that these people have to live with their fathers or daughters, but good to see the legendary beach house back. Many iconic Tridge scenes when Taylor beat Brooke regularly from 1990-2002 before Brad Bell took over the show from his father and caused the lowest ratings in history.

    1. Well to be fair, Taylor sold her homes and Ridge bought Brooke’s big estate for her. The Forrester mansion is the family home so any of the members can go there. Sure Ivy and Electra are moving in the guest houses too! As well as Zende.

    2. Not to mention, the show just cannot afford multiple sets anymore. I remember back in the day, everyone had their own place.

    3. Elle, they had amazing sets back in the day and wardrobe and a huge cast! Now there are just a few core people and four sets? They recycle the office ones etc

  6. Bridge Burned episode nr 248568. :D

  7. Brooke shouldn’t regret that slap. She did great. Ridge deserved this. Of course it may seem to be overreaction if we think that it was only for Hope/Carter thing. But not if we consider Ridge’s beahviour with women through the years. He is acting like he can’t be without a woman in his bed for literally two days. It’s not fair to Taylor either. He doesn’t really care about her and her heart condition. If he did he would leave her alone not getting her hopes up so quickly. And Steffy being 30 or 40 and still wanting her parents together is ridicoulous. I don’t buy that you always want it no matter how old you are because my own parents are divorced and I’m perfectly ok with it. I want them happy not together and it doesn’t always be the same thing.

    1. Brooke shouldn't regret the slap, it was way overdue. I'm glad Katie encouraged her to stand up for herself.
      How is Steffy not sick of herself repeating "Brooke is out of my dad's life for good" every year is beyond me.

    2. Brooke also shouldn't be talking about the slap if she regrets it so much. At this point, I feel like she's bragging about slapping Ridge and pushing Taylor. 🤣

    3. Elle, lol, right? 😂🤣😂

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. She shared it with her two closest people, that's it. Anyone would.

    6. Milla, problem is Katie supports Carter and Hope in their decision. She’s notorious for not being able to keep a secret. I hope she doesn’t hurt Brooke by inadvertently blurting something out!

    7. BBFan there's no secret to keep and there's no "problem". Brooke has her family who love and support her unconditionally. That includes loyal sisters like Donna. Sorry Taylor and Steffy have nobody in their corner (besides Finn to passively nod and kiss), but Brooke does. She's not going through this alone and I'm all for it. Good for Donna for telling her, that's what a sister does. And good for Katie for being by her side. Brooke is obviously done with her intention to help Ridge, because he's an undeserving moron who rewarded her help with betrayal. So Katie has nothing to "blurt out".

  8. Replies
    1. Yes, the picture quality for the last 2 days has not been good.

  9. Poor Taylor....wake up...he always love Brooke

  10. There are 5 min of the show missing !!!!!

  11. Yea Taylor... I hope you're okay wearing that dress designed primarily for... Brooke ! Unless she's that stupid not to think about it

    1. Taylor is much much smaller than Brooke. How could it have been designed for Brooke.

    2. Exactly, Brooke would never have fit into that dress! It definitely wasn’t for her!

    3. @Xsoundscool, how do you know the dress was designed for the SFTV 🤔😂😂😂😂🤭 besides, Brooke is FATTER than Taylor, there's NO way it was meant for the HO....that dress is petite model NOT for big boned middle aged 🚩😂

  12. Thank you Bob 💕... Have a great weekend 🥀🌻❣️😘

  13. Can you please re-upload the episode since there are 5 mins missing. Thanks

  14. Ooooh. Li and poppy are on next week about Luna's father.

    Poor Tom.

    1. Ohhh should be interesting. Wonder what happened in the last 5 min of the show? We missed it here.

    2. BBFAN, it was just Brooke having flashbacks about her love story with Ridge. Then it showed Taylor laying on Ridge’s chest after they had sex. She is soooooo grateful to be with him. She looked extremely happy. While at the same time it shows Ridge with a confused and thoughtful look on his face. He’s clearly thinking about Brooke.

      Then the previews show Steffy proposing the idea to Carter and Hope that she come back to FC. Also, Poppy talking with Li about the possibility of Jack being Luna’s dad.

    3. Cheers Lynn! Appreciate it!

    4. Wish you ladies could access the CBS app. But I know you can’t. Whenever there are issues with Blogspot, I am able to defer to the real broadcast of the show. The reason I don’t use it all the time is because there’s way too much commercial time. Have a good weekend!!

  15. Replies
    1. It was the same look 1:1 he had the first time he slept with previous Taylor. That poor poor woman.

  16. Katie looks really good these days. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Taylor you don’t have to act like such a kiss ass with Ridge. He’s ready to move in with you 5 minutes after he and Brooke broke up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. That waffler is so pathetic!!

    I love how Brooke actually is bothered by the fact that she shoved Taylor. Not because Taylor didn’t deserve it, but because it just shows how decent Brooke is. When Steffy stormed out of the CEO office (weeks ago) and knocked into Hope with her shoulder - which Steffy absolutely did on purpose after she found out about the LLC situation, Steffy never felt guilt for one single second! Why….because Steffy is a total bitch!

    And previews show what many of us had suspicions about for a long time - Jack may be Luna’s dad!!

    1. Lynn I hope the Jack "paternity" is a distraction and they don't go there again. The only thing that it will bring is Luna and Finn half-siblings. Unless they plan to bring Jack permanently back, I don't see much of a point.
      There was a moment when Brooke hung up the phone when I thought I saw more anger than hurt in her. She's definitely not giving up the CEO position. If she focuses she can be extremely successful in that role. Hope should leave that office and go into the other one where she works on her line.
      And I wish they would explain where is RJ. Already preparing to get that beach house from him like he never existed... Same as with Wyatt.
      I may take another break from the show. It's at the lowest level ever, just like the troll situation here. When it starts taking time to dig for intelligent comments, that's a sign.
      Have a great and safe weekend, Lynn!

    2. M, it will also play into Luna's and Bill's story, I presume. Remember, she killed Tom because she was embarrassed that a bum was her father. It's why she latched on to Bill so quickly. Jack is far from being a bum. It will be interesting to see Luna's reaction to this news.

      Just this morning I, too, was saying it's time to take a break from the show. Will keep up with the previews each week and the updates on TikTok /Instagram for now.

    3. Katie looks beautiful! She needs a love interest that isn’t an ex of Brooke’s!

    4. Elle agree I’m curious. However Bill is a billionaire so it will be hard to compete with that!

    5. Elle and BBFan have a nice weekend too!

    6. Milla, I agree…..Brooke is definitely angry! She is angry, hurt and disappointed. What would it take for these writers to end this ridiculous triangle is the question. We are all sooooooooo over it!
      Speaking of “over it”..…I hope we are all over it as far as those three trolls are concerned. Let them do their nasty trash talk amongst themselves. But hoping the rest of us will stay clear. I don’t want you being run off because their nastiness wins! No way!!!! 🫂🫂🫂🤗🤗🤗
      Have a great weekend!!
      Oh and yes, way too many main characters on this show are MIA!!! What the hell??!!!

    7. Elle, please don’t take a break. We would miss you!

      BBFAN, thank you for the Katie comment (objectiveness) — always appreciated. 😊😊

      Elle and BBFAN, have a good weekend! And hope to have all the regular bloggers back on Monday!! ❤️

    8. Hope you both enjoyed the weekend, Milla and Lynn. ☺️🤗

      Lynn, I planned on taking a break from the show and just keep up with spoilers and clips on social. I'll still be here though. Maybe not every single day but most days.

    9. Elle, I’m glad to hear that! The blog isn’t the same without you. 🤗🤗

    10. Milla, I really hope we see you this week. ❤️. The blog is never as good when you are away. I always love your perspective, as do many others! Please don’t let the negativity of three trolls run you off. Then they win.

    11. Thank you ladies. I hope you all had a blessed weekend. I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner, I have caught a nasty virus that feels like Covid. Been in bed all weekend.

    12. Milla, I hope the nasty trolls aren’t driving you away. I’ve taken breaks myself when the board was too toxic.

      You know we rarely agree on the characters, but I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions on what is happening on the show.

      Don’t give up Lassie!

    13. Elle, please don’t leave us! You bring such a lovely balance to board and we’ll miss you 😢.

  17. Right now I could care less about Ridge, Taylor and Brookes Trio to be honest. They to grown to be acting like some 18 yr old. I love seeing Brooke suffer like the whore she is. Now she knows how her daughter Bridget fell when she slept with both her husbands and got knocked up with Hopes bastard ass lol. And what's up with Hopes hair, she looking like some 70 yrd old with a bad hair dye and clothing 🤢🤢🤢🤢. Cannot wait for their downfall.

    1. I'm also waiting for the fall of the HOgans :D I'm happy! I know it's going to be short-lived so I enjoyed the short time !

    2. @Noemi 😂😂😂😂 You crack me up 😂😂😂 love it, call it like it is 👏👏👏👏 please don't forget about the whore screwing Oliver scandal baby's boyfriend, he must have been what, 18 at the time 😂😂😂😂😂 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 I just HAD to throw it in there 😂 I do agree, but let Ridge and Brooke and Taylor screw eachother, I couldn't care less either, I just want to see scandal baby Hopeless knocked off her pedestal 😂😂😂

    3. inconnu Noemi must stay here ! she is a fresh air on this board :) she is fun !

    4. Stalker Stilli/Yes (fake account) : please continued your harassment :) you are doing your lost cause a disservice!

  18. Replies
    1. Li and Poppy are arguing and Li accuses Poppy of sleeping with Jack and suggests that Jack could be Luna’s dad.
      Steffy shows up at FC and says she wants to come back to work. Hope gives her a raised eyebrow and asks what’s changed.
      And Luna tells Bill what a great father figure he is to her or something like that. The Bill / Luna scene wasn’t much.

  19. There are 5 min missing and the preview ! please :'(

  20. Go for it Taylor, screw Ridge 20 times in one night, just to piss the SFTV off 😂🤭 IF he goes back to HOgan you'll survive it but I bet my bottom dollar Ridge is done with the destiny that he tried to end things with in 2022 🚩 Ridge is a bugger for punishment when it comes to the senior citizen who models lingerie 🤭 Thank God scandal baby HOpe wasn't on today, her voice alone makes me want to throw up in my own mouth 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 LOVE Finn and Steffy when he calls her "baby" ❤️👏 Donna is more immature than my 16 year old daughter, it's NOT YOUR house 🚩these HOgan's REALLY think they are entitled to EVERYTHING 🤭😂

    1. yes the real life of Hogan : Everything is owed to them and everything belongs to them! But they did nothing to get it!

  21. I can't unfortunately hear Hope any more. Why don't Carter and her don't go and build their own fair company where everyone has a voice, where everyone is count, why taking Forester Creation from the Forrester and feel great about it. She not even capable to put herself in her mom shoe for a second.

    1. And then the nerve of Hope and Brooke to look at Steffy as she don't belong there. Truly nothing but pathetic gold digging whores the Logans are Donna too.

    2. Totally agree, Miah 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      Hope is unrecognizable to me. She is basking in the glow of one-upping Steffy and, I'm sorry, but she doesn't care about her mom one bit. If she did, she would have moved out of the cabin out of respect for her mom's relationship with Ridge. I can't wait for her downfall. I hope something happens between Carter and DR.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Elle, Hope is just showing she’s the same person she was a teenager! She’s never grown up. It’s sad Brooke is still rationalising her behaviour in her 30’s!

      Hope is vindictive and entitled! She acts like she’s running the company!

      I don’t like the way she’s been treating Brooke either. She talks down to her and acts like she’s Brooke’s superior in the company! Carter sits there and lets her!

      Why is Hope in high level meetings and helping make Corporate level decisions? She isn’t an executive!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Myself — (a big Logan fan) is also pretty damned disgusted with Hope!! She is all about the power these days. She hasn’t uttered the words HFTF once since she and Carter have started running the show.
      And Brooke saying that Hope’s heart is in the right place seems to be incorrect as well. At this stage, Hope seems only interested in the power she has. It’s quite gross actually. Not the Hope I have known during the time I’ve watched the show. Hope 2.0 - which started with Thomas in my opinion, is NOT the Hope the Logan fans respect!

    7. With all due respect Lynn, I don't think you can blame Thomas for Hope's behavior.

    8. D - as much as I don’t like Thomas and Hope together romantically, and definitely not a Thomas fan….i’m not blaming Thomas for their romance. I’m blaming Hope for the fact that she got involved with him at all. I’m just saying that that’s when her bad judgement / complete change in her personality started. And it’s been a downward spiral ever since.

    9. What's funny is thats when I started liking Hope. I was glad she was finally cutting her mother's apron strings. Finally started thinking and doing what she wanted to do. But now she has taken it to another level.

    10. I saw it as her rebelling and making bad choices as soon as she hooked up with Thomas. And as mentioned, she’s been the troubled girl ever since.

  22. Replies
    1. The full episode with previews has been loaded now - Friday’s episode. 😊 Better hurry in case Bob takes it down.

  23. Brooke Hogan, I drink your tears....

  24. Taylor shot BILL SPENCER kates X husband and let liam WYATT wills brother think he shot his own dad she should of been jailed arrested yesterday and it's sad 😔 hw this waffling roller coaster ridge has used brook as his personal doormat and but the truth is as soon as brook moves on with her X husband bill or anyone else Stephanie and mosamo s son ridge won't let brook move on Justin threw ridge out of a airplane for bill Spencer at bills wedding to brook Logan and hope and Carter are not the new owners at all because Eric didn't sign anything and steffy and ridge signed this document under false circumstances its automatically null and void not legal at all and Justin knows it but he wants revenge because Zander told Justin Thomas murdered Emma Justin s niece
