Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-29-25 Full episode B&B 29th January 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-29-25 Full episode B&B 29th January 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. That’s NOTHING wrong with it I’m adopted 😳

    1. that was the grossest part to me too.

    2. I reacted to that too… but he did say that when the years went by, he understood how wrong that was. It seems it only happened once at least. But Yeah. It Does seem that he is the father. Poppy didn’t want him to ruin his future, so she lied to him back then. How noble…. Tsk…. Kinda what I suspected. He was of age, it only happened once, and Poppy lied to him so he didn’t think more of it, until now…

    3. Finn is just the father THIS week. One of Poppy's guys in the que, next week. People expect her to remember all the guys she did that night? She didn't even know their names, at the rock festival orgy.

    4. Absolutely…I’m sure it’s Bill Spencer…the second test was a home test…but again it’s a soap anything’s possible…maybe she got raped and is embarrass to say🤷🏻

  2. For me it's irrelevant if Poppy is a blood
    Relative or not , she is his Aunt. She was invited to stay in her sisters home to help around the house not sleep with her sister's son. Probably would have been better fo Li that Poppy slept with Jack instead of her son.

    1. Yeah, Debbie, Li think that Poppy betrayed her in the worst possible way? Nah… sleeping with her son was wayyy Worse! Can’t wait for Li and Steffy to find out now… at least Jack didn’t know. But maybe he has had his suspicions. The way he asked Poppy about it.

    2. Was wondering about that too Malin.Jack for some reason didn't seem to clueless...

    3. But Finn is Jack's bio son. Would he have had suspicions and be so nonchalant about it? He seems to hold Poppy in such high regard. You'd think he would demand answers from Poppy if he suspected she was with his son.

    4. I agree, it makes no difference that he was adopted. From a moral and ethical standpoint, it is incestuous. Li is going to shit a brick . So will steffi

    5. This storyline is down right disgusting. Aunt Poppy should be ashamed to take advantage of Finn whether adopted or not.

  3. Typical pathological Brad Bell plot! Poppy says how awful Li has been for decades, and she slept with Finn instead of Jack. Li has nothing to be mad about. :D

    1. Poppy is a fucking low life whore. Who sleeps with their nephew related or not. She raised him since he was a baby and she goes and fucks him 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮. Steffy needs to divorce him asap and take them kids away from him too.

    2. Li raised Finn. Not Poppy !

    3. It doesn’t matter who raised him, it is disgusting. She seduced him and he was a virgin.

  4. I can't believe they will let this happen!!!!!!
    Come on!!!!
    Please please don't let it be true!!!!!
    Has to be other suitors Poppy was with!!!!
    Ugggh i can't believe this!!! Poppy is Finn aunt!!! Blood or adoptive!!!!!!

    1. Im don't watching this show. Brad Bell is biased and hates the Forresters. He can't even have Steffy be happy but let's Hope be happy with all these men. And Finn is a dog and a pig. Who sleeps with their aunt who raised you since birth 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

    2. He was a college kid. She was his first. I don't blame Finn at all.

    3. @J i agree, Poppy was the adult here.....but none the less, it's disgusting

  5. Mark my words… being the ‘nice’ guy that Finn is… he will want to Help, or at least talk with Luna now….he might think that he can Save her, like he saved Steffy. And the way he thought he could Save Sheila.

    1. Oh and that means….. ringedingding!!!!! He will want to talk with her in Prison, but low and behold… she will not be there. Bill will find out somehow, and Luna. And then Li and Steffy…

    2. You're clearly one step ahead of me on this one. Prison visits are going to be a bit complicated to explain since Luna is sitting up in the Spencer mansion with nothing more than a ankle bracelet for a double murder and kidnapping and no vourt trial or sentence.

    3. The sh*t will hit the fan for sure. Popcorn ready. 😁

    4. Ladies, so much shit…so many fans!!!! Lol.

    5. If I were Steffy, I would be so disgusted to marry someone sho has both a mom and a daughter that are psychos that tried to kill her. That is too toxic to forget and stay with him.

  6. Li could be Luna's aunt and adopted grandmother, Jack could be her grandfather instead of a father, Steffy her stepmother, and Sheila her grandmother. Ridge and Taylor could be grandparents in law. Any questions?

    1. My head is spinning 🤣😂🤣🤮

    2. This reminds me of an old movie that I saw years ago. I think it was Jennifer Lopez who slept with her husband's son, making him be her
      stepson. I do not remember what happened but it was a good movie.
      This is terrible, but it is getting good. Also, Taylor is supposed to try to
      be with Jack, or maybe, it could be Brooke. I hope they give Li and Jack
      another chance to be together though. Maybe it was the Boy Next Door m.ovie. Anyway, it is a good movie to watch if you haven't seen it.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Finn you are so effing nasty and a dog. Then have the nerve to judge Steffy and her relationship when Liam. Really? You slept with your aunt related or not by blood she your aunt. And you go and sleep with her then lie to steffy all these years. Brad Bell hates Steffy so much he can't ever give her a happy ending. Poppy you nothing but a clitspitpop whore. Who sleeps with their nephew and sisters son related or not. You raised that child since he was a baby. How nasty and low can this whore be. I'm done watching this show for good. I'll stick to watching General Hospital.

    1. You sound like a child who doesn’t know much about life… Finn was a very young young man, hormones over the roof, of course boys that age (around 18) cannot resist the temptation. What is shocking is Poppy !

    2. And why do you keep writing that Poppy raised Finn ??? Li raised Finn. Not Poppy, who only stayed for a little while with them, not since Finn was a baby 🤦‍♀️😂

    3. Takes a nasty dog to no one NOEMI
      Can you plz shut the f _ _ k up Brad Bell hates Steffy
      You are a dumb cunt

    4. @Noemi, i ALWAYS agree with your comments but with this the onus is on Poppy who was the adult, she's a whore for sure......Finn was such a young boy, she took advantage of had he been 22 that would have been a different story but 17 / 18, the boy was manipulated!

  8. Finn you are so effing nasty and a dog. Then have the nerve to judge Steffy and her relationship when Liam. Really? You slept with your aunt related or not by blood she your aunt. And you go and sleep with her then lie to steffy all these years. Brad Bell hates Steffy so much he can't ever give her a happy ending. Poppy you nothing but a clitspitpop whore. Who sleeps with their nephew and sisters son related or not. You raised that child since he was a baby. How nasty and low can this whore be. I'm done watching this show for good. I'll stick to watching General Hospital.

  9. Time for yet another paternity test. When Steffy & Li find out this nasty secret all hell will break loose.

  10. Is this the only storyline they can come up with to keep our interest ?

    1. I actually (and weirdly) am enjoying this story line.

  11. Is Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy) pregnant with her 5th child ?

    1. who knows, but if she is then congrats to her and her husband, they LOVE children, let them have 10 if they wants

  12. It does make sense that Finn is Luna's father, because she definitely got that crazy gene from Sheila.

  13. I'm glad Finn got right to the big question. That was a lot of information in that discussion.
    I'm surprised at some of the comments here being so hard on Finn. It was his first time having sex. He was of age, and about to start college. So let's say, 18 or 19. That's about 4 years later than some boys' first time. So imagine a young man who has been having sexual thoughts and urges for 4 years. That's a whole lot of horny. Thinking of how Finn is now. At that younger age he was probably skinny, quiet, sensitive, and nerdy. You have an older free-spirited woman spending time with you, and paying attention to you. He knows he's adopted so they are not blood relatives. They just got caught up in a moment, and let it go too far. I'm not saying it's right, Poppy is more to blame than Finn. She was the older adult. And IF he is Luna's father, I don't think Steffy should leave him, as someone here said. He didn't rape or murder anyone. Look at all the mistakes that Thomas has made. Steffy has forgiven him. To quote one of my favorite Real Housewives, Phadra Parks. "Every sinner has a future, and every saint has a past. And let the church say amen".🙏

    1. And finally, some.good acting by Tanner Novlan!

    2. Forever 36, love the quote!

    3. Forever 36, yes…great quote! Truth!!

    4. @Forever 36, i agree 100% spot on, Poppy was a grown ass adult, she should have acted like a grown up! I guess another paternity test will have to be done, that's what, number 20

  14. Forrester fans saw this coming from the start Sinn is going because Hope is coming around and either Still or steam is returning because this show this JMW drama and Taylor will be fall guy to Bridge again
    Maybe Finn is not to be Haze daddy after all
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. @Mandy, Finn IS Haze's father!!!!!!!!! the paternity test was done!

  15. Why is the actor who plays Jack not featured more often in the show? When he first appeared I thought he would play a much larger role in the lives of all the characters as an antagonist to both the Forresters and the Spencers. His role could be very much expanded. It would have made a much better storyline if he had been Luna's father and Poppy's lover.

    1. Well old Fan, I like him too. With some new story lines that should be possible.

  16. i hate that the writers are making finn the father. that makes me not want to watch anymore. and i'm so sick of the same conversation between bill and luna. boring. i do want to see jack and li back together.

  17. D - you were right!! I can’t believe the writers are taking us here. I’m out for a while at least!! This is the stupidest and most disgusting SL ever!
    I was wrong, D! And as incestuous as this is, I just can’t take this show anymore. I know they aren’t blood related, but still….it was his aunt for goodness sake!!!
    Finn — you’re a F’ing idiot!! It never occurred to you to do the math or ask for a paternity test?? How could Poppy possibly “convince you” that you couldn’t be the father?!! An 18 or 19 year old guy knows these things!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
    So now Finn gets to play daddy to a two-time murderer. And to the girl who locked his wife up in a cage and almost killed her. Yes, Steffy and Finn are OVER!!
    This show is absurd!!

    1. Lynn, wait for the paternity test! The writers could still twist this another way.

    2. Renee, either way I was wrong. I was certain he didn’t sleep with her. And he did! Yuck!! The writers are twisted!

    3. Lynn ☹️ I am sorry but after all these yrs, it could be my first time to say "I told you so"🙂
      As Renee said, wait for a paternity test. I still think there could be a twist. With all these paternity tests flying around and how they were handled, one of them could have been a false negative. But they have to create some drama and turmoil between happy couples.

    4. Steffy is way too happy right now, so the writers have to bring her down from cloud 9. Whether or not Finn is Luna's Daddy, Steffy will be very unhappy. She is no better than Finn - she slept with her father-in-law & needed paternity test for both her children. So, I guess Finn & Steffy really are the perfect match!

    5. 😂😂 that seems to be true with almost everyone on the show. This will be trouble for Steffy and Finn, for now. We might find out Poppy has taken others to that happy place on the rooftop. So hang in there Lynn.

    6. Even if Finn is not Luna's father, he slept with his aunt! They should have never gone down that road. We, the viewers won't forget that.

      Finn could kiss his marriage and family goodbye. First, his mother shot Steffy and left her for dead then, his potential daughter kidnapped Steffy and was also going to leave her for dead.

    7. D - you handled your win with dignity and grace. 🥰
      Elle, EXACTLY!!! I don’t care who the father is at this point. I was grossed out by the idea of Finn and his aunt having sex!! I’ve got that image seared in my head now. There is no turning back!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    8. True Elle. It is sick and incestuous to us as adults. But given the age he was back then and depending if alcohol or drugs were involved, he might not of been thinking with the right head. I would put more of the blame on Poppy.

    9. Lynn ☺️ not exactly proud of this win.

    10. Stilli, I thought that too a couple weeks back. But people on the blog said they did multiple DNA tests (Bill and Luna)….and that it was proven he wasn’t her dad. At this point I don’t even care who Luna’s dad is. I’m just so disgusted the writers took us here with Finn and Poppy. 😞😞😞

    11. Well Lynn you were so adamant about Finn not being the father , I'm still hoping you're right on this one. You can't unring the bell with Poppy & Finn having a one nighter, but maybe just maybe Bill is really Luna's dad. They gave a tight connection for some reason .The Writers keep them connected still for sone odd reason. Maybe another paternity test is needed.

    12. Debbieinnorway, I was. I was just sure Finn was nowhere near his aunt in a situation like that. He gave zero indication. But you are right…I guess anything is possible at this point.
      So more DNA tests to follow. I think the writers are heading down the path to break up Steffy and Finn like others mentioned. And this would definitely put a HUGE strain on their marriage.

  18. It's still disgusting. Would you sleep with your uncle even if her was adopted? Or with your nephew if he was adopted? I sure as hell wouldn't

    1. Thank you Lynn! I don't get why this is so hard to understand. It is wrong regardless of the blood ties. I'm quite sure that Li, Steffi, and everyone else is going to see it as the perversion that it is.

  19. It only sex what is wrong with you people

  20. I'm sorry, but I dislike Steffy's character so much I'm glad her world will be rocked when she finds out what a creep her husband is. But, then again, he's half Sheila, and now we know that Luna got her evil tendencies from her father whose genes are half Sheila. And, BTW, that makes Sheila Luna's grandmother.

  21. I've been saying all along that Finn Is Luna's father...unless there will be some other kind of twist..but I can't wait for Steffy to find out🤣🤪🤣🤪🤣🤪... Thank you Bob 🌷

  22. I don't blame Finn not 1 bit Poppi is sexy living in his house plus had an emotional connection I would've hit too

  23. If Luna has her crazy tendencies from Sheila it means that Steffy will be constantly worried that Hayes may end up like that 😕 Not to mention what it means to the poor boy having a grandmother and now also a sister like THAT who both tried to kill his mom 😕

  24. I am becoming "redundant," and I really don't like to characterize myself as such! Bell needs to hire consultants badly; the scripts are written without factual baselines and we are left to believe the garbage. When Li did the DNA testing and revealed that Jack was not Luna's father by showing "mismatch" or "exclusion" indications because Jack's genetic markers were not aligned with Luna's. However, if Finn is Luna's father, the DNA test would have shown the presence of family traits since Jack is Finn's actual father, and it should have been taken from that Point!!!!!!!

  25. I'll wait for the paternity test before i just 'assume' that Lunatic is Finn's daughter.....i still do NOT believe it! Poppy is 100% to blame, hitting on a what 17 / 18 year old, absolutely disgusting. She should be ashamed of herself!
