Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-9-25 Full episode B&B 9th January 2025

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-9-25 Full episode B&B 9th January 2025

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless



    1. Hope everything gone bad for steffy and failed can t stand those Forrester except eric
      🤮🤮🤮Ridge and this annoying
      SLUT Taylor ….becareful your heart soon or later…. BOUM 💥

    2. I’m with you Ona & Vysill👍🏼

    3. is Taylor a slut when Brooke is THREE men UP from Taylor....makes zero sense, how MANY other woman has Ridge been with, Quinn, Katie, Bridget why not call them sluts too, oh you are upset because his wife Taylor, so if he was with Katie would you call Katie a slut too.....who was the one that leaned in for a kiss last week when Taylor was leaving Eric's house to go home, wasn't it Ridge. I bet you IF Ridge goes back to Brooke after calling him 'annoying' you will say 'oh Ridge and Brooke belong together' lmfao :) @ONA, so what if Steffy was in love with them, Brooke was in love with Ridge, Eric, Thorne, Bill, Deacon.....who cares who was in love with who, you sound like you are TWO year's old, my 16 year old daughter is more mature than you!

    4. is Taylor a slut when Brooke is THREE men UP from Taylor....makes zero sense, how MANY other woman has Ridge been with, Quinn, Katie, Bridget why not call them sluts too, oh you are upset because his wife Taylor, so if he was with Katie would you call Katie a slut too.....who was the one that leaned in for a kiss last week when Taylor was leaving Eric's house to go home, wasn't it Ridge. I bet you IF Ridge goes back to Brooke after calling him 'annoying' you will say 'oh Ridge and Brooke belong together' lmfao :) @ONA, so what if Steffy was in love with them, Brooke was in love with Ridge, Eric, Thorne, Bill, Deacon.....who cares who was in love with who, you sound like you are TWO year's old, my 16 year old daughter is more mature than you!



    1. @ONA, how will 'trying to convince Carter to give the company back' work, does Brooke REALLY think she has magical powers, or would she sleep with him! what was the rush for Brooke to accept Carter's offer, why didn't she tell Carter she will give him an answer in the morning then she would have had ample time to see Ridge first and explain but instead she jumped on the band wagon and said YES to Carter without even thinking about how Ridge would react, it's her OWN fault!

    2. Well i dont think a grown woman needs permission from her man to do anything, just as a married Ridge divorced his wife, Brooke without even an explanation. That should have been the first red flag for Brooke when he didnt quickly remarry her and correct the damage he did. But the way how ridge said to Brooke the other day, that its his family as if she was never his family, then he refers to Hope as "your daughter" and the "slut" when he practically raised Hope as his own. I remember Ridge telling Hope that he would love for her to be his daughter. What changed his opnion about Hope? Steffie. Ever since Taylor came back and Ridge has been having Taylor straddle his lap, he has become a Logan hater.

  4. Thank you for upload Bob, hope you are safe and far from the wildfires.

  5. I could be wrong but, I think Brooke is starting to realize she picked the wrong side. Hope is on about Carter's ideas like the company belongs to them and they are the only ones who know what's right for the company. C'mon Brooke, you can do it. It's not too late to support the Forresters and help them get their company back.

    I'm happy to see Brooke ponder on her relationship with Ridge and what Taylor means to him. I keep saying that Ridge always turns to Taylor so, there must be a reason for that. It seems Brooke is now starting to get it.

    As for Ridge and Taylor, I think the reality of losing her, plus the bonding session with Chondra, must have awakened something in Ridge. Brooke, the reason why Ridge got involved with Taylor so fast, and always does, is because she is probably not his second choice as you thought.

    And I see where Ridge gets that infamous head tilt from; Taylor does the same thing! Must be from the many years they've worked together.

    1. Elle, it's sad it took Brooke that long to realize that maybe?? just maybe her choice was a bad decision. The whole conversation with Hope going on and on, how Ridge is a Forrester, he thinks the Forresters are the ones that know whats best for the company but they are wrong, he is making you feel guilty, Carter will take the company to a new level, was comical to listen to. Screw what the Forresters want. Brooke might be seeing Hope for what she really is. Saying that, I am disappointed Taylor is going down the rabbit hole again. They both need to move on from Ridge.

    2. Hope's entire conversation today sounded very delusional but, her entitled behavior is nothing new.

      I don't know what Ridge has that both Taylor and Brooke would move hell or high water to have. I am disappointed that after all of Taylor's talk about not needing a man, that she fell into Ridge's arms so quickly. Hopefully, one day soon. I'm just loving seeing Brooke embracing some truths about her relationship with Ridge.

    3. Hopefully Brooke can embrace the truth about her daughter as well. There were a few moments where Brooke looked shocked at what she was hearing come out of Hope's mouth.

    4. But if Brooke is telling Ridge and Zende the truth about trying to get them the Company back it is to me that she never really trully picked Hope and Carter’s side. She was the one that told Ridge about the coup. She just didn’t turn her back completely on her daughter and wasn’t ok with the name calling and with throwing her out of the cabin and that on some level as a mother I can understand. It was showing that she still loves Hope as a daughter, not supporting her actions. She told Hope many times that is wrong what she was doing. But Poppy is still visiting Luna in jail and in real life also parents love their chidren even if they are doing wrong. From the start I was seeing Brooke actions only that way. But Ridge treated her like a crap and turned to Taylor in 5 seconds so she had enough and good for her.

    5. That's true, Olga but Hope has been going down a slippery slope for a while now and Brooke keeps handling her with kids' gloves (as Eric said). I believe in tough love. If Brooke keeps talking to Hope about her bad behavior and all Hope can do is justify her actions, at some point, as a mother, Brooke needs to take a stand rather than coddle Hope. Only then, maybe, it would sink in.

      Brooke is angry about the name-calling and other minor stuff but is not accepting of the reality of what Carter and Hope have done. She needs to look at the bigger picture and take a stand.

    6. Brooke is taking a stand. She has a plan to return FC to its rightful owners. Actions speak louder than words. What do you want her to do? Spank Hope & send her to her cabin & then announce she (Brooke) is going to create a coup to overthrow Carter & Hope's coup? Even Steffy is smart enough to keep her attempts to get FC back as hushed as possible. Brooke has told Hope enough times & Ridge too that she does not agree with Carter & Hope taking over FC. Quite frankly, I am tired of the repeated dialogue even though I agree with it.

    7. @Elle and @D you both hit the nail on the head, who the hell does scandal baby think she is saying 'he is a Forester, he THINKS the Forester's know what's best for the company, but they are wrong' what is wrong with her, why didn't her mamma say to her 'BUT IT"S THEIR COMPANY, WHO GIVES YOU AND CARTER THE RIGHT TO TELL THEM WHAT'S WRONG OR RIGHT" instead Brooke ALLOWS scandal baby to live in lulla land......HOpeless REALLY is MORE unhinged than i originally thought, it's quite frightening!

    8. Renee, all I'm saying is Brooke should not be appeasing Hope at all. She should show her (not just tell her in baby tones) that she is against what they are doing. Spanking a thirty-something year old woman may not work, but standing with Ridge and the Forresters would certainly send a message.

    9. Visibility standing with Ridge & the outed FC team would blow her opportunity to get FC returned. Think of Bill when he pretended to be in a relationship with Sheila & he was secretly trying to put her behind bars... similar thing here. You can't tip your cards in this type of situation.

    10. I remember that Brooke was criticizing Hope’s relationship with Thomas and Hope’s attemps to get Fin. Brooke told Hope many times to stay away from Steffy’s marriage. She can be blame for being to soft and not strict enough with Hope but for me is just not the same as supporting someone. And Ridge wasn’t to harsh with Thomas either when Thomas was doing all the horrible stuff. They are just the examples of parents who are too soft with their adult children but that’s not the same as agreeing with their actions.

    11. Olga, when Thomas framed Brooke for CPS, Ridge (and Steffy) took a stand with Thomas and told him he was out of the company. They both stood with Brooke against Thomas in solidarity to send the message that his behaviour was not accepted. That is what Brooke needed to do with Hope.

      Renee, they did not have to follow Brooke's plan. If Brooke stood with them, they could have come up with a different plan to get back their company. Or, maybe when Carter and Hope realized that even Brooke was against them, it might have made them rethink their actions. Who knows? All I know is that supporting Hope's justifications for why they did what they did is basically showing support for Carter and Hope.

    12. back up Ellie, lets look at those times when Ridge do go to Taylor, its always after he and Brooke fight an argue, and if we watch closely Ridge really dont go looking for Taylor, Taylor is always hanging around him. I still dont think his heart is with Taylor, Taylor is just very damn convenient . My woman and I had a fight, come here Taylor I need you to lick my wounds again and maybe a lil something else too. Come if Ridge truly loved and wanted to be with Taylor he could have had her, he has been single for quite some time, why didnt he hit her up, its only now he wants her after he and Brooke argue. If Brooke takes Ridge back she is going to have to put her foot down with Ridge. I dont know if I could ever be that woman who hangs around a man consistantly and who is dating another woman and the only time I get to be with him is they have a fight. Taylor is just a side chick.

  6. Off subject... The actor who plays Finn, is having serious problems with his
    r/l wife. It didn't mention what. I am wondering if it is bedause he and Steffy
    are always locking lips. They were kissing today, and his hand was flat, and seemingly on her butt.

    1. 😂😂😂 I had to go back watch that scene again, and yes, his hand wasn't on her waist. lol

    2. @Brandy, they are married and in love, they are entitled to lock lips, it's wonderful that finally she's not chasing Liam and she has someone least she's not screwing him on the office desk :)

    3. It’s called ACTING!!! All those love scenes are fake in front of a full crew ! His wife is a professional actress by the way so she wouldn’t have an issue with that!

    4. Brandy that is fake news from Facebook! They posted their New Years photos and are very much together! Tanner and wifey have been posting loads of couple and family photos. Don’t believe the fake spoilers rumour folk on Facebook!

    5. Steffie is also married. I think the camera and the actors have a way of tricking us, they cant be really kissing.

  7. Brooke you should Forget Ridge, follow your way be happy with or without man, you don’t need him and he doesn t deserve you, once
    he ´ll réalise for good, don t let him be back… this person is a s..t🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ you are better than him

    1. Brooke has never been able to cope with being without a man for five minutes. She usually had a couple on the string.

      She told Hope she loves being in love.

      Maybe be a bit choosy over whom you pursue Brooke?

      I still say expecting Ridge to live on the same property as Hope, who stole his company is ridiculous! Hope is in her 30’s and has her millions from her trust fund, as well all the salary after living rent free off mummy all her life.

      It’s time she got her own home for Beth and herself!

      That more than anything would say I love you but what you did was unconscionable!

      Brooke stood and made excuses and actually rationalised what Carter and Hope did. I’d say she took their side!

    2. Well I for one is not going to let a man dictate to me what I do with my offspring, and especially one I am not married to, regardless of my childs age. Thats not showing him love, showing him love was when she went and told him about the koo, and looked how that turn out, instead of him seeing that move as a loyal one he figured Brooke supported it even though she told him a thousand times she dont like what they did, and she even told Hope, Carter and Zende, but Ridge wants to listen to steffie again, who cant stand Brooke and she makes Brooke apart of this take over too. Katie is right, that Cabin house lives in is miles away from the main house, i think you need to drive a buggy to get there.

  8. Replies
    1. Hahahaha what a Joke!! The dress was beautiful, and Brooke got what she deserve! It's her own stupid fault. Team Ridge&Taylor 😍❤️

    2. I thought that dress was ugly, and he must have made it for Taylor specifically, since her body is more petite than Brooke?? And didn’t he say he was working on it before this coup occurred, so it would be too small and short to fit Brooke’s body.

    3. The dress was hidden under a shawl!, how do you know what it looked like? The outline I could see under the wrap was simple and elegant.

      And again with the S word! Ridge is single snd unattached! He broke up with Brooke! Why are you castigating Taylor ?

      I think she’s making a mistake because Ridge is a waffler. That said Taylor hasn’t slept with him yet and if she does so what? She was his wife for years while Brooke did everything in her power to steal him away and failed!

      Ridge chose Taylor first, married her etc. Just because he used Brooke as a play thing first, doesn’t give her rights to him for life. It’s the same reasoning behind condoning Hope chasing Liam and sleeping with him while he was married to Steffy all three times!

    4. Taylor needed to remove that black sheer piece. Below it, the dress actually looked pretty. Not sure why she had that piece over it.

      But then again, I've noticed that the actress wears full clothing all the time.

  9. Wow, the last half of this episode was presented in blurry gigantic size, with incredible closeups of the walls, the light, doorknob, people's hair, eyebrows, etc.

    1. MargeO, yes it was! I first thought that something weird was going to happen, like somebody coming in with a knife, or something...oh wait...that was another show. 😛

    2. I had the same problem. It was creepy, almost seemed like someone was spying on Ridge and Taylor. I gave up watching. Hopefully we didn't miss much at the end.

  10. FF thru the entire episode. Nothing to see here. Boring AF. No action.

  11. Carter gave hftf back to Hope, but she is in the main office bragging about zende and his designs. She doesn't have any skills for fashion. It should be called Forrester's Styles by Zende since he is the only one working on that line. Instead, Hope is getting all of the credits for doing nothing at all. Plus, Brooke should be at the desk, instead of sitting at that table.

    1. @brandy, she has literally been standing next to Carter in Ridge office for two solid weeks, i've seen her do NOTHING pertaining to HFTF, no wonder her line's a joke!

    2. Brandy remember Carter talking about Brooke having an office of her own etc? She still working at a table or in the hall lol! He took the CEO office and Hope is always there to tell her mother what she can and cannot do! Meanwhile Brooke, as CEO is technically Hope’s boss! 🙄🙄🙄. Hope is playing Lady Muck and taking meetings and weighing in on Corporate decisions that have nothing to do with her wee line. What a joke.

  12. Ridge is over the top fickle. Who does that??!! And why is Taylor so incredibly gullible to be taken in for the billionth time?!

    Brooke — let that old pig go!!! Why would you even want him back at this point??? You can do so much better!! Move on!
    And when his 5 minute affair is over with his “second choice” and he wants you back….you can tell him you’ve truly moved on!!!

    And Taylor — quit calling him “Ridge Forrester”! God the scenes with them are incredibly 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮!!

    1. Lynn Brooke disappointed me. She's way too caught up with crying over Ridge and making him the center of her universe. I hope this is the normal mourning period and that latest next week she comes back cofindent and realizing how much better off she is.
      Btw I loved how Finn also wanted to know what exactly that "plan" is and how it will get the company back and there was no answer. Yeah the Nose will split Hope and Carter (maybe!) and then? Like... Is the goal to get back the company or only revenge on Hope? And I think if won't be the biggest life-shattering deal for Hope that Steffy imagines. Hope has shown recently that she doesn't care about any man too much.
      Poor Taylor, that's all I can say. Intelligence, self-respect and health taking big hits with her these days.

    2. Milla, yeah I was concerned with Brooke’s words yesterday and just as concerned today. But she did say “Ridge is with Taylor now” (how absurd is that reality)….🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Switch em out like toilet paper, Ridge….you insecure little child who is afraid to be alone for even 5 minutes!!!
      Hope is pretty hard to take seriously these days with all her delusions.
      And I agree, Steffy wants revenge on Hope any way she can get it! I can’t decide if Steffy is more obsessed with Hope or having her mommy and daddy back together again. But those two subjects take up 99% of Steffy’s brain power. Just pathetic if you ask me!!

    3. Y'all are forgetting that Hope is with Carter because "no man has supported her the way Carter has." If Carter cheats or appears to have cheated, it will shatter that security that she has in him and she will turn on him. And we know what happens with a woman scorned. Hope just might be the one to rip up the LLC papers with Carter's name on it.

      Or, DR might be the one to help Carter find his morals back and make him realize what he did in alienating the Forresters. She might be successful in convincing him to give the company back. Especially if he and Hope are at odds because, the main reason he did what he did was for Hope.

    4. Brooke just lost her destiny. She's entitled to mourn the loss of her relationship. And while I'm not a Bridge or Tridge fan, I'm rooting for her to return to Ridge in full support. But I also like the awareness she has come to about her relationship. I kept saying that there had to be a reason that Ridge always turns to Taylor so quickly and Brooke is finally pondering on that as well. She said that maybe Taylor is the one he has wanted all along. With this new open-minded way of looking at her relationship with Ridge, maybe they can both sit down and have a serious conversation about it all.

    5. Elle Hope's said similar words about pretty much every man. Each one of them has made her feel like no other or is like no other. Of course cheating would come as a terrible pain and shock, but it doesn't mean anything about the company. Those documents are filed where they need to. They are not just a sheet lying somewhere, waiting for someone to rip up 😅
      Brooke and Ridge won't have any conversations about his wishes. Brooke looks tired of the wimp. She's said a version of this also the previous time and then Ridge ran back to *live with* the one he wanted. The other one was always there for the having, if he had really wanted. But he didn't so she left.

    6. With Bill being as good looking as he is, there being no doubt in my mind, i’d choose him over Fat, ugly, greaser Ridge any day!

    7. I think it would be hilarious if Daphne Rose ended up seducing Finn 🤣🤣🤣 That would be a good soapy wrench thrown in Steffi's plan

    8. Steffy has intimated more than once that there is more to the plan than a seduction. That is the “other mission”. I think it has to do with the perfume deal. That was her first question of Daphne Rose.

      You may despise Steffy but she is clever and will have more of a plan than just breaking Hope and Carter up. That is part of it, because Hope is the one who urged Carter to ignore his conscience and betray his best friend as well as his employer.

    9. Milla, because the papers are filed doesn't mean that Carter doesn't have a copy of the official document. When they say they are filing the papers, it usually means that they take it to whatever legal corporate entity they need to take it too (like a Companies Registry) to get the relevant signatures and a seal stamped on the LLC. A copy is filed with the legal corporate entity and FC gets a copy for themselves. So yes, Hope can indeed take those papers and rip them up. I'm sure she knows where it is being kept.

    10. Anyway, it's all speculation on my part about Hope ripping up the papers.

    11. And regarding Hope saying the same words about every single man, it's exactly my point. She says it, then they do something, and she leaves. I don't know why y'all think Carter is any different.

    12. Steffy isn’t getting revenge, she is working on taking back the company that Carter and Hope stole!!! Big difference! Hope is neck deep in it and she is 💯 % the one who pushed Carter and stroked his ego while urging him to steal Forrester!

      So making a break in their team would be part of getting the company back.

      There is more to this!

    13. Elle I ever argued he's any different for her, that's why I was skeptical she'd react in any paper-ripping way. My main point is that there's no part of the "plan" that has been through through past hurting Hope and actually getting the company back.

    14. I truly don't think Steffy's plan is about hurting Hope. It's about weakening her influence over Carter so that they can get the company back.

      At the end of the day, Carter did all of this for Hope and we all know that Hope is the one who was in his ear from the moment he brought up signing the LLC. So if they can weaken her influence over him by having DR seduce him, there is a chance they can get the company back.

  13. Ridge, and especially Taylor, look at each other like they see a delicious steak. Taylor's got it bad. It's gag worthy.

  14. This actress they chose for Taylor just doesn't suit

    1. The views of Elle 2.0 are not mine. Please note.

    2. Wait a second - do we have two Elle’s on this site? That would explain a lot! Will the real Elle please step forward?? Lol

    3. D - Inquiring minds want to know. 😊. That could explain a lot of what I saw in yesterday’s comments. Hmmmmm….

    4. I saw your comment and was confused. Didn't have time to read all the comments, but what you were saying, it's not Elle.

    5. I think we'll know when we're talking to the right one.

    6. Ladies, the OP isn't me. My comment is January 10 @ 3:12 am. And the comments yesterday were all mine. At least I think so.

      First, there are 2 Renee's, now it's 2 Elle's. I think someone is being mischievous since the alter egos present opposing views to the real people.

    7. Elle, if you have some free time, I hope you will take a look at Wednesday’s show comments. It seemed out of character for you that you were engaging with certain people when they were clearly attacking the bloggers themselves. It was bad! So I wrote a comment to you asking you about it. It’s all on Wednesday’s episode comments that I was confused by.

    8. Lynn, I just saw your comment on Wednesday's blog and responded. Not sure what you were referring to?

    9. Lynn someone else is using Elle as their name here and pretending to be our Elle!

    10. You didn’t see all the disparaging comments that were directed at the “Logan fans” ???

    11. BBFAN, well that’s not good. How will we know who we’re talking to?? I wish the bloggers who have been here for a long time would add a photo, even if it’s just an image of something….ocean, flower, their pet…..just something so we could identify you all. I think you are one of kind with your BBFAN name though. 😊

  15. Please let Brooke be free of that looser permanently. Ridge just can’t be alone without a women in his bed in 5 seconds but the characters and the wievers always doing name calling only towards women. Slut, bitch and yesterday I even read on that blog cunt reffering to Hope. And that makes Ridge and Carter who? I never heard Ridge or Steffy calling Carter some bad name, only Hope is bitch and slut for them.

    1. Sounds like the Logan supporters talking about Steffy and Taylor and no one is calling them out for that?

      I agree that women shouldn’t be shamed for doing what men do and are considered big studs 🤮.

      Taylor hasn’t slept with Risge who is SINGLE so not sure why she’s being called a S$&@ anyway? She was his wife for years! He and Brooke broke up and Ridge is pursuing her!

    2. Even being the Logan fan I can see that in that situation Ridge is pursuing Taylor, not the other way around. If Ridge really cares about Taylor and her heart condition he should leave her alone. Similar crap that chasing her after the pinecon…

    3. It's why I never call the women names because, imo, the men do just as badly as the women yet, as you said Olga, they are never called names. It's truly horrible and makes this blog very stressful to read at times.

    4. BBFAN, your comment came just a few hours too early. She slept with him on Friday’s episode. So there you go. Of course Ridge is a whore and a player, that goes without saying. The reason people are coming down on Taylor is because she told Steffy over and over again that she didn’t need a man. And we Logan supporters had to hear for weeks how Taylor had no interest in Ridge. Well that sure didn’t stand the test of time!! Lol

    5. And who cares if Ridge is doing the wooing. She is right there LOVING every minute and said as much. Geez she looks at him like he’s the captain of the football team!! It is disgusting. If you’re not convinced Taylor is ALL IN after seeing Friday’s episode, then you are simply turning a blind eye. Taylor is literally swooning over the waffler!!

  16. I need a bucket. I'm about to puke. They need real Australian women, whom can say No, stand up for themselves and have self worth and respect to stop running after their ex for the 50,000 time.... grrr and ewww. Taylor with your broken heart syndrome, enjoy you and Ridge. Brooke needs a real man.

    1. Rena I love your puke bucket comment 🤣 I find I need one a lot while watching this show

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It's so classic to read some of the HOgan lover's comments here like 'Taylor has NO self respect' and 'Taylor being taken in for the billionth time' OMG, are you kidding me right now....lmfao :) so HOgan has taken him back after he has been with Bridget, Katie, Taylor, Quinn, Shauna, hasn't Brooke been taken in MORE than a billionth time....lmfao :) 30 odd years of HOgan betraying him and him betraying her.....who the hell is the one who has ZERO respect for herself....BROOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how desperate can the SFTV calling Taylor a slut yet Brooke is THREE men UP from Taylor.....get a grip people, you are all just upset because Ridge walked out on Brooke and now his a 'fickle old pig' as botox lady called him, well the competition is over for Brooke, that's all it is for her and her scandal baby, not it seems as if Brooke has lost the competition but let's see HOW desperate she is when she goes crawling back to :)

    1. 👍🏼Hogan (mother and daugter) are degusting ! they are not a victim !

    2. Love your comment. Brooke is always an angel for them. Yet they always call Taylor and Steffy sluts. Their precious Hope was Brooke jr, Thomas gave her the confidence by bringing out her very sexual side.

    3. Both Brooke and Taylor have been fools for Ridge. What makes Taylor slutty in this moment is that the man only Brooke up with his woman a minute ago and Taylor already hopped in bed with him, not giving it a chance to see if they will get back together or if its really over. The man is hurting and i desperate need of a distraction, sex. Thats what sex is to men, a stress reliever, and it matters not if they love you or not. Taylor has been on this roller coaster ride with ridge a million times, she can have him right where she needs him, if she takes the upper hand this time. She should have said she is not sleeping with him until he puts a ring on it. Poor woman, heart will e broken yet again

    4. You are calling Taylor names and she hasn’t actually slept with Ridge yet! They kissed but that is it!

      Ridge is single and pursuing her!

      I don’t want her to be with Ridge but it isn’t fair to call her names! Brooke and Hope are allowed to sleep with married men in the name of love with NO shame so how is it okay to call Taylor that when Ridge is unattached???

    5. She’s his former wife and mother of 3 of his children !

  19. Ohhhhhh! I'm telling Kendall!!!! #AMC #letsseewhogetsthat

    1. lol Bad lad Zac with Greenley. hehehe . I like seeing these two back playing side by side.

    2. Yeah, I bet it took a while to get to the point where they would have scenes like that.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Where is today episodes 10.01.25?
    Why does is get uploaded so late every night

  22. Taylor, you are so pathetic...

  23. Brooke is truly loyal to Ridge at all cause and its disturbing the way how he an Steffie treats her. Ridge is sleeping with another woman and disowned her as his family and yet Brooke is still defending him and his daughter. I feel Brooke is going to win in all this, she will be the one to triump and egg is going to be left Ridge and Steffie face and they will have no choice but to accept her. Because as much as Ridge wants Taylor on the rebound she will see that his heart truly belongs to Ridge and this time she is going to do the decent thing and set it off to be with the woman he truly loves. She will finally get the message, but this time she is going to put herself first and so would Brooke, she is fighting for what she believes in an will continue to do so even if it means losing the one she love. But she is no fool and is very protective of Hope, she is going to see what Ms, Rose is up to and blow Steffies plan. I like this new Brooke, she is all about whats right from wrong, the stealing of the company, Hope kissing Finn, Steffie dosent know how Brooke continuosly tried to discourage Hope from going after her husband, and now she put herself in the line of fire just to give ridge and steffie back their company and they treat her like dog.

  24. Is it only me to see technical issues in the last part of the episodes??
