Monday, October 14, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-14-19 Full episode B&B 14th October 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-14-19 Full episode B&B 14th October 2019


  1. God I hate Brooke and Hope so much. Only they would think Flo did this to get back in the family's good graces. Yes a part of that is true but Flo did this genuinely for Katie. Brooke and Hope are just angry and jealous that they could not be the ones to save Katie and Flo was. Storm saved Katie and his daughter saved Katie which says a lot. Like Brooke and Hope are so God damn ungrateful. At least Donna is somewhat grateful and Katie at least is most grateful to Flo because it is because of her, that she is even alive right now. Honestly, if I'm Flo I would tell Brooke and Hope it doesn't matter to me how you feel or what you think of me, because I did this for Katie and her only not because I want to be a part of this God damn family.

    1. You keep on hating, then you are no different, a matter of the pot and the kettle....???

    2. Yeah but Brooke and Hope are so damn ungrateful like would they have rather Katie died?

    3. I have always liked Brooke, but, she is really starting to get on my last nerve being so self-righteous, It wasn't too long ago when she fell in love with her own sisters husband. Now, she suddenly, have this holier than thought spirit. I know what Flo did was horrible, but, give the girl a break she just made a major sacrifice for her aunt to continue living the life her dad gave up his life for. Brooke needs to really go somewhere and have several seats...just sit down and be quiet.

  2. Brooke is such a bitch. i'm ready for Shauna to sleep with Ridge.

  3. thank you Star xx Karma is coming for you Brooke and Hope in the forms of Shauna and Steffy

  4. Brooke is a boiling volcano 🌋 of hate, spewing her sanctimonious crap. She makes my skin crawl. Donna’s camera shots make her look ill, underweight and ghoulish.

  5. i really hope that they ad a new twist to the whole beth kidnapping.that baby beth is not beth and someone else and hope lose beth over steffy again and then thomas take douglas back with the help of the cops cause legally they didnt had any rights on him.its not their son or they are not related.

  6. Brooke has really started to annoy me, like she has never did anything wrong and unforgivable before. Her precious daughter Hope is a product of an affair she had with her daughter Bridget husband (Deacon), she's been married to, slept with and had an affair with 3 Forrester men (Eric, Ridge & Thorne) and has had children with 2 of them (Eric & Ridge), when Taylor was pregnant and had Thomas she kept the paternity from Ridge and she's had an affair with, married and almost had her sisters husband(Bill) baby, Brooke is no saint and should stop judging Flo so harshly. I'm not excusing what Flo did at all but shouldn't be cut off completely from her family because of one mistake.
