Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-24-19 Full episode B&B 24th October 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-24-19 Full episode B&B 24th October 2019


  1. Thanks , and the split gets bigger playing right into Thomas hands Ridge

  2. thank you my Star xx go Ridge Forresters Rule

  3. THANKS 4 da upload....tell em ridge!!!

  4. Hallo Bob. Kannst du bitte die beste Version später hochladen, wie die Folge am Dienstag? Wäre sehr nett von dir. Und vielen Dank für jeden Tag, an dem Sie die Folgen hochladen 🙂


  5. It's amazing on how Ridge and his Brats always allow themselves to do what they forbid others to do!

    He has the nerve to say that "no one will Took Douglas away from Thomas" when HE was the first whom "stole" this child from his father. He deprived him of his birth and his first months, he even told Caroline that Douglas would be "better off without Thomas" and raised by him. He would NEVER have told the truth if Katie hadn't discover the truth!! He did it because he got caught, otherwise, he didn't care a bit about his son!!
    So, if I understand correctly, it was normal for him to hide the truth about Douglas and never tell Thomas but Hope and Liam wanting to give him a stable home is not... It's curious how it is only "right" when it suits Them!!
    How laughable he was when he said that "no one is related by blood to Douglas" huh go back to school Ridge because Caroline was Liam's cousin, by blood so... but then again, it only suits him that blood ties doesn't matter when it comes to him right? Remember when Rick pointed out that he was not a Forrester by blood, Ridge claimed that blood doesn't matter because Eric loves him as his son... yeh, like Liam and Hope love Douglas... Always double standard with Ridge and his crazy family.

    They have memory loss and quickly forget all their misdeeds but when someone else does, they are the first to jump hard on them.

    And their annoying habit of constantly complaining about being "deprived" of something and blaming others when they are the only ones responsible!
    For years we had to endure hearing them one by one complaining about Brooke having "stolen" their husband, life, father blah blah blah
    Not a single episode without them whining stupidly!
    Since when a husband can be stolen??? Seriously? Is Ridge a necklace, a purse?? How can normal people say that?
    At last we had some rest, Steffy finally stopped saying that because of Brooke, she had to grow up without a father, yet another past totally rewritten only to feed haters. Steffy spent ALL her childhood with her father. Her mother died and for 10 years it was Brooke who raised them 3 all with Ridge before the mummy comes back from the dead and later decides to send them to boarding school!!
    And now it's the stupid brother's turn! Brooke destroyed his family, yeah sure, poor Ridge, she kidnapped him and forced him with a gun to leave his family and marry her...
    Ridge is the one and only responsible for what happened to his family. It was HIS decision leaving them, HIS choice, no one forced him. He is a grown man and he is supposed to do the right things. He destroyed his family by going back and forth Taylor and Brooke every 15 days! He is to blame, nobody else, period!
    Enough is enough, they already went there. Time to have some good writing for a change, don't they have a little bit of imagination??? They are writers FGS!!

    Brooke should call Karen to tell her what's going on and what Thomas did, how he treated Douglas.
    Since the Marone thinks they are above the law and can do whatever they want, it is time someone put them in their place!

    1. dude calm down its just a soap.and i personally root for

      THOMAS destroy them thomas

  6. Thanks Bob from the land down under. ☺

  7. So does anyone remember last summer/fall when Ridge was all high and mighty insisting Bill couldn't be near Will and Thorne should adopt him... and Brooke was like no you can't take a man's son away from him... and now they're switched...

  8. I just noticed Ridge doesn't have a house of his own, he always loved with the women has with
