Monday, October 7, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-7-19 Full episode B&B 7th October 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-7-19 Full episode B&B 7th October 2019


  1. Flo being the match storyline wise makes sense if you really think about it. Flo's late father Storm's heart is inside of Katie and then if you have Storm's daughter Katie's niece as her kidney donor, it actually makes sense. Think about it Storm's daughter's kidney inside of Katie...the Logans would have no choice but to accept Flo back into the fold especially when it is Flo's kidney that she is sacrificing for her Aunt Katie. It is really poetic if you think about it.

    Brooke is nothing more than a damn hypocrite...I loved Shauna calling Brooke out on things that she has done because let's face it Brooke is no saint, far from it. Brooke is losing her cool while Shauna doesn't stoop to her makes Brooke look like even more of an idiot.

    Steffy is gonna lose it especially now that she knows that her father Ridge spent the night with Shauna, Flo's mother. I mean I can't say as I blame Steffy honestly.

  2. I hope flo is a match and when she give her kidney i hope flo dies and katie is oke and flo is gone forever then shauna feels what hope and Liam felt. Iam no fan of brooke but shauna is the biggest bitch on the bold. I hope she gets what she deserve and flo too

  3. 😂😂😂😂😅

  4. Wow! Thank you so much for bringing us these episodes! You are so generous to us!

  5. thank you so much for what you do. i moved 7 years ago and couldnt watch but because of your being so generous i am now just under 2 years behind. a big big thank you,,,, i am catching up to you all lol

  6. Flo's going to be a match isn't she..?
