Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-31-19 Full episode B&B 31st October 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-31-19 Full episode B&B 31st October 2019


  1. why did steffy have to invite liam why couldn't bell of had liam calling at steffys thanks star xx

  2. This makes no sense. Why wouldn't Steffy and Kelly be at Eric's party?

    1. S teffy still has issues with her brother and likely didn't want to be around him. Hence why she didn't go to the Halloween party at Eric's.

  3. Hallo Bob. Kannst du vielleicht die Originalfolge mit dem Intro hochladen? Heute ist das Intro mit Halloween. Wäre sehr nett von dir 🙂

  4. Hope is a fool Thomas can see straight thru her

  5. so Hope left her baby on its first Halloween to be with Douglas who isnt Hopes child Com on Bell write it fair these need bringing up in the future and the fact it happened more than once and Steffy was the one who celebrated with liam and Beth and Bell you need the fact Hope was seducing Thomas to get Douglas
