Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-16-20 Full episode B&B 16th January 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-16-20 Full episode B&B 16th January 2020


  1. I stop watching for a while between Thomas,Liam,Hope and Steffy Thomas got a little crazy. While I didn't think Zander should have gotten fired,here it's another year so I need to find out what been happening.....?

    1. zander knew that Beth, Hope and Liam's child was alive and not dead. he kept the secret, therefore, he had to go.

  2. Wanneer is de aflevering van vandaag te zien?? Het wordt een spannende aflevering 🤯

  3. What a great show today. Let the war begin.

  4. Quinn Vs. Brooke the ultimate show down! Brooke need to finally be put in her place!

  5. Damn! Never seen Brroke like this, not even up against Stephanie! This is gonna be great

  6. Quinn you go girl! I am now your biggest fan! Whip some Logan ass!
    Loved this episode!

  7. Hate flo and wyatt. Hate wyatt. They are both scum.

  8. Always been a Logan fan and still am! Go Brooke.

  9. O God I loved that slap by Quinn

  10. really love brooke's reference to stephanie! great episode

  11. "Felony Flo" from the lips of Logan.........LOL!! aka Bossy,bitchy,bold and bitter Brooke(slut from the valley)has no right to judge or expect to get her way all the time. Send her back to the valley were there is alot more men to choose from!!!

  12. Got rid of zander put kept the avatar?

  13. They all should make open relationships with 3 or more people

  14. I think Brooke needs to be careful; has she forgotten that Quinn is a psychopath and very dangerous? That slap was vicious, more like a punch, and Brooke is no match for her. I don't understand why Brooke is going after Quinn anyway; it's between her and Shauna.

  15. I cannot believe Wyatt I cannot believe he is doing this again with his flakey self. I thought he was better than this. Writers do not let him go back to his high school crush, this is so ridiculous. Brooke is just as bad as her daughter. Both of them need a reality check.

  16. Yeah! this episode got a lot of fire in it! Both actresses were great: Quinn and Brooke! but Brooke is really being bi*chy! yucks!

  17. Go Brooke! Down with the Witch!

  18. great show today. dang.... i think Brooke is going to end up in the nut nut house lol
