Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-8-20 Full episode B&B 8th January 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-8-20 Full episode B&B 8th January 2020


  1. Well Hope never gave an answer but we all know that it's not happing yet, Ridge is right ,it will get messy then what, Zoe , Thomas and Hope triangle yuck, Hope open your eyes, Liam waa right about Thomas the first time and his right again. Thanks bob

  2. She tricked Thomas into signing over custody to her so looks like it backfired and is working in Thomas's favor...

  3. at tyhe end it stops a lot when they are talking pls fix it.

  4. The last 10/15 minutes were really bad, interrupted video, not fluid sound and impossible to get all the words...

  5. Ooo the karma. She wanted Douglas so bad and now she’s facing the consequences. What did she think would happen? Joint custody means your forever tied by child. Like how baby mamas are forever tied to their cheating baby daddy’s that they wish they could be rid of but damn joint custody. Kids link you forever wether you like it or not. But at least she didn’t really birth Douglas so she technically has an out if she wants to.

    If she loves Liam above all else than she’d do it but since she was ready to throw out Liam to Steffy after losing Beth you can tell she wasn’t truly in love with him. Liam is lame so it’s not a real loss.

    Steffy please don’t be with wimp Liam. Thomas get over hope. Make your kid latch onto someone else so you can move on and your kid too.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. can you tell me when the bold and the beautiful of today 1-9-20 show is not on the pages

  8. fastforwarded through another episode

  9. Gee I "Hope" Thomas gets his comeuppance at some stage....
