Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-7-20 Full episode B&B 7th January 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-7-20 Full episode B&B 7th January 2020


  1. Well Hope we know your not going to cut ties with Douglas, as that snake Thomas is at it again, God I hope zone does fall pregnant then that would really stuff the snake, oh but wait he would just get rid of her as well. Hope your so dumb sometimes so blind .

    1. That would a very good storyline: Zoe pregnant

  2. I hope that hope turns Liam's down ...😂🤣😂 Liam is a LAME!!! Just like my baby steffy, hope also deserve better than liam.

    1. amber and jorndensmom29-- you think all you want too I see it in a hole world than you two can get((I hope go's back to lame and she will know what Thomas really is again and stuff will see her brother who he really is and that go's with his dad too))

  3. fed up with people bowing to Hope Logan. She is a manipulative bitch who wanted an already married man then got pregnant then insisted her baby was more important than Steffys

    1. Agreed Amber. I don't see what any man see's in Hope.

  4. Why is everyone in love with Hope, Liam and Wyatt. There is always a love triangle for each of these lame characters. Is there no one else in LA? Yeah, right... So sick of caring more about Douglass than the miracle daughter she mourned all these months.

  5. Why does Hope have such horrible taste in clothes? She dresses worse than most 70 year olds I know.

    1. I so much agree!! This boho chic style is so out of fashion. If Hope wins the fashion showdown with this style im gonna kill myslef! - Dimitris

    2. I was thinking the same thing about Hope's wardrobe. She dresses like the 60's flower child. And she has a clothing line Hope4 the future.

  6. I hate the strain Thomass has put on Lope relationship Liam is wrong for asking Hope to walk away from Douglas he needs her too she can be his wife and mother to both children. Over at slutty whorrester house Thomass said it wrong they marones strong dings dong

  7. Ridge and his kids are always saing Forrester name like its in their blood. News flash he and his kids are manipulative Maroni'S. That id were Thomas is getting his sick twisted DNA from!!!!!

  8. Of course Hope will say no to #softylikeashit Liam! There is no question about it. Hope-Less will understand that psycho-Thomas was right all along about Lame-Liam and she will doubt him causing their separation. Then Liam will go back with Steffy. The question now is what Zoe is going to do?

  9. It's all getting very, very complicated now. Thomas did send a curve ball at Hope when he asked her why Liam hadn't put the ring on her finger!!! This is really getting interesting now. Don't know why Ridge is fawning after that old cat Brooke again when the lovely Shauna is waiting in the wings for him and he can get on with a better life with her.

  10. Next week: Liam: Steffy I love you. Marry me!

  11. omg this show is so fucking horrible
