Friday, January 17, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-17-20 Full episode B&B 17th January 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-17-20 Full episode B&B 17th January 2020


  1. Brook has a new sentence that she repeats every week. Last week was Thomas needs professional help. This week is quin and Shauna needs to go back to the desert before they ruin her marriage.

  2. I think Brooke is the one living in a fantasy world and needs treatment

  3. Ugh why do they keep making these men so weak. I normally like wyatt but he's about to fuck up. Sally is going to end up turning evil after he left her so easily the first time and then begged for her back. I can't believe eric just sat there and allowed brook to say all she did the first time about Quinn. He comes back and allows her to continue to do it in her face if I was Quinn I'd be furious with him.

    1. Well you can't expect Eric to have much fight in him; he is 100 years old...

  4. They all should do open relationships with 3 or more people

  5. Brooke is such a crazy BITCH! What spell does she have over these men? She is not even that attractive. Eric is such a push over. He should have defended Quinn and thrown Brooke out.

  6. Quinn is getting a taste of her own medicine from Brooke. She did indeed start it by trying to seduce Ridge in the past while already married to Eric, and she was indeed encouraging fish face Shauna to go after Ridge.

  7. When I read the reaction, I wonder if you have all looked from the beginning, that is 32 years ago in the Netherlands. The only familly that was normal with norms and values were the Logans. Brooke's mother, Beth was going to marry Eric. Stephanie was pregnant with Eric she said. Afterwards she turned out to be pregnant with Maximo the father of Ridge. Brook has always loved Ridge from the first moment, but Stephanie's cheating and intridges have changed her life. I wonder which of the readers here is normal, how can you be for Quin or Thomas or Steffie or Stephanie? They have always manipulated things and are half psychopaths. If you have common sense you can look at it in a healthy way. And remember it is and remains a film.

    1. @holland are you serious right now? Brooke calls them dessert whores, but she forgets that she's the slut from the valley. Quinn is right in saying she worked her way into that family on her back. She will never come close to Stephanie. Stephanie has NEVER cheated on Eric. When she got pregnant both her and Eric believed it was his baby and he married her cos he loved her. How can you be for a slut from the valley Brooke who slept her way through all the Forresters, slept with Bill and wanted to hide her pregnancy from him, slept with her son in law and got pregnant by him, now she wants to look down on Quinn and Shauna. Ridge is the one who kissed Shauna and not the other way around.

  8. Wauw Holland, serieus? Het is een soap en jij valt al die Amerikanen af, terwijl juist jij je een beetje moet schamen dat je deze verhaallijnen zo serieus neemt en nog de moeite neemt een analyse te vraagt je af wie van de comment lezers normaal is? Ik lees dit uit leedvermaak, nu helemaal omdat ik het wel nodig vind om je op je plek te zetten. Je bent een schande voor onze Nederlanders!! Een beetje normaal doen jij

    **For entertaining, Google translate what I said to her, poor thing :")

    1. @Amsterdam its not that i agree with Holland 100% but you need have to the full picture. I am watching this show from the beginning and i agree with Holland's statement that Brooke has always loved Ridge. Brooke has been really quite in regards to her personal life. No major story lines have been developed on her. It seems that Brooke is taking Stephanie's role in regards of protecting the family, and to me its correct since she is the oldest actor along with Eric. I really don't like desert whores Quinn and Shauna, there just vile opportunist creatures, but Brooke overstepped when telling Eric to get rid of Quinn. On the other hand i agree to what she said to Shauna, she need to protect her marriage from fish head Shauna. Also i agree with Brooke with the reaction about psycho Thomas. Nobody can be around him until he gets psychological help. So before you write something think it over and be objective. Dimitris

    2. Shauna deserves happiness too, even if she isn't rich. Brooke is probably right, but the way she is acting is exactly what drives men into the arms of the other woman. She is being unpleasant and argumentative, and most men can't stand that. Even though she is right, she should learn self control, and know when to back off. and her demands are those of someone not in their right mind; asking a father to turn his back on his own son, and asking a man to leave his wife, are outrageous demands. Brooke is alienating everyone.

  9. Thank you Bob! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. I think Brooke is losing her mind. Maybe the pressure is getting to her and she needs to be committed.

  11. Ridge is no great prize, I've never understood the draw, but that's what's in the script so it's what we end up with on-screen. ๐Ÿคฎ
    What gets up my nose is the love triangle revival between Wyatt, Sally & Flo. These love triangles are absolutely asinine! Are there NO other single, beautiful, talented people in the WHOLE of Los Angeles/Beverly Hills?! Just as Liam is bounced between Steffy & Hope, now Wyatt is passed from Sally to Flo & back. GET REAL!! I'd never tolerate the wishy-washy crap they dish out from ANY man -- if any of these women were written with an ounce of self-respect, they'd toss the "Spencer Men" on the do-not-recycle pile & go for a girls' night out together (& maybe compare notes๐Ÿ˜œ)! And, they bring a new possible suitor for Steffy & she shoots him down. Seriously?! Liam ISN'T all that... he's not even HALF that!
    I realize the show's central characters are the Foresters, Logan's & Spencer's, but let's get some new blood in there!!
    I so wish Big Sally Spectra was around, too-- she wouldn't let Wyatt get away with treating Sally (Courtney Hope) like he does!!

    WHEW! So good to get that off my chest! (& Yes, I know it's just a show)

  12. @Amsterdam this is a reactie of your respons
    I love the Americans. I'm proud when I'm in America with my family of 35 people, which have 60 years to live and work, they have American mothers. In this story I'm going to stand closest to the love for the characters. Pychopatische traits I do not like to see because it is located far from the love we as human beings have to one another. I think Liam Brooke and Hope ones as human good works. And I'm proud of myself, a man who likes sweet and surrounding me with lovely people.
