Friday, June 10, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th June 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th June 2022


  1. As much as I adore Eric and Quinn together, they should just call it quits I mean both are longing for others, what kinda marriage is that.

    And poor Katie, always gotta be on the lookout that the love of her life and her sister don't hook up behind her back... Sad

    1. I agree, Lutfiyya!!! Just Saying!!!

    2. All you Brooke SUPPORTERS, it still BOTHER me how you all can NOT feel Compassion for KATIE, a GOOD PERSON that was LIED and DECEIVED by BROOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN WITH THE AFFAIR OF HER HUSBAND, BILL!!! Just Saying!!

    3. I agree Lutfiyya, I feel for Katie, even though I don’t like the Logan’s.. but brook and bill have hurt her so deeply, so many times.. she might have forgiven brook and bill, and she might support brook as her sister, but she will never trust either of them again.. she knows bill will go to brook if she let him, and that’s I don’t think she would trust brook around any of her men in her life after what brook did to her.. it wasn’t just once either, she hurt her many times and in the worst way, while she was down and out and needed brook, and instead of being there for Katie, she was taking bill away from her behind her back, in the same ways she did to Bridget.. if brook was my sister, and I needed someone’s support, she would b the last person I would go to.. although I don’t like Logan’s, I do feel for Katie in this regards.. bill even tried to get hope on board to get him and brook back together after this first happened.. so Katie knows all too well..

      In regards to Eric and Quinn’s, I just wish they would give it up already and go b with who they really want to b with.. they tried to give it another go,, and clearly it’s not happening, so give it up..

      Carter, what r u doing mate!! And grace, what a bitch she is.. how humiliating to paris and carter.. they r both grown adults.. I understand what carter is doing is wrong, but paris is apparently a grown woman and if she is stupid enough to b involved with a man that clearly loves someone else, then that is a lesson she has to learn.. grace is going around forrester stalking everyone, paris, zende, carter, now ridge.. for goodness sakes , there’s protective mothers then there’s grave, as psycho as Sheila.. she has to let paris learn in life.. give advice but let her decide wether to take it on board or not.. she will learn a valuable lesson through this.. how is it that grace can just come to forrester and go anywhere she pleases, including bursting into the CEO’s office?? Really..

    4. Katie, you are perpetrated as a WEAK WOMAN, no wonder Bill is more ATTRACTED to BROOKE!!! KATIE, he WATCHED as she HURT YOU, by having a AFFAIR with him, AND YOU CONTINUED TO SHOW "WEAKNESS" by DEFENDING HER MADNESS. I DON'T BLAME BILL, NO MAN WANT A WEAK WOMAN!!! Just Saying!!

    5. As a big Brooke supporter, I agree that Brooke should have never done anything sexual with Bill as soon as he got involved with Katie. But correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t Brooke date / marry Bill before Katie ever dated him?? So if that’s the case, then Katie was in a bad predicament as soon as she got involved with her sister, Brooke’s ex. The fact that Bill continues to think of Brooke as the one who got away should have been a huge warning to Katie to never get involved with Brooke’s discards. Just sayin’.

    6. Bill was actually attracted to Donna for a very brief minute before Katie came along. Bill and Brooke became close after he had married Katie when she could not bond with her newborn son. Katie also got it in her head that Brooke would be a better wife to Bill and a better mother to Will and decided to leave her family. And Brooke just couldn't help herself. She was very wrong for taking advantage of the situation when she should have been helping and supporting her sister.

    7. Yes that’s true Lynn.. he married Katie first, so really brook is the ex.. he didn’t marry brook until years afterwards, when she took bill away from Katie while she was going through post natal depression.. she got it when she had will , as Ell said, and instead of helping and supporting Katie, she took bill from out from under her while she was at her lowest.. but that’s not the first time she did that to Katie, she did it again, when Katie’s heart problem flared up and she had to have a heart transplant, and she did it a third time when Katie got depressed and paranoid about brook and bill and turned to alcohol.. again, instead of helping, she just did what Katie was freaking out she would do, then lied to Katie, but was sleeping with bill in his secret room he has in his office.. so Katie thought she was being paranoid for nothing and drove herself mad over them, and was apologising to them for freaking out about them and making accusations towards them unfairly, when in actual fact, they were doing what Katie feared most.. but they let Katie believe she was imagining things.. and when it drove Katie to turn into an alcoholic, brook did nothing to help her.. just lied about bill.. so sorry Lynn, as I said, if u watched from the beggining u would see why no one likes brook and why she has the title she does.. I don’t think u would be a brook fan of u watched all of b&b.. u would view brook very differently..

    8. And in actual fact Lynn, all the men brook has married were all married to other women till she would come in and swoop them away.. all of them!! They were all married when she came in and took them away from their wives.. she has always been that.. she is always the ex..

    9. Not to mention Brooke helped Bill take Will from her using the stunts she and Bill pulled to gaslight Katie as rationale for it. Poor Katie and Donna always supports whatever Brooke does and tells Katie to just forgive Brooke and ignore the past. Bill and Katie together is toxic. He is so controlling of her and emotionally abusive.

    10. If it wasn't for Liam who found the secret room in Bill's office and confronted his father, Katie would have been none the wiser.

    11. Correct Bbfan. With a sister/mother like Brooke, who needs enemies?

      I would say though that Katie also manipulated and guilt-tripped Bill to stay married to her when she found out that he was going to leave her for Steffy. She used her heart condition working herself up and landed in the hospital. Katie gives as good as she gets, imo.

    12. I am 100% certain that you ladies put your Brooke hate spin in the comments above. I would have to see the episodes play out for myself to determine if there’s even a shred of truth to what you say. But my opinion of Brooke stands. She is my favorite character on the show for sure.
      The only time I got genuinely annoyed with Brooke was when she was trying to convince Hope to stay and forgive Liam after he slept with Steffy. Brooke should have NEVER done that! That’s not how you protect your daughter by telling her to go back to the man who slept with his ex while married to Hope. I would have instructed Hope to dump him like a hot rock!!!! So during those episodes I was annoyed with Brooke. But otherwise, she’s been awesome!!

    13. Brooke is doing the very clingy, can't let him out of my sight-because I have to win mode. Brooke is a girl wad. Katie is back to steal a few moments with Bill, because it's the only excitement she ever gets. She knows Brooke will be hot on her trail if Katie gets anywhere with Bill. Bill is one of Brooke's fall back stand-by guys when it's convenient. No one is interfering with her security blankets.
      Very bad story line for Carter to go for Parris to make Quinn jealous. Parris will be pregnant when Quinn comes up available.
      We want new story lines not 1970s shockers that are blase today.

    14. I'm curious, Lynn. When Brooke kissed Bill at the cabin a few years ago because she and Ridge had a falling out over Thomas, was she justified in kissing her sister's husband?

    15. Interesting you bring that up, Elle. So when that happened Ridge was totally ignoring Brooke’s feelings and concerns about predator / crazy man Thomas who was 100% obsessed with Hope. Brooke warned Ridge over and over again about her concerns and he ignored her and stood by while his crazy son Thomas did exactly what Brooke said he was gonna do. Then much later Ridge apologized for not trusting Brooke’s instincts and told her she had been right all along. You know that thing….”RESPECT” that you all say Brooke never gives Ridge. And you were all so incensed about it when it was Brooke who wasn’t respecting Ridge’s feelings. But I guess it’s OK when Ridge disregards Brooke’s feelings, cuz that’s different, right ??? 😂😂😂
      The kiss with Bill was spontaneous and it happened during a moment when Brooke was feeling vulnerable because her husband would not defend her or respect her wishes. And immediately after the kiss with Bill, Brooke regretted it. She did not repeat the act. Nor did anything get started again with Bill. They had virtually no contact after that kiss and Brooke was in no way considering Bill as relationship material. Bill on the other hand, was swooning for Brooke the minute their lips met. It’s not Brooke’s fault that all the men love her!! 😬😬😬😬😬

    16. I feel sorry for Katie because she knows she is not Bill’s dream woman no matter how hard she tries to be. Katie should have more pride than to settle for second. She should go find a man who truly loves and adores her and only her. That man will never be Bill Spencer. And that’s not Brooke’s fault. It’s just simply the way it is.

    17. ooooh Lynn, but that is NO excuse for brook to kiss bill, while bill was married to her sister and she was married to ridge.. then lied until she got caught out.. the kiss with deacon was spontaneous too and I guess u think that was ok too even though the tables were reversed this time?? so matter which way the tables are, u still think what brook does is OK.. u always find a way to defend her actions..

      and I strongly suggest you go and watch ALL of the episodes, so u can know that, ALL of the people who are saying the same things , including people outside of me, Ell and bfan, are telling the truth.. you really are blindsided Lynn.. perhaps instead of telling people they might not be telling the truth, u should go back and watch for yourself..? But perhaps you might be concerned that your image of brook may be shattered..

      Funny, u say that u were upset with brook because she told hope to go back to a cheating Liam.. but in the next breath, u make excuses for brook kissing her sisters husband, and deacon and then telling people that we might not be being truthful about all of the HORRIFIC things brook did to her sister and even worse her daughter.. what advice do u think brook should give Katie and Bridget?? I really do find your rationale amusing.. 🤣🤣🤣 and of course your going to come back at me with your usual when u can’t defend her, “well 4 and a half years is long enough” for u too make a clear judgment on brook, despite the fact that she kissed her sisters husband and lied about it till Quinn called her out, and now deacon, and lied about until she was caught out.. brook even said it to hope, “what’s wrong with me, why do I keep turning to other men”.. and I am not lying Lynn, go back and watch, brook actually said that about herself, go watch what u might have missed.. 🤣🤣🤣

    18. And Lynn, all the men love brook because she is so good at what she does best, scissor legs!! 🤣🤣

    19. And you didn’t answer Ell’s question? Do you think brook was justified kissing her sisters husband.. and before u point in the direction of what you wrote above, that doesn’t justify it!!

    20. And u say they had no contact after the kiss, wasn’t brook telling bill she loves him and will always love him, while ridge was listening in?? Oh, must have missed that part??

    21. Dream on Colly. There are lots of women who will scissor their legs. They love Brooke because she is smart, beautiful and exciting. And if you honestly believe I have time to go back and watch decades of shows I missed you must be smokin something or have a non existent life! There’s absolutely no way I could catch up. Maybe 15 years from now!! Lol
      And I’ve addressed this already about 20 times….there is a HUGE difference between a kiss in a moment of vulnerability and screwing your ex and spending the night!!! Not even in the range of things that are comparable! So quit bringing that up as some kind of rationale for your points. It’s outrageous that you would even attempt to compare the two!!!

    22. Brooke said she loves Bill just like Liam loves Steffy. Why is that concept lost on you??? Don’t you have people in your life that you care about and love that you don’t love romantically?? We ALL DO!!!! Quit with the word games. She is NOT in love with Bill!!! You 100% know that. Why do play these games?

    23. Thank you for your response Lynn. I asked for your outlook on that kiss because I knew you would justify it as just ONE kiss. However, it was one kiss with her ex-husband, the same way you come down on Ridge for kissing and spending time with his ex-wife. But that's beside the point. Brooke stealing her sister's husband and carrying on a torrid sexual affair for months was wrong. There is no excuse for that. You hadn't even seen the show back then but still tried to justify Brooke's actions by stating that if Bill was with Brooke first, then somehow, that makes what Brooke and Bill did to Katie justifiable. It is not.

      And going back to the kiss between Bill and Brooke, the situation between Ridge and Brooke now is quite different in that, Ridge was trying to help his son and all he wanted was his wife's support. Thomas' actions were independent of his father's desire to help him. Ridge did not cause it, neither did he encourage it. He was trying to discourage it by helping his son. Brooke, otoh, welcomed Deacon, her ex-lover and father of her child and an ex-convict, into the home she shared with Ridge. And she did this against his wishes. She encouraged Deacon into her home knowing how her husband felt about him. Brooke was purposeful in her actions against her husband.

    24. Lynn, if you are not going to watch all of b&b episodes, that’s your prerogative, however, when other posters are posting factual information, and I also mean others apart from me, Ell and bfan, then perhaps you can’t really be 100% certain that us ladies are putting our hate spin in our comments and that there’s no shred of what we are saying is true, without watching so yourself.. so before accusing others that they are lying because they don’t like brook, either, go and watch for yourself, or don’t make comments like you have.. yes you are a big brook supporter, but you have not a shred of knowledge to tell others who have watched From day one that they are lying..

      I am speaking for myself now, I like you Lynn, however, this is the second time you have basically told me I don’t know what I am talking about when I talk about brooks past.. first you said I was telling fiction, and now I am outright lying?? I have actually watched b&b from day one, as have many others on this blog.. when u told me I was speaking fiction, it was because another brook supporter brought up Taylor’s misgivings and that Taylor supporters “forget about that”, however, just because I have not spoken about Taylor’s past misgivings, doesn’t mean I am lying about brooks or making up fiction, or lying.. and using the continuous reason that u have only watched four years as a reason to accuse people of making up fiction and lying is just ridiculous and quite frankly offensive.. this is just a show Lynn, and we are not watching Sesame Street, and the posters here are mostly mature adults, that don’t really have a reason to make fiction up or lie..

    25. And when it comes to word games Lynn, you are also very good at that, because no matter what brook does, u can find a way to twist it so it’s justified.. and no, Lynn, I don’t use recreational drugs.. and I don’t play games either.. anyone who knows me will tell you, I am a respectable, mature person with an impressive career behind me.. so stop with the personal attacks.. I have never said those type of things to you.. if you don’t like what I say, don’t spit at me..

    26. Well said, Colly! And I support you 100%. The baseless accusations are uncalled for.

      The thing is that we post about Brooke's past misdeeds as they happened. We don't add anything to it. The Brooke supporters, just like Lynn, try to find things to either explain why Brooke behaved the way she did or try to justify her actions. However, it doesn't change the facts. Katie: dealing with PTSD
      Brooke: her sister
      Bill: her husband
      Brooke and Bill: had a secret affair while Katie was going through her mental distress.

      No amount of justification can make what Brooke did to her sister right.

    27. Katie also clearly had postpartum depression… Brooke took advantage of that to steal her husband, just like she did when Bridget had her miscarriage and Brooke stole Nick from her. It’s a lifelong pattern with Brooke. How do you justify Brooke stealing husbands from her sister or daughter ??? She hurts everyone around her but we are supposed to just forget it ever happened. She’s always been sanctimonious and self righteous!

      She did everything to destroy Amber too because she wasn’t good enough for Brooke. Talk about a hypocrite… she forgets she started out as a catering server… but Amber who was a poor up and coming designer wasn’t good enough lol.

      Brooke is a bully who gets in everyone’s business and tells them how to live their lives while doing a shite job on her own.

    28. And the ironic thing about what she did to Amber, was that Amber came from a background similar to brooks.. She was not wealthy and brook accused her of being a gold digger and she wasn’t going to let Rick be with “someone like Amber”, low class, poor from the valley just like brook.. and brook viewed her and treated her exactly like Stephanie veiwed and treated brook 🤣🤣 talk about hypocrite!! And she took bill away from Katie more than once, it wasn’t just when she had the post natal depression..

      but at the end of the day, my point is, those who have watched from day one know what brook has done, and you are correct Ell, we talk about those things as they arise.. we don’t lie, or make things up.. and no one should accuse anyone of those things when they have not watched what we talk about.. it is insulting and makes me personally feel as though I am poor of character and a child.. and I am neither of those things.. this is a fictional show for goodness sakes, and everyone has their favourite characters, however, there’s no need to talk that way to people and say things as such, when trying to defend your favourite.. no one is smoking drugs or has nothing else to do or playing childish games or lying or making things up.. it’s in called for.. joke or not..

    29. Thank you Colly! I agree. 👏👏👏👏

    30. I don’t understand why Brooke and Donna keep pressuring Katie to go back to Bill??? Brooke knows he’s in love with her and always will be. Bill will always run to Brooke in a heartbeat and devastate her all over again. Why would anyone push their sister back into that??? Donna I kinda get since Katie tried it on with Eric 😂 she never did get her piece of Forrester pie 😂


  2. TY for sharing Bob.
    And now Paris' mom gives orders who her daughter should kiss and Ridge gives orders to Carter? What is wrong with all of this... Everything!! Everyone is unhappy
    Donna, is having a ball with her teddy bear which I am sure QUINN will find out what happened. When this happens Donna better run for her life. I am starting to get sick of it now with Ridge.

    1. I agree everyone is unhappy- especially fans of the show. Quit using old formulas and break writer's bad habits. I'm groaning from Carter getting involved with his fall back person of the moment. That mother should be enough for Carter to want to get away from.
      Also sick of Quinn not walking in on Doona and Eric. When Quinn walks in on them, at least Eric will be believable when he says to Donna, who are you again? And how did you get in my house, much less nakey?

    2. The Ridge story line of who to be with is sooooooo boring and no one cares. Even Brooke and Taylor will get over it after they tire of "who will ask me to the prom," stoopit high school games. Katie is back for Bill, Brooke, go for it, get him away from Katie and have a double play with Ridge at the same time.

    3. BL I agree. I don’t know they make Carter’s character so that he feels the only choice of women he has is Quinn and Paris??? He’s in love with Quinn who is married so fair enough that he’s acting rightly in not pursuing that. However, Carter is a handsome man, a successful solicitor turned COO of a world renowned fashion house, etc etc… why should his only other choice be a spoiled, immature 22 yr old who is basically blackmailing him??? Lazy crap writing!

  3. Since when should Parris's mom be able to complain to any one at that company about anyone to start with. I'm certainly no Parris fan, but If I were Parris I'd quit and work somewhere else and Carter as well. It's a company, they're not children to tell them how they can live, and neither of them certainly have any business doing so after all the screw ups they've had.

    1. Spot on, she is not an employee there, she has no right !! She is lucky she is even allowed in the building, nevermind bursting into the CEO office and harassing everyone.. I think she is more crazy than Sheila 🤣🤣

    2. Colly, since you mention Shiella, Finn ADOPTED Mother is CRAZIER than SHEILLA!!

    3. Yes, I think she is heading that way!!

    4. Agree and that is a firing offence and something that can literally ruin Carter’s life. The worst part is, that Ridge caught Zoe and Zende. He knows it was Zoe cheating on Carter during their engagement.

      Paris made the moves on Carter not the other way around. Really, Paris is an adult, if her mum hates the man who’s snogging her (it’s inappropriate in the office setting fair enough) and mentions them at his house, Ridge should at least speak to Paris first to get her side right??? She’s not complaining… also Carter isn’t Paris’s boss or over her. The Foundation is outside Carter’s job as COO so there is not sexual harassment except from Paris to Carter when she is accosting him in the workplace.

      It was so clearly fake on her mum’s part. Ridge should have said thanks for letting me know, now leave and talked to Paris and let Carter know the accusations.

      I’m cross because Carter didn’t do ANYTHING to Zoe. He had no obligation to tell her about his relationship when he was NOT seeing her at the time. He had broken off their engagement and relationship after Ridge told him about Zoe cheating with Zende behind his back. Paris berated him because, “he knew Zoe wanted him back…” WTF kind of rationale is that???

      How did her mum turn that into Carter destroying Zoe??? She hurt him and destroyed his confidence.

      What she’s doing is defamation of character, not very clever given he’s a solicitor 😂

    5. Bbfan 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

      I had to laugh at Momma B when Ridge asked her what the complaint was about and she responded that Carter is harassing her daughter after she forbid him to see her. Really? 😂😂😂

    6. Li had to be crazy when she stole Finn from the hospital. No one noticed? How often do Dr.s do the wheeling out? By herself so no one knows??? She had to have ambulance attendants. She looks like a crappy over emotional driver, so there had to be one of those. Or she stole the ambulance. No one noticed that either. Everyone needs to press her about what she had done with him. Throw Li in jail with Sheila, I'd love that! Sheila needs to be out to make all these overblown egos uncomfortable. Sheila can be with Deacon and the fans get a good fun show back.

    7. Nothing about the Paris / Carter / Dr Buckingham garbage is remotely believable. The crazy mother can’t spend her days lurking in the shadows at Forrester Creations / spying on people / peeking in offices. There is no way that would ever happen! Not to mention that she runs to Ridge like some lunatic. Her daughter is a grown woman. And she wasn’t being held down against her will. The mom knows dang well her daughter has instigated this whole thing with Carter, so it’s ridiculous to pretend otherwise. But onto Paris and Carter, no way are they gonna be standing in her office making out at work. Talk about inappropriate!!! Take it home to the bedroom after the workday is over!!! Your work office is not the time or place for that type of behavior!! When the hell do any of these people actually work ???!!!
      And speaking of work…I was actually laughing out loud when Bill Spencer accused Ridge of not being busy at work cuz he didn’t see him with a needle and thread in his hand!! Too funny!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

    8. That comment bill made was hilarious.. the whole conversation in the beginning was.. until he brought up brook!!

    9. To all the comments above, I agree, and paris mother is the one harassing people.. yelling at zende to buck up and go after her daughter!! If that’s not harassment, the writers think the fans are so stupid.. she didn’t even knock when she went to see ridge.. she was carrying on like carter just rap*^ paris.. she really does have screws loose.. that is a very serious accusation to make, it could be life destroying.. but at the end of the day, carter is a lawyer and paris won’t let the complaint go any further.. i can’t wait to see paris reaction to what her mother just did 🤣🤣 I think paris might ban her from going there.. or even better, if ridge did, can u imagine graces reaction if ridge did!! And also, ridge has no right to be in carters business anyway.. but I got the impression that it wasn’t the harassment complaint ridge was worried about.. he seemed more concerned about carters mental state , talking about having a family etc so rash.. he is asking carter if he loves paris enough to make a decision like that.. so I don’t think he is actually worried what grace said.. I think he is just worried for carters well being.. plus ridge doesn’t know paris broke it off with zende or that zende gave carter “permission” to b with paris.. to early to tell all of that..

    10. Love that Bill is a huge Brooke fan!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    11. And, i get so annoyed that grace keeps saying carter cheated on and hurt Zoe.. that’s not what happened.. and someone needs to set her straight about that.. and how dare she bring up Quinn, nevermind say what she did.. she’s the one who needs to be stopped..

      anyways, I am just sitting here enjoying a nice bowl of mango and cream.. second one today!! Had it for breakfast too! too much fruit is a laxative, so I think I might be running to the toilet a lot this weekend 🤣🤣

    12. Lynn, u love anyone who is a brook fan 🤣🤣🤣

    13. You're right, Colly. Ridge is concerned for his friend. I look forward to Ridge encouraging Carter to follow where his heart truly lies.

      I, too, hate that Dr. B continues to drone on and on about Carter cheating on Zoe however, I don't think she will listen to anyone who might try to set her straight because she already has it in her head that that is what happened, just like she has it in her head that Carter is harassing Paris even though Paris has told her time and time again that she is not interested in Zende, she's in love with Carter.

  4. Love the show. But is there any way to stop the advertisements telling women to be selfish and get rid of their own sons and daughters?

    1. I have not been able to respond to comments lately due to technical problems with Google from my account, so I write as anonymous.

      You need to write to the technical support of the video hosting on which the video is posted.

  5. What was all the talk about Bill and Brooke today?

    And look at Ridge playing nice with Quinn, the woman that Brooke loathes! I can see sides being taken in the Eric/Donna reveal. Brooke will be ecstatic about the affair while Ridge will berate his father for cheating.

    Dr. Buckingham seriously needs to get a life. Zende should take her out. Wine and dine her. Give her a little something on the side. She certainly wouldn't have time to meddle in her ADULT daughter's life.

    Quinn can't stop thinking about Carter. Has to will herself to think about her husband. I get that she is devoted and doesn't want to hurt him again but, at the same time, why stay in a marriage that is clearly not fulfilling? Quinn said so much to Eric today and he had nothing to say in return.

    1. Agree with all Elle! 👏👏👏👏👏

    2. They bring back Katie so she can talk about Brooke 😂 we have to hear about her if she’s not on screen lest we forget she’s Bell’s pet 😂😂🤣😂🤣

      I’m shocked Donna could contain herself and not shout out about her 🍯 🐻! One could see she was longing it to do it. Why is she pushing so hard for Katie to go back to Bill? He will always love Brooke and only destroy Katie yet again if she lets him in. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Thos destiny bullocks is beyond ridiculous… sure break up marriages, go for men that use and abuse you time and again all in the name of destiny 🤮

    3. Donna can't gloat about Eric just yet. He told her it's over and went back to his wife! 😂😂😂

      I cannot stand Katie and actually despise her more than Brooke. You are right though. If she gives Bill a chance, he will just hurt her again.

    4. Bb I had to laugh at when she almost choked on her morning bubbly!!

    5. Ell he even looked her square in the face as though Quinn was right about his loyalty.. pig 🐽 is what he is and always was.. he was always quick to blast and accuse when someone cheated on him, yet when he does it, he seems to have the Logan mentality!!

    6. Bbfan 😄, I was waiting for Quinn to say to Eric, your my honey bear. This was such a boring episode. Guess Colly's eating her mangos and cream. 😊

    7. Yup D, the fridge is stocked and I am going to have a wonderful mango and cream binge weekend, for breakfast, lunch and dinner!! 🤤 🤤 🤣🤣

    8. Colly, I really hope Quinn finds out about the affair soon and walks away from Eric for good. They're writing Ridge as liking Quinn again which means that he will possibly take her side when the affair is found out and may even approve of Carter being with her. He clearly does not think that Paris is the right woman for Carter.

    9. True Ell.. but u know what the writers r like, they can’t make it that easy.. they have to create mayhem.. I have a feeling that carter is really going to stuggle with his feelings for Quinn, and when the whole Eric Donna blows up, Quinn will want to b with carter, but I think paris will try and trap him somehow.. Mayb fake a pregnancy because she knows he wants a family and kids which Quinn can’t give him.. it’s going to end up a big mess..

    10. Me too Elle! Ridge actually was mates with Quinn for a while after he tried to seduce her away from Eric and failed. Another reason Brooke hates her so much.

      Really it was Brooke’s targeting Quinn and Eric’s marriage for NO reason other than Quinn wasn’t good enough in Brooke’s eyes lol.

      The funny thing is Brooke accused her of being a gold digger.. if we look at history who took millions from Eric as well as shares of Forrester?? Oh that would be Brooke x 2 and Donna. Quinn asked for literally NOTHING from Eric in the divorce other than NOT to yank her jewellery business out of spite. She spent many years building that on her own.

    11. Exactly Bbfan. I don't know why people think that Quinn is after Eric's money when she said that she wanted nothing from Eric when they were going through their divorce before.

    12. And yes, Brooke just woke up one day and decided that she was going to go over to Eric's, bad-mouth Quinn and vow to get her out of Eric's life. That's what started this whole Brooke/Quinn saga.

      I remember Quinn and Ridge sharing their last kiss on the beach and Quinn telling Ridge that she loves Eric and couldn't be with him. I liked Quinn and Eric together but I thought that scene was quite romantic.

    13. Can't Carter get a restraining order on mamma-buttinski? Make it 200 miles from Carter's residence, place of work, and everywhere else.

    14. Get it while you can, Colly!! Your days are numbered!! Lol

    15. Also, I don’t like how hope hope lied to Katie.. when Katie was saying that bill has been trying to get her back, which he has for a while now, hope forgot to tell Katie that bill was trying to enlist hope to get bill back with brook??

    16. And guys, don’t forget how much she has taken from ridge, and bill, and Thorne and nick.. the only one she didn’t get and still continues to get millions from is deacon, because he had and still has none.. brooks mansion was handed to her on a silver platter, and so was her perfume and clothing line.. and what she still receives in alimony from all of them.. brook can put down her shovel now!!

    17. Lol D, that was hysterical, I was waiting for her to slip up too Hehhehe. I’m very curious how Hope will handle seeing Auntie snogging Eric 😂

  6. Ellie, you DESPISE Katie, REALLY a WOMAN that SUFFERED from PTSD, and why shy was dealing with that ILLNESS her SISTER BROoKE was having a AFFAIR with her HUSBAND, BILL!!!! Just Saying!!

    1. Yes Barbara, I really do despise Katie. She's a loud-mouthed, manipulative banshee who feels that she can run around doling out advice for other people's affairs when her own life is a hot mess. And I'm not a fan of Bill's but I always hated how she used her heart issues to guilt Bill into staying with her everytime he wanted to leave. Brooke was wrong for taking advantage of the situation, no doubt, but I had absolutely no sympathy for Katie and her presumed PTSD.

    2. I agree with u Ell, I don’t like Katie one bit, but when it comes to brook hurting Katie the way she has, being sisters, I would side with Katie.. I can’t stand any of the Logan’s, but I will give Katie one thing, she wouldn’t do to brook what brook did to her.. the Logan’s normally stick together, unless your brook!!

    3. And actually, Ell, yes , I forgot about that??

    4. Ellie, are you saying if you were dealing with one of the MENTAL ILLNESS that is DESTROYING PEOPLE life today, you would be okay with your SISTER LYING, DECEIVING YOU WHILE HAVING A AFFAIR WITH YOUR HUSBAND?!!! JUST SAYING!!!

    5. Ellie, are you saying you would be okay with your sister having a AFFAIR with your husband, sick or not? Just Saying!!!

    6. Colly, in my opinion Katie is the ONLY LOGAN SISTER with CLASS!!! Just Saying!!!

    7. Sorry Barbara, but I don’t think any of them have class.. the way they behave and treat others, they r not classy women.. just saying!!

    8. That's not what I'm saying Barbara. I said that Brooke was wrong. She was very wrong. She should have been helping and supporting Katie, not sleeping with her husband.

    9. Colly, Katie and class should not even be in the same sentence.

    10. This is the same Katie that had Nick, Bridget’s husband take her out on his boat to the island and wanted him to have sex with her as her dying wish??? She pulled a Brooke there lol!

      No class either. She’s the least offensive of the Logan unholy Trinity 😂🤣😂🤣😈

    11. Katie wouldn't steal Brooke's man because SHE can't. No one is going to choose the squish face over anybody. Katie fills-in Bill's need to not be alone. They are all users. That's in the genes, the heritage, use use use anyone you can use to further your own interests. It's funny to watch as one person is more selfish than the next person.

    12. 🤣🤣🤣so true bl..

  7. Katie(I can't remember your real name, but you must need a job real bad to continue to play a role defending Brooke) JUST SAYING!!!

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 well put Barbara!!

    2. Thanks Colly!!! Just Saying!!!

    3. It is nice to see Katie back, also looking forward to see more of Bridgett!!! Just Saying!!!!

  8. Is it just me, or did it seem odd that Hope had a hat on today? Just sitting around gabbing with my aunts, I don’t think I’d very a fancy hat. But maybe it was high tea or something. Looked more like mimosas!

    1. thoughts exactly! Also, it was nice to see Donna clothed for once...

    2. No, it was odd that she was wearing a hat.. they always dress her horribly..

    3. Well said, Colly. Nothing new there with Hope. 😂😂

    4. I thought so as well. Drinking early in the morn, in Brooke’s sitting room while she’s out stalking Ridge 😂🤣😂🤣😂🙄🥂

    5. With a daft hat, Hope zero fashion sense lol.

    6. Oh BBFAN, you can’t miss an opportunity to bring Brooke into the discussion and to rip on her. She isn’t out stalking Ridge. Ridge has been at the office yelling at Carter and Brooke is nowhere around. Nice try.
      Every once in a while they put Hope in a cute outfit. But not often. I question many wardrobe choices made by the creators of the show, not just Hope’s. Hope is a very pretty young lady.

    7. Usually they have Steffy slutting it up in her outfits. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8. Lynn that’s because that’s probably where brook is on her way to.. just because she hasn’t arrived there yet, doesn’t mean she’s not on her way, and she is on her way!! 🤣🤣🤣

    9. Actually Taylor is probably on her way to Ridge because it’s becoming extremely apparent she is losing the race!!!! 😂😂😂

    10. Lynn, I don't get why you so strongly believe that Ridge will go back to Brooke, especially since he has made absolutely no promises to her. Brooke ran home and kicked Deacon out because she thinks her promises of sex and giving Ridge what he wants will work in her favor and Ridge will come home. But he never told her anything of the sort. So I'm not sure why you think it's going to happen. Maybe, it MIGHT happen some time in the future but I'm not sure that Ridge is quite ready to make that move just yet. You've been saying that for weeks and still, nothing.

  9. They dress Hope like some prison matron, or bathroom attendant. When Hope or Taylor try to get sexy, it comes off as funny. They have to choose between permanently goodly, and sex pot- they can't have both.

    1. Where Hope is concerned, I think the way she dresses might be the actress' personal style. She seems to prefer being fully covered while on set. And I say that because even when she and Liam had on their swimsuits, she wore a whole suit with a long, flowing cover-up. And she was INSIDE OF HER HOUSE. I mean, who does that?

    2. That was odd Elle. In love scenes she looks extremely uncomfortable too. Granted I heard it’s difficult filming because you have a camera a few centimetres from your face and crew, with directions for every move they make and it’s cold 😂 Brava for those make it look natural and passionate lol. I fast forward through theirs anyway it’s just too awkward to watch hahah same with Paris and and Carter 🤢.
