Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-8-22 Full episode B&B 8th June 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-8-22 Full episode B&B 8th June 2022


  1. It’s so sad how Liam is constantly pining over Steffy. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    And all the folks who said Brooke was unjustly mean to Deacon yesterday should take heed that Deacon wasn’t taking no for an answer. Like I said, Brooke knows she needed to be very direct in order to truly make Deacon understand. He is not wanting to give up on his potential future with Brooke and he certainly gave his best salesman pitch. I do feel sorry for Deacon, but if I were Deacon I would want to be with someone who loved me like I loved them, and that person is not Brooke.
    Hope everyone is picking up on the fact that Ridge is calling Brooke “Logan” again. His term of endearment to her. Ridge is daydreaming about memories with Brooke now too. Not sure if he will be back home in this week’s episodes or next weeks, but he will be returning to Brooke very very soon!!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    1. Lynn, did you notice that Ridge also calls Taylor 'Doc' from time to time? It's his term of endearment for her. Did you also notice that Brooke told Ridge today that she loves him and he belongs home with her and he did not say it back?

    2. Why isn't the video working?

    3. Lynn I like everything you had to say. Brooke has been telling Deacon for a long time how she feels about Ridge and what she wants and he just keeps insinuating himself into her life. He needs to respect her wishes and just leave her alone. I actually expected Taylor to come walking into Ridge's office, but surprise, it was good old Bill. Even though he didn't get on my nerves today with his mouth I'm just not crazy about him. The one thing I am tired about when it comes to the Soaps is how they think we have to see so much of the detail in these love scenes. Sorry but I just believe people can figure out what's going to happen. I mean look at what we had to watch with Eric and Donna. That was all sickening to me too. But anyway I would like to see Brooke and Ridge get back together and have everybody stay out of their lives for a change. The writers need to switch things up and find other angles.

    4. Maddy, you and me both! I generally fast forward through all the love scenes on B&B! But I forced myself to watch the one between Liam and Hope today so I could defend their true love when the inevitable happened and people start saying how Liam is still sooooooo in love with Steffy. But honestly I think the love scenes are a total waste of time.
      And yes, I completely agree Deacon has been inserting himself into Brooke’s affairs for too long. She absolutely needed to set boundaries. I think Brooke did exactly what she needed to do as far as Deacon is concerned.
      And yes, Bill is much better in very small doses!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. Maddy, where u been?? Lynn’s been really lonely without u 🀣❤️

    6. Oh silly Colly, while I appreciate the fellow Brooke supporters on this blog, you absolutely know 100% that I don’t need my posse to make my points. I am never shy about my opinions no matter who agrees with me or who doesn’t. I just like it when others with common sense are on this blog. Not just you Taylor lovers. Lol.

    7. Lynn, are you saying the the Taylor lovers lack common sense?

  2. Lynnnnnnnnnnn, here goes......

    I COMMEND Brooke today for standing her ground with Deacon. I like Deacon but he knew that Brooke wanted to work things out with Ridge. He should be happy for her and try to support her in the decision she has made.

    That said, Deacon shouldn't worry. I'm sure there's some nice lady out there looking for a man to cherish her.

    Liam and Hope... πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

    Bill goes to see Ridge? To get into his business with Brooke? I'm confused.

    1. Ell for once, I actually enjoyed that first scene with bill and ridge.. it was comical.. but got boring very quickly in the next scene.. 🀣🀣

  3. The Logan's are all hypocrites!!! They always talk about someone else stealing their men when in fact they've all done it to someone else. Ridge deserves Brooke, Deacon looks much better and would definitely not do like Ridge has for years. He needs to be with someone else. Donna and Eric deserve one another, and just because he treated Quinn like crap and she went with Carter doesn't make what he's doing right. Two wrongs never make a right and if he wants Donna then why didn't he just leave Quinn alone and let her and Carter stay together...I hope she ends up with Carter, he looks and acts much better. I hope that the writers can come up with something a lot better than their triangles like they have with the same old people, and old is literally speaking for the Logan's, especially Brooke! But I doubt they're smart enough to come up with something different. Lol

    1. Sadly, the 9 writers of the show can’t do anything but cut and paste... bell junior has a lot of explaining to do, he’s taken all his fathers hard work and just turned the show into a brothel on a merry go round..

  4. Liam and Hope’s love scene was actually pretty good as far as the lame love scenes go on B&B. Liam seems very in love and happy with his wife. There was definitely passion on Liam’s side of things. Nice to see them very happy together.
    And thank you for commending Brooke. I know that took a lot for you. 😊

    1. It really didn't. I have no issue commending Brooke when it's due. Unfortunately, her bad deeds outweigh the good, imo, so there aren't a lot of times that I would commend her.

    2. Hey, we were just reminded today that the person you ladies love to call the “slut from the valley” is actually a chemist! Not some loser with no education who is nothing but a gold digger. She’s educated, she’s smart, and she’s beautiful! Not to mention she has class!!

    3. Sorry, didn't see all that passion. It's was a normal scene of love. There is no chemistry there 🀷
      For Brooke, the soap, the writers no comment! Flo, the stealer , seller was welcome, Deacon who saves Steffy live is not welcome. Being a good people never pay!

    4. Lynn, brook used to make perfume, it’s not hard to put a few essential oils together and add cat piss to make it stay on!! 🀣🀣🀣

    5. Yes, Brooke's a chemist. It's been stated on this forum many times. She created the BeLief formula and Ridge pretended that he was interested in her so that he could get it from her. Lol.

      The one we come down on is Hope who has no degree, no experience but was given an entire clothing line.

    6. Elle, well it seems the slut from the valley comments far outnumber the comments from your team about Brooke being a chemist. I seem to recall a comment about her degree sometime a long time ago. But nothing recently. My point is, Brooke is a successful, savvy business woman. Not some crack whore from Hemet looking for a sugar daddy. So maybe less of the “slut from the valley” comments from your team would be appropriate.
      Honestly, I fully expect Taylor to turn into the whore you ladies love to call Brooke. Like I mentioned in an earlier comment, Taylor won’t take this Ridge / Brooke reconciliation well. She’s bound to continue to try desperately to get Ridge back. And oh when she does, I’m gonna be ALL OVER THAT!!! Don’t you worry. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    7. “Pretended he was interested in her so he could get his hands on it???” Seems like he must have long since gotten his hands on it. Now it seems he just wants to get his hands on Brooke!!! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    8. And as I said, she’s not some crack whore slut looking for a sugar daddy. She is very accomplished herself! It’s soon to be Taylor who will be the new daytime slut. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    9. And yep, Ell is right once again, he did pretend, to get his hands on her perfume, pun intended, and it was payback for her taking shares she didn’t deserve and conned Eric out of!!

    10. And, again, Lynn, not Taylor or even paris will ever take that title from brook, cause she is and always will b , as u put it, the WINNER🀘🀘 for that title.. I think brook has actually won an Emmy for that??

    11. And, yes Lynn, she is accomplished at putting a few drops here and there of some smelly stuff then mix it with cat piss in a beacon and swish and tadaaaa, perfume!! And it is true that they use cat piss in perfume so it stays on and lasts longer and stronger, like a cat marking it’s territory, so perfect profession for brook I would say!

    12. Colly, as usual you are missing my point. What Brooke created… “perfume” has zero to do with what I’m saying. So I’ll say it again, she has a DEGREE in chemistry. That’s no easy task. The perfume mixture she created has zero to do with her accomplishment of getting a chemistry degree.

    13. Actually Taylor has been around with the guys a few times as well but I guess everyone has forgotten because she has been on hiatus since Shelia shot her ten years ago LMAO πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    14. I didn’t miss any point Lynn!!

    15. Colly, apparently you do since all you focus on is some perfume with cat pee as an ingredient.

    16. @ WatchimgsinceIwas6, thank you for pointing out what Taylor lovers love to leave out. They know I’m at a disadvantage because I missed decades of shows. So they think if they maintain Taylor has always been some angelic creature, no one will call them out on their lies!!
      So thank you for setting the record straight.

    17. I have never said Taylor is a saint.. and yes, she has slept with some men, but not at the record rate of brook, and she never took away anyones husband.. @watchingsinceiwas6, if u truly have been watching since that age and depending on how old you r now??, u would know how many men both Taylor and brook slept with and how many stole husbands from other women, and you would know brooks long list is why she is the only one with the title of tsftv..if two of her daughters husbands and her sisters husband and every forrester man was not enough and the list can go on and on and still keep going on.. how much do u remember from when u were 6 years old love? But nevermind, you made Lynn’s day 🀣🀣

    18. Lynn, you've stated over and over again that you do not have to revisit 30+ years of history to come to a conclusion about Brooke; that you have seen enough in the past 4.5 years to know that she is a fab person. So how are you at a disadvantage now because you do not know the past 30+ years of history where Taylor is concerned? It's either you want to revisit history or you don't. Like Brooke, maybe you should just stick to your current conclusion about Taylor based on what you have seen so far.

      However, as Colly has stated, Taylor is NOWHERE NEAR Brooke's colorful history where men are concerned. Sleeping with, marrying, having a child with your own daughter's husbands is the lowest that you can get. And Brooke also had sex on a wall outside her house with Hope's boyfriend, Oliver, who she thought was Ridge (at least that was the excuse Brooke gave). Yes Lynn. The love of her life, her destiny, who she had been having sex with for years - Brooke could not tell the difference between him and a young, inexperienced boy. How wonderful is that?

    19. While we’re at it, Taylor is a medical dr and that is much more difficult than getting a degree in chemistry. Brooke has a basic degree lol , my mum in law is a chemist (now retired) and has she got a doctorate in it… big difference. Brooke’s true major was hunting rich fools to get future alimony and child support payments from! Look at her now living the life in an estate Ridge bought and paid for! She fell in love with the Forrester name, prestige, money and lavish lifestyle! That is the truth! If you notice she only wanted wealthy men like Billionaire Bill… Deacon was an exception, he was hot and her daughter’s husband so a challenge for Brooke. When she stole Nick from poor Bridget who had just miscarried their child, was a Marone so also obscenely wealthy. She had a fling with Victor Newman another very wealthy man… are we sensing a theme here???

    20. Let me not forget Eric who was her first victim when she couldn’t manipulate Ridge into leaving Caroline. She never loved him it was all about the money and trying to make Ridge jealous!

    21. Hi Lynn. The slut from the valley comments regarding Brooke are not from "our team". This term was penned by the writers of the show and the actors, including Brooke herself, would use the comment from time to time. As I have stated in the past, the character of Brooke is well known in the soap world for the amount of affairs that she has had, the number of marriages she has broken up and the fact that she has betrayed her sister and her daughter (twice). It is par for the course where Brooke is concerned. Ask anyone about Brooke and they will tell you.

      I understand you like the character and it may bother you when the term is used continuously. However, persons, like myself, who have been posting on message boards for years (starting with the Sony message board) have grown thick skin when it comes to the things that have been said about their faves. It's just a part of the dynamic, I guess.

    22. Taylor never stole anyone else’s husband, ever! Brooke has stolen every fella she was ever with from his wife! She was the. Home wrecker from hell, honestly. Call us liars all you want, but then we actually watched the show!!

      Brooke made it her mission to destroy whatever chance Taylor had at being happy with anyone, not just Ridge. She never forgave Taylor because Ridge chose to marry her after Caro’s death and refused Brooke’s attempts to get him away!!

  5. Ridge said NO NO NO NO NO when Bill walked in his office. Good Greeting.

    1. Reminded me of Michael Scott in the Office, lol!

    2. Ridge needs to build a secret bed under his desk ala George Costanza to get away from both clinging cloying harpies. Brooke all lovey dovey talk full bore in case Ridge wasn't being fawned all over by Taylor at the moment. Brooke is determined to win this no matter what, and best Taylor. Then she'll go back to excuses and blaming someone else for her behavior next time she screws it up.

  6. Yum love me some Bill. As soon as Ridge "chooses", the rejected will hit Bill. Ridge gets to play the jealous loser. I'm down for that.
    Tired of seeing two menopausal women chasing after men. For all the so called advancements, I take the olden days when Stephanie took on those home wreckers with her no nonsense attitude, straight to the point and her own bare hands. She would strike fear in the Brookes of LA.
    I miss the cabin at Big Bear and the runway shows. All they have now are 2 offices.

    1. I agree with all.. I miss those things too.. since bell junior took over from his father, it’s gone to shit, nothing but sex, lies, love triangles, infidelities… no show downs with spectra!!

    2. Me too! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  7. Hey Colly, ready to concede yet?? 🚫🚫πŸ₯­πŸ₯­πŸ₯›πŸ₯› ???? 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    1. Lynn, u drive me nuts woman, but brook handled things much better today, so I will give credit where it’s due.. but I am not giving up my mangoes and cream until he puts his ring on and moves back home.. if and when that happens, I will cave in and go a month without my mangos.. but the fat lady still has to sing yet!! But brook is finally doing what she should have done long ago.. and I still can’t stand her and will never like her..

      What I will say say, is hope handled that very well.. she didn’t chuck a tantrum and she is respecting her mothers wishes.. she doesn’t have a choice really , if she wants to live on the property.. and the sex scenes, he must b a quick draw cause deacon asked for 5 minutes, and he only got that and hope and Liam were done, including fore play 🀣🀣🀣

      but I for one am happy he is staying committed to her, because she has been great lately in supporting steffy and understanding Liam’s position in all this.. I like this side of hope..

      And the saga continues!!

    2. Colly, well I was pleasantly surprised to see there was a mango emoji available. Thought I may have to post a peach or something, and that definitely wouldn’t have constituted the same form of harassment in terms of our bet! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      I am glad you are giving Brooke and Hope props for their handling of things. It’s a pleasant change from your normal comments. Now if Taylor minds her place once Ridge and Brooke are OFFICIALLY back together, I will give Taylor props too. But I don’t expect that to be the case. Taylor is far too in love with Ridge to let things go back to what they were before. My guess is Taylor will continue to cause trouble. And then we will get to see if Ridge is also able to respect boundaries with his other relationships like he expects of Brooke. We certainly better not see double standards coming from Ridge. I will be ALL OVER THAT if it happens!!

    3. As I said, the fat lady hasn’t sang yet!! So if ridge doesn’t go back to brook, what’s your bet!! I gave mine, so what r u gonna bet if I win??

    4. I will give up In N Out. Not sure if you have them where you live. But very famous hamburger chain in Calif. Very popular and great burgers. But the folks at In N Out won’t be missing me anytime soon. Lol

    5. And I hate to burst your bubble, brook will never b able to stop ridge from seeing Taylor, wether u like it or not.. because they have 3 kids together, and we’re happily married for many years before ridge ever married brook.. and they have 3 grand kids together.. so don’t get on your high horse, because brook can demand that Taylor stays away from their home, like deacon, and that would b fair enough, I would agree to that.. but ridge will ALWAYS have a close bond with Taylor, and there’s no way brook will come between, no matter how much u want that.. brook has never been able to come between ridge and Taylor and never will.. ridge will never agree to not see Taylor again.. so as I said , the fat lady has to sing yet, and what’s your bet love??!!!

    6. The fat lady is gargling in the back room ready to belt out her song at the opera!!

    7. Hold on, do u eat burgers every day or once a month thing?? That doesn’t sound like a fair bet?

    8. Sure Ridge can see his kids and grandkids and an occasional run-in with Taylor is expected. Beyond that, NOPE!!! There will be no more Taylor showing up with Ridge’s favorite Chinese so they can have a cozy dinner together. Absolutely NOT!!! Like I already said, boundaries. Taylor will be expected to completely dial down the cutesy coy thing she tries so hard to portray. You know, the 50 year old woman trying to act all innocent like some 15 year old girl. 🀣🀣🀣🀣
      And I already answered your ‘bet’ question.

    9. I am laughing so hard right now. You wrote…blah blah blah, I will agree to that. Like you and I are negotiating the rules / parameters of the Ridge / Brooke future relationship. You do realize it doesn’t matter what “you” or “I” agree to. I don’t think the writers value our opinions that much! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    10. NOPE, that’s not a fair bet if u have it once a month.. I ain’t giving up my mango and cream every night for a month for u to only give up one burger.. ain’t happening!! Make a fairer bet and it’s on.. and sorry but as much as you want it to happen, ridge won’t stop seeing Taylor, especially now, because of the trauma they have been through.. so wish as much as u want, it won’t happen.. ridge promised Taylor he would b there for and he will..

    11. And apparently u r a model who works in a plastic surgeons office and takes good care of yourself, so I can’t imagine u would have more than one burger a month.. so what about giving up one of your health smoothies a day for a month?? 🀣🀣

    12. Lol. I never said I have it once a month. I go weekly. There is nothing I eat on a “daily basis.” I like to mix it up more than that. Lol. Besides, it’s a moot point. You are quickly on your way to losing the bet. So just focus on the mangos and cream. 😬😬😬

    13. Colly, I have been thin my entire life. When I was a teenager I was so skinny I used to drink chocolate shakes daily desperate to put some weight on. So losing weight has never been something I struggled with. I didn’t say I’m a model by trade, I said I have modeled. Actually I have a job next week ironically. That’s the truth. So good timing on your snarky comment. I don’t drink smoothies daily. I do try to eat vegetables most every day. But not giving those up because that’s for my health not dessert. As I already mentioned, you’re gonna lose. So don’t worry about me giving anything up.

    14. Love, I i didn’t think I was being snarky at all!! U know I am not like that 🀣🀣🀣 I was reiterating what you have said?? but I mustn’t have crossed the t?? I was just asking you to make a fairer bet 🀣🀣🀣

    15. Ok, here’s one you will like, I won’t defend any of Brooke’s actions for a month if I lose.

    16. For some reason my comment deleted where I told you I was cracking up about “what you will agree to as far as the Taylor / Ridge dynamic is concerned.”
      Too funny….you do realize the writers don’t care what you or I deem to be acceptable in the Ridge / Brooke / Taylor love triangle.

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. No Lynn, I don’t know that!! Because I am dumb as a post 🀦‍♀️🀦‍♀️🀣🀣

    19. Now that’s more like it!! 🀣🀣🀣 don’t worry, u will probably win this bet, but it’s only fair that if u r going to bet with someone u gotta make it worthwhile.. u do realise that if, and that’s still an if, I do lose and can’t have my mango with cream every night for a whole month, that my family is going to leave!! So it has to b fair!!🀣🀣

    20. Not dumb at all Colly, just misguided. It’s not fun to engage with stupid. 😬😬😬

    21. Lol. Well the good news is, you’re on another continent and I will never know if you are eating your mangos and cream. I fully expect you will renege on our bet. I just enjoy razzing you about it. 🀣🀣🀣

    22. Oh silly Lynn, I am an Aussie, we r tough over here, we don’t play football in padded spacesuits, and we don’t play pickle ball , who invented that name? The old men here play bowls where they have to knock each other’s BIG balls out of the way, we certainly DON’T backdown from a bet!! Lol.. I will do what I said I will do, but will u?? I doubt it somehow cause u just can’t help yourself 🀣🀣🀣

    23. Never underestimate a tough American. When do you ever see me backdown? 😁😁😁
      My understanding is that pickle ball is some modified version of tennis. And yes, the name is the stupidest thing ever.
      The only way I would be successful not commenting is if I read none of the comments in the first place. Otherwise it’s game on!!!
      But I’m not gonna lose, so I’m not concerned. I’m sure we’ll be talking after tomorrow’s episode. Have a good night.

    24. Ahhh, and the plot thickens between Colly and Lynn. Will they accept each other's bet? Stay tuned! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
      Love you guys, it's a good laugh. More entertaining than the soap itself.

    25. 🀣🀣🀣


  9. What a snooze lope
    Sorry Hope you are no Steffy and how many more times are we to suffer a dead boring couple
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. 🀣🀣🀣

    2. As boring as watching paint dry. Geez!

    3. There are no sex scenes that are ever worth the time it takes to film them. Carter and Quinn, boring boring boring. Fast forward always. Donna and Eric…boring boring, and mostly non existent. It’s mainly Donna posing in her most seductive manner for the cameras. Lol.

    4. My point about Liam is that his kissing Hope was passionate and his hands were all over her. Exactly how it should be. Because Liam LOVES Hope!! As much as the Hope haters hate hate hate to admit.

    5. Carter and Quinn were on fire! Singed my screen lol the rest are just blahhhhhh. I realllly Hope Quinn finds out about Donna and Eric and dumps him. Go back to Carter he’ll love you just right πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸŒΉ

      Having Bill go to Ridge on her behalf was not the wisest move on Brooke’s part. There is no way Bill went on his own initiative. He loathes the dressmaker lol. Blaming Sheila for everything is just wrong thinking. Brooke made bad choices as well and then hid them and lied about it.

      I will say she was more gentle with Deacon today; however, that being said, she is as she admitted grasping at straws to save her marriage. It’s not that she wants Deacon out of her life, she has to…

    6. No, Brooke did not tell Bill to go talk to Ridge on her behalf. He absolutely did that on his own. He was tired of hearing from Liam that Ridge was still choosing to stay away from Brooke. Especially after the Sheila reveal.

      There is NOTHING hot or steamy about Quinn and Carter. Boring boring boring. And the only thing that made it remotely hot was the fact that Carter has a smokin hot body. They keep Quinn mostly covered up during those scenes as well they should. Snooze fest!!! Not to mention Quinn is way too old for Carter. If they end up back together, it will be fast forward through the boring just like I did before. And that’s not even touching on that horrible music they play every time Quinn and Carter are together. The music coming on was my queue to get up for a kitchen break. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    7. How dare you, Lynn?! Leave my Quinn and Carter alone! They will be together! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. " You're a Chemist" is the best they could come up with ...what has she done lately in that regardπŸ™„πŸ€·πŸΎ‍♂️Its cringy watching Eric and Donna Hopeless and Liam and soon to be Ridge and Brooke Agh Boring and nauseating yuck

    1. I'm not even sure Brooke remembers how to be a chemist. She retired from doing lab work eons ago and has been supposedly working in the office doing more of the administrative work.

  11. I am right there with you unknown.. brook hasn’t needed her degree since sleeping with and marrying every forrester male, and having kids to two of them.. perfum pffft.. she gets enough alimony from all of them, never mind she gets it from ridges half Moroni and Bridget’s ex husband/sailor man nick.. nick is a Moroni and was cashed up at birth!! Oh and she married another man, whip.. don’t remember if he was also filthy rich, but she also gets alimony from bill, her sisters husband she flogged as well.. poor deacon, he is the only one she gets no alimony or child support from, cause he is not rich or powerful like all brooks other husbands.. but she landed the biggest jackpot with Eric and having two kids to him, so she well and truly cemented her place in the forrester family of men.. and HER mansion was given to her on a silver platter by ridge, so I’m guessing she doesn’t need to make perfume anymore!!

  12. Oh and don’t forget she, like hope, was handed a clothing line, for no good reason, brooks bedroom line.. that was just given to her.., no working her way up in the mail room like ridge, Thorne, steffy and Thomas.. even Rick her son to Eric never had to work in the mail room, just handed the ceo position on a silver platter.. oh but that’s ok because Rick is brooks son!! And considering she took both of Bridget’s husbands off her, it’s no wonder she moved away , far away.. to keep her current husband as far from brook as possible 🀣🀣

  13. It's not ok for Deacon to be around his daughter and family when he want, it bothers Ridge. But it ok for Taylor to be around whenever , because she and Ridge has a family but doesn't matter if it bother Brooke ummmm make me understand that please lol .it would be funny if she does all this and Ridge still don't come home will serve her right , because Ridge doesn't deserve she nor Taylor , he is roping both women in and loving the attention. Is it me or Hope and Liam love making scene just look force at times. Finn and Steffy scene were so much more steamy .

    1. Yeah Lope have always been forced… no chemistry between those two at all…. I just ff πŸ₯±

  14. So glad Brooke finally kicked out Deacon. It was very annoying how he would just pop up, walk in that house like it's his.
    Ridge is more spineless than ever. What is he mooning over, Bill was right about "in his daddy's house" (although in all fairness Brooke's house was also bought by Eric πŸ˜‚ only hardcore B&B fans know; for such rich folks they surely have few houses!). It's obvious he wants to go back so just go. No need for this pseudo-soulsearching.
    I want more Bill storylines! With any woman (besides Katie - that was always a snooze)

    1. Bill had no business going to Ridge about what is going on between Ridge and HIS wife. The very fact that Bill thinks that Ridge walked away from Brooke because of the drinking and feels that now that everyone knows it was Sheila who instigated it, Ridge should be running back to Brooke, proves that Bill needs to keep his nose out of Ridge's and Brooke's business. Their issues are more than just her drinking and kissing Deacon.

  15. Bob can you please reload today's episode?? TY.

  16. TY Bob.
    Paris mother is so stupid to tell her daughter what to do and Quinn is jealous for Carter going to Paris. I hope Quinn finds out about Eric.
    Finn's mom is went to Sheila. Does she know who's she's dealing with?
