Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-14-22 Full episode B&B 14th June 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-14-22 Full episode B&B 14th June 2022


  1. Hope don’t you dare keep quiet and cover for Donna. Keep that moral outrage and go confront Eric and tell Quinn! Donna had no right to ask her to keep 🤫! Hope did very well standing up to Donna when she lied and said she wasn’t having an affair etc. Calling her out on sleeping with a married man.

    I’m soooo over the Donna/Eric affair already. How can she say having an affair with a married man is pure??? 😩

    Sheila and Li was disappointing, Li should never have let her in and ring the constables. However, she’s maybe worried if they look around her wee flat and see Finn.

    Sheila is soooo delusional, maybe it will wake Finn up though 🤞.

    Ridge, “what are the police doing? Nothing …” lol yeah tell us where she is hahahah. Baker was not very professional there today.

    I’m glad we didn’t have listen to triangle rehash or Paris/Carter etc.

    I hope the writers move this along already!

    1. No one on this show can pull off moral outrage. Everybody has done cheap and low things. No actual "holier-than-thou" believable characters after all their exploits..

    2. Today's show was particularly filled with a lot of hypocrisy.

      First of all, Sheila said that "nothing" will keep her away from her son. Umm, is she forgetting that her son is presumably dead because she shot him??!! I guess "nothing" excludes herself.

      Then we have Hope and all her moral bullcrap. Little "Miss-Brooke-in-training" was quite happy to lose her virginity to a married man. When she returned to LA, she also had sex with a very married Liam. So I don't understand how she can stand there and berate Donna for the same thing she had no problem doing.

    3. True Elle, we’ve brought that up many times but it is never addressed. However, I think now that Hope has been on the receiving end she doesn’t want to see that happen. It’s odd but I have never once heard her apologise to Steffy for sleeping with her husband. Steffy did it once and has apologised a million times for it.

      While I agree it’s hypocritical and she doesn’t even like Quinn she still acknowledges that Donna is wrong to be sneaking around having an affair. Donna is ridiculous talking about pure and sweet it is. You are sleeping with someone else’s husband and perfectly happy to do so! I really struggle when they say Donna is better for Eric. She cheated on him! Quinn did it when they were separated and divorcing. Donna was married to him and wanted a hot young thing in her bed lol!

      I really liked how Bridget treats Quinn with respect and appreciates how she cares and looks after Eric. It’s hilarious because Donna is clueless about Eric’s real health issues like his heart.

    4. BBfan101 Hope usually does open her BIG mouth but I have a feeling she might keep it shut. Well, we may not have a love triangle of Paris and Carter instead we got the Quinn/ Donna/ Eric story instead. It is obvious that no one on B&B knows Sheila as well as Y&R does, cause if they did, they would have really learned by now that Sheila, is like the Energizer Bunny, cause she last, last, and last forever, I guess both of these soaps will never get tired of her, but when and if they do, I'm sure eventually she will DIE! Now, Li thought she had everything under control BUT, unfortunately she got caught by Sheila. Well, Li you were not as tough and clever as you thought.

    5. BB, indeed Hope does not condone what her aunty is doing, for sure.

      Bridget is a Forrester. She doesn't act the way those Logans act! Bridget is such a classy lady. I mean, she has Brooke for a mother and despite all Brooke did to her, she still forgave her and maintained a relationship with her. Most daughters would not have done that.

    6. I agree, Elizabeth. Hope kept her mouth shut - and tried to keep Douglas' mouth shut as well - about her mother's kiss with her father. She certainly has it in her to cover up certain indiscretions.

    7. Well I will give hope credit for standing up to Donna and telling her what she is doing is wrong, but having said that, she does have it in her to blab , but as Ell said, she also has it in her to keep these indiscretions a secret going as far as to manipulate little Douglas.. that really shocked me at the time, that’s the one thing I would have thought hope would never do, but then again, Logan’s do stick together..

      if hope does tell brook, brook won’t be able to help herself.. the first thing she will want to do is go rub it in Quinn’s face.. but will she resist the temptation to?? She will defend Donna that’s for sure!! She did push Donna to go after Eric, while he was married to Quinn, so I can’t see her getting upset at Donna for sleeping with Eric.. I am pretty sure she will support Donna.. we will just have to wait and see what she does!!

    8. Lol Elizabeth! Sheila is a proper villainess, I miss her Y&R days too! She shook up Genoa City 😂 !

  2. Hope gives a flying f at Donna and Eric boinking? Sheila pressure the hell out of LI! Go ahead punch her, Sheila. Sheila maintains it was an accident she shot Finn BECAUSE she was gunning for STEFFY. See that's proof! Ohh ok not guilty by shooting accident. Interesting POV. Girl in commercials for skin hydration just looks sweaty. Bridget looks sooo professional. Almost can't contain them. Sheila justifies herself...it's Steffy's fault. Finn wouldn't be dead if Steffy didn't need killing. Sheila hears beeping medical machines. Go rip that door off the wall Sheila. Throw Li over a chair! Yeah good going. Sheila sees Finn.

    1. Sheila sees Finn and will say she knew all along he wasn't dead.

    2. 😂 Sheila’s rationale is a wee bit faulty to say the least. I loved it when Li said she was crazy and Sheila replied, “You have no idea…” That is the understatement of the year 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

      Question now is, which of his mum’s is the least dololly?? 🤪🤪🤪

    3. Bridget looked so cute today. I loved seeing her.

    4. Me too Elle. I like Bridget! I wonder how her hubby and son are since we never hear about them lol.

    5. Yes, I love Bridget too.. she is the only Logan I like.. she is a real sweetheart and hard to believe she came from brook!! Sheila is that screwed up in the head that she really thinks Finn is going to be happy to see her when he wakes up.. Let’s hope that hope does the right thing???

    6. Bridget's a Forrester. She came from Eric. That would explain it Colly. 😂

    7. Lol, it’s easy to forget hehehe but yeah she’s on the light side if the Force lol! She’s been through a lot and deserves some happiness for a change.

    8. True!! But it’s still hard to believe she came from brook.. Bridget doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.. that’s what makes what brook did to her more horrific.. that’s why Bridget left, she married someone else and had kids with him and made sure she was as far away from brook as possible..

    9. I would certainly move very far away from my mother if she bedded 2 of my previous husbands. What's to stop her from bedding the next man I meet and decide to marry? 🤣😂

    10. On the bright side she doesn’t have to worry about having anymore sisters/brothers that are also her stepchild 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🙄🙄

    11. Ahahaha. Too funny! 🤣😂🤣😂

  3. It was very out of character for Steffy to defend Brooke about unknownly drinking. It would be equally out of character to keep this little tidbit from her mother to defend Donna's Crime on Quinn. Besides Donna can dig up stuff on Hope too.

    1. Actually it isn’t out of Character for Steffy to defend someone that Sheila is targeting! It happens to be Brooke and for sure given her hatred of Steffy it wouldn’t be a surprise if Steffy had done nothing. However, she did the right thing and from Sheila’s own mouth defended Brooke!!!

    2. I seem to remember another time when Steffy defended Brooke. I cannot exactly remember what the situation was but I would not say that it was out of character for Steffy.

  4. Well now Sheila knows she will blackmail li into telling her everything
    She could go after Steffy still Thanks Bob xxxx

  5. sheila is a nightmare i hope that she will have a bullet psycho

  6. Sheila said she would leave once Li told her where Finn was.. all she had to do was tell her she spread his ashes somewhere, let her leave then tell the police where she sent Sheila!! But of course Li has to b stubborn, and egg Sheila on.. and of course it would b too easy wouldn’t it..🤦‍♀️

  7. Lynn, if you r reading todays comments can you please type into safari search engine, krista Allen cancer specialised skin peel and you will see a site hhtps:survivornet.com, please click on it and read all of it.. u will see that she had “a highly specialised” (their words), procedure done called Mohs procedure, again working in a plastic surgeons office you should be familiar with the procedure, and the article clearly states that it’s highly specialised, and then goes on to explain the procedure where she had to have 16 layers of skin taken off her face, and that she had reconstructive surgery.. read the ENTIRE article.. so please get your facts straight before, once again telling me u know better and it didn’t happen and as usual I spun it to make it seem more than it really was.. I too know people who have had skin cancers burnt off, but this was not the case for krista Allen.. it WAS a serious cancer, she DID have a highly specialised procedure called MOHS , and she she DID have 16 layers of skin peeled off, and she DID have reconstructive surgery.. get your facts straight and if you are going to research something to prove a point, do it properly and, as you like to say often, “quit” with telling me I create fiction, or lye, or spin things to make it seem like something when it’s not!! POINT MATCH..

    1. Colly, I’m done with this blog. I’m gonna let you guys have your little hate the Logans fest without me. This blog actually causes me stress and it’s not worth it.
      As far as the MOHS procedure is concerned, Krista Allen CHOSE to have this specialized / expensive procedure so there would be less disfigurement / scarring. In normal skin cancer removal they take out a very large amount of surrounding tissue to make sure they get ALLthe cancer. So what the patient is left with is literally a big hole in their nose. Because Krista had the money and the desire to keep her face as flawless as possible - she DECIDED to have that particular procedure. The doctor DIDN’T NEED to perform that specific procedure to rid her of her cancer. Krista did purely for vanity reasons. There is NO POINT / MATCH!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Just a vain actress, nothing more.
      I’m all for minoring any scarring from a trauma such as skin cancer. But the point is, there are other less costly treatments that would have been just as effective in removing the cancer. She just wouldn’t have looked nearly as good when it was all over.

    2. *I’m all for minimizing any scarring….

    3. Oh, and I didn’t read the article. No need.

    4. Regardless Lynn, she had all of these things done, as I said she did.. the point is not wether or not she chose to have it done, the point was that I said she had these things done, and you told me “it was just a spot on her nose and that as usual I spun it to make it more than it was”.. that is as you like to say”not a true or correct statement”.. I said she had these things done and she did.. wether she chose to or not, is not the point!! the facts are that she did, so I DID NOT spin anything.. you like to get technical, so there it is..

    5. Colly, you’re getting all worked up. No need. Take a breath.
      You actually did say she needed to have this “specialized procedure” And the fact is, she didn’t. She had melanoma and needed to have it removed. It’s a very simple procedure when they simply cut it out like they do with a large majority of patients. You are in and out in less than an hour. Local anesthesia, cut and sew. Easy peasy. You are trying to make it sound like she had this horrible unique thing happen to her. And while skin cancer sucks, it’s mostly treatable. And not something to go on and on about in multiple posts trying to make some point. You’ve talked about it for such a long time that I’m not even sure what that point was. Lol

    6. Your posts and others used to get me worked up. That’s why I’ve decided to walk away from the drama. Feeling cool as a cucumber right now. I guess I could say….pun intended…no skin off my nose! Lol. Take care.

    7. I'm glad you decided to de-stress, Lynn. This is a fictional show with fictional characters, so it really isn't worth working up oneself. A lot of people just post for fun. And if I might say (no harm intended), you seem to be a nice person, this blog was bringing out the worst in you. Lol.

    8. When someone makes their living from their face/body I wouldn’t call it vanity and since she had reconstructive surgery and spent years off screen because it affected her image and made it more difficult to get roles, it’s not fair to say she’s just a vain actress .

    9. Lynn, it’s sad to see you go.. no one intends to stress you love.. and you are a nice person.. just recently I think it’s been really getting to you.. this is meant to be all in good fun.. not stressful.. we all have different opinions.. we all try make our points.. but it shouldn’t get to the point of snapping at other posters.. hope to see u back here at some stage..

  8. Lynn you were very quiet today, you must have spent all day researching to find out that she “chose” to have Mohs surgery, because all the articles state she said she “had to” have the surgery, so we’ll done to u 👏👏👏 But that does not take away from my comment above!! So spin how u like love!!

    1. Actually Colly I spent the day working and didn’t even read your post until very late tonight. I’m a very busy woman. Don’t have time to research much. And certainly didn’t read that article you told me to read.

    2. And my comment that she “chose” to have that particular procedure wasn’t based on anything I read. I simply know the difference in procedures became of my background. It’s kinda like this….
      You have an onion - if you peel the onion in certain areas you will start to see a slight indentation. But it will be gradual and not very noticeable. But if you take a melon baller to the onion and scoop out a big chunk, it will be very noticeable. Krista went for the peel approach vs the scoop approach. And I can tell you honestly, I didn’t read any article.

    3. Having read the article it mentions she had to have that particular surgery because of the cancer and she also had reconstructive surgery. Not that it matters, Colly’s point was, that before she had cancer and went through chemo etc she was a healthy weight and her lifestyle changes are not unusual given what she went through. She doesn’t look that thin at the moment. One can see some lean muscle and she looks fine boned.

      Diamond White who plays Paris has become extremely thin, if one concerned about someone having anorexia she would be the one I’d worry about. The pressure to be super thin in Hollywood is tremendous, as I’m sure you know because you live in that area and work for plastic surgeons.

      By the way, some of the plastic appearance I’ve noticed is due to poorly airbrushed makeup applied to the actors.

      I notice it on the chest area of the more mature actresses especially. That’s not a slam on the actors it’s actually a makeup artist thing. Sometimes there is almost a crackle glaze look 😂 .

      Anyway it definitely isn’t worth stressing over.

    4. BBFAN, I had an ex who was big into hot yoga. And he got very thin, too thin in my opinion. There is a difference between lean and skinny. I’ve never said Taylor isn’t pretty. She is very pretty. And yes, she has had work done too. I just took the time to look at pics of Krista when she was younger. And it’s obvious she has had her nose done and her lips done as well. Her nose used to have a slight bump in it. Now it’s this little tiny button nose. And her lips are much fuller than they were when she was younger. And that’s her choice. But she has had work done just like the rest. And I would bet she is as skinny as she is because of her yoga / diet combo. I don’t even know why we are arguing about this. I think she looks too skinny in all her clothes, you do not. We simply disagree as usual.
      This is my final post. No more on this B&B blog for me. It’s time for me to retract my varactor claws, right BBFAN??!!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Have fun in your moments of agreeing with everyone everyday! Peace out!!!

  9. *difference in procedures because of my background

  10. This is very annoying.. after eyry add all i get is a blank screen...what is going on..? one cannot watch the soap like this...!!!
