Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-22-22 Full episode B&B 22nd June 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-22-22 Full episode B&B 22nd June 2022


  1. Why does the picture not start after an add..i keep getting a blank...!!!

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  2. Wow! What an ending! Hopefully, there is a pocket of air in that vehicle for Li. Poor Finn will now have to be cared for by Sheila. Carter is now engaged to Paris "Bratz doll" Buckingham - a young woman who he has never told her that he loves her. Paris did not really wanted to settle down either. Loved when Ridge startled Brooke. (She never stood because of her broken bone )

    1. They didn't kill off Li because they need her for medicines etc. Besides Li and Sheila need more confrontations. Carter and Perris is unwatchable.

    2. What bone did Brooke/Katherine break?

    3. "Brooke" broke her ankle on Mother's Day. She had surgery. Hopefully, there was no nurse Sheila in the hospital! πŸ˜‚

    4. Kimberly should have shown up at the hospital for the broken ankle in her Sheila persona to visit.

  3. Wow Sheila was mad lady Thank you Bob xxxx

  4. So now Ms. Sheila who's going to take care of Finn???

    1. Sheila is really bonkers if she thinks Finn would want anything to do with her after she tried to kill his wife then killed his mother.

  5. Sheila is a lunatic the sooner the police find her and put her back in prison the better for everyone, she always claims she loves her son but her actions don't reflect that!!! I am not a fan of Paris, but I feel sorry for her to receive a proposal from a man who does not love her. Shame........

  6. Li is not dead have a feeling she is alive. Sheila the she devil is mean mean mean. Love Kimberlin Brown a wonderful actress.

  7. Shelia is going to drive that police car πŸš” over to Brooke's mansion. Then, she will pay Taylor & Ridge a visit. Finally, she will go check on Finn.

  8. I swear this is the dumbest story line ever the writer needs to do better!

  9. It was so great seeing Wyatt today! I missed him. Happy he can be there for his mom.

    Ahahaha. Paris had to ask for the engagement ring! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I mean, that should be a sign to her that Carter is not ready. She is already surprised at his sudden turnaround so she should have picked up on that.

    Sheila and Li - wow! I guess it was "bye bye Li."

    1. Wyatt is lovely, I’m glad he’s back too! That was a comical scene with him and Quinn lol, “buh bah what’s that word???” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      I wonder what he’ll say when he finds out his skin to be Auntie in law is sleeping with his step da?? Awkward 😬😬😬

      Hopefully we’ll get some better scenes now.

    2. Wow, I guess Ridge must be changing his emotions for Brooke, he is usually all lovey dovey with her, instead it was like a friendship type of relationship. What a nice surprise to see Wyatt, but how strange is it that Wyatt talked about FLO though she is no longer on the soap. As for Carter, Boy he acts like a desperate man, like he needs a woman so bad that if he doesn't get one he is going to go bananas. Its obvious he don't care for Paris, now is he going to tie the knot or will Quinn stop the wedding and admit her inner most feeling for Carter and break it off with Eric? I have to say I loved watching Li knock Sheila down, however, we all know that when you make Sheila MAD no one most often don't make it alive, whether Li is dead or not we will have to find out. The Forrester's and the Logan's should NEVER under estimate Sheila when she says "I will be back!" She can come in and out like a mist. BBfan101, the actor Finn did leave but because by fans popular demand they brought Finn back into the picture again.

    3. Thanks for the information about Finn, Elizabeth. This will explain why they started up with Steam then dropped it. I know a lot of fans DID NOT want Steam again. I was a HUGE Steam fan but I did not want to see Steffy with Liam again. That ship has sailed. I am so very happy that Steffy and Finn will be reunited!


  11. They said Finn was leaving too, we saw how that worked out πŸ˜‚.

  12. Really Paris....weren't you the one who told zende you are not ready for marriage but you didn't think twice to tell Carter yes.... Oh enough with this storyline and get Shelia out of bold for once and for all

  13. Anyone else notice Ridge wasn’t lovey dovey with Brooke? She expected a kiss or something and more of a wee hand clasp lol. The look on her face was mystified, she’s losing her power over Ridge hehhe.

    KB is a proper villainess, lol. I enjoy her she’s so good at being bad. πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ That evil smirk is brilliant!

    I think Li sank the car to get away. She’ll swim away and get the constabulary over to her house to rescue Finn.

    Carter looked so hopeless after getting engaged to Paris and it was hilarious she had to ask for the ring. I don’t think Paris cares if he loves her or not. He’s never said it to her. She’s counting the money she can spend as his wife lol. Shopping πŸ› πŸ’

    1. Ridge just came to check in on her just like he came to check in on her to ensure she wasn't drinking again. At least now we know that she was told.

      I swear the writers don't know what they're doing from one day to the next. For the last couple of shows, they had everyone so concerned about letting Li know Sheila escaped because they felt she might be in danger. However, today we have Brooke and Ridge wondering who Sheila's next victim might be. I do enjoy seeing Sheila at her worst though!

      You're right about Carter, Bbfan. He is clearly not happy. I hope Quinn finds out about Eric and Donna this week. Although, with the pre-empted show yesterday, we might have to wait till next week.

  14. I can’t beleive these writers.. how they think the audience is stupid.. so mike just shows up right when Li takes off? Yeah right!! For goodness sakes.. and paris, you just said all the reasons why you should have said no.. so unrealistic.. how is zende going to feel receiving their engagement news after paris mocked him back saying she’s too young..she knows he still loves Quinn, if she gets hurt it’s her own fault.. and carter, grow up man.. can’t wait to see what happens when Quinn finds out about Eric.. paris will pull the pregnancy card for sure..

    Poor Finn, having to wake up to Sheila’s evil smile!! So what’s Sheila going to do now??

    1. I think Sheila might have called Mike after Li ran out. Something he said made me think she called him.

      I don't get Paris. She wasn't ready for marriage with Zende then pretty much acknowledged to Carter that she was too young for marriage, but went ahead and accepted his half-baked proposal anyway??? You're right, Colly, she can't blame anyone else for her stupidity.

    2. Yeah… Carter even admitted he’s basically doing it so Paris will leave Quinn alone and not ruin her marriage to Eric. Once that obstacle is out of the way, I think he’ll run into Quinn’s arms if she tells him.

      They both know Quinn is with Eric as a form of penance so she can redeem herself. It is sooooo clear she’s still in love with Carter and this is breaking both of their hearts.

      I agree, Paris deserves any hurt coming her way. She threatened Quinn to get Carter to be with her, then acts all surprised. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

  15. OMG, exciting til the end! My prediction is Sheila will return to the house only to find Finn gone. The security guy moves him to a different secluded location! He'll only let Shelia know if she agrees to marry him! Li will learn where Finn is being kept and kidnap her very own kid! The storyline with go back and forth for 6 weeks before the police finally find them ALL!
    But that's jus a wild hopeful guess. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

  16. I think Sheila will either move him, or stay at Ali’s house, because Lis car sank under the water, so Sheila will think that no one can see the car and Li won’t be found for years.. and if anyone comes to the house she just won’t open the door.. no one will suspect her to be there cause no one knows he is alive except her and Li..

    people might think Li has just left town because Sheila escaped?? Or Taylor might price it together by going to visit Li at her work place and they inform her Li hasn’t been back to work since Finn “died”.. and cause she is not answering her phone, she might price it together.. and Sheila can’t text back pretending to b Li cause she smashed Li’s phone.. how horrifying that Finn will wake up to Sheila’s creepy face!! And he obviously remembers the shooting cause when he looked at Sheila he started to panic and say steffy’s name.. it’s hilarious that Sheila thinks she has another chance to be his mother..

  17. And Sheila says in the car chase, “all you had to do was share him”🀣🀣🀣who writes this crap!!

    1. Buwhahahah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ
