Friday, September 1, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-1-23 Full episode B&B 1st September 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-1-23 Full episode B&B 1st September 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

Due to the holiday in the USA, there will be no episode 9-4-23 on Monday. The next new episode will air on Tuesday.


  1. Sheeee-la's baaaack! Wanna bet the doors are unlocked? They need to fire security.

    1. Right? Where’s the armed security and surely the beach stairs would be patrolled and she’s in a gated community. Please Sheila isn’t Houdini!

  2. Sheila: my son fell in love with *another* woman. Must be the creepiest most disturbing thing ever said on this show. The next - that she always creeps on them when they are in heat 🙈🙈

    1. Except for the time when Finn was with Hayes & left the living room to take a work call. Shelia walked in & spent a few moments with Hayes...

    2. Yes yes I mean when it’s Finn and Steffy… it’s like she purposefully wants to be there for that 🙈🙈

    3. That was soooo creepy! Sheila just adds that ick factor. Sheila acts like when raised Finn but her comment about them falling in love with another woman was ewwwww.

      Poor Steffy trying to get her family back together again and Sheila just won’t let them be.

      Isn’t there a personal protection order that keeps Sheila away from their homes, persons, etc???

    4. Mills living vicariously??? 🤮

    5. Milla sorry my autocorrect just wants to change your name 😬

    6. Oh milla i forgot to write this reference to you in previous episode
      I almost imagines deacon saying “goodbye muscles 💪 “ 😂😂😂

      I didn’t watch the episode yet but i wanted to write this to you

    7. Ok. I haven't watched yet either, (now I have to later tonight) because Milla that comment is really creepy if Sheila said "My son fell in love with another woman"?? Where are they going with this? 🥺

    8. Bye, bye Finn. 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
      Clearly you cannot protect your family. Nor can the writers ever come up with anything creative on this show.
      Milla, yes, I have always thought Sheila’s disgusting incestuous attraction to her son was barf worthy. And she just keeps outdoing herself with her repulsive comments!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Why doesn’t Deacon ever tell her how gross she sounds?? You’d think this show was filmed in the backwoods in the Ozark's the way she goes on about her son, Finn!!

    9. Bbfan no worries 😃
      D i have no idea but 🙉 I wish she would stop it!!
      Mmysh omg I knew I had seen this scene somewhere!! 🤣
      Lynn to me Deacon is even worse than Sheila because he’s turned on by the psycho! Remember during the Bill era when we thought he must have some plan, well what happened with that?? He just threw it all away. Never should have allowed her back. Gosh I can’t wait for Hope and Brooke to find out. That little man-flea finally needs to be accountable.

    10. Btw just now read that on Monday we’ll be seeing an old episode with Thomas and Hope’s fashion show.

    11. There was so much wrong with this episode. Milla I just watched and what I saw and heard was worse than what you quoted Sheila saying.
      Sheila: Where your son falls in love with someone else and loves her more than his own mother.???? Then standing there watching Stef and Finn?? creep show!!... And Deacon is seriously listening to this? Slap..snap out of it Deacon. Now to me he is just as disgusting. And why did Ridge run to Liam to tell him about Steffy's decision?

    12. I also don’t know why… it’s like he wants to encourage Liam to do something to come between Steffy and Finn and masking it like only concern and need to share.

  3. Waiting for critical comments from bored housewives 😂😂😂

    1. someone wants a large order of attention! Declined lol

  4. 7th Sept is Steffy’s last day onscreen until after JMW mat leave is finished so I’m thinking Sheila kidnaps her or something. This should be good!

  5. Liam you git. He’s such a tosser and Ridge sneaking around and going to Liam about Steffy’s private business is so not okay. I could see Liam going dark and helping Sheila keep Finn and Steffy apart!

    1. Agree...Ridge had no right to run to Liam about Steffy's decision and that scenario Bbfan would be a good (creepy) twist! Liam sides with Sheila to help her have Finn and he has Steffy.

  6. TY Bob so much. Have a great week end.

  7. Very convenient that Sheila turns up on the very day Steffi is deciding to come home.
    Wish this storyline would hurry and come to an end. Get rid of Sheila already.

  8. Thank you Bob 💕.,. have a great weekend 🤩❤️

  9. Congratulations to JMW she had her 4th little boy Valor on 27th August ! She posted a beautiful peaceful photo of her and new bub on Insta. 🥰🥰🥰

    1. 🤗🤗 babies bring you that peaceful joy. Wonder how Glam-Ma is doing?

    2. And I think Steffy will freak out now after seeing that and have to leave because she doesn't feel safe at the beach house.

  10. I just noticed that it’s not on today due to the holiday ,

    1. Bob posted that at the top of the blog.?

    2. Yes I noticed it was posted on top I didn’t see it before thx D

  11. It's hilarious 😂 how they are supposed to have so much security but yet Sheila can just walst right up to door 🚪 anyways thanks Bob 🙏🏼❣️🫶🏼
