Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-29-21 Full episode B&B 29th July 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-29-21 Full episode B&B 29th July 2021


  1. hi ! there is halfway and cut and start halfway and finish ! too shame i want to see quiin said the true in front of this garbage :3

    1. Now here is the full version of the video.

    2. I am so proud of Quinn. It's good that she's sticking it to Eric.

    3. I don't see where you say she's sticking it to Eric. Everything she said was a lie. He's forgiven her before and he's also defended her plenty of times. And what about all the times she was telling Eric how much she loved him and wanted to be with him and all the other crap while she was out there sleeping with Carter? What about how every time she was at Carter's we'd have to hear how it had to stop and it couldn't go on and it was wrong? And she's been going over there every since. Eric doesn't have to feel guilty or wrong about anything. The most important thing in a relationship isn't sex either. Her defense was that she was lonely and he wasn't paying attention to her. So what!! You don't just go out and cheat. Now she just needs to leave Eric alone and stay away from him and he has to quit being so stupid and being willing to listen to anything she has to say.

    4. I agree with Elle. Quinn was 100% correct to let her husband know how she felt about him choosing and defending his "Precious Brooke" over her, his wife. Period

    5. @Unknown... when did Eric ever defend his wife, except to say (ever so gently to Brooke) that Quinn is my wife, she's not perfect, but I love her? How many times has Brooke said all manner of negative things against Quinn and vowed to get her out of Eric's life and Eric did not say a word in return? And no, her defense wasn't that she was lonely, her defense was that Eric never forgave her even though she begged him and did everything to put their marriage back together. And what did he do? Shut her down.

      Quinn was sure to make it clear that she was not justifying what she did and she owned her mistakes but not without calling out Eric on his mistakes. He stood there saying that he forgave her, which was after he treated her the way he did. I'm glad Quinn stuck it to the old geiser. I say bravo Quinn!

    6. The one big defense was at the beginning when eric choose queen over whole his family. After that he always talks to brooke delicate way, like she is his precious woman over his own wife.. only at the end, the day of renew eric's and queen's vows he was really angry for brooke and he told her to stop and just leave cuz she talks too much already. Still it wasn't specifically enough said.

    7. Well said Elle! Eric acts like he has no culpability in what happened with Quinn but he does! He chose Brooke every time!

      Eric allowed Brooke to bully and verbally abuse Quinn for years. That kills a marriage, if Quinn’s behaviour upset him, he should have dealt with it with her, in private.

      Brooke should have been put in her place a long time ago. She had no right to go into Eric and Quinn’s home and demand she leave, divorce her husband and get out of town. She certainly had no right to strike Shauna when she didn’t get her way.

      In addition Eric ran to Brooke and discussed private, personal details of his marriage instead of talking to his WIFE!! That is a sure way to cause issues especially since Brooke hated Quinn from day one!

      Quinn was just right. It’s about time someone was honest with Eric, even if for no other reason than he doesn’t continue to treat whatever woman he’s with the same way! He has a history of doing this... letting Brooke rule his life and ruin his wife’s!

    8. Unknown did you actually listen to what Quinn said today? She said she wasn’t making excuses etc. She had every right to call Eric out in his behaviour!

      She knows her marriage is over! She’s not trying to get back in. She’s also not a gold digger like Brooke and her sisters who made they got millions before they sauntered away. Brooke cheated over and over and still got every last penny she could squeeze out of Eric.

      Brooke was wrong all along. Quinn never wanted Eric’s money and still doesn’t! I have a lot of respect for her for that. Even Donna , who also cheated on Eric made sure her Honey Bear paid dearly when she left. She set herself up for life with her alimony!

    9. What I’m taking from Quinn telling Eric where was she when he was defending her to everyone and he never defended her; is this - Brooke was a damn right bully and put her nose into whatever she wanted and said whatever she wanted to Quinn in front of Eric. Even this episode Brooke tells Eric what to do and Carter gives orders (she is not the boss or married to Eric). Eric tell Brooke to never speak to Quinn that way and kick her out at that moment, defend Quinn. Don’t let her in your house again, ignore her and have her work remote (for that matter what does she even do, fired). That is what Quinn means.

  2. Thanks Bob.

    I cannot stand Brooke!

  3. I hate Brooke, she will always be the slut of the Valley. She judges Quinn, what a hypocrite.

  4. Now this is the Quinn I love watching. Yaaayyyyyy

  5. The show has been super boring since everything ended with Liam and Bill. Getting tired of watching sexual scenes with Quinn and Carter and Finn and Steffy. Getting a little old listening to Quinn run her mouth and claim how Eric never trusted her and that he never defended which has nothing but lies. She can't stop herself from doing stupid things and she's only going to screw Carter over too. Time to get some excitement back into the show.

    1. Because Liam, Hope, Bill and Brooke having the same conversations and flashbacks for months straight, was sooooo exciting 😂

    2. Quinn is the only interesting one in this group of old farts. Brooke is boring, can't believe father and son are soft cocks to her. As for Paris?.. what is that?...

    3. The only sex scenes we saw for months were Lame and Hopeless 🤮 and you were fine with that!

      Steffy and Finn are a about to get married and finding time to make love with a newborn I’m the house is no easy task! If you notice they can exert self control and did! They were making out, so what? If you don’t like to see passion played out stop watching Soap Operas! Lol 😂

      There is definitely something up between Finn and his parents.. you know maybe they never told him he was adopted until he and Steffy were expecting Hayes and he’s dealing with that? Or who knows?

      We’re supposed to meet his Da today so it should be interesting.

    4. More interesting than hopeless and the lame dude...& Hope he don't try mess with Steffys life again...Quinn is owning what happened also how about when Brooke gets caught out and has the one tear drop, and filled with apologies saying how she didn't mean for it too happen😢...but weeks later doin'the same thing again 🤷🤦

  6. Quin the best of the best ! Free Quinn , she is free and happy without this fakeman...

  7. Quinn just told Eric the facts. Put Eric with Paris. Paris wants a big house; Eric has a big house. Both Eric and Paris can't seem to see what Brooke is really like and how she manipulates Eric and Ridge. Both Eric and Paris turned on Quinn.

    1. Exactly, Brooke pretends to be Ms Sweetness and Light to Eric, Ridge and Bill. She manipulates them and uses their feelings for her to get what she wants. She’s a bitter, vindictive, narcissistic, bully! Those three enable her too, it’s so old. Brooke needs to be put firmly in her place for once.

    2. Eric was ridiculous when he threw Quinn out for upsetting Brooke who was actively doing any and everything she could to undermine their marriage. He should have told Brooke to catch herself on and treat his wife with respect or get the hell out.

      Instead he and Ridge were utterly blind to her ugly behaviour. Brooke struck Shauna in a rage when Quinn wouldn’t leave or make Shauna ignore Ridge. At the same time Brooke was snogging Dollar Bill as well as stealing Thomas’ son. I wish they could finally see her for the cruel, mean spirited person she is.

  8. I really cannot stand brook , she is two face & a slut It was actually quite interesting watching a home video of hers on YouTube chatting with her friends meanwhile the shirt she was wearing said not surprising!!

  9. Maybe that's why he's so NOT a fit for this role, he could possibly be gay 🤷🏽‍♀️

    1. Who are you talking about???

    2. The ppl playing Finn and Ridge are both happily married to women and have children. The actor who plays Zende gives that vibe though for sure.

  10. Wonder what flyn is going bring to the saga. Hmmm....

    Quin, Brook both are d same expensive slop, just a different ��pot.

  11. Eric seems to be in love with Brooke. Quinn should have left him a long time ago. He always choose Brooke. Had he syopped her from constantly attacking Quinn the situation would not have evolve like thos. But then again this is a soap opera

  12. I think that Sheila is fynn's mother...

    1. I think that is a good possibility

    2. Please be Sheila 😀🙏🏼🤞🏼

  13. Yea what is up with paris? Wierd. And Zende all of a sudden wanted to take it "slow" that's all they have. Been doing. Ya k ow he was way more into zoe, and now that shes not coming back idk?? But yea finn obviously has a secret about his family

  14. Wait a minute.... isn't mom suppose to wait 6 weeks after deliver to do the deed??? seems like Hayse has only been around for a few days???
