Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-8-21 Full episode B&B 8th July 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-8-21 Full episode B&B 8th July 2021


  1. Thanks Bob.

    What was the purpose of showing Liam in his memories? Worthless filler, imo. Loved the exchange between Ridge and Wyatt.

    Who does Justin really think he is telling Ridge, the CEO of a multi-million dollar fashion house, that he needs to make an appointment? Lmao. Justin is really embodying the "in charge" persona. Lol.

    1. Loved Justin saying get out of my office and the quick reply from Wyatt putting him in his place of whose office????
      Then Ridge also respecting and confirming Wyatt is the person in charge not Justin, ha Justin !!!!

    2. I know! That was a great scene!

    3. I fast forward over Liam’s boring bits. It’s twaddle! I can’t believe Hope didn’t call for help I mean anyone would have called police but she runs around searching for a key? It’s a tool room c’mon!

      Ridge will strangle it out of Justin if he has to. That was brilliant when Ridge made sure Justin knew who was really in charge ahahah. His face when he said, “your boss “ was priceless. Good scenes there.

      Thomas needs to just spit it out already, stupid Hope defending Lame instead of listening to Thomas. She is a brainless wonder.

    4. Hahha same here fast forward over Liams lalaland bs what a Beavus. And Hope omg can't get any more blonde then her... she can just better take a seat on a toolbox and might ass wel order a starbucks and some donuts in stead of searching desperately through so many tools she Can use to open the hedge...πŸ₯΄πŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ‘€ but yeah keep searching for what 🀦🏻‍♀️🀷🏻‍♀️ or hey simply call inspector Baker or wyatt or Ridge or her mommy... πŸ€”πŸ€·πŸ» such an Butthead

      Yeah like it to see how ridge and wyatt put Justin on his place. Wonder how that conversation will go. Since wyatt wanted to leave office to pop by steffy... Will he now leave ridge and Justin alone since Justin thinks it's his office..πŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ₯΄πŸ€£πŸ€¦πŸ»‍♀️

      And oke yesterday was a very short moment for last airing for ZoΓ«... I mean she left for Paris for a shooting how long does that take... as she no longer come back to the show... weird goodbye tho'

    5. Buwhahahaha order a Starbucks hehhe love that!! ☕️ She is so blonde, even Thomas was exasperated! Have mercy… she needs to find a unicorn to magically open the door πŸ˜‚

    6. You guys are nuts! They are following a script, blame the writers, not the characters,!

  2. Now Hope needs to get Thomas out of there and herself, forget the damn key. Find some sort of tool that Thomas can use - a pry bar or anything at all. Ridge will get the phone or at least Thomas will be able to message through Hope the text/video proof is on the cloud from his phone if Ridge doesn’t get phone but have a feeling he will (between him and Wyatt).

  3. Hope is stupid as always. Thomas will survive another hour in the cage. That silly goose should get out of there and send the police.

  4. Hope is dragging this on now. Bad acting. The first thing she should have done was call 911 and then tell them her location. Than she could try to release Thomas. If Justin comes now he will knock her out and put her in the same cage as Thomas. Then he will run away. Putting hope in the cage will get the attention of everybody in B&B.

    Ridge is going to beat Justin. I hope so. Justin is now just as bad as Bill. 2 wrongs don't make a right...

    1. Like Vinnie ran🀣🀣🀣

    2. Lmao @ Ridge beating Justin. He would deserve it too for his foolishness.

      Justin is not dumb, nor is he poor. He does not have to stoop to this level of dotishness to get Bill's company when he has the ways and means to start his own thriving law firm. I'm disappointed in him.

    3. The writers! You just don’t like Hope! I think she’s playing the part giving to her!

  5. Justin still could jump in front of Bill's car to put him in jail again after he comes out.

  6. Ridge is the best. Thomas had today a hoarseness. And yeah, Hope should call first 911 or Ridge or someone to let know in case she get caught

    1. He is the best. I love him so much! He told Wyatt that his new grandson is riding his bike. Lol.

      I have forgotten how much I disliked Ridge in the past. This new actor is really good.

    2. Love how devoted he is to *HIS* kids.

    3. Ridge is brilliant in Da and doting Granda mode!! I like when he goes tough guy on Justin , TK is channeling Zac Slater there Hehehhe love!!!

  7. They'l act so stupid till Justin figures out that is over. Then he will run away and come back in 1 or 2 years to take revenge.

  8. Gosh hope should have ran back up stairs to find wyatt and boom then see ridge upstairs also. And I too really like Ridge!! Haha hes so cute, the best dad and grandpa he is so caring and funny I like that line too "hes already riding a bike, he does it all!" Haha

  9. CIA agents come to interrogate Bill in jail and Detective Baker on the case. Sheik Abdul has accidentally discovered the Vinny tracking device on the car hastily sold to him by Bill. Why would the CEO of an American Corporation be tracking his Middle Eastern sheik friend with a hidden device? This discovery has triggered an international investigation as a spying incident to be handled by the CIA. How is Justin going to cover up all of this newly exposed evidence?

  10. I don’t know why I read these comments, you guys have to be the most juvenile people I have ever read commenting on anything!

    1. This is how a show gets ratings lol

    2. See, juvenile, even that comment doesn’t make sense!

    3. So you just want us to be all serious, critically analyzing the show and the parts that the actors play? Now where is the fun in that?

  11. I wondered how the traffic was in LA and if the sky was blue. Not much substance in this episode. Now I'm waiting for Justin to lock up Hope.
