Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th February 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-15-24 Full episode B&B 15th February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Luna tell RJ the truth... he would understand

    1. Luna can't blame Poppy unless Luna regularly roots through her mom's purse and takes stuff without asking. Real smooth blame transfer if Poppy buys this POPPYCOCK. She could have foot fungus or something. Who knows where Luna might put THAT!

  2. TY Bob.
    The only way Luna can live with this is to tell RJ. I would have left and never wanted to see a mother like her.

  3. This is all just terrible, poor Luna, what a mess

  4. Thks Bob.

    I agree. Luna need to tell RJ everything!!! If not it will weight her down.
    Oh Poppy, you really did it this time!!!! Your daughter is paying for it.

  5. Bad advice, Poppy. You are saying this to protect yourself. My opinion of Poppy just dropped a notch.

    1. Yes! I don't like Poppy no more. She should tell RJ the truth with Luna and tell that it's her fault!

    2. Yes Lynn, agreed!! She is trying to protect herself.. She doesn’t want anyone knowing, especially Li because it will get back to Li and she knows it.. That is terrible advice and so wrong, on so many levels, to protect herself.. I do believe she doesn’t want Luna to lose RJ especially knowing it was because of her, but I think she knows RJ would understand and forgive Luna, especially if she stepped in to talk to him and explain about her “mints”, but it’s obvious that she is protecting herself also.. She is just making herself so much worse in her daughters eyes.. she should do the right thing and help Luna through this, not make it worse..

    3. She's definitely protecting herself. Poppy, you're asking your daughter to lie to her bf, not good at all

  6. This popie do not know acting at all

  7. Poppy doesn't want Luna to tell RJ the truth because she knows that this will end her relationship with Bill!!! What a selfish mother! And yes Li was so right about her!

    1. Yes! She is too selfish now. Doesn't want anybody to knpw about her being a druggie

    2. Yes! If Luna tell RJ, it will quickly travel to Bill & Li. Those are the main 2 people Poppy wants to keep in the dark. Shame on Poopy 💩 - new nickname for her crappy behavior!

    3. Renee, too funny! Totally apt nickname for this Penelope!

  8. Poor Luna 😰😭 She is so kind and this happened to her.. Poppy has a tolerance for drugs but Luna took it first time. I feel sorry for Zende too because he thought that Luna wanted him. But she was with RJ couple of hours ago so it's not right to sleep with her. I think Zende took wine too and that's why it happened. Or is Zende so "pig" that wants to sleep with cousins girlfriend.

  9. I have a feeling Eric saw Luna’s earring on the lounge, because he sat right there, and I think he might have saw her leave as well.. I think that’s why Eric suggested what he did.. He might be playing devils advocate??

  10. Luna should'nt cover for her Mom...she needs to tell RJ the truth about what happened and how it happened...he will be shocked and upset ,but he will forgive her AND have a whole different of opinion of popping pill Poppy..poor Luna... Thank you Bob 💕😘

    1. Ariel, I agree. If Luna doesn't tell RJ, it will eat her up inside. The guilt she feels will ruin their relationship. RJ already senses something is off with Luna.
