Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-8-24 Full episode B&B 8th February 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-8-24 Full episode B&B 8th February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Bill mentioned Luna's father being the man whom Poppy was involved with over 20 years ago, how is it all these babies were a secret and no one ever noticed the woman_____ (fill in the blank because they all were at some point.) More out of wedlock babies that no one noticed or that the mother was pregnant. How a stable of women were attracted to Jack is a real mystery.

    1. Poppy looks miserable most of the time, a true resemblance to LI

    2. YAY! Eric and Donna are married! That trumps anything Ridge has going in terms of deciding to save Eric's life, and other decisions. It can be lawsuits and monkey wrenches when he tries anything.

    3. Actually as medical power of attourney Ridge does trump a legal wif in making medical decisions. Unless Eric legally changed it to Donna, that doesn’t change. I don’t think Eric wants to put her in that position and he knows she wouldn’t be able to pull the plug on him as he wants.

      If Eric had no MPA then as his wife, Donna would be decision maker.

      Emmm don’t they need a marriage license for the marriage to be legal?? I have a terrible feeling that now Donna is married to him he’s going to die.

      I really hope Zende leaves Luna alone. He was leering at her again today 😠

      Poppy must have either slept with Finn or Jack because she was totally panicking today. Bill really wanted to be Luna’s father. He seemed really disappointed not to be.

    4. BBfan nice to see you back. Hope you're feeling better and had the hubby do all the cooking. And cleaning.😂😂
      Zende is getting a little creepy and I'm sure he'll do his best to cause trouble with Luna and RJ.

    5. BBBfan, absolutely correct on all info about medical power of attorney above marriage (just to add; marriage is above children folks).
      Yes need a signed marriage license that must have 2 witnesses signatures on it as well plus be filed at the appropriate location - can be a court house or in some cases a place of worship (Catholic rectory like a Cathedral, not sure about other worships).
      My guess is Li’s ex (are they legally separated or divorced at this point, I know they are not together). I would think Finn would be weird around her if anything had happened between them.

    6. I was thinking when Eric was giving his speech about ensuring that he had everyone that Donna needed there for her - Brooke and Katie I thought you missed big time!
      Eric - what about her Dad. These Logan girls struggled to build back their relationship with their dad.
      Sure it would be nice to have Hope, Beth, and Douglas there as she spends so much time with them. Not the same as her dad.

    7. Bbfan, so happy u r back love!! Hope you are feeling better and back on your feet!! I have had pneumonia three times in the last twelve months, and it’s not pleasant!!

      They are making it really difficult to tell.. but the way Poppy panicked when Finn brought up that she stayed with Li and the family twelve months prior to Luna being born, it seems it might very well be Jack!! There was no discomfort between Finn and Poppy themselves, more so Poppy after Finn brought that up.. I think she is worried that Luna will do the math and work it out..

      So obviously Li doesn’t know and , if Li is this hateful towards Poppy over the surgeon affair and how it affected Li imagine if Li found out her husband is her nieces father!! What a bomb that would be.. that makes Luna her niece and step daughter!! And Finn her half brother!! That would be a big explosion in a family such as theirs!! No wonder Poppy is panicking!!

    8. Colly they were leading us to beleive it was Bill (which its not, so Poppy says) or Jack/Finn. Maybe we need to think outside the box. 🤣 It could be someone we would never think of.

    9. Yes D, like maybe RJ 🤣🤣🤣

    10. Could not be RJ, he’s too young and around same age as Luna.

    11. Cheers ladies, I missed you! Was at back at A&E I’m so knackered. I’m still having issues breathing and coughing and resting lol. I’m not used to laying around so thought I’d pop on here for a few.

      This show is getting worse by the day. I’m really worried Zende is going to sexually assault Luna just to get revenge on RJ. The guy is living at the huge mansion and has all the amenities as well as being a designer at Forrester and makes great money. Why is he whingeing?? There are tonnes of women he can go after, please. He’s being petty and jealous.

      What is up with Poppy? We’re over the who’s the daddy story, just do the reveal already. Honestly, these writers. Hire Milla please ! lol.

      The ladies all looked so lovely today!

    12. Roseam my comment was a joke with D regarding another comment previous!! I wasn’t serious about RJ love!! 🤣🤣

  2. To me Donna didn't seem too excited about the proposal. She was shacking her head no as Eric was proposing and when she said yes. She didn't kiss him after, just a hug. It was the same about the wedding taking place the same day.? Maybe it's just me.

    1. The wedding seemed rushed. Since Donna has spent so much time taking the kids for ice cream, etc, it would have been nice to include Douglas as the ring bearer & Kelly & Beth as flower girls. Some may have wanted to be there like Thomas, Steffy, Bridget, Thorne, Hope, etc. Not sure what the rush was, unless Donna is pregnant. 😂

    2. Renee I think there is something on Donna's mind. I made a comment in one of the past episodes, there were a few looks when hugging him she looked like she was thinking about something else.

    3. If this was real life, there probably would be some people with hurt feelings over being left out.

    4. Zende ought to feel like a "golden guest" since he was invited & so many others were left out. If Zende had not been invited, we would have to suffer thru his complaining about it...

    5. They were invited btw
      But couldn’t make it
      And donna was absolutely happy and excited with the proposal unlike some others
      Maybe she was shocked with rush but for sure she was happy
      As she said she didn’t needed to be his wife but that doesn’t mean she wanted to say no

    6. D, I think it was just more that she was shocked and not expecting it?? She has been so focused on caring for him and she was so worried about him throwing this party so soon after he got out of hospital, that maybe she was a bit stunned.. I think her hesitation about the wedding happening at that moment was more to do with the other family members not being able to be there, that was how I perceived it love??

    7. Ren I agree.. Especially Steffy, with how close she is to Eric, and after everything that happened!! Also probably Hope too with Donna being her Aunty??

    8. Yes, I agree it was a shock and unexpected and is truly happy but, for the past few weeks she has been preoccupied with something else. There were a few shows it did show on her face. She was at Erics side when he first went into the hospital, but then was MIA for a while. Someone else mentioned, maybe she was busy filling water pitchers. I feel something is going on with her.

    9. Maybe like Renee said she is pregnant. 😂 And was looking for the right time to tell him.

    10. D it very well could be that?? If so, she would have wanted to find the right time to tell him.. And before they got married.. That could be part of her hesitation too?

    11. Or I'm just looking for some kind of controversy or excitement. The show is getting boring.

    12. 🤣🤣🤣 don’t worry, I am sure there’s some coming?? Well, hopefully there is?? But they are taking their sweet time bringing it!! But hopefully the who’s the daddy with Luna will come out soon and Zende will strike!!

    13. I agree that most everyone was invited; however, the invitation was to a PARTY - a party that evening. Nobody (except Eric) knew it was going to be a wedding. Eric made sure that all the Logan sisters were there because he knew they are important to Donna. Huge risk that those that missed the wedding will feel slighted. I mean, c'mon, without Bridget & Finn there would be no wedding. Steffy was worried sick about her Granddad & you don't want her there now to share in the joy? Maybe, they could have waited 1 week & had a Valentine's Day weeding

    14. Well, since Eric had a vasectomy if she’s preggers that is going to be interesting. Especially given the fact he hasn’t been doing anything in bed with her for months and months. 😬😬😬

    15. True I forgot about that!!

  3. Zende, you are losing the plot mate!! Or more like plotting.. It was creepy the way he kept looking at Luna and RJ.. U could literally hear his thoughts!! I am sure he is thinking that if he really wants to get back at RJ then the ultimate way to hurt him is take Luna.. The way he was watching how much RJ loves Luna, u could see him plotting!! Plus, I think he really wants Luna too.. He can see how highly his grandfather thinks of her too.. u can see what’s coming!!

    1. I guess your description is perfect
      But that not only bad its is really low and evil

    2. I agree Mmysh, I am not liking Zende at all these days.. He has allowed jealousy and envy of RJ to eat him up.. It’s not like Zende has nothing in life.. And considering where he came from, but yet it’s just not enough!! Ridge says he thinks all it is , is that he just wants to be recognised, but I think it is a lot more than that!! Even if he gets the recognition it won’t be enough.. nothing will satisfy him until he has RJ’s girlfriend, beach house, parents, and RJ gone back overseas!! He has a job millions would die for, an income well above most, he is part of a family and billion dollar empire, lives at one of the biggest flashiest estates in the area, and could have almost any woman he wants, but I guess it’s the old saying, he wants only what he can’t have!! He wants to BE RJ.. nothing else is good enough!! I feel he is trying to drive RJ back out of the company, back to being an influencer and travelling and away from his grandfather, parents, family, and most of all Luna and the company!!

    3. I wouldn’t be able to say it better
      People like him in his situation will be grateful not jealous and envious like that
      He imagine his orphanage mates telling him what he is telling RJ
      How would he react
      And RJ is so nice and considering towards him while he doesn’t deserve it
      And things he didn’t know RJ made a lot of money by his own
      I remember the first he came ridge told him the he doesn’t even ask his father for money anymore but zande just like to think that ridge and brook are paying for everything while its still none of his business
      He is hiding it behind work but work is the least important among the things he jealous about

  4. I think Luna is going to be off her head on what ever is in her mothers pill box and she is going to think Zende is RJ and Zende will go along with it and whisk her off from the party, then RJ will think she just had too much to drink and that she seemed to have no problem running off with Zende.. It might take a while for it to come out that she mistook her mother’s “mints” for her own.. that’s how the issues will start??

    1. That's exactly what I've been thinking too, Colly!

  5. Lovely episode 🥰.... thank you Bob ❤️

  6. I think that was the perfect way to do a wedding. I know some women would totally disagree. Not getting to make all the decisions and worry about all the details. I would love to skip all the stress, and get right to the wedding. And, no little kids around. Just a small intimate group of people. Loved it!
