Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st February 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy tries to blame Sheila, but she had nothing to do with Kelly showing up at the restaurant Sheila works at. It's Steffy's problem to tell people or keep her kids away.

    1. Steffy didn't call 911 when STEFFY SHOT SHEILA! Steffy has assaulted Sheila again. Steffy needs a real jailhouse come-down.

    2. Steffy went to call and then Sheila shot her

    3. Unknown steffy shot sheila once on 2017

      But sheila didn’t press charges for eric

  2. Nice to see Steam in a scene
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  3. Not the Sheila photobomb 🤣😭

    Steffy what exactly do you want from Sheila? You're barging into where she lives and works demanding what exactly? Seriously 🙄😒 instead of warning your friend to avoid the only restaurant that obviously the whole town goes to. Sheila can call the cops and have Steffy arrested for assault (yet another one)

    1. I guess there is no McDonald's in LA! 😂

    2. Renee they wanted pizza
      I guess there is no pizza hot 😂😂😂😂

    3. Indeed milla
      Just wait when sheila react steffy will play the victim

    4. Nope, no Pizza Hut! Il Gardino's is the only restaurant in LA! 🤣🍕😂

    5. Milla, I agree, Steffy went way overboard.. And yes she should have told the friends mother about Sheila and even showed her a photo, and warned not to go to the restaurant.. But I think Steffy is that on edge when it comes to Sheila she can’t think straight.. And I don’t blame her for reacting the way she did when Sheila grabbed her like that, after everything Sheila put her through.. If Sheila put her hands on me like that, I would not trust that she wasn’t going to hurt me, especially the way she told her to basically shut up and don’t say another word, her tone of voice and look on her face was the old Sheila, threatening.. I think now Deacon has put the breaks on, she will revert back to her old ways..

    6. Yes, maybe Steffy went a little overboard but I can see why> her daughter sending her a pic. and Sheila's face in the background? I would probably freak out too. You can see the spark in Sheila's eye's and tone of her voice, it's like an animal being cornered, she's getting ready to strike.

  4. Thks Bob.

    Liam still telling Steffy to leave Finn!! Give it up little puke!!! She doesn't want you!!!

    Zende telling Luna to leave RJ to be with him!! Come on.

    This two guys need get a life!!!

  5. Given Zende's threat, Luna is going to keep quiet. We are going to have to watch this play out until Luna gives birth! 😂 Nine long months. 😂 Maybe, we will know the baby daddy by Thanksgiving. 😂 🦃 😂 Maybe. Sigh.

    1. 9 months soap opera is ?%+? real life. Yeah Luna screwing rj after ZenDe is not going to make it his baby 🍼

  6. The difference between badass Steffy roughing up Shelia & Hope saying to Shelia "as a mother blah blah blah" is hilarious.
    🤣 👹 😇 🤣

  7. Steffy will just trigger Sheila when she does nothing but being good lately . And now Steffy os the one who overstep. Queen Steffy shouldnt mess with Sheila. She will end with regrets

    1. Steffy knows exactly how dangerous Sheila is, yet she has to keep provoking her. I understand that she doesn't want to show Sheila how scared she really is, but why go there for no reason (this time)? Sheila works at Il G. and Kelly went there with her friend and his mom. So basically Steffy saw a picture of Sheila at her workplace, freaks out (because her daughter went there which wasn't Sheila's fault), and goes and attacks Sheila in her home. That was not a smart move.

  8. So basically Luna will say nothing and be Poppy 2.0 not knowing who fathered her child. RJ finding out THAT way will end them for sure

    1. For sure, Bblife. If Luna doesn't tell RJ, he will be hurt when the truth comes out - which it eventually will.

  9. I really hate Sheila so if Steffy finishes her I would be very happoy. Sheila has never done something without thinking so please Steffy finish the b*tch and then it will be all over.

  10. Sheila needs to get a restraining order against Steffy and Li both. Not that I like Sheila, because I don't, but the writers are definitely making her look more sympathetic, with both Steffy and Li intentionally seeking her out just to antagonize her. Steffy is being ridiculous in this case. Sheila was literally just doing her job. (And who wears a white blouse and white coat to go get pizza with two little kids??? Bad idea.)

    1. lol Ren. I was thinking the same thing about the white while going for pizza.

  11. I had to roll my eyes when Luna told Zende he was "a great guy". No. A great guy would not tell her to leave her boyfriend. And then Zende tells Luna she should listen to her mother. Right, because her mother has proven to have such great judgment, and would give the best advice.
    Liam is still annoying.
    I can't stand Sheila, but she now has every right to kick Steffy's ass. That would be funny for her to go back home to Finn with a busted lip and a black eye. 😎😜

    1. Forever, I have a feeling Zende is going to somehow give it away to break them up.. That’s why he is encouraging her to keep the secret, and I think the earring will come into play and Zende will use it to give it away.. if he blatantly can ask that of her, nothing would surprise me.. He was attracted to her before but now they slept together that has amplified it tenfold.. I think Zende will do something to give it away and because she didn’t tell RJ it will split them up..

    2. Agree Colly. There is a reason Zende is holding on to that earring, but I'm more surprised Luna hasn't asked about it. She must have noticed when she got home that morning and showered (I hope) and changed the earring was missing.

    3. That's why it's better RJ hear it directly from Luna, rather than Zende.

    4. Exactly. I really think RJ would forgive her and put all the blame on Zende. He deserves it.

    5. True, but she has her mother and Zende scaring her into keeping quiet, because she will lose him.. I hope she will tell him??

    6. I don't think she can stay quiet for long. And he knows something is wrong. I'm hoping she will crack and throw both Zende and her mum under the bus. But they will have to drag this out. At least for 9 months when she finds out she's pregnant. 🥱

  12. Zende is ahole but Liam is a cool dude while trying to sleep again with Finns wife. Where's the name calling and same energy?!?!? LMAO 🤣🤣🤣

  13. Sheila is well within her right to punch you in the mouth Steffy! Maybe she'll save you a Botox injection visit 💵💲💰💵!!!! 👄
