Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd February 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-22-24 Full episode B&B 22nd February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Why is Steffy keep putting her hands on Sheila.... smh

  2. Steam is returning
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  3. Liam is an idiot. Shelia will always be a threat to Steffi and the kids because even if Steffi is with Finn or not Shelia will always want to be part of Hayes life.

    1. Agree. It is lame Liam logic for why he should be with Steffy instead of Finn. Sigh.

    2. Completely agree, what does Liam think he can do (was rolling my eyes that entire scene).
      Now Steffie. Talk about paranoia and stalking almost. She literally can almost be charged with attempted murder if Sheila gets a good defense lawyer as she did say enough to warrant I wish you were dead, not soon enough type stuff. Then throws the punch - likely a good bit of evidence on Sheila’s face for that and Steffie’s hand to prove she hit her. If the do detective work they can get from the medical stuff timing of injury to prove Steffie started.
      But it’s a soap.
      I don’t care much for Sheila but she doesn’t deserve to get jail for this.

  4. Steffy is as bad now herself. She always gets violent. Sheila has done anything wrong when she's been with Deacon. Leave her alone if you want to live without fear! Steffy is overreacting. I have no sympathy for her because she keeps doing violent things again. Soon Sheila will snap and that's what people are waiting for. Don't go to that restaurant idiots! I like Sheila more than Steffy these days. It's not easy trying to act like normal human being when you're not. Sheila tries hard but it's not worth anything so soon she can't stand this no more. She is a psychopath but I still feel sorry for her now. And soon Deacon will leave her so we can have excitement 🤔 She's gonna do something harming Steffy and Hope.

  5. The whole Steffy Sheila thing is getting old. And now we've got Liam repeating the same lines for months, and it stopped, and now it's back again. Please give that guy some new material!

    1. Kidd, Ikr?! haven't they moved through all the strike scripts yet? it's not like there's no one to write new material. I ffwd'd through all Lame & Dad scenes. Just so boring. The only performance worth watching today was, of course, Sheila.

  6. Finn should repeat to Sheila that he wants nothing to do with her, then take his wife home. Maybe Sheila will be so upset she will decide to leave town. I know that won't happen, but that would be good for everyone. Sheila dead would be the best scenario. Fingers crossed.

  7. Liam, get s life... Steffy back OFF.... Tks for sharing 🩵

  8. Here's what Sheila should have done: When Steffy came bursting in yesterday, she should have calmly asked her to leave. Then when Steffy didn't leave, she should have calmly picked up the phone and called 911 and said "There is a person in my home threatening me, and they refuse to leave." Then get a restraining order. Steffy would go out of her mind with rage, but at this point Sheila would be justified in taking that action.

    1. So true! But that would preclude the cat fight, and there are some soap opera norms that apparently can't be updated!

    2. I agree...that would've made Steffy go berserk 😅😅

  9. TY Bob.

    Liam Liam!! Stop obsessing Steffy!!! You had your chance!!! Steffy with Finn now. The love of her life!!!!
    Finn please stand by Steffy and your kids!!!!

  10. I know people will disagree with me, but both times, it was Sheila who put her hands on Steffy first.. Because the writers have humanised Sheila somewhat, people are forgetting just how evil she is and what she put Finn and Steffy through.. Steffy grieved for months thinking Finn was dead because Sheila shot him and her when she tried to call for help for Finn, all Sheila cared about was not that Finn could still b alive and needed an ambulance.. She claims to love Finn more than her own life, which she has said many times, yet she left him for dead, wouldn’t let Steffy call for help, shot her too so no witnesses, then staged it and made it look like a mugging all to save her own ass!! And she got out of prison how many times now… So wether you like or hate Steffy, imo , you can’t blame her, and both times Sheila put her hands on Steffy first.. Should Steffy have been there antagonising her, no, but she wasn’t the one who put hands on first both times.. Wether Sheila grabbed Steffy to pull her out the door or not, is not the point, Steffy’s instant reaction as soon as Sheila lays a hand on her is to protect herself.. Sheila should not have touched Steffy, regardless..

    1. 👏👏👏 Colly. I haven't watched todays yet, don't think I need to judging by the comments. Whoever put their hands on each other first doesn't matter. Steffy has every reason to be scared 💩less of Sheila...and if Finn didn't back her up? There will be problems..maybe Liam will worm his way back in..same storylines repeated. Just 6 months later.

    2. I know!! And Sheila saying to Finn after she is caught choking out his wife, says “I am so sorry you had to see that” 🤣🤣🤣 best line of the day!!

      It will be the same monotonous dialogue from Liam, “I won’t give up on us” and “as long as your married to Finn”, and “I can protect you and the kids better than Finn can” and it’s Finn I don’t trust”!! I think if it goes back down that road with Liam, I am going to tune out for a while.. I cannot watch him or hear his voice anymore, it agitates me, I have to fast forward..

      But I think it’s headed towards a Sheila ends up dead, but of course she will come back to life, and it will be a “who done it” with Steffy as the main suspect because she has openly told Sheila she wants her dead, but it won’t be Steffy who does it, and everyone will think Sheila is dead but she will b alive and do something to Steffy!! So predictable!!

    3. Lol. I just had to watch some of it. Really skipped through alot until the cat fight started. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."?🤣🤣🤣 was the best line. Like he hadn't seen her pointing a gun at Steffy, and looking down the barrel of gun, being shot, then his wife. Guess that was kitten play to Sheila. But this time I don't think Steffy is fooling around.

    4. I admit, Steffy went overboard on this occasion, but if anyone has forgotten or doesn’t know exactly what a psychopath Sheila is, they just need to go to Wikipedia and read the terror she has caused both in Genoa City and LA and she did terrorise Steffies entire family for decades.. Steffy lost her mother for years and years when she was young and needed her most because Sheila shot Taylor.. It’s not just what she has put them through recently.. Sheila shot Steffy’s grandmother, mother, her, her husband, tried to drown Stephanie, poison her, tried to shoot Brooke, Quinn, all to get Eric.. She has kidnapped, I think she even killed her own mother.. Read Wikipedia, what I just wrote only skims the surface.. She is a true psychopath in every sense of the word..

  11. This dialog between Liam and Bill about Sheila is so boring it's old storyline that repeated

  12. thank god R.J 🤮And boring Luna 🥱 was not in this episode
    I hate to watch those two
