Friday, June 24, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-24-22 Full episode B&B 24th June 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-24-22 Full episode B&B 24th June 2022


  1. Wow, did the B&B writers really give Paris the line 'Mom, are you with Carter and I when we're alone '????

    1. Lol like they have been alone so often other than when Paris was pursuing Carter and he was pushing her away 😂🤣🙄🤣😂🙄🙄🙄

    2. Did the writers really have Grace lustfully staring at Zende as he finished up his workout? I won't be surprised if these 2 hooked up. It would be a slap in the face to Paris, right on the heels of the slap in her face from Quinn stopping the wedding and Carter running off with her. 😂😂

    3. Yes Ell, I thought the same thing.. I said it below that the next super couple will b dr Buckingham and zende 🤣🤣🤣

    4. I wish Paris' mom would have responded to Paris question "are you with us when carter and I are alone?" with "yes, but just watching."

  2. Today's episode is so complicated that I really don't know what to say.
    The worse thing that Paris to say was she wanted Zende at her wedding. I think she has a mental issue.
    I truly feel like saying that Carter has mental issues too by getting married so quickly!! Why marry without loving someone?? A marriage isn't a game.

    1. @Tina Paris should not be putting Zende in the spot, for her to say that it like rubbing salt to the wounds. She not thinking about how he is going to feel about watching the woman he loves to get married right in front of his face.

    2. If Paris invites Zende to the wedding, then Carter should invite Quinn! How romantic - getting married at Il Gardino's - the only restaurant in town. Perhaps, when the newlyweds exit, they can run thru the crime scene alley as their exes & disapproving family & friends throw rice. Who knows, maybe Sheila will return to the crime scene & make it a true shot-gun wedding! 😂

    3. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Renee am falling off me chair here! How self centred can one be, just beyond the pale really. Paris is cruel!

    4. Tina, Paris is showing her true self, a selfish, self centred brat! Zoe didn’t want her around for a reason.

      Carter is a grown man and friend to Zende he should know how much it hurts him. Seriously, put your foot down.

      How do these men not see what a mean spirited, selfish, immature child Paris is?? She has no business marrying anyone. The fact is Paris is pretending they had this big romantic relationship, when they literally went a couple of times, had dinner at Carter’s house and had sex. Carter said immediately after it was a mistake they couldn’t repeat . It was all because Paris was relentless pursuing Carter. He didn’t want it but she wouldn’t take no. Not to mention, as he told Ridge, she is a threat to Quinn and he has to protect Quinn.

      I hope she gets what’s coming to her!

    5. Tina, my jaw dropped to the floor when Paris suggested that they invite Zende. What is she thinking? Doesn't she care about his feelings at all? Or is she confusing his graciousness in stepping back and allowing them to be together with him accepting them as a couple?

      And Paris needs to grow the heck up! Every time she talks about the ring or she and Carter getting engaged, she starts giggling like a school girl. It's bloody annoying!

    6. What about when she said “I can’t believe u want to marry me so quickly”, then giggles, it made my skin crawl, literally

    7. Elle, everyone is right.. Paris is spoiled and it's going to get worse unless Carter says it's Quinn and Quinn says it's Carter. Why would she ever feel obligated to Eric when he doesn't even care about her in and out of bed???!!!

    8. Tina, I honestly believe that Quinn is just staying with Eric out of guilt. She did love him at one time but that has since changed. She's punishing herself because she feels it's what she deserves. It seems she's coming out of it though. The possibility of losing Carter to Paris has forced her to face her true feelings.

    9. I agree, I think Quinn is starting to realise now that Carter is “moving on”… when she was daydreaming about carter rescuing her portrait said a lot to me..

    10. You know what really cracks me up, is that everyone is treating this like a death sentence that no one can escape from.. yet of all people who knows better, than carter, how many annulments and divorce happens on this show.. divorce and annulments happen almost as much as sex on this show.. and I also think it wasn’t graces place to tell zende about the engagement.. and then she has the nerve to say “I know this hurts, but u need to get past it”, really!! If my mother did anything like that, good intentions or not, I would b furious!!

    11. Colly, how ironic that Grace will say something like that to Zende when she has not even gotten past it!

  3. Dear Bab , there is a noise mixed with the episode from 2 or 3 days back and still continuing . can you pls , do something about it .
    thanks man.

    1. I though I was the only one, but yeah there's a guy (I think) saying some words and after that just random noises and it happens every time I click on one of the episode links. Only when I go to dailymotion and close this website it disappears, so it's definitely linked to your website Bob!

  4. Off topic but omg the cartoon after B&B is an old Japanese anime series from the early 80-ies called Goldrake (Grandizer)!! Used to watch this🥰😍 Bob you are a star!😁😜

  5. Well Hope knows and should warn Paris what its like knowing your husband will jump through hoops for another woman and Eric keep your shares safe safe as Bill w8ll be after them once he knows bout Donna
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Mandy , I don’t think hope is aware of carters feelings for Quinn.. I think she thinks it was over long ago, because I think she would have said something??

  6. am i the only one that cant focus on anything cause of the fucked up hair they gave paris and her mom?

    1. No, Dakota, it is not just you! Paris looks like a Bratz doll with that hair which is appropriate since Carter will play house with her until someone better comes along. Not a fan of Mother Buckingham; however, she is correct in what she is telling her daughter. Paris will eventually get dumped by Carter.

    2. Yup I’m guessing she’s getting dumped before she says I do. I think Quinn will run in at the part where they ask if anybody knows of any impediment to the marriage!!!

      I hope so! I can’t believe her unfeeling cheek to ask Zende knowing he’s in love with her and hurting! She’s beyond selfish!

    3. I so hate the wigs soooo ugly.

    4. I have a sneaky suspicion that Zoe might make an entrance at the wedding.. I am surprised paris didn’t invite Quinn , just to rub it in her face..?

  7. Loved Zende's response to Mother Buckingham when she tried to get him to interfere in Carter & Paris' wedding plans.

    1. Grace stood there dumbfounded after Zende said what he said then walked away. It's the first time that she has been speechless. 😂🤣

    2. Yep, she is so used to bombarding him and thinks everyone should listen to her and do what she says.. just like when she went to ridge.. little does she know ridge is going to b his best man.. or maybe the wedding will end up like Eric’s and Quinn’s where no one will show in an effort to stop it??

    3. And it’s funny how bill spencer is one of the first people she thinks to invite, as though she is some high society princess now she is marring the COO.. I wonder what the first conversation between Quinn and paris will be like??

  8. OK. Time for this to BLOW up like The Bachelor:
    Honey Bear should be w/Donna
    Quinn with Carter 💞
    Paris with Zende 💞

    1. Zende deserves someone better than Paris.

    2. I agree Susan except for Zende. Renee you’re right he so deserves better than Paris. I wonder will Zoe come back and get him lol.

      Can’t wait for Quinn and Bridget to catch Eric and Donna especially since he’s been cheating for the last 6 months at least!!!

      Go get Carter lassie… see they truly love each other and are willing to sacrifice for the other. I can’t wait till Quinn shows up and stops the farce of a wedding.

      Seriously Paris you want a wedding thrown together in a day? Like Paris told her mum… he’s in a hurry to marry her so Must Love her lol even though he’s not saying it!

      Ridge will be in Quinn and Carter’s corner when Eric and Donna’s affair comes out. I think he’ll give them full support to be together and he knows they love each other but weren’t acting on it and were willing to sacrifice their own happiness for Eric.

      I still think Eric stopping the divorce was actually to punish Quinn. He literally made NO effort to patch things up and instead started an affair with Donna. You don’t do that if you love your spouse and serious about repairing your marriage. Given the countless affairs he had while married to Stephanie, he literally is a total hypocrite not to forgive Quinn!!!

      Give him the heave ho and run to Il Giordino, I think Carter will swoop her up and never let go… Paris who??? Her mum will say I told you so and I hope Zende refuses to take her back (echoes of Zoe doing that to Carter, remember??).

    3. BB, I think Quinn is now seriously contemplating wether she wants to b with Eric anymore.. she actually couldn’t wait for him to go to the club today, she asked him yesterday and she didn’t seem to mind when he left today, I think she was desperate to go see Carter.. I think she is scared now at the prospect of losing carter.. and even carter picked up on it today.. I bet ridge goes to his father and asks him if he really wants to b with Quinn.. I say this because he lives there now and can see his father the way he is with Quinn, and he said in the office when he was talking to carter, that they are not over yet?? I took that to mean that he thinks they still have a chance..

    4. Renee, I'm with you. Zende deserves someone better than Paris.

      BB, I believe that Ridge will support Carter and Quinn's relationship as well.

      Colly, I'm in agreement with you. It seems Quinn is reconsidering her commitment to Eric. She has finally admitted to Carter that she still loves him.

      And I must say that they did a fantastic job with the end scene of today's show. Very heartfelt and touching moment between Quinn and Carter. ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Hope looked stunning today her hair and makeup

    1. I’m not a Hope fan but she did look lovely today. That dress really suited her!

    2. Yes, hope looked beautiful today!! It’s about time they started dressing her nicely..

    3. Agreed. The blue suits her.

  10. Quinn and Bridget decide to have lunch at the club where Eric is and the waiter there tells them that pickle ball was closed months ago so they decide to go to Eric’s room and that’s wen they find Donna and Eric in bed together we’ll see that episode on Monday probably can’t wait to see that part and hopefully she’ll stop carters wedding in time

    1. Me too hopefully the writers weren’t lazy and give us some old school soapy drama!!!!

    2. I thought that room was donnas apartment?? I have seen her in that room before in the past , before her affair with Eric?? Can’t wait to see what happens.. Quinn will probably run straight to carter.. I am hoping for a showdown with claws out red glowing eyes..

    3. Donna is a millionaire from her Forrester days and after selling her shares of FC to Bill! She has a mansion like Katie and Brooke… they just never show it. No flat for Donna.

    4. So what is that room? I have seen Donna in it before, in the past sometime, and it had nothing to do with Eric??

    5. Colly, I think that room is just a room at the club. That's how Hope was able to discover the affair when she went to the club recently.

    6. Lol Colly they are cheap so probably recycled the set from a previous place it was supposed to be 🤭

    7. Colly they have two offices at FC too lol they just change characters and add a folder, sketches or tray of jewellery and viewers have to pretend it’s a whole different office 😁😁😂🤣😂

  11. That wedding is going to be a hot mess. It would be cool if the writers brought Zoe back to crash Paris and Carter's wedding. I can't stand Ridge in general but today's episode i totally agree with him 100%. Regardless of Carter's reasons, I think he's sick for forcing himself to marry a woman he doesn't love. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.

    1. Grace is so desperate for control over her daughter's love affairs that she just might pull one last desperate move to end Paris and Carter by bringing in Zoe to stop the wedding. Especially since Zende turned her down flat. 😂

    2. Ohhhh that would be brilliant! Paris would get a taste of her own medicine and just desserts for basically blackmailing Carter.

    3. And, what a payback it would be if Quinn came in and busted up the wedding, just like paris did at her bowel renewal to Eric.. ultimate payback!!

    4. "Bowel renewal" - 😂 - bottom line - that is hysterical! 🤣

  12. Tearful ending 😢

    Quinn 💔 Carter...

    1. It was. 😢 Can't wait for these 2 to reunite! ❤️

    2. 💔💔💞💞💞💞We want Quarter back! The now!

  13. Quinn and Carter ♥️♥️♥️😢

    Ridge is right. Why rush into a marriage with a woman he doesn't love? Carter can date Paris for a while. He should!

    Did I hear Paris say that they should invite Bill Spencer to the wedding because he is a generous donor to the foundation? 😂🤣

    I'm sorry, but as right as Grace is about Carter, I cannot stand the fact that she feels that she must be this involved in her grown daughter's affairs. Someone said she's almost as bad as Brooke. Agreed! Grace needs to butt out. Paris is going to learn a very hard lesson on her own.

    Hope was quite comical today. Had to laugh at her getting all excited about Paris and Zende getting married only to find out that it's Paris and Carter. Her expression was priceless! 😂😂😂

    1. Lol me too… that was so odd about $Bill. I mean is counting on lavish gifts? She is already checking her status change as the wife of COO of FC.

      Hope’s face was priceless today 😬😬😮😮🫢 I got a giggle too when Paris and Mummy B were having a row in front of her and her expressions … she didn’t know where to look. Like why are you choosing my office for this ladies???

      Paris should be clued in when literally everyone is shocked and NOT supportive of her and Carter. Even Hope made it clear she’s not really on board and just being kind.

      I could see anyone else at the wedding openly telling them to rethink what they’re doing . Charlie will officiate at Il Giordino, Paris wearing a ring Carter out on Quinn while professing his undying love??? Really? Only the best for Paris 😂

      Karma is coming to give you a jolly big b$&ch slap lassie.

    2. BB, Hope had me rotfl. And I liked that she acknowledged that Brooke can be an overbearing mother as well. Hope has been revealing a lot about Brooke lately. If she continues this way, I might start liking her. 😂🤣😂🤣

    3. I agree, I am liking how she has been lately..

    4. BB, paris invited $bill because she has no one else to invite!! And those she does know , she knows won’t come, that’s why she wants to invite zende.. she said it herself, he has been supportive of her relationship with carter.. the fact she can’t see how much he is hurting and what a slap in the face inviting him when she turned him down stating she is too young to get married.. and if remember correctly, she told him, maybe ten years from now.. then she does this.. she really is immature, and the writers are showing it..

    5. Colly I agree. I think it is more the cheek of her thinking she was in a position to invite a billionaire media magnate to her hasty thrown together wedding because he donated to the Foundation she works for! The sheer arrogance of that is just mind boggling, not to mention totally inappropriate. But again it highlights her immaturity. Honestly someone that young and immature would no way be the director of a big charitable foundation unless they have Logan as their name lol only on B&B 😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😅🙄🙄🙄

  14. That was me Ell, but then I took it back 🤣🤣 no one is as bad as brook, but she’s a damned close second, I cannot handle the way she acts.. she walks like some big Incredible Hulk and was even dressed in the same colour 🤣🤣 I think they did that on purpose.. the way she walked up on the roof to zende, her arms outstretched and claws out.. she even made hope uncomfortable and tried to enlist her..

    the things she said to zende and putting so much pressure on him, even when he said he won’t grovel, she still tried to go on.. so she’s run to ridge, stormed into the CEO’s office, making serious accusations, has put zende under immense pressure and embarrassment several times now, and even tried to get hope involved.. carrying on in front of hope calling carter a huddled in front of hope!! My goodness, she’s storming the building.. I initially thought she went to the rooftop to jump off it 🤣🤣🤣 wow!! She is on the verge of psychosis , actually I think it’s already happening.. yes she is right, but give it a rest.. doesn’t she understand the more u say no the more the child wants it..

    as for Eric, what a pig.. he can see how distressed Quinn is about this, and he can see how much she still loves carter.. and instead of saying let’s give this up, we both want different people, he has decided to keep his cake and side salad all to himself.. pig!! He runs outta there so fast he almost tripped on his own feet.. Eric wants Quinn around because she is intelligent and an artist as he said the other day, so he is going to keep her around for those needs while he dips his pickle in honey because that’s all Donna can offer him..

    1. 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 grrrr Eric is such a tosser!

    2. I agree Colly, and I still think his taking Quinn back is at least partly revenge! He ignores her 90% of the time. He knows she loves Carter and I think he’s enjoying watching her suffer. The way he talks about Carter getting married he’s enjoying it! 😤

    3. So funny how you described Grace, Colly. I think I've said this before - the actress over-acts and is way too melodramatic in her portrayal of a concerned mother.

      As for Eric, this is classic Eric. He was always very nonchalant about his cheating ways and never showed any remorse or regret for his philandering. At one point, he said he felt guilty about what he was doing to Quinn but it certainly does not seem that way.

    4. I doubt that man even knows the word guilt.. he was just trying to appease hope at the time because she I can see the guilt is eating u up, and in response he said, you can see that?? 🤣🤣🤣 and grace does look like the Incredible Hulk, she even has that chiseled jaw underbite thing happening, where she pushes her bottom jaw forward to bare her bottom teeth, pun intended .. and OVER acting is an UNDERstatement..

    5. I meant she said I can tell the guilt..

  15. Oops, I meant hustler, not huddled 🤣🤣


  16. Am I the only one bothered by the fact that this love hexagon starts with a grandson and ends with a grandfather?
    And whenever anyone announces Il Giardino as if it's the most exciting place, when it's been the ONLY place they go and it always seems they are the only customers 😂 I miss Insomnia...
    Wasn't Ridge moving out of his daddy's place?

  17. MD that is pretty much the standard for b&b, look at brook, she slept with every forrester man and had two kids to the father Eric.. one kid with ridge and had hope with deacon who was one of her daughter Bridget’s husband, then took the same daughters other husband too and married that one, and don’t forget her sister Katie’s husband bill numerous times, so it is pretty much standard for this show..

    Take paris, her sister was engaged to carter but wanted zende, but paris made quick smart and took zende, then Zoe was with Thomas, then they had Thomas wanting paris, now paris is engaged to her sisters ex fiancé, Carter, who wants his bosses wife, but is settling for his his ex fiancés little sister.. confused yet, I was getting confused writing it.. oh Eric is has been married to brook, and her sister Donna, and is now having an affair with his ex wife’s sister, who is also his ex wife!! Let’s see, brook slept with her daughter hopes teenage virgin boyfriend, and Katie tried with Eric but he wouldnt, I guess it’s only the blond sisters he likes, and Katie also tried with nick, her nieces husband which was Bridgett’s husband who said no, but then left bridgett for brook and married brook.. and there’s so much more, but my brain is a bit frazzled at the moment.. but brook is the one who holds the titles for most incestuous woman on all of daytime television.. so this story line is exactly how u said it, but forgot to mention that Carter is Paris’s sisters ex..

  18. And soon, I think mother Buckingham is going to marry zende!!

    1. Zende deserves someone better than Mother Buckingham.

  19. All the women (and men) sleep with entire families especially the Forrester men, Brooke's not the only one. Katie was with Eric, Ridge and Thorn and was with Bill and Wyatt. Taylor beat them all because she's been with Ridge [and Nick Ridge's bio brother], Eric, Thorn and Rick! It's all a very incestuous cycle. Steffy has also been with all of the Spencer men, was so glad when Finn was finally introduced to the show to stop circle of Spencer men for Steffy.

    1. Hope was with Liam and Wyatt Spencer at the same time. Bill didn’t want her lol.

    2. Rose you are ignoring that way before Finn came along , Steffy was a single mum for years. She took care of Kelly with next to help from Liam because Hope wanted him with Beth 24/7. Before that she was raising Kelly and Pheobeth.

      Steffy wasn’t even looking for anyone when she met Finn. She was just being a mum and working hard to care for her daughter.

      She was fine without a fella in her life. I do love and her and Finn as a couple. He was infinitely better than Liam the waffler.

      For the record after the initial marriage with Liam etc it was Spencer men chasing Steffy NOT the other way around. Liam and Wyatt fought over Steffy. Bill pursued Steffy obsessively and tricked and manipulated Liam and Steffy in an effort to steal her away! When l
      Liam slept with Steffy after the mannequin incident, he went to her home. She tried and tried to send him home to Hope.

      Steffy wasn’t chasing the Spencer men it was the other way around!!!!!

    3. Steffy chose to stay away from Liam when Hope told them she was pregnant and demanded Liam walk away from Steffy and Kelly. Keep in mind he was engaged to remarry Steffy and was living with her and Kelly at the time . Hope was throwing herself at Liam constantly.

      Steffy saw Liam was struggling with never ending pressure of Brooke and Hope and his love for Steffy and wanting their future. So she said enough go be with Hope. I’m not putting our daughter through what I went through !! Steffy chose and stuck to it for years. Finn came much later.

  20. I never knew that gyms/clubs had bedrooms. This one should be called the Pickle Parlor! (A place to recover from playing pickleball!) 😂

    1. If it's a members club, more than likely, there will be rooms where persons can overnight.

    2. Good one Renee 🤣🤣🤣

  21. 🤣😂🤣🤣😂 pickle parlour !!!

  22. Please stop the Carter and Paris storyline. Its not believable
