Monday, May 2, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-2-22 Full episode B&B 2nd May 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-2-22 Full episode B&B 2nd May 2022


  1. Oh dear this is all so sad. Hope is not coping and Brooke is not helping.

    1. Hope has no idea how to cope when things don’t go exactly as she planned. She’s a spoiled princess who always gets what she wants, if not mummy bullies others until she gets her way. Hopeless has always been like that.

    2. BBfan101 would you want your husband or wife etc to spend the night comforting his ex when they have they mom,father and brother to comfort them? In all reality who would be that naive. So please with the spoil princess BS. The biggest spoil princess is steffy always wanting what she want and hope compromising. YOUR HUSBAND DIE AND FIRST THING YOU DO BOUNCE BACK TO YOUR EX.which mean Finn was just filling a void for Liam .

    3. @Dezzi Are we watching the same show? When did Steffy bounce back to Liam? Liam is the one that ran out on Hope faster than a speeding bullet to get to her bedside at the hospital. Then today, he again skipped out on his wife with just a peck to her cheek so that he could run over to his ex-wife's side. Steffy wasn't even expecting him. And Liam is 5he one that keeps telling Steffy that he will always be there for her, no matter what. It seems to me that Liam is the one that has bounced back to Steffy.

    4. Elle exactly! Dizziness, Hope is the quintessential princess. She’s had everything handed to her in a platter! Steffy and Thomas were expected to work for everything. They both started out in the mail room at Forrester and worked their way up. They both went to university and earned degrees Thomas in fashion design and Steffy in business. Both of them had to work and earn everything they have. They both earned and bought their own homes too. On their own!

      Hope on the other hand got high on pills and whined and was given HFTF to keep her out of trouble! Hope still lives with her mum in the dim dark cabin. She uses mummy’s pool and housekeeper etc. Hope plays house. She works once in a while and honestly has NO fashion sense and Thomas, Zende and the rest of the Forrester team do ALL the work while Hope takes credit!

      As Elle pointed out, Steffy isn’t chasing Liam. She just woke up from witnessing her husband’s murder and is recovering from a serious gun shot wound. Liam is there voluntarily and told her to lean on him. She’s in so much pain and grief and can let it out. Liam is there because he cares about her.

      Hope knew full well that Liam loves Steffy and will be there for her, he was clear with her about that! She chose to stay married to a man who loves his ex.

    5. @ Dezzi, you are 100% correct!! No one would think that was OK. Steffy…..”Oh Liam, please don’t go. Please don’t go. Boo hoo, boo hoo, boo hoo!!!” Steffy is totally a spoiled princess and expects everyone to upend their lives to accommodate her. She is a spoiled brat and always has been. Liam better be quick to get his priorities in order or he will lose Hope. And it looks like Thomas is setting things in motion for Hope to be thinking about Thomas as someone who can pick up the pieces.
      Any of the Steffy supporters who call Hope a spoiled brat because they think it’s perfectly OK for Liam to go running to his ex and then spend the night because of Steffy’s “boo hoo please don’t go, please don’t go”…are crazy!! I’d love to hear them say they would be perfectly fine with their own husbands doing that. Not in a MILLION YEARS!!! Steffy turns on the water works to get her way!!! They always accuse Brooke of doing that and they think it’s disgusting. But apparently Steffy can do it and they see no issue with it whatsoever!! The hypocrisy runs deep!!!

    6. Totally agree. She's not alone. Her mom, dad, and kids are all there. And she was totally looking at Liam like she wanted to kiss him. Some grieving widow! Finn was always just a placeholder because Liam wasn't there. If Finn hadn't died, we all know Steffi and Liam would have hooked back up eventually. Steffi sucks. She's just a bitchy, bossy slut, no better than Brooke. If Liam actually wanted his marriage to hope to stay on track, he'd have kept his ass home and not went over there. He could have told Kelly sorry, 8ll see you tomorrow.Its just ba perfect excuse for him to run back to Steffi Because he's a man whore.

    7. Steffy could have had Liam after the mannequin incident. He begged her to break up with Finn and be a family with him and Kelly again. Steffy CHOSE to stay with Finn!!! She SENT Liam crawling back to Hopeless!

      I don’t disagree that Liam should be with his wife. However, he was obsessing over Steffy coming home and his not being there. Hope was snaking around the hospital listening at doors and heard Liam promising to be there for Kelly, Steffy and Hayes. They had a discussion about it wjeee Hope said of course you need to step but she really has enough support system.

      The fact is Finn was more of a father to Kelly than Liam because Hope demands he give all his time and attention to Beth and Douglas. Thomas is Douglas’s father and Kelly needs her daddy. Even Bill has told Liam that. It’s one of the reasons Hope and Bill don’t get on. Hope doesn’t want Liam to remember he has another child that was born first.

      Stop blaming Steffy for grieving her husband. When it’s Hope or Brooke everyone has to drop everything and be with them 24/7.

      It’s asinine to ask about my husband spending the night with his ex etc. Real life my husband would never cheat, he has nothing to do with his ex and isn’t a waffler like Liam. He’s a good and honourable, loving and attentive husband . I’m very blessed and make sure he knows it. That said , B&B is a soap and a poorly written one at that.

      Stop comparing characters to real life, they have no relationship to real life. As they are written, Hope was fully aware Liam would drop everything to help Steffy at a moment’s notice. She demanded that when he was married to Steffy and she had no real reason either. M
      End of the day, that’s the kind of man she married. She accepted his cheating ( and seriously he cheated on his wife with Hope, does she expect him to magically change after stealing him from his wife??) with Steffy and declaration that he still loved his ex wife and always would. Hope chose that situation so how can she complain?

      Clearly the wee peck on the cheek as he races out the door says a lot too. I don’t think Liam should be with either of them actually. Still holding out Hope for Finn being alive and being cared for by Li and Jack.

    8. Bbfan101. Wow. Do you realize that you're watching a soap and they can't show every detail of anyone's personal or professional life? While you were bad-mouthing Hope about not working how come you didn't say anything about Liam? We hardly ever see him working either. How about Sheila? We never see her doing anything as far as work goes. Oh but I suppose because we've seen Taylor in her office a few times she's a worker. And I wouldn't say that Steffy and Thomas had to work for everything they wanted or got because I'm sure they wanted to be part of the company and let's not forget that it is a family company and of course family gets to work together. And as far as Liam running to Steffy and thinking he has to spend the night with her that is crap. You're making up excuses for Steffy. Just like her mom and dad told her, they weren't far away. She could have gotten mommy or daddy to sit with her instead of asking Liam who is married to Hope and also has another daughter to take care of and think about. So yeah in all reality is always more about Steffy than it is about Hope. I don't think a lot of you Brooke and Hope haters actually take time to think about anything before you comment. I guess you've let hatred for the two of them take over being able to see another side of the story.

    9. @ BBFAN - that absolutely never happened. If you recall after the night that Liam spent with Steffy, Liam was dying to tell Hope the truth because his conscience was eating him alive. All the while, Steffy was perfectly fine lying to Finn. “What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him” was Steffy’s motto. Lol!!! Total bull crap if you ask me. And Liam never, ever begged Steffy to reboot their family unit. He said he didn’t regret spending that night with her. That’s all he said. He never ever talked about wanting Steffy back. The whole time that was going on, Liam was dealing with his guilty conscience and when he finally told Hope, he begged for Hope’s forgiveness. And once again, he chose Hope.

    10. Maddy, welcome back!! Where u been girl?😊

    11. @ B&BFAN, of course I’m going to compare these people’s actions to real life. That’s what we all do everyday when we voice our opinions about the characters’ behavior. We base it on what we deem to be acceptable or not acceptable. Just like when you spend 95% of your time bashing “Brooke the slut”, I can say the same thing right back to you….It’s a soap opera, she is supposed to be slutty! You have opinions constantly. So I will compare it to whatever I feel like comparing it to. You don’t get to decide how I comment.

    12. Lynn you are putting words in my mouth as usual. I don’t call Brooke that actually. It fits but I don’t use that. Steffy haters constantly call her that though. We are entitled to our opinions but it’s annoying to be personally called names here for disagreeing about characters.

      Hope and Brooke are selfish mean girls. To each their own.

    13. hahaha this thread is funny. Wasn't Liam doing the same thing when he left his Pregnant wife to be with Hope during late nights etc. Bet it was ok then right?

    14. @Lynn (in response to you post at 7:13 PM) Check out episode 8409. Before Liam and Steffy slept together, he pointed at the picture of them on the wall and told her that he does not want her to take it down, that it is significant of what they had and of what they might have again. He then went on to tell her he still loved her and asked her how serious is it between her and Finn. Liam wanted to be with Steffy again, no doubt about it. Then again, in episode 8419 (this time he was quite sober), Liam told Steffy that he meant everything he said (meaning it was not just drunk talk or rebound talk) and that he will always love her. They then spoke about "this thing" that they have between them that will never go away.

      And Steffy's motto is not what Finn doesn't know won't hurt him. She told Liam that she has had so many ups and downs in her life recently and meeting Finn was the best thing that happened to her. She said she was in a really good place in her life and she does not want to lose Finn. Her wanting to keep the secret was more about her not wanting her life to spiral out of control again.

    15. @ BBFAN - seriously, you must not remember what you write on these blogs. I went back just a couple days and I found multiple slanderous remarks about the Logan women. On 4-28 - your exact words were….,”The Logan witches need to feck away off!” Then on 4-26-22 you referred to them as the “Logan witches” again, in addition to many other nasty comments. I’m not putting words in your mouth, you bash them constantly. And Hope is NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO A “MEAN GIRL.” If anything, Hope allows herself to be walked on way way way too often!! However, Steffy is absolutely a mean girl!!! 100% !!!!!!

    16. @ Elle, it does not matter how hard you try to wrap bullcrap in a pretty package. It’s still bullcrap!
      Steffy was perfectly content lying to Finn about sleeping with her ex Liam. She wanted to keep the secret forever !!! And they actually had sex !!! How in the heck can you sit there and make excuses for Steffy about being fully committed to that lie to Finn when she actually had sex with Liam, while in the same breath you berate Brooke for a stupid kiss with NO sexual intercourse with Deacon while totally drunk and making bad decisions???!! Are you really serious right now???!!!!! LMAO!!!!

    17. Lynn, I was not trying to make any excuses for Steffy. I never said that she was right to lie. I was only responding to your comment about what Finn does not know won't hurt him. That was not Steffy's aim. She simply did not want to lose him.

      As for Brooke, lol. Lynn, sometimes I think you get confused with the level of Brooke bashing that goes on in here. I have NEVER come down on Brooke for kissing Deacon. I am rooting for Brooke and Deacon to reunite because I think that Deacon can make Brooke a lot happier than Ridge can. My issue with Brooke where that incident is concerned, and on a general level, is her hypocrisy. It wasn't too long ago that she tried to move mountains to get Quinn out of Forrester and out of Eric's life because she felt Quinn was not good enough because she slept with Carter. Yet, here we have Brooke kissing another man and she expects everyone to understand and forgive her. Where was her compassion for Quinn? Brooke is low-down and not because of her many sexual indiscretions but because of who she is inside. She is selfish, self-serving, self-absorbed, hypocritical and a mean bully who always wants to lay down the law "according to Brooke" to everyone else while she can do the same things and even worse and it's okay.

    18. Lynn calling someone a witch isn’t the same as a slut or whore which is what Hope n Brooke fans call Steffy all the time! I mean if you are counting Steffy slept with a married man once ( Liam) and cheated on her husband once (Bill) and that was after her husband admitted to snogging another woman more than once (first under extenuating circumstances which Steffy could have dealt with, the second was just because Liam wanted to).

      Yet fans defend Brooke and Hope to the death although both have slept with other women’s husbands multiple times. Hope slept with Liam while he was married to Steffy every time he was married to her. Hope moved in with Liam and was sleeping with him regularly, while demanding his divorce. Hope also slept with Liam and Wyatt at the same time and thought she was pregnant, yet she’s a perfect angel??? Saying she had Liam first isn’t an excuse, it doesn’t negate Hope pursuing and sleeping with a married man over and over again! No one forced Liam to marry Steffy, he did it because he CHOSE to!! Hope slept with and married other people because she CHOSE to… end of story.

      Brooke’s history is well known and yet Steffy is the one given every vile name one can imagine??? Brooke’s kiss with Deacon wasn’t even the issue as you well know. It was her lying to Ridge for weeks! It was her scheming to silence and small child, and trying to keep from his father and family to hide her lies to her husband! Hope and Liam actively participated in preventing Ridge from learning the truth! It was Brooke’s inability to trust her husband and be honest which has been an issue since she met Ridge! Ridge literally told her he would forgive her anything she did while drunk if she would only be honest with him. Brooke chose to keep lying and lying. That is what hurt Ridge so much not the kiss or falling asleep. It was Brooke’s total lack of faith in him!

      Steffy made two mistakes and is castigated endlessly. It’s total hypocrisy!

    19. I have never once called Steffy a whore or a slut. She is a selfish, mean, cocky, self absorbed woman. I see zero comments about Steffy being called a slut by the Brooke fans. But daily you can see the Steffy fans calling Brooke the slut from the valley, etc. Mentioning all her past lovers. “Whore” comments are constantly appearing about Brooke from the Steffy fans. Even if Steffy hooks up with Liam, I wouldn’t be calling her a whore. Steffy’s a lot of things, but slut is not the first thing that comes to mind. And I think if someone calls you a witch that is just as offensive as being called a whore. So we have differing opinions on that. The point is…you name call.

    20. @ BBFan 101 - sorry but I never see comments like you just described about Steffy. I think many of you ladies must not work so you have lots of free time on your hands to write paragraph after paragraph of a analyzation. I have a full time job and a busy life outside of B&B. So I just don’t have that much time to devote to this. Lol. But again, I definitely do not notice people calling Steffy a slut. They say what she is - which is a mean, nasty, self absorbed, spoiled little princess who thinks the world revolves around her.

    21. Lynn I’m laughing, I work , study, do volunteer work in my community and mind grandchildren… I’m not sitting on my hands lol. B&B is a guilty pleasure my hubby teases me for watching 😂

    22. I get up at 4 am every morn too to have to work out 💪 before a busy day lol… for some of us this is a fun to decompress after a long day! I’m just glad Bob makes it possible for all us B&B fans across the globe to watch and interact over our favourite soap. One can only watch so much Corrie and Eastenders, Home and Away etc and I lost my River City 😢. It’s fun watching what Americans get up to in soaps.

  2. I find it strange that Steffi packed her kids and mother and father off to bed and wants her ex husband to be there so she isn't lonely? Red flags going up here. This is being disrespectful to Hope on all levels. She has no right to expect this from a married man. Go home Liam and remember whose husband you are. Steffi mourn your husband with your immediate family who are there for you not your ex who should be home with his wife. How uncaring is this to Hope's feelings

    1. Like Hope was so respectful to Steffy’s marriage when she slept with her husband, got pregnant and demanded he leave Steffy and Kelly to raise their child????

      Hope put herself in this position, she knew, Liam told her he still loves Steffy. Hope is turning into mummy, drinking wine glass after glass. Maybe she Brooke can found the shrewish fishwives whine club, where they sit and talk shite about their spouses and their exes, while drinking copious amounts of wine. Hope, true to form is whinging to her mom and Thomas, pouting and acting like a toddler.

      The truth is there is absolutely no surprise here, she knew Liam would be at Steffy’s side. She knows he will always run over to Steffy’s home and be there for and Kelly in a moment. Hope knows this, she always has.

      Thomas was just right. Liam’s heart is, and always will be split between two women. Hope will never have all of her husband… she knew that going in… he was honest about that. All Hope cared about was “winning, beating Steffy” congratulations Hope… now live in the mess you created!

      Steffy sent her parents to bed because they were at the hospital for days straight with NO rest! She was thinking of others, unlike some selfish wee princesses we know (hint, rhymes with Dope). She is asking one of her best mates for help, someone she loves, trusts, and has a longggggg history with. Someone who has willingly volunteered to be there for her. Part of her agony is definitely a result of being forced to remember things before her mind was ready to! This caused more pain than was necessary, it’s 100% on Hope and Brooke who masterminded this shiteshow. So, I have NO sympathy for Hopeless or Brooke. Steffy is leaning on Liam in greater part because of the ugly thing they orchestrated to hurt her and get their own way!

      Good for Thomas being honest with Hope instead of blowing smoke up her arse like Brooke or trashing Steffy.

      Kelly is going to begging Liam to come home with her and mummy, you watch. Liam will be torn… Hayes will probably call him daddy or something that will really tug at his heart and Hopeless will harp and harp and snipe. Liam will want to be where he’s loved and appreciated and of course needed ( saviour complex, remember??) and spend more and more time with Steffy and the bairns. In the meantime, Ridge will be sticking to her side too and Brooke will be harping at him too.

      Maybe Bill will also join the fun, he loves Steffy too, so will either push Liam to reunite with Steffy or make a play for her himself (which would get him the same result in that Liam would be competing to win her lol).

      Either way, Hope is going to be crying into her wine for the foreseeable future. 🙄🙄😢😢😢

    2. @Aussie Deb, i got your point but there it was or are feeling, emotion and passion is different. The thing is nobody accept the fact that Liam loves Steffy, maybe he really loves her. So if she is in need it will come naturally for him to be the for her even he is somebody else husband and unfortunately is something that nthe wife will have to cope with plus there is nothing we can't do about it. It's never happen too you being in some issues but you rather talk or confined in a friend that your family member🤷🤷🤷

    3. @Deb I get what you're saying however, Steffy feels like she has to show that's she okay for her kids. She can't afford to fall apart in front of them. Her parents are being overly doting so Steffy feels like she must prove to them that she's okay. Liam is the only one she can break down in front of because of their history and she wants to let out what she has been bottling up inside. It may not be fair of her to ask but remember Liam told her just a few seconds before that he will be there for her whenever she needs. Liam has a wife whose feelings he seems to be oblivious to. He should not be making such statements to his ex-wife without discussing it with his current wife first.

    4. @Aussie Deb, exactly!!! Steffy can do no wrong in these people’s eyes (people on this thread that is). She is such a manipulator. Not sure why they don’t see it. But you are correct. Steffy is a total piece of work! And honestly I hope Hope dumps Liam because he is so damn clueless.

    5. Exactly! She doesn't care about anyone else's feelings, just what she wants. God for I'd she not have a dick in her life for a few minutes. Typical Steffi. I don't think she ever loved Finn.

    6. The Logan supporters seem to be blind, and did not say a word when brook and hope behaved the way they did at the hospital?? That behaviour seems to be ok for them?? And they call steffy a manipulator?? And hope and brook are still talking about how ridge should be coming home, not at steffies , really?? Did yous miss that part? and whining about Liam being there for steffy.. there seems to more important priorities for brook and hope.. of course ridge is going to celebrate steffy coming home, but hope seems to think he should be coming home to them at this time.. hope admits it herself, the same old things Liam said, so not sure why she is so surprised.. she does not like Liam being there for his “other family” including kelly.. I don’t know what she expected..

    7. BBfan101. I like how you're constantly bringing up Hope sleeping with Liam when he was married to Steffy. How come you don't seem to mention all of the crap that Steffy did to try to get Liam? Steffy was rotten and vindictive and did everything she could to get what she wanted despite the fact that Liam did have feelings for Hope. So there you go again bringing up something that Hope did but don't say anything about precious Steffy. You sit there and continuously defend Steffy. No he does not have to be there constantly for Steffy. And you know what? If he wants to be with Steffy so much he should just go be with her and leave Hope alone. Maybe Hope should just tell him to go be with Steffy. Either way Hope does not deserve to be treated this way. I'm sure Liam wouldn't be too happy if it was the other way around and Hope was running to some ex of hers constantly. Let's all admit that he would have a problem with it also. This is all going to probably lead to something happening between Thomas and Hope which is another thing that neither one of them should allow happen knowing that Hope is married. But of course it's a soap and even though you like to pick on Brooke and Hope so much everybody sleeps with everybody. We all know how Thomas has felt about Hope and to me he's probably going to be just another one that doesn't care about the reality of things and goes for what he wants. Just like Steffy did when she wanted Liam and was so rotten to Hope. I don't care what kind of trauma Steffy has been through she has family that can be there to support her. She doesn't have a right to expect her ex that is married to somebody else to be there with her. And truthfully Liam is nothing but a jerk for allowing it to happen. I would love to see Hope tell Liam to leave because whether you choose to believe it or not or like it or not she does deserve better.

    8. I think people are forgetting how horrific this trauma was for steffy.. people say to put ourselves in hopes shoes and would we like it if our husband was there for his ex wife?? Well put yourself in steffies shoes, she watched her husband die in her arms and was shot trying to get help for him.. she is still in complete shock.. she blocked it out because it was so bad, and now she has come home, to the home she shared with him and the reality of it all is only starting to sink in.. and as bfan and others said, she is trying to be strong for her parents and children, and has no idea how she is going to break the news to the kids, well kelly anyway..

      Hope and brook can’t give her 5 friggin minutes to catch her breath with all of this.. Liam said he would be there for her, and they are very close, and its not unreasonable to expect him to help her and kelly through this.. now she is at home, hope is expecting that his job is done, and is going to keep him on a very tight lead now.. she is so resentful and doesn’t give a rats arse about steffy.. and she proved that the entire time they were at the hospital..

    9. Exactly Colly and it’s been what three days since Finn was murdered and Steffy shot? Hope and Brooke forced Steffy being told before she was ready so if she needs Liam to be there boo hoo! Liam came over to Steffy’s she didn’t ask him too. She asked him to stay and keep her company. She’s not trying to kiss him or sleep with him. She just doesn’t want to be alone her first night in her home without her husband dying! Seriously Taylor and Ridge haven’t slept in days and are taking care of Steffy. Of course she told them to go rest. She’s to be brave for Hayes and Kelly and process trauma her mind wasn’t ready for but since Brooke and Hope just had to have their way, she’s dealing with that too. I’m not picking on Brooke and Hope. They’ve been horrid and selfish. They never needed to be at the hospital. Saying Steffy went after Liam when Hope was 17, sure I’ll give you that. It doesn’t negate the years after or the fact Hope never accepted Liam being with Steffy or his love for or their being married. Hope made bad choices, she gave ultimatums and walked away from Liam how many times.

      Liam should make a decision himself, he’s never been all in with Hope, he’s always got one foot out the door. Which is what Colly, Elle, and other fans have been pointing out. It’s so easy to blame Steffy for all Hope’s problems. She’s not responsible for them. Hope knew Liam loved Steffy when she made him and all the history. She chose to be with a man who runs to his ex. Steffy had the same issue with him , why do you think she chose to stay with Finn? He loves only her.

      End of the day, Hope fans have no empathy for Steffy just literally having lost her husband who was murdered by his mother and then attempted to kill Steffy too. I think having Sheila hanging around all the time would exacerbate Steffy’s mind since her subconscious would know it was her who shot them! If roles were reversed I would have empathy for Hope.

      By the by, not listing everything Steffy did in the past mean we don’t acknowledge her behaviour. We do, so does Steffy, that’s the difference, Hope never ever apologized for sleeping with Liam while he was married and getting pregnant. Because she sees nothing wrong with it. Brooke and Hope have castigated Steffy a million times because she slept with him once while he was married to Hope. Hope moved in with Liam and was demanding he divorce Steffy and that is perfectly okay??? It shows that Hope doesn’t respect marriage even though she demands that everyone respect hers!

      At least Steffy shows remorse for her mistakes, Hope and Brooke never acknowledge theirs or the pain and damage they caused.

      Hope never thought about Kelly or how it would hurt her to have her daddy ripped from her life or always be an afterthought. It’s all about Beth. Poor bairn.

    10. @Maddy (in response to your post at 6:48 PM) Other than the Cabo incident, when else did Steffy manipulate Liam into being with her? And please don't say Aspen as 1) that was all Bill, 2) Hope had ended her engagement to Liam and 3) Liam willingly married Steffy. The fact is that while Steffy may have made her play for Liam in the beginning, after the Cabo incident, Liam has consistently chosen to be with Steffy of his own accord without any manipulation from her. Hope (and Brooke) otoh, have consistently manipulated Liam into being with Hope even up till today. This is because after Cabo, there was a change in Liam in that he genuinely fell in love with Steffy.

      He, Steffy and Hope went back to Aspen so that Steffy can sign the annulment papers for their marriage however, Liam tore up the papers AFTER Steffy signed them (even though he knew Hope was planning to be married after the annulment).

      When Steffy got pregnant then subsequently lost the baby after the motorcycle accident, she told Liam that he should be with Hope since she could not give him a family and she left and went to Paris. Liam went after her begging her to return to LA with him and telling her that he loved her and that they can work things out and try again for another baby (even though he knew Hope was back in LA waiting for them to start a life together). Steffy told him the doctor said she could never again get pregnant and she again sent Liam home to be with Hope.

      Liam and Hope were about to be married when Steffy returned from Paris and met with Liam in the cabin. She told him that she had another medical check up and the doctor confirmed that she could have children again. The wedding did not happen and Liam admitted that he still loved Steffy and he therefore had a choice to make between the two women. Brooke went behind Liam's (and Steffy's) back and set up a quickie wedding in order to get him and Hope married (even though he did not yet make his decision). Steffy showed up with Taylor and told Liam she was pregnant. Liam told Hope that he loved and wanted to be with Steffy. Hope tried to tell him that Steffy was trying to manipulate him by telling him about the pregnancy now but Liam told her that this quickie wedding was not because of any choice that he made and that the baby was created in love.

      Liam and Steffy were happy for a long time after that until Bill once again came up with an evil plot to come between Liam and Steffy. Brooke and Hope took advantage of this and manipulated their way between Liam and Steffy just so that Hope can have a happy life with Liam. Hope slept with a married Liam and got pregnant by him. Steffy walked in on them and told Liam that she had had enough. She then told him to be with Hope and she walked away from Liam for good (hopefully).

    11. Sorry for the long post.

    12. @ BBFAN - oh so now Steffy’s parents were in the hospital for DAYS straight with no rest. Yet when I was saying it was 2 full days that passed before Steffy was told the truth, you Steffy fans were counting the hours like it had only been 5 mins before she was told the truth about Finn. 1 day…1 day….1 day we kept hearing from you over and over and over again. But now all of a sudden they are home and according to you now, it’s been DAYS and DAYS since they have been in the hospital. It can’t be both. You really should pick a story and stick with it!!! 😂😂😂😂

    13. Lynn considering they were by Steffy’s side while she was UNCONSCIOUS overnight and through the next day and into the evening she regained it briefly, then the next day and wasn’t released until after that I do believe that qualifies as days. Your snarky comments are charming but try to keep the personal attacks to a minimum please! Jumping on other posters without thoroughly reading what they write is a bit much. Ta.

    14. And again missed the point that Steffy had been UNCONSCIOUS for the majority of that time and our issue was Brooke and Hope demanded the instant she woke up and was confused that she be told.

      They are neither of them medical professionals last I heard and should not even have been at the hospital! They both despise Steffy and we’re only there to stake their claims on Ridge and Liam. Which is just sad because it wasn’t about Hope and Brooke and they had to make sure they made it about themselves.

      I’m sorry but being conscious for a few minutes at a time and then mostly sleeping (after waking in the evening) doesn’t constitute Steffy being up all day. We were counting time as in time she was actually aware and able to process. I understand that for Hope fans none of it mattered because they NO compassion whatsoever and you actually blamed Steffy for getting Finn shot and herself… that says everything! Funny how when Brooke provoked Sheila and said she’d never have any place in Finn and Steffy’s lives all her fans said she was defending the family. However when Steffy says it, she gets called every nasty name one can imagine, for trying to protect her own family! Bit hypocritical really. Steffy couldn’t have done anything right in the situation, even had she agreed to what Sheila wanted she was always going to get rid of Steffy as she saw her as an obstacle between her and Finn!

    15. BBFAN - your timeline is ridiculously far off. And you have zero clue what time of day it was when she was awake or asleep. There was no clock on the hospital wall. And no one on the show was talking about the time of day or evening. It was all just one big blur in time. So clearly you are just making things up to support your points. Sorry, but me thinks you have waaaaaay too much free time on your hands. Lol.

    16. BBFAN - we defend Brooke standing up to Sheila because she used common sense when she did it. Middle of the day, public place. But ‘brilliant Steffy’ decides to go and meet Sheila all alone in the middle of the night in a dark ally. Clearly Steffy isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed!! And that goes back to her overconfidence which is nothing more than an illusion. We say Steffy got herself shot because she CHOSE to put herself in an extremely dangerous situation with a known psychopath. Who does that ??? Then you guys want to spin it and blame Brooke who had ZERO to do with that night!!! Brooke is innocent in all this Steffy / Sheila mess. Sheila tried to destroy Brooke’s life. Sheila rolled the dice and lost big time. Steffy rolled the dice meeting a known psychopath in a dark ally alone. She lost too. We don’t blame Steffy for getting shot per se. We blame her for making a very bad decision which resulted in tragedy. So it is what it is.

  3. That's really nice that Liam is willing to be there for steffy

  4. Thomas pre-emptively staking a claim on Hope assuming Liam ditches Hope for Steffy. Just so his hat is in the ring.

    1. Lol, yeah Thomas sees the proverbial writing on the wall. Actually I can see Hope sleeping with Thomas to get back at Liam 😂. We can see more and more of Brooke in her, it’s all over her face. She will drink more and more ( remember the pill issue where she literally skied over Steffy and broke her leg because she was high?) and spiral down and Thomas will be there to hold her hand.

  5. It would make more sense if they All ved into Eric's house

    1. Why??? Unlike Hope, Steffy owns her own home. She isn’t living with mummy. Hope isn’t Eric’s family. Why would Steffy tear her children from their home and take them to Eric’s? So Ridge would still il be at the guest house and Taylor staying in the mansion? Thomas has his own home too. Why not move them all in with $Bill! Lol… sorry I don’t follow you.

    2. Not sure about Steffy’s home. I never understand why they make it look so palatial from the outside / aerial view, but then when they are inside it’s the size of a tiny apartment. Literally a tiny apartment. And I thought Ridge owned the property. But either way, it looks like about 1000 sq feet total. Lol

    3. And Thomas doesn’t have his own home. Since when? He was living in an apartment. He was planning on buying a place and the deal fell through. Since when did he get his own place ?

    4. If you remember Steffy bought the house from Bill she was pregnant with Kelly. She has just got the Co-CEO position. Bill had Justin take the seduction scene for Wyatt to witness and trick Liam. That was when Steffy signed the final papers for her home. I remember her getting the mortgage, talking about savings and the new salary etc.

      She does live in a big house, they are just cheap and show two rooms lol!

      Look at Brooke’s, you only ever see the sitting room or her bedroom and she lives on an estate. Liam and Hope have only the combo sitting /dining area in the cabin lol… that’s just daft.

      Thomas mentioned a while back, before Paris’s mum arrived that he had found the house . If you remember, Paris was excited to have her mum because she’d been lonely since Thomas and Douglas moved to their new home.

      Ridge bought Brooke’s palatial mansion and estate, including the cabin. He gifted it to her as a wedding present. Brooke nor Hope payed for anything.

    5. BBfan101. See now I'm wondering how much you actually do understand things that are going on. Since when did Thomas and Douglass move to there new home? Douglas is obviously still staying at Hope's in case you didn't hear him say he was coming to see him. I really think it pays to pay more attention to details instead of what you want to make things out to be.

    6. @ BBFAN, I wasn’t watching the show when Steffy got her house. All I know is that the living room is a very small room. And they spend time in the dinky kitchen which is right off the dining room table, which is right off the living-room. The total square footage of the rooms we see are about 600 square feet if that. No way a huge mansion would have a tiny kitchen like that. And there would be some grand entryway. You wouldn’t walk right into a tiny living room like the stage set shows.
      At Brooke’s house there is a beautiful entry way and a big fancy living room like you’d expect to see in a big fancy house.

    7. Lynn, I agree Bell skimped on the sets, that cliff house in Malibu has an amazing interior in sure we are unfortunately stuck with the crappy sets that B&B provide.

      Maddy Douglas splits his time between Thomas and Hope. Douglas and Thomas have had on screen conversations about the new house. I understand exactly what is going on . I also understand not everything happens on screen.

    8. One has to listen to the dialogue too!

    9. @BBfan101 i heard that Thomas convo about his new place too. it just got overshadowed by other scenes.

  6. Steam And liam wants to stay with Steffy He didnt hesitate Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Exactly!!! He’s where he wants to be. He was so pleased when Kelly rang him. He was home and wanted more than anything to be with Steffy and to comfort her and Hope knows it! This was just the excuse he needed.

      Did anyone notice the peck on the cheek he gave Hope as he RAN out the door to go to Steffy? Lol

    2. After they slept together, Liam told Steffy that he wanted his family back. Here is his opportunity and he's being sure to put himself in place for it to happen.

    3. This love triangle is exhausting but i am glad hope and her mama get to feel what Taylor and Steffy felt when they had to raise their kids alone, while their children's dads went to live with other women and help raise other people's kids. (Ridge raising Bridget and Rick... then raising hope as a stay at home dad and his biological kids didn't have that... and now Liam with Douglas, while Kelly doesn't have that)

  7. Why, oh why, do they all think Liam / Lame is such a prize?
    Brilliant statement Lame. "... surrounded by all the people you love".
    Duh? All ? Except Finn, right Lame? 🤦

    1. I cringed at that one. He’s clueless honestly. Lame is no prize for sure. I don’t want to Steffy back with Liam and Hope should have the self respect to show him the door. That being said, he still loves Steffy. Despite his being a tosser, I’m glad he can support Steffy through a horrific time. He should be supportive to Kelly too, she moved Finn and he was very much a father to her.

    2. I agree, resurrect Finn lol... we don't need to go through this again.

  8. Steffy is week and pathetic always around Liam,Finn was only man who believed Steffys powers and support Steffys talents.

    1. Liam is trash which real man will leave their wife home to sleep over at their ex?? And which wife will be that dumb and ok with it 🙄....think hope is very tolerance you think steffy would ever tolerate such ,she basically runs finn decision and that's what got them shot!

    2. Love how you blame Steffy for Finn’s death! She didn’t get him to come to the alley and Sheila is a psycho. Sheila killed them to keep Steffy from revealing her role in switching the champagne labels!!! Hope isn’t tolerant at all, she’s a spoiled brat who slept with Liam when he was married to Steffy and it wasn’t the first time, in fact she lived with him while he was married to Steffy.

      Personally I don’t want to see either of them with Liam. Hope and Brooke look at him as the prize they won rather than as a human. Hope is always telling what to do and how to act or gets her mum to do it! Steffy is upfront, Hope is sneaky .

    3. Oh here we go again, blaming the champagne bottles. No, she killed Finn accidentally and tried killing Steffy because Steffy said Sheila was never, ever going to be a part of their lives / welcome in their family. You guys blaming the champagne bottle switch need to really think about what you’re saying. Sheila even told Steffy during the confrontation…. “Someday we can tell everyone about the label switch, but let’s not do that till Ridge and Taylor are back together.” Blaming the shooting on the label switch is absolutely not legit. Sheila had the words playing over and over in her head right before she pulled the trigger….’YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO BE A PART OF OUR FAMILY. YOU WILL NEVER SEE FINN.’ And that’s when she pulled the trigger. End of story.

    4. I guess that is why Steffy said she would tell Brooke the truth and Sheila tried to convince her Ridge might leave her mum etc. Steffy stood up to her and said even if that happened she needed to tell the truth. Sheila didn’t want Steffy telling Finn what she did! That’s why she had to die, because he would never give her a chance if he knew what she did! I know he jumped in front of Steffy to save her. Sheila however, refused to let Steffy call emergency services to save Finn’s life and then shot her to hide killing her son.

      I don’t see you blaming Brooke etc when Sheila shot Taylor and Stephanie! Hope fans cannot give Steffy any humanity. She’s a widow she’s evil blah blah. Really??

    5. BBfan101. There you go bringing up Hope sleeping with Liam when he was with Steffy. But I suppose it was okay that Steffy was playing her rotten games to get Liam. I suppose it was okay when she decided to have sex with Liam after he thought he saw Thomas and Hope kissing. How come you don't seem to bring that up very much? She knew Hope and Liam were married so why did she sleep with them? Just as Thomas was a married man and he shouldn't have been sleeping with his ex. And while we're at it let's bring the alcohol thing into it since you like to bring up about Brooke and now trying to make Hope look like she's going to turn out like Brooke. It was okay that Steffy and Liam both knew they were drinking and went ahead and continued to do it and slept with each other. It just amazes me how some of you people are so quick to bring up the people you hate and their past.

    6. @ BBFAN, nope. Rewatch the episode. Steffy told Sheila during the confrontation in the ally…. “FINN ALREADY KNOWS.” That was her statement to Sheila about the swapping of the champagne bottle labels. So there goes your theory. Then Sheila responded with..,,”Then I’ll just have to explain it to him.” As I said, Steffy and Finn got shot because Steffy refused to let Sheila in. Period.

    7. So Steffy should have brought the psychopath who had already shot Stephanie, Brooke, Taylor etc into her home and what handed over Hayes?? If she had done Sheila still would have tried to get rid of her and Hope fans would talk about how irresponsible Steffy was to let her in. It was always a lose lose situation.

    8. @Lynn, when Sheila shot Steffy (not the attempted shot that got Finn) she did it as she was dialing 911. She shot Steffy to protect herself from getting caught. Also @BBfan101 is correct the whole incident happened because Steffy wanted to expose her for what she did to Brooke (which most people assumed Steffy would be on Sheila's side to protect her mom and Ridge's reunion) but instead she wanted to protect Brooke too from Sheila's ways. She knew the risk but was still willing to do it. Sheila is just nuts and decided like Brooke trying to keep her away from Finn, Steffy and Hayes... she got a little trigger happy because she doesn't like being told what she can and cannot do and of course getting exposed. There was no one sole reason she did it... Sheila just likes living on the edge.

    9. @ Charmaine - my response to your comment above is lower down on this thread.

    10. @ BBFAN - I never said Steffy should have invited Sheila into their lives. Pay attention to what I actually say. I was commenting on the fact that you keep saying Steffy and Finn got shot because Steffy was standing up for Brooke and was threatening to expose Sheila. And that is 100% not true. You try to blame everything on Brooke. It gets old!!
      Steffy got shot because she was gonna call 911 after Finn got shot and Sheila did not want the police coming. And Finn got shot by mistake when Sheila finally realized the jig was up and she was truly never gonna be part of Finn’s or her grandson’s life. That was just too much for the crazy lady to deal with.
      But as I keep saying, all the carnage could have been avoided if Steffy would have confronted Sheila in public with Finn and others present. Meeting her in a dark ally with no one around was just straight up idiotic. But none of you Steffy lovers will ever admit it. Because God forbid you don’t defend Queen Steffy for 5 mins!!! 😂😂😂😂

  9. My comment vanished.
    Today was a bit boring. Baby Hope wants her hubby home and Steffy needs comfort.
    Liam loves this. He seems to be always sleeping over everything he does.

  10. Hope need to leave Liam trash ass before she end up like Brooke and just be with Thomas already, because at least Thomas will treat her right and be loyal and devoted to her.

  11. How adorable was Ridge with Hayes today? New Kelly is a lovely wee actress. She was great with Liam today. A scene stealer!

  12. Thanks for your service Bob da BNB guy ಠ◡ಠ

  13. I think Kelly's voice sounded creepy a couple of times, like it wasn't her talking. It sounded like a demon child in a horror movie 😂 She's cute though. Funny how they only trot the kids out to push mommy and daddy together. I really doubt a kid Kelly's age would be sneaking to make phone calls. This show is trash, and most of the characters are too

  14. At the end of the day, steffy has more than good reason for her current behaviour, brook and hopes behaviour has been appalling.. and everyone knows Liam loves steffy and a steam reunion is eminent, even hope fans know it is but don’t want to admit it.. as Thomas said, he loves them both, and he will end up with steffy.. personally I am not a Liam fan, and am so tired of the repetitive love triangle..

    I am really hoping my suspicions r correct, that Finn is not dead and will come back.. I still think steffy will find out she is pregnant with Finn’s child and he will return when she goes into labour.. that’s why we have seen nor heard anything about him since the shooting..

    TN wife is expecting their second child around the same time as JMW, so he probably wanted time off too.. I am so disappointed at todays episode, I am dying to see Sheila’s reaction that steffy was discharged..

    1. Aren't they tired of making Liam's character as this weak, spineless, pathetic looser of a husband who has no respect for Hope or his family with her? This back and forth between Steffy and Hope is getting tired and your audience is getting weary. You guys are loosing me. I am tired of taking leave from this soap. I'll return after the wedding. By then I hoped HOPE will find a partner who loves a respect her , and I don't mean the other pathetic looser Thomas. These characters are shallow and weak,, even those that were portrayed as strong in the past. Fen is not even buried yet is Steffi going to take Liam to the funeral as her fiance? Way to go!!

  15. @‘Charmaine, no, Steffy got shot because the police would have arrived and arrested Sheila for killing Finn. As I already stated, Steffy told Sheila in the ally that she had already told Finn the truth about what Sheila did with the champagne bottles. Sheila attempted to shoot Steffy because Steffy would not allow Sheila in their lives. And those words were playing over and over in Sheila’s head loudly when Finn rounded the corner and got shot by accident. Finn had already been told what Sheila did with the bottles and Steffy announced that fact to Sheila when they were arguing. So the champagne bottle incident was completely moot at that point. The jig was up!!!
