Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-25-22 Full episode B&B 25th May 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-25-22 Full episode B&B 25th May 2022

On this page is the second half of tomorrow's episode. The full version will appear tomorrow. Due to a special news report, today's episode has been postponed to tomorrow.


  1. I really wish brooke would just shut up

  2. Thanks Bob. Brooke always stirring for problems. Leave Hope and Liam alone.

    1. Gee why are you people always coming down on Brooke? She's only concerned about her daughter and her marriage. We all know the history that Steffy and Liam have so, in my opinion, we never know what might happen with the two of them. There's nothing wrong with a mother telling her daughter to be cautious.

    2. But Brooke is not telling Hope to be cautious, she is telling Hope to be insecure and selfish. She even went so far as to tell her that Liam could bring Kelly to their home. And all for what? So that Liam is not in Steffy's orbit?

    3. For goodness sakes.. SHUT UP BROOK!! it seriously astounds me that ppl still try to defend brook.. get a grip brook..would love to hear her say all of this in front of ridge!! if their marraige is so friggin secure, why behave this way.. her own daughter just told her how selfish she is being.. it’s not even a week since steffy was shot in soap time, so, brook- “hope, we neeeeed to take away as much support as we can get, her father ridge is out of their, so noooow, let’s get Liam AND kelly out of there!! She only needs her mum and brother!! She’ll b right!! I mean, I know she got shot and lost her husband partially for defending me and all, but thats no excuse, for her to need her father, daughter and Liam!! I mean, all we need to do is “sound like we care”!!

      And all that concern brook showed in front of ridge yesterday, laughable 🤣🤣.. funny how everyone is basically showing how surprised they r that brook is apparently showing concern for steffy and the kids.. because they ARE surprised , that’s why..

      let’s just take your daughter away now that Finn’s gone!! She can come here?? And Taylor and steffy know how to get sympathy, oh brook, that’s your MO!! That’s the best line of the day 🤣🤣 of all the hypocritical things to come out of her mouth, it really is a laugh.. the kids just found out, that day, now u want to rip kelly away, cause your so insecure and concerned about someone else’s marraige..

      She certainly is handling this like a rock ⭐️ 🤣🤣

    4. Watch out hope, your mother is going to push Liam into steffy’s arms.. 🤣🤣 can’t wait to hear what brook is going to rip Liam when he gets home lol

    5. Ell, she is that worried, I think she is going to go get into her space ship and go find Liam and beam him up and bring him back home to hopes orbit!!

    6. oh Maddy, Brooke is an insecure manipulator, makes sense why she does this, she knows Liam and Ridge both love another woman, wouldn't you be insecure :D

    7. Unknown, where u been peep!! Have missed u!

    8. How long have you Brooke haters actually been watching this Soap, and by the way it is just a soap. Has everyone forgotten that Steffy has gone after every single one of Hope’s boyfriends and or husband? Well go back and you will see why Brooke has cause for her warnings, and she Should Not shut up, she has been pushed around and screwed around since day one on this show, and I have watched it since the very first episode, so I know more than the majority of you haters!
      I will say that the writers need to have Brooke back off and make her character more secure with herself, they make her too hard and pushy when it comes to her family.
      I would like to talk about another character on here and that’s Paris. I mean omg do you have to make her up sooo much, with the nails that are way too long and the hair from cute and as adorable as can be, to way too long and prevents you from noticing what a good figure she has. You writers have changed her personality from kind and sweet to mean and calculating without any care about who she hurts. She’s doing the same thing she condemned her sister for doing, the only difference is just in reverse with the same two men. Shame on you

    9. I agree baby!! The writers r just lazy in my opinion and have no imagination..

  3. LI sees Steffy and Liam hugging and gives her patented stink eye. Brooke listening to Hope but hears, yada yada yada, blah blah blah. Can't concentrate on herself if she listens. Liam gets away like seinfeld when george is in trouble.
    Lie like a rug Li. Gee a patient needs her, whew lucky break for Steffy! Brooke stirring up trouble. Brooke wants to say, You
    are not manipulating Liam Enough!.
    Liam on Li's strange behavior. Yeah I picked up on something. Really, you noticed anything?
    Li handling Finn kinda low huh? She lies again, I'm concerned with Steffy's recovery? .

  4. Shut up, Brooke!

    Brooke is the absolute worst! She's trying to get her daughter to stop trusting her husband. Why? And, as usual, speaking out of both sides of her mouth. Just yesterday, she was telling Ridge and Taylor about how much she cares about Steffy and today, it's a totally different story. It's all about Hope not losing Liam to Steffy. She should be grateful that Liam is there for Steffy if she really cares that much.

  5. OOOOOOOH, How I would love to PUNCH the living Daylights out of Brooke. I've been trying to decide which is the worst side of Brooke, the Brooke of the past or the Brooke of today!! There are times I wish she was in a coma or somebody finish her off! She seems to get worse and worse everyday, the whole "Old Whore of the West!

    1. Don’t worry Elizabeth, when Sheila breaks out, she will do that!! Brooks gonna b the first on her hit list!! Can’t wait for that show down.. brook better make sure there’s nothing wrong with her space ship in the garage , cause I think she’s gonna need it.. 🤣🤣

    2. You all do know that this is a Soap and that the Writers are the ones that make Brooke’s character the way she is, right?
      Or do you actually just want to beat up the woman who plays the character of Brooke, because you all are sounding like you might need some anger therapy, seriously.

    3. Baby, I love your name!! But yes, I am pretty sure we all know it’s just a fictional show love!! It is all in good fun.. there r many Logan lovers that “appear “ to take it too serious as well.. but I am confident that EVERYONE, myself included, are well aware it’s a show.. but I must say that calling other posters names and telling them they need help and their families should be worried, is not necessary and and not very nice.. but thank you for your advice love ❤️

  6. Where is all the “Good for Hope for believing in her husband and defending his actions against Brooke’s concerns”??? This is what I’m referring to when I say the Brooke and Hope haters never give any credit to either one of them.
    Brooke is acting as a concerned mother. That’s what all mothers do. Steffy does it X 1000 %. And Taylor does it constantly! But when Brooke does it, it’s always “Shut up Brooke.” Everyone on this show protects their own, period.
    Besides all the Steffy lovers are always saying that Liam is going to get back together with Steffy (which I have never believed), so why shouldn’t Brooke try to protect Hope’s marriage ? If you ladies all think that the writing is on the wall with Steffy and Liam, then you should absolutely understand Brooke’s concern.
    It’s just not fun unless you can bash the Logan women.

    1. Oh seriously Lynn, acting like a concerned mother!! Your kidding me… I don’t know anyone who carry on like brook so soon after a major tragedy like this!! But I absolutely will give hope credit for her behaviour today!! She actually sounds genuine with her concern and support for steffy.. Mayb her mother hasn’t rubbed off on her as much I think?? Time will tell though.. but yes, good on you hope, for actually caring for someone else other than yourself and actually caring for what a young child is going through, and most of all, for telling your mother how selfish she is, not that brook even heard that, but good on u for trying.. but watch your back, cause your mother is going push Liam to the brink of wanting out of there!!

    2. Colly, while I’m very proud of Hope for standing up to her mom and supporting Liam being there for Steffy, I also understand Brooke’s concern. You have to put things in context to see where Brooke is coming from. Steffy and Liam slept together when Liam falsely assumed Hope was with Thomas. I’m sure you recall that time “batshit crazy Thomas” was making out with the mannequin! So what does Liam do, he runs to Steffy’s, proceeds to get drunk, and sleep with Steffy. Brooke does not want Liam hurting her daughter and she does not want a repeat performance of Liam’s obvious bad decisions. She recognizes people are in pain and are very vulnerable at the moment. So yes, Brooke is trying to protect Hope the best way she knows. She knows Hope is kind, and it’s the kind ones who often get walked on.
      I am not nearly as put off by Brooke’s behavior as you are. But that’s because you always see Brooke through crap colored glasses. And I see Brooke through rose colored glasses.
      I absolutely believe Brooke’s heart is in the right place when it comes to Hope. Mamma bears protect their young, plain and simple.

    3. Lynn, I am sorry, but if brook is that concerned about Liam hurting hope again, then she should have thought about that before defending him to hope and pushing and manipulating him to marry hope.. she blames steffy for everything that Liam does, but if he truly loved hope and was committed to her, he would not have done what he did.. he even told hope he still and will always love steffy, he was disappointed when the paternity tests came back as Finn’s, not him, he showed it and even told hope he was disappointed.. yet hope hope and brook still defend him and his actions, try to direct the blame to steffy.. I do not like Liam.. I don’t think he deserves either woman.. but brook knows he loves steffy and THAT is why she is being this way.. so it’s her own fault.. and to deny steffy the support she needs right now, especially when a big part of it was defending brook, is selfish and cruel.. mamma bear or not, brooks behaviour at the hospital and now is appalling.. then she has the nerve to pretend she is supportive in front of ridge, and even worse, her excuse for all this , is that “steffy knows how to get sympathy”, really Lynn!! Come on.. WHY do u think there r barely any brook supporters?? It can’t b more obvious.. lol ❤️

    4. Colly, I think there are plenty of Brooke supporters. But we are a minority on this blog. They aren’t as vocal as the Steffy lovers, that’s for sure.
      I did not agree with Brooke when she pushed Hope into forgiving Liam after he slept with Steffy. I think Hope should have stuck to her guns and divorced Liam right then and there when he cheated. But Liam was determined to get Hope back and to have her forgive him. And his persistence finally paid off and Hope took him back. That doesn’t happen when a man is not in love with his wife. He fought hard to get Hope back. So while he may always love Steffy, he will also always love Hope. And he wants his life with Hope. You guys never mention that part of things. It casually gets left out when you try to build your case against Hope. I truly believe Liam is in love with Hope. And I also believe Liam loves Steffy based on experiences they have shared, and that he wants the best for Steffy. And that included Finn. Liam is not looking at Finn’s death as an opportunity to get back together with Steffy. He is simply trying to give her comfort through a rough time. If he were in love with Steffy, he would be handling things very differently right now.
      It’s obvious that Brooke has it in her head that Liam is the right man for her daughter. Not sure why Brooke is so dead set on them being together, but she is. So yes, Brooke’s motivation is to protect her daughter’s marriage to Liam. But she is not naive and knows that this kind of grief (death of a spouse) can bond people together in ways that could ultimately become inappropriate. Grief makes people do things they may otherwise not do, just like alcohol. So Brooke is simply trying to avert tragedy. This isn’t rocket science. It’s basic 101 human nature to reach out for consoling when your life is shattered. And that reaching out has the potential to turn into something romantic. So I will say it again, Brooke is simply trying to avert disaster because she is a Liam fan.
      Personally, I am not a Liam fan and I’d be fine if both women tossed him to the curb for good!!


    5. Also Lynn, I like my cheap crap coloured glasses, because it’s easier to distinguish the depths of the muddy waters of the emotions of humanity!!🤣🤣🤣

    6. I agree Lynn, I know Liam loves hope.. but I don’t think he deserves either woman, because he always waffles between them and when he can’t have one he runs to the other.. it’s wrong.. I truly hope he does the right thing by hope AND support steffy and kelly the way he should.. if hope can be the way she was today, there will be no problems, because hopefully Liam will appreciate the support she is giving him while he supports his other family.. hope always says that they should always b there for each other, and if she keeps her word to that true, then liam should do the right thing by her, and if he doesn’t, then I will fly all the way from Australia to Hollywood and punch him out personally!! Lol..

    7. As far as the color of your glasses…you only wear the poop brown muddy ones when you look at Brooke. You wear the rose colored ones when you see Steffy and Taylor. Maybe the key is to take the glasses off altogether and evaluate every scenario independently, regardless of the actress.

    8. Sounds like a plan! If you fly out to Hollywood, we can meet for lunch. Hollywood isn’t that far from where I live. Like I mentioned the other day, been in California my whole life. Lol

    9. If I ever get the chance to visit Hollywood one day, I will definately take u up on that offer love ❤️

    10. Lynn I’m with you all the way, but colly is an idiot who doesn’t have a clue and is in serious need of therapy! I mean anyone who has watched this show for as long as we have know all about the Logan sister bashers, and how long it’s been going on. However I think that some people have a tendency to forget that it is just a Soap and that the writers are the reason the characters act the way they do. Lol I can laugh at them because they are letting a show get the best of them. I do believe that some of the people commenting really do need therapy, like the ones who want to punch characters and the ones who are wishing another character will kill the person they hate. Their poor family should be seriously worried about their behavior, it isn’t healthy to feel sooo much anger about a show.
      I just thought I’d let you know I agree with you about the Logan’s and while I don’t always like the writers, I do know it’s a Soap and take it for what it is, just entertainment, and it’s a job for the actors who are playing the characters and they are not the writers.

  7. Brooke is the voice of reason. Hope is being nieve. The relationship that Liam and Steffy is developing will eventually lead to no good. This entire storyline is being dragged out far too long. There's something about it that is not exciting. I know it is a developing story, but please move it along.

    1. Exactly Grammy, this will lead to no good and Brooke is trying to protect Hope from potential betrayal. What mother wouldn’t do that for her daughter?!!

    2. I am also a protective mother.. but, I don’t teach my children to be insecure, or naive either.. I don’t teach them to be completely untrusting, but I also teach them not to be too trusting.. and I certainly don’t interfere with their relationships.. I do not order their partners what they can and cannot do or what they should do.. brook is obsessed to the point of almost being unhinged when it comes to controlling people and most of all men!!

      The reason is being this way is that she is well aware of Liam’s feelings for steffy, and that they took him away from her and kelly, using her pregnancy, and then getting beth back, to do it.. so if Liam had chosen of his own accord, without the guilt trips and manipulations, then they would not have to look over their shoulders.. and I say they and theirs, because brook basically controls that relationship.. she tells, not advises, she doesn’t listen to reason and goes way too far.. she is always in that cabin, barking at both of them, and does more harm than good.. if I were Liam, I would not put up with her constantly in my face, TELLING me what to do.. and if u try to deny that that’s what she does, u r kidding yourself.. do u still think that all the concern brook showed in front of ridge was genuine.. do u really think she would tell ridge what she told hope today?? Don’t need to answer that!!

  8. Thank you Lynn. Well said. And it's not like Steffy doesn't have other people to help her. Liam does not have to be there so much.

    1. Maddy, the same can b said for brook and hope, they didn’t need to b at the hospital so much, they should have been caring for the children, but brook was too busy trying to manipulate ridge into going home to her and not steffies, he is her father, she lost her husband and almost her life defending a woman who doesn’t give two hoots about anyone but herself.. they stayed their to manipulate and cause trouble.. not to support.. Liam has a child with steffy, and that child needs him, but no, brook says, u need to b here with hope and their kids, they need u Liam, sc*#* kelly!! I suppose, he has never really been there for kelly much in the past, so I guess why start now!!

  9. Don't ain't never cheat with steffy


  11. Hope did well standing up to Brooke today. Brooke assumes other women will act like she does. I nearly spit out my tea when she was talking about Taylor and Steffy getting sympathy 😂. Of course who could sympathize with a lass whose husband was murdered ( as far as they know) and was shut herself and nearly died.

    Hope was right to tell Brooke that they were fine and to stop already. Hope looked disgusted with Brooke’s negative attitude. Brooke should worry about her own marriage and let Hope live her own life.

    Steffy is in no way trying to get Liam back. She’s leaning on someone she trusts and shares a daughter with. The only man she’s thinking of is Finn!

    Li is seriously lost the plot. I wonder will Finn wake up and have a total personality change or something which can happen after a massive trauma. Li seems like she really doesn’t hate Steffy, I think she’s just angry at the whole situation. I just hope they don’t drag this out too long. C’mon Finn wake up and ask to see your wee family.

    1. BBFAN, I’m pleasantly surprised you gave Hope some credit today. That’s all I ask is for a bit of objectivity in people’s comments. It’s not that hard to give credit where credit is due. And on that note, I will say that in my opinion, Steffy had a right to get up in Li’s face a bit in today’s episode. But she bit her tongue and was kind to Li, even though Li is way out of line not giving Steffy any info about her husband’s body.

    2. Thank you Bob. Colly ? Where are you?

    3. Lynn, I do sincerely give hope ALL credit for being the confident and mature woman she is displaying.. and the fact that hope understands they are a blended family and need to stick together to help others out when they need it.. I really like this side of hope.. and if she keeps up the way she was today, Liam would be an absolute idiot to do the wrong thing by her.. if he does the wrong thing by her, while she is being so supportive, then HE does not deserve her!!

    4. I’m here D!! I’m not going anywhere lovely lady!! I just have a very sick child at the moment.. not getting much sleep, but I always make time to watch and comment, but I’m sure some others wish I didn’t 🤣🤣

    5. Colly, I agree. Oh and I was laughing when you wrote on the comment from the show the other day….”Those are some sharp claws, Lynn.” I am gonna use that line in the future. 🤣🤣🤣
      Sorry about your sick child, I hope they feel better very soon.

    6. 🤣🤣 yes, I do come out with some silly one liners sometimes!! U know I didn’t mean any offence love!! My daughter has covid, and now she has influenza A, poor bugger, she’s been soo sick.. breaks my heart.. but I am taking good care of her!! She just turned 17, so she’s still a baby!!

    7. Oops, had covid not anymore though.

    8. Colly, they are always our babies. My daughter is 23. Hope your daughter gets well very soon!!

    9. Thanks love.. I have two babies, my youngest who is sick but I have a 21 year old daughter also, she turns 21 in two days actually.. you r right, they r always going to b our babies till the day we die!!

    10. Finn had a good life until the Forresters

    11. IDG… Finn stated he didn’t have a life until he met Steffy! She showed him what love and family was about and that there was more than just long hours at the hospital.

      The Forrester family embraced him with open arms and appreciated what a fine man he was. Lin and Jack loved Steffy and said how happy Finn was etc.

      The writers are either rewriting history once again, or, it shows how disordered Li’s thinking currently is. I’m thinking the latter. It’s irrational and from her conversation with Finn, she doesn’t really blame Steffy. It’s anger at the situation.

      The Forresters had nothing to do with Sheila being his bio mum or a psycho!

  12. I saw your post the other day and it brought me to tears. No one understands chronic pain unless you're going through it. It was beautifully written and I totally understand what you.

    1. D, thank you so much for your kind words.. I truly do appreciate them.. I didn’t intend to upset anyone, and a blog is not really the appropriate place to say what I said.. but when you have been through something like that, and most of all seeing how it affected your own children, it really gets to u when people compare you to a drug addict.. and I know the person was not attacking me personally, but it shows how some people view people like myself.. and I just intended to show people that it is not the same.. you sound as though you might suffer from the same horrible affliction as myself in regards to chronic pain.. it is one of the hardest medical conditions to live with and also for the medical establishment to treat, as it’s not well understood, however, doctors know how these drugs work, but they won’t tell u until it is far too late , by then the damage is done… but like I said, if I can help others by my own experiences, which I have helped many, then in my view, it makes what I went through almost worth it!! I don’t feel sorry for myself, because I am a big believer in that, everything happens for a reason, it’s part of of our life path, so I know that by helping others through what I went through, is part of why it happened to me.. I am so grateful for your kind words love ..

    2. Colly, I know this isn't thef place to comment on this, people will be pissed it's not about B&B, I have been struggling for 25+ yrs addicted to pain meds. Wasn't told of the long term effects but doctors don't give a shit. They get paid well for selling it. Sorry people had to rant.

    3. D, don’t worry about what others think ok love.. it shows that this issue afflicts many people.. and I understand exactly what you are going through, and my heart absolutely breaks for you 😞😞 I have struggled for almost the same amount of time with pain that is life destroying.. and I know your struggles with the medications, as well as the infliction of the illness, and I know how desperate it is to not feel that pain, even if it’s just for a minute.. just what it would b like to feel normal again..

      and you watch people who don’t suffer from it, and you envy them, because u just want to remember what it’s like to not feel excruciating pain.. ppl who don’t understand it, take for granted not having to suffer it, but they don’t do that intentionally, they just don’t think what life would b like if they couldn’t get out of bed for a week, or what they would give or do to have the pain taken away so they can get up and play with their kids.. and because ppl can’t see or hear the illness, they think it’s not there..

      Only a person who suffers it, really knows the frustration, heartbreak, and every other emotion that goes along with it, and u feel like your spiraling out of control, and you lay there and imagine the Mount Everest that you have to climb.. you wonder if you are ever going to get to the top of it.. so DONT EVER apologise to anyone for expressing the deepest and darkest places you have been to and are going!!

      D, my email is please email me, because I know I can help you regain a much better quality of life, and teach you how I got to the top of Mount Everest as well support you if you will let me lovely lady ❤️

  13. Brooke should enlist Bill to handle his son. Bill doesn't want Foresters for in laws.

    1. If bill had his way, Liam would b with steffy..

  14. Step aside Brooke, Hope, Steffy, Taylor, Now presenting....
    Li -Mother of the Year!!!! 👏👏👏🙌

  15. brook you need to run your own marriage and relationships and let your grown up daughter run her own marriage and relationship. its not up to you to worry about hoiw much time liam spends helping steffy and kelly. thats between him and hope lord li looked a bit pscho whrn she got to steffys house looked thru window and seen them hugging.looking like finn is clinically dead yet his mom has flipped her lid gone crazy and using shatever life support on him to keep his body operating i hope thats not the rd they taking us down b4 they have to cart li to mental hospital for what shes doing??? idk they gettin me all conbfused with their sl
