Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th August 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th August 2022


  1. It is strange that Finn & Steffy have not discussed that Steffy was shot. Also, amazing how they both were able to hide their gunshot wounds in the bedroom scene!

    1. They are lightening fast healers, no ouchs, just perfect bodies

    2. i never even thought about the gunshot wounds your right where are they lol

    3. now that i finished watching it i think when they showed finns stomach and she looked down as did he that was in reference to the wound i think they just didn't directly comment on it

  2. This is like a slumber party giggling about a kiss. Let's all do that. How cutsie. Now Brooke wants to psychoanalyze Ridge. Oh goodie. No one can tell this isn't what he wants 24/7. Taylor isn't making a big deal out of it. She isn't? What's a big deal then? Will Ridge ask Taylor to the prom? Taylor blows (not actually) everything so out of proportion. Brooke is gonna nag about Taylor until Sheila becomes a Forrester serial killer. Break up that old triangle. Brooke is fishing until she can get him guilty about something, anything! Brooke is so thrilled for Ridge. Sure you are Brooke. No one believes that. Taylor doesn't want ot get caught up in this. What a phony. she was ready to pass around a slam book where you fill in who is your favorite boy band, color and flavor. .Silliest grown up to giggle like an idiot. Are there a few Barbie dolls around so taylor can simulate sex smashing the 2 together. Hehehehehhe so funny! (Not)
    Ridge is looking off into space trying to figure out how to get out of this with these 2 idiots. Back with Taylor - he has nowhere to go.
    Lets go over this again?!?! Taylor starts in with this again?? Her connection is old news but she tries to ressurect it over and over.

    1. why do you even bother to watch this show. you obviously don't like it. how do you figure taylors connection to ridge is old news and if he was the love of your life would you not try to resurrect it. i can't stand people like you to be honest . watch a show then bash it daily

    2. Maybe she should go read a book. 😂

    3. I don't get how ridge keep remembering that kiss when they went looking for Taylor. Whats so diffrent about the other kiss taylor shared with ridge while they were staying at stuffy house they kissed then but never kept thinking about that kiss can anyone tell me whats the difference? Lol😂

    4. I was wondering the same thing. Didn't they kiss several times before he went back to brook? What's the big damn deal

    5. @ D, hahaha….that was a good one! 😂😂😂😂😂
      It took me a minute, but I just got your joke. Lol

    6. Talk about the show. Don't talk about posters. You can get the whole blog lost on your bullying posts.

    7. It's not bullying. It's a joke. Sense of humor? 🙄

    8. If you can't take your favorite being made fun of, it's because it makes you look stupid for defending them. You learn from them and do the same sneaky and deceptive things in your own world. Everyone else MUST like them too!

  3. was seeing liam and hope like this really necessary shouldn't that be finn and steffy...and it always cracks me up the way people just show up at hopes house you would think that they would have blinds

    1. @ashrpblond It is ridiculous watching people opening someone's house door without ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door, or if your coming home, I see no one using a key to unlock the door, strange. I notice they do have blinds and curtains, why not use them.

    2. It felt like Bell had to give Lope a sex scene because Steffy and Finn were reuniting! I FF through Hope and Liam. Yawn.

      I too was checking for said bullet wounds and none were visible. Sinn lit 🔥 up the screen though!

      I was hoping for Bill and Li or what is going on with Sheila. The rest is boring and repetitive at this point.

      Ridge needs to man up for a change!

    3. @BBfan101 It could be possible for Ridge to man up but Bell isn't going there just like he isn't bringing back the old Taylor character that we all knew and loved, where she was a tough cookie not she just in LA LA land.

    4. Maybe ridge is just feeling guilty that why he keep remembering the kiss of him and Taylor

  4. They are exhibitionists and like people to watch.

  5. Oh my gosh! You kissed Johnny after homeroom? Was it behind the bleachers? Did you guys get to second base??!! I just know he likes you!!! Lol!!!

    1. 🤣 it's so stupid the way they carry on over a 💋

    2. Agreed! Taylor tries to play the young adolescent girl in her mannerisms and the things she says. A woman her age has been around the block a few times!! 🤣🤣🤣. This isn’t your first rodeo, Taylor! And if Ridge “chooses you” like you so desperately hope he does, you will get bucked off that bull in no time!! Ridge will be bored with you in 5 minutes.
      As much as Taylor continues to bug me, I still want both women to kick Ridge’s butt to the curb.
      Besides we had to hear from many of the people on this blog that Ridge was going away on some extended leave from the show. They seemed to be quite sure of themselves. And that has yet to happen. I, for one could stand to see Ridge gone from show for a very extended period! Good riddance!

    3. Taylor is such a mental case about a kiss Ridge would have forgotten in 5 minutes if she didnt harp and make something out of it. This gloming will never end. He is starting to look like he is thinking better about not being involved with a shreiking harpie or the early onset dementia patient. He needs a new house to hang at that they don't know about.

  6. i think deep down brooke knows something happened between taylor and ridge but she is trying to act cool in the hopes ridge gets over it so she doesn't lose him again

    1. I do too… he’s never been physically distant from her and she knows something happened in Monte Carlo besides Finn and Steffy reuniting.

      That was so awkward her just letting herself into the cabin and Hope coming out in her robe… 🫣

    2. Brooke doesn't want to rock the proverbial boat. She said it herself - in the past, she wouldn't have been so magnanimous about her husband and his ex-wife/family.

    3. Exactly Ell!! She will say or do anything right now because she knows he hasn’t fully committed to her yet.. she’s not confident enough yet to start making demands!!

  7. Today, I thought Steffy would tell Finn about Li's visit but I guess she will either a not say anything or she will tell him later. I remember when we used to watch a lot of different stories with different characters, today it was nothing but Forrester's and Logan's. I would like to see what's going on with Bill's world, what is Katie doing these days

    1. Me too. Sick of the same crap day in and day out

    2. Steffy's not going to admit she was hella bitch to Li. Steffy loves to confront psychotic people and learned nothing from her last encounter with Sheila. Maybe Sheila will get Steffy with a potato gun if she can't find a regular one. That would smarten her up.

  8. So no one is scared of Sheila on the loose anymore lol. I hope she does some more damage or at least a final act as that is the only exciting thing that happens in this show.

  9. The sex scenes are always stupid and boring. Doesn’t matter which couple they show. It’s nothing more than filler and a way for the writers to get out of writing dialogue. And it looks like Liam is trying to compete with Carter in the shirtless scenes. Lol. Today’s episode was much about nothing.

    Thank you Bob xxxx

  11. No mention of Shelia missing. They have guards, but don't seem to lock their doors. Sheila will easily slip by a guard... 🤣

    1. Maybe Deacon is helping her out and she's hiding somewhere. I can still see Sheila and Li teaming up to get Steffy out of Finn's life somehow.

    2. Or better yet! Li is hiding her and their plotting their next attack.

  12. Sheila Carter will be back, she is alive and playing games. Kimberlin Brown signed a long term contract with The Bold and The Beautiful.

    1. Whew! We need Sheila back! The show seemed suddenly stuck in quicksand with out a menacing character to sweat over. All Taylor can muster up is repeated lines about Steffy bidness she can't let go of. Come on! Deacon, Sheila and the guard guy.<---he's funny too.

    2. I agree. Whay happened with Mike? or Guthrie? it's been so long now can't remember his name, after he was caught .

  13. I'm sorry, I just canNOT buy all the Liam/Hope lust. They are so vanilla. No discernable chemistry at all.

    1. Perhaps, Aunt Donna should clue her niece, Hope, in on the usage of honey! 😂🍯🤣

    2. I like Hope, but I agree she doesn’t have a naughty bone in her body. So the sex scenes seem very contrived. Hope needs to ‘get her naughty on’ if they are gonna show her with Liam in a sexual way. She comes off as very prudish to me.

    3. Hope has been dodging Liam to get out of it for as long as she can. She's married to him, it's no fun, she doesn't need to play coy anymore.

  14. TY Bob.
    I still don't understand Ridge. He went back to Brooke so he kisses Taylor??? What does all this mean?? He wants them both???

    1. Yes, he still wants them both. He wants to have his way, come and go at their houses. They have been stoopit enough all this time to fall for it, so they'll keep at it till his droopy teabags touch the floor unharnassed.

  15. The way Hope said that she enjoys these moments where she and Liam can bask in their love makes me think that they don't get to do it often. Lol.

    Oh Brooke. The more you talk about how special and memorable your husband's time in Monaco was with his ex-wife won't erase the suspicions you have about something more happening between them. It's almost as if Brooke is in denial about what she already knows must have happened.

    Ridge needs to come clean to his wife. He felt so betrayed by Brooke not telling him about the kiss with Deacon, yet he is having trouble coming clean about his own indiscretion. Tsk Tsk.

    1. Unlike Brooke, Ridge was sober when he passionately kissed his ex! 💋

    2. Ridge thinks it's different when he does it!

    3. I agree Ell.. I hope he is not going to be a hypocrite, and I think brook might suspect but wants to keep focus off of that photo and deacon.. remember he walked in the house when ridge was on the plane and brook did not send him on his way, just said when ridge gets home u can’t be here.. I am sure if ridge finds out about that, it’s going to cause even more problems.. it doesn’t help that hope keeps bringing it up every chance she gets.. I am sure she will talk to ridge about it and make it worse.. if ridge didn’t kiss Taylor, he would have been all over brook for it.. if he finds out deacon came to the house , he ain’t gonna b happy, especially when brook can’t say she sent him away straight away??

  16. The only thing worse than boring slow sex scenes are boring slow sex scenes without sex (as allowed by the genre and time slot of course, but this was nothing more than light petting 😅 and next thing you know they're done). Wondering how one can become a TBBT writer. I'd be up for the job and my lines won't be the same shit repeated 500 times by every character "I can't believe Finn is alive!" 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. I think Hope & Liam were done because Brooke walked in their unlocked door to rehash everything! 😂

    2. No doubt. We could write better shit than this in our sleep! It's so boring

    3. And how many times an episode can Taylor talk about her "moments". Gag. I wish I had a dollar for every time she says moment

    4. Taylor rehashing a simple "moment" is way too caught up in it. What does she think, he'll leave brooke and they can go to the sock hop at the high school? It seems like an early onset of senility to think your back 30-40 years ago. She never matured in relationships? Wasn't Brooke fishing like crazy to trap Ridge in something guilty about his trip with the ex? 40 years of this bs wasn't enough for them.

  17. If I were Brooke I would have asked Ridge much more about his interactions with his ex during his trip to Paris. No wife should be that trusting. But beyond Brooke’s choosing to look the other way (for now anyway), I would just like to say once again, that I continue to be a Brooke fan. Some of the Taylor fans on this blog love to point out over and over and over…that those of us who haven’t seen ALL the episodes since day 1, can’t possibly know how dreadfully awful Brooke is. Well I gotta call bull crap on that. I have seen most every episode the past 3 plus years, and that’s more than enough time to see a person’s character….for who they are today, vs who they were in their 20’s and 30’s. In my opinion, Brooke is a class act. She hasn’t slept with any other men the whole time I’ve watched the show. She has matured and seems very committed to those she loves.
    And if we were all only judged by who we were decades ago, I think most of us would be in big trouble! I know I’d be in trouble for sure!! 😁😁😁

    1. As Maur said the other day. Taylor needs to see a psychiatrist her self. She acts like a love struck 15 yr old. All the dancing, giggling , shrugging shoulders and kicking her feet. Flirting with the boy that's taken. It's getting boring.

    2. Exactly! The previous Taylor didn’t act like this at all. I actually liked Hunter Tylo’s character. I thought she was very classy. The new Taylor is simply lame. Sorry folks, but it’s true.

  18. well i watched that episode on fast forward for about 2 minutes. also liam and hope cant spend anytime alone without brooke always needing to talk about the same old same old blah blah

  19. Only in the land of soap operas where someone can get shot and months later there's no sign of a bullet wound, not even a scar. JMW was showing off her post pregnancy body like she didn't give birth a few months ago. Work it, Miss Jacqueline! lol.

    Today's episode was weird. I don't know about you guys but if i witnessed my husband getting shot and died, then comes back from the dead like nothing happened...i would have alot of questions about what happened to him and his condition now. I just think it's weird that Finn and Steffy haven't talked about everything that happened that night and why Finn didn't ask about Steffy's condition when she was shot. This is what frustrates me about this show...the writers and their lazy storytelling.

  20. When I saw Hope and Liam's love scene, I was like this is the most awkward love scene I have ever seen..... then I saw Steffy and Finn ....... and now I'm torn. They are trying to force this Steffy and Finn love story on us and it is just not working !! Finn, or the actor playing him, is more suited for Lifetime. The killer not the love interest. He is stiff as a board and the love of Steffy's life is and always has been Liam !!!

    1. Tell me about it Liam and Hope live scene was just Blah it just look awkward , I feel Steffy just make those love scene look so natural and the passion is so real. Steffy is a better actress .

    2. I have to fast forward Liam and Hope, I just cringe too much with them. It’s sooo awkward and boring to watch. I agree, zero chemistry there!

    3. so you want steffy to be sad and miserable bc everytime there would be a problem between them liam gonna go straight to hope as always and steffy would be sad again this is not a life for her, Finn is better for her, Finn isnt going to go towards an other woman when troubles comes no they would over come this and reconnect, liam can stay with hope two boring character together

    4. @Sinn 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  21. I just cringed when Taylor told Ridge that she left Steffy's house so she could 'connect' with Finn...Too much information for her dad! Call me old fashioned, but it was weird...

  22. I'm so tired of Taylor talking about that kiss. Ridge only kissed her after he saw that picture of Brooke with Deacon. It's not like he was in to Taylor and the way she played innocent in showing him the picture was pathetic. She is so stupid that I would never want her to be my psychiatrist.

  23. Doesn't Taylor have work to do? Why did she end up at FC if she had to leave Steffy's house? World renowned psychiatrist with no work to catch up on after taking a trip, just hanging around Ridge all day?

    1. Totally agree Rose, I hate what Bell is doing to Taylor’s character. The way Taylor is acting is so out of character for her (pardon the pun).

  24. Steffy looks great so soon after the baby, she's so beautiful! But where are their scars from the gunshot wounds?

  25. Hi Bob, hope you're doing well. It shows video removed from this date to current episodes, please could you reload when you get a chance? much appreciated.
