Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-9-22 Full episode B&B 9th August 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-9-22 Full episode B&B 9th August 2022


  1. Steffy back in boss mode. Give it to Lei just to stay in practice for the rest of the family. Taylor wants to talk about the kiss. Ridge should make a snooze gesture or tell her STOP! Brooke kyboshed herself! "There is nothing and no one who can keep us apart." Famous last words, Brooke. Why doesn't Ridge run screaming to his hiatus? Come back with someone he met at the grocery store. Why Lei didn't you bow down to me?! The queen is back, baby.
    Taylor we don't want your rendition of Steffy & Finn getting back together. She wants to give them some time but she wants to snoop more. Taylor can nosey with the best of the meddlers. Betweem the forbidden picture, and deacon walks back in? Ridge will walk back in...Lei tells Steffy she brought the chaos and drama. Steffy needs to say to Taylor We're facing off mom, go watch a soap opera or something.

    1. Everyone rehashing everything over and over. Steffy wants to scare Lei into being afraid she might influence Finn against her. Yeah! Hope, we don't want you to talk about those guys anymore either! Matching goals for once! However Taylor will not get over a stoopit kiss. Who cares? Taylor is reverting back to hi-school with "really good kiss" Maybe they should do a slam book. Fav color, fav backstreet boy, etc.

    2. booklover123 if you have watched this soap since day 1 you would know the significance of that kiss. it means alot...as you can see they both have been shook from it and when brooke was saying it was only a kiss with lets see theres been dave reed, dr warwick, connor davis, ridge of course, eric forrester, grant chambers, thorne forrester, deacon sharpe,nick marone, it was never just a kiss..brooke need to be knocked off this pedestal she is on once and for all thinking no one can come in between me and ridge..oh the irony she just said this to hope and liam and now how awesome if ridge tells her right now he kissed taylor and is now confused about his feelings..oh her face will be priceless this is the last thing she is thinking could happen

    3. 👏👏👏 Ash thank you! I think the viewers from day one are few here. Apparently bringing in facts from the entirety of the show is offensive to those who have watched a couple of years and believe Bell Jr revised history of the show.

      I do the know the significance of that kiss but Ridge is still being a complete tosser. He never should have gone home to Brooke is he’s still confused over Taylor.

      I have no doubt he still loves Taylor and always will, but he incapable of making a choice and cheating on his wife is just wrong.

      He needs to be a man, make a decision and stay with it. Both women deserve better than what he’s doing and been doing since day one. Ridge has always been a player but once your his age seriously grow up! Eric is still a player so not the best example for sure but still…

      Taylor don’t go down that road an become Brooke! You deserve better than that!

      Hope needs to spend more time with Beth and less time gossiping about Steffy and Finn and Li.

      Liam seems like he’s not buying all is well between Ridge and Brooke. Yes he’s in the house taking care of her but won’t get romantic?? That’s definitely a first in Bridge history. Brooke always used sex to blind Ridge and gloss over whatever issues they have.

      I wonder when will drop the bomb he wants his son back! About bloody time too! It’s not like Hope ever sees him anyway.

      I hope they follow up with the Li and Bill possibilities!

    4. BBfan101 yes not all of us have been watching the show from day 1. But to show the kissing flashback scene
      3 times every day does get boring. We get it. It means alot to them. Let's move on.

    5. D I agree it’s beyond obnoxious!

  2. why hasn't taylor changed clothes yet or is it different its just all white again..ridge always the playboy taylor gave him the out lets just forget the kiss even happened now if he wanted things to be really over with taylor then he would of said ok thats the best thing to do but no he says he can't do that. ridge be with taylor please. and yes brooke did herself in saying no one can come in between them when ridge was moved out for how long now

    1. I think the bigger part behind that "I can't do that" is that he can't pretend and hide it from Brooke. So I hope that's the case and she tells her and she dumps him. And gets back together with Bill 😃

  3. @ashrpblond Taylor is wearing the same clothes because the story continues from yesterday and therefore she is wearing the same outfit, hopefully, tomorrow will be a new day and she will be wearing something else.

    1. Agree soap time can be so confusing sometimes it’s literally the same day for a week ( New Years and Brooke saga) and other times it’s months gone overnight.

      Your point is a good one and it made Ridge’s actions worse given he just had Taylor at his house with Brooke without any consideration at how she would feel about him showing with his ex in tow. The two of them acting a bit off and then he goes and sees Taylor again before heading back to casa Logan. There is a lot in that scene with Liam, Hope, Brooke and Ridge. I may need to rewatch it. It felt like Liam was tuned into that too. Almost like Ridge is saying good you’re here so when I make Brooke upset by either confessing that he made out with Taylor and is still thinking about it or says he cannot recommit fully to her/ needs more time to figures out his feelings/ insert excuse here… Liam and Hope will be there to comfort her.

      I’m not at all pleased to hear Taylor talking about the kiss and getting Steffy’s hopes up. It was nice not to have her pestering her parents for a change about getting together again.

    2. @BBfan101 I am not too keen either how the writers are making Taylor's behavior to look like she's a high school teenager, and she can't control her inner thoughts, Steffy could see right through her and she wanted to know what happened. The Taylor I knew, in the past, would keep quite and tell you its none of your business.

  4. How many times do we have to keep watching the flashback of Ridge and Taylor's kiss?? Very boring show today.

    1. The scenes with Steffy and Li were good but everything else was lame. I could care less about Hope, Liam, Brooke, Taylor, and Ridge repeating themselves about the same stuff. We could've saw what happened to Mike and Sheila. Jack could've found out his son is alive. Also, i would like to know if Li will get in legal trouble for faking Finn's death. I honestly hope not. The writers could've focused on other things instead of the same ol' mess. I'm also getting tired of seeing that kiss between Ridge and Taylor. They act like they never kissed before.

  5. Taylor's relationship with her kids has become toxic. They manipulate things to get her and Ridge back together. It backfires. Taylor tells them they can't do things like that and they'll always be a family no matter if she and Ridge are together or not. Then, she spills the details about any hint of something between she and Ridge, giving them false hope. Based on that false hope, the kids start plotting to get them back together and the cycle keeps repeating. No wonder they keep doing it. Her light chastisement of their actions coupled with her involving them into her relationship with Ridge must feel to them like everytime they fail, they just didn't manipulate good enough so they keep trying and keep getting their hearts broken.

  6. Steffy vs Li...Round 2! I love it!! I also loved Li walking out without saying anything to Taylor. LOL

    1. Lol HT Taylor would have wiped the floor with Li! That would be a good match too lol two very strong women. However, this is really between Steffy and Li and they should keep it between them. That said Ridge and Taylor have a right to have a go at Li for putting their daughter and grandbairns through that! Especially given her rationale. It was revenge really against them as a family! Jack has a right to be cross too! He’s Finn’s father and no matter how much she despises him, he had a right to know his son was alive!!

  7. Lol. So now Ridge just kisses whichever woman is in kissing distance. Hey player, you aren’t worth it!! I hope Brooke and Taylor tag-team and whoop your cheating butt!!
    Taylor, you should not be asking about the kiss. You should be regretting it happened and respect Brooke’s marriage to Ridge. This isn’t high school and we’re not playing the game to see who gets the boy.
    Li - how many seconds would it have taken you to tell Steffy that Finn was alive ? 3-4 seconds?? Li is completely wrong for hiding it from Steffy and Steffy has every right to be pissed. Li would have preferred to have kept Finn to herself FOREVER! And clearly, so would Sheila. Finn’s two mom’s have an almost incestuous attraction to him. It honestly kind of grosses me out!!!
    Brooke - you have been nothing but supportive of Ridge’s time with his other family. Now you are bordering on naïveté ! Please dump that dirtbag, Ridge!!

    1. All my thoughts written down perfectly 😀

    2. Good to see you back Lynn.
      i just want him (Ridge) to admit what he did to Brooke so that she will kick him out
      Deacon is a far better option, he loves her, he`s loyal and faithful to Brooke, unlike sleazebag ridge.
      I find Taylors behaviour concerning, she sounds and behaves like a high school girl, it`s as if she`s having some type of mental health crisis! Steffy should be concerned about her mothers behaviour, not encouraging it. This world re knowned psychiatrist sounds and behaves as if she`s losing it! Between the dancing and the teenage crush behaviour with someone elses husband, its a worry.
      Brooke has remained supportive of Ridge while this has been going on with his daughter, but the crisis is over now,, so either commit or get lost, preferably the latter!

    3. Maur I agree with you 💯 percent. I would worry about her behavior if I was Stef, or even Ridge should but he's so dense and probably enjoying it. She needs professional help .

    4. Yes, to everything above! 😊

  8. I'm just wondering if anyone else is having any kind of a problem watching this particular blog, B&B, videos? I'm not complaining, because I know the person that has this site is doing this for us for free and I'm grateful for that, but when I watch it on my computer or my phone I don't have this problem, but when I watch it on my fire stick, unless the show is playing, there is a man it sounds like anyway, speaking an Asian language sounds like maybe he's playing a video game or something. Usually once I start playing the video I can't hear it, but a couple of times lately it continues to play throughout the video and so distracting that it's as loud as the voices in the video. Any idea what's going on there or how I can make it stop?

    1. During this week, it will be possible to turn off unnecessary sounds.

  9. The next time I hear "Finn is alive" from Taylor I will vomit 🤮🤮🤮. Don't they think we have got the message by now?
