Monday, August 15, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-15-22 Full episode B&B 15th August 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-15-22 Full episode B&B 15th August 2022


  1. please replace the bold and the beautiful 10/1/19

  2. Li likes how Sheila was torn apart. She says things in a calm voice, little person you don't expect *grizzly* thinking. Bill digs it and puts the moves on her. The old "I'm here for you routine."
    Shut up Steffy- the biggest example of the need for spanking children. No residual problems from being shot. That mouth is back in full swing.
    Tell Brooke about flaky Thomas, the fickle now and again father. When it's convenient for any reason. Then he dumps the kid off like a rental car and takes off. So surprised when Douglas asked if Thomas missed him. So he plays on that for whatever nefarious plan he is hatching. Please don't bore us with another play for Hope. Thomas is perfectly capable of having nannies raise Douglas like everyone else does. He doesn't want to actually see the kid, just get credit for it. Something inside him couldn't take it anymore. Ahh too bad, on to the next face book fad challenge or whatever
    valuable time wasters got Douglas away from him in the first place.

    1. Thomas could provide a nurturing environment? The same guy that involved douglas in lies and deception. so nurturing mean use use use.

    2. Steffy is getting annoying and is back to telling everyone what to do. Finn not being allowed to see his biological mother. Ridge should be with Taylor and now Thomas should have Douglas. Loved the little pun Ridge said about the gruesome pic of the toe. "It's hard to "bare" 😆

    3. What a nurturing environment Liam and Hope have provided where the young 'un could run off in the middle of the night and see grandma kissing 'Santa Klaus.' Then they turn around and try to manipulate him to lie about what he saw. And Liam who can't keep it in his pants and caused major upheaval in Douglas' 'happy home' after mommy asked him to leave. Then soon after that, he ended up in jail and Hope had to try to take care of the kids on her own. Yeah, perfect nurturing environment indeed!

      The point is that no home is perfect. Thomas has made mistakes but he has proven himself to be an excellent father since then. Hope has not questioned Thomas' ability to father Douglas once even though Brooke and Liam tried to question it. Hope's main concern, at least for now, is that Douglas will be uprooted from the home he has come to know.

    4. You said it. The nannies raise everyone's children on soaps. They only trot the kids out once in awhile on the holidays or if there's a sick kid or paternity storyline.

    5. Nannies aren't just on soaps. A lot of real-life kids who have rich or affluent parents, grow up with nannies as well.

    6. Once again it`s not important how this poor child was treated by his father, not to the Forresters. It`s about them hurting Hope in any way they can.
      Note that Ridge had little to say and the looks said it all, he doesn`t feel good about this idea.
      Booklover123 you certainly have the correct insight to this situation.
      There`s always a scam where it comes to Thomas and it probably will be another play for Hope.
      Perhaps he could have more time with Douglas once he proves himself to be up for it.
      The fact that Douglas asked his father whether he misses him doesn`t add up to I want to live with you, it means get to the stage where i might actually matter to you enough to spend some more time with me, doing fun things. Not take me away from my stable home environment, that Hope and Liam have lovingly provided.
      It`s a shame Steffy can`t mind her own business, she`s got her nose in her parents business, her brothers business, Brookes business, Hopes business. Imagine if she put this time into beingless less caustic and interfering and spent it with HER children rather than payed help looking after them so often.

  3. Yes time for Douglas to come home
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Douglas is home! Biology most certainly does not make a parent! And Hope is his legal mother. Thomas has been house hunting for how long now? He could buy his own home while still searching for his perfect home which doesn't exist anyway. He and Hope could share custody like most parents do, especially since they live close by. I am so sick and tired of Steffy, miss know it all LOL as if, trying to run everybody's life and tell them what's best for them, like someone said in an above comment. She always has a set of rules for her and her immediate family while having a different set of rules for everybody else. She needs to focus on her husband and kids since he finally came back to her. Also, Taylor can't buy her own house? She needs to get a life and just move out for God's sake! I can't wait until Ridge finds out that Taylor was spending time with Deacon LOL, though it's none of his business. Steffy continuously saying that Ridge needs to be with Taylor and the Forester family. Taylor is a Forester in name only just like Brooke. Otherwise eeewwww. Taylor is not a saint, and most of her recent decisions don't show the intelligence that she supposedly has as a psychiatrist. She's acting like a girl in puberty, maybe 13 or so. She needs to get a man of her own like her daughter finally did. Steffy keeps saying that Ridge would have a calmer, more what she calls normal life, but he does not really want to be with her, he always goes back to Brooke, and Steffy needs to butt out. Ridge should just tell her to shut up about that, and tell her if she doesn't, then he doesn't even want to talk to her, or just walk out of the room when she starts that BS

  4. I think it would be a big mistake for Thomas to try to raise Douglas. That poor boy has been through enough. Thomas just needs to spend more time with him right where he is at. Hopes place is his home and Beth is his little sister. Douglas will be all alone if he moves back in with Thomas. If Thomas cant spend more time with him now he wont if he lives with him either he will be too busy trying to win back Hope.
    Steffy needs to butt out of it. I see her selfish mouth hasnt changed at all. She is out to get the Logans. If she isnt careful Hope might steal her new husband too. Steffy needs to spend more time with her own kids not pawning them off on the sitter all the time. They are always with the sitter.

    1. Hope did not steal Liam from Steffy, actually it was the other way around. Steffy was always jealous of Hope and relentlessly pursued any man that Hope was really interested in, beginning with Oliver. She even manipulated Liam into marrying her the first time, which of course, he was stupid enough to fall for that crap all the time, and she continuously manipulated him to be with her, even playing the I'm pregnant card and interrupting Liam and Hopes wedding ceremony by telling him that, which Taylor pushed her to do of course.

    2. A wedding ceremony that Liam did not even want. That's why he willingly walked away from it.

  5. Well we had all of 5 minutes of Steffy focusing on her family with Finn, Kelly and Hayes. Now she is back to her obnoxiousness self demanding Ridge and Taylor reunite. And going on about how Hope has basically ‘served her purpose’ taking care of Douglas when Thomas wasn’t able to. But now Douglas needs to live with Thomas.
    Steffy’s approach is nasty and extremely one sided. She needs to dial it back X 50!! I’m so sick of her being the all-knowing expert on every topic. She is always pushing “The Forrester team.” It’s always an “us against them” theme with Steffy. Ugh!!!

    1. I agree with everything you said. It's not about Douglas for her at all. It's about you can't let the Logans win. I actually do think it's time for Douglas to live with Thomas, though, because Thomas and Douglas are both ready for it. It has nothing to do with anyone's rightful place.

      Hope and Thomas have done a disservice to Douglas by not having a plan in place, though. Hope knew Thomas was getting better. Did she really think Thomas was going to let Douglas live with Hope full-time permanently? I don't know why they can't split custody 50/50 like many other coparents who are no longer together. It's an inconvenience to both, yes, but it's the right thing to do and Douglas feeling safe, loved, and happy with both is worth it.

      Hope's non-biological relationship to him should have no bearing on that. It doesn't devalue their bond. I wish the rest of the Forresters would realize that while they have no problem treating Eric as their father/grandfather or Steffy feeling like Beth was her daughter or acknowledging the fact that Finn is Li's son. Biology doesn't matter for their relationships but with Hope/Douglas, it's supposed to make Hope a non-factor. Give me a break.

      Also, everyone but Thomas and Hope need to butt out of the convo imo, especially Taylor. She wasn't even there during all the times Thomas mistreated Douglas. Ridge was there and the majority of the time he refused to see it and left Douglas vulnerable to Thomas. Liam loves Douglas but let's not forget he was against Hope being his mother and gave her an ultimatum over it. Brooke is in her whatever Hope wants mode and Deacon has no business speaking on it at all. He's Hope's father but he is an interloper in this. I cannot take him seriously when he tries to portray a loving father. Does anyone else remember when he chose Quinn over Hope?

    2. I agree about Steffy being so demanding and obnoxious about things that have nothing to do with her. Also, having one, not so passionate kiss, in no way constitutes a makeout session. Steffy also, as was commented above, pitting the foresters and the Logan's against one another and insisting that Taylor is a real Forester when she is just a Forester my name like Brooke is makes her look stupid.

  6. i see bill and li coming together they are connected

    1. How come li not in jail? for hiding her son rich people never is held accountable.

  7. I never see Steffi, or ridge, or saint Taylor trying to spend time with Douglas. When have any of them sought him out to be part of what they were doing? The only time I can recall is after new years, and that was just so he could tell everyone about "the kiss". I could care less who the kid lives with, but the "foresters' have not been much of a family to Douglas.

  8. I think Thomas should take Douglas for the weekends for a while. As soon as Thomas finds a girlfriend, he will be more than happy to share Douglas with Hope.

    1. Well there we have... the general consensus appears to be that Hope and Liam are doing a fine job with Douglas and that Steffy needs to mind her own business.

  9. I'm trying to understand how Bill and Li are going to become a new couple when Li went on about her disgust about Jack's levels of deception and disrespect. So, Bill is an improvement? Bill, cheating-on-his-wife-with-her- sister-multiple-times, getting her sister pregnant Bill? Bill-sleeping-with-his-daughter-in-law Bill? Bill-punching-his-own-son-and-almost-killing-him-in-an-explosion Bill? It does not compute that Jack is the devil but Bill is better.

    1. Agree. I don't think Bill and linare a compatible match. I know there needs to be some new relationship storylines, but not between them

  10. I did not like Steffy's comment today about Hope raising Douglas when Thomas couldn't but now it's time for Thomas to take his son. It sounded a bit ungrateful. Thomas is trying to be sensitive to Hope's feelings. He knows he cannot just yank Douglas away.

    And I did not like Brooke's comment about Thomas either. She made it sound like Thomas couldn't possibly be a good father. She's always so judgemental.

    Thomas is Douglas' biological father and Hope is his legal mother. The discussion should be between the 2 of them. Forget the outsiders.

    1. I agree Ell, brook has absolutely no say to begin with.. and steffy did sound ungrateful.. I understand hope is going to struggle with this, because she does love Douglas like her own.. but she has to be realistic.. as I said below a transition period needs happen , rather than just yanking him away.. and then let him decide what he wants..

    2. Thomas mentioned today that it has to be what Douglas wants (I think it was Thomas).

  11. Well it’s obvious ridge is not happy about Thomas wanting to have his son live with him.. he is thinking about the Logan’s.. he should be encouraging Thomas, not trying to sway him not to.. I agree that they should not just take Douglas without some transitioning.. they should start with one week with Thomas and one week with hope, and just see how Douglas responds.. let Douglas lead the way.. Douglas will work out where he wants to be.. he has said multiple times in the past that he wants to live with his dad.. so I think a transition would help him decide and also make it easier for hope to get used to Douglas not being their all the time..

    I will give credit where it’s due, hope did take on the mother figure role when Douglas really needed her, and when Thomas had all those issues, which people might have forgotten that he had a brain tumour causing that for a long time.. clearly Thomas is now in a position to care for his son.. and clearly goulash is craving his dad.. hope should never have expected this day wouldn’t come.. she is stressed cause she can see Douglas wants his dad.. he could have read that chapter before bed, and even Liam looked at hope like really hope!! Liam would be rotting in prison if it wasn’t for Thomas.. so I think ridge should support his son..

    Having said that, I am soooo over the dialogue of steffy with the whole forrester thing.. the writers r way over doing it.. I am sure JMW is thinking, great I came back from mat leave early for more of this.. give it break writers..

    1. Colly, I am pretty sure I can remember - either late last year or earlier this year - Ridge telling Thomas that he should have his son with him full time. I could be wrong but I seem to remember there was a scene like that at some point.

      The only issue I have with Hope where Douglas is concerned is the fact that she manipulated Thomas into signing over the maternal rights to her. She pretended that she was interested in him and wanted a romantic dinner just so she could get him to sign the papers that she and Brooke had drawn up. I do think though that Douglas can benefit from living with his father. He always loved spending time with his dad and now, it seems he wants to spend even more time with him. I agree that there needs to be a transition period.

    2. Colly I agree with most of what you are saying, but hope is not just a mother figure, she is his legal mother on paper. And also they made it seem that Thomas went over the edge making love to the mannequin LOL because he hit his head when Liam punched him and he hit the table. But he had been exhibiting crazy obsessive behavior way before that, even when he set Rick's car on fire come and maybe even his house, I was working at the time and didn't get to watch it every day.

  12. Oops, not goulash 🤣🤣🤣 I meant Douglas

    1. Lol. I thought so. At first I was like "Eh?" 🤣🤣

  13. Some of you seem to forgotten the many, many, many times Thomas used and manipulated Douglas to win the favor of Hope. Those occurrences went on for months and months when Thomas was obsessed with Hope and trying to win her heart. He was not a loving father by any stretch. He exploited his son 100% to try and get Hope to be with him. And that behavior was not caused by some brain tumor. That behavior was going on when Thomas was perfectly fine. Or as “perfectly fine” as Thomas is capable of being. Hope stepped up when Thomas failed miserably. So now he doesn’t just get to swoop in and say “OK, thanks for raising my son for the last year plus, but I’m ready to take him back now.” The family courts do not work that way. There would be a formal evaluation of “fitness” on Thomas’s part, then most likely a 50 / 50 custodial split if Thomas can convince the judge he’s stable enough to raise his son. And Brooke has just as much of a right to have an opinion as anyone does.

  14. Steffy is sooo repetitive! Her scenes are becoming boring...Please give her some new lines...She's capable of so much more...

  15. oooh Bill and Li, i like it :D oh Brooke just relax, Douglas is not your child and neither is he Hope's child :D

  16. Don't think Bill and Li good match ... No. Deacon didn't tell anyone when Sheila pitched up on the run even hid her away when cops came to the door. Don't trust him and don't think Sheila is dead at all! Thanks Bob.

  17. I think I watch this show, so that I can complain about WHY I watch this show, because I cannot find any good reason WHY I WATCH THIS SHOW !!!
