Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-4-22 Full episode B&B 4th August 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-4-22 Full episode B&B 4th August 2022


  1. The only thing everyone cares about is steffy. That's nice but how about talking about something else. It's been over 5 minutes, so resume your me me me mem existance. Can we all say Sono Bello!? All that money has to be good for something. Everyone imaging steffy and finn's euphoria. boink boink boink we get it. Brooke busts Hope's little trick. Hope wants mommy and daddy together. Ridge says steffy some nerve, boink boink boink leaves us out! Humph. Sheila tried and she'll try again. Ridge just put the kybosh on his family "Sheila will never..." means she'll be at their door any tine now.
    Look how big my boobs are now! The key is wear 2 sizes too small and they gotta come out somewhere.

    1. Hope managing to flim-flam Brooke about the picture. She admits it's intentional for her own reasons. F' That you spoiled rotten brat, Hope. Brooke was waaay too easy on her. Come on! How about a slap or something. Taylor wants to rehash kissing with Ridge. She does all her touchy-feely every chance she gets, then acts surprised when he acts on it. Analyze this to death. Remind Ridge why he's so bored with her. Call Ridge, Brooke good idea. Get long distance feelys.
      Now Hope put the kybosh on Brooke and Ridge!
      "No one is ever going to come between you and Ridge." Asking the fates to intervene. Making it definate someone will.
      Soon steffy will get mad because Finn hasn't noticed how high they are. I'm squishing my boobs to death for you. The least you could do is say how remarkable they look! They are winched into place and getting uncomfortable at the bottom being forced upwards.

    2. Her boobalas are so big because she is breast feeding her most recent baby.

    3. Thank you Jannie, exactly… so tired of the nasty comments .

    4. I believe that dress is a bit too tight for Steffi. Why have they got her looking like a prostitute? And why does he keep looking like she just sucked on a lemon? You'd think she'd look a little happy since she just got her beloved husband back. Crackhead acting Taylor beboping around is ridiculous. Taylor never acted like a bubbly teenager before, and she needs a bra! Im also irritated how ridge keeps talking about what a great mother Taylor is. Hello, she wasn't even around for literal years. What a great mother. Hope is trifling. How many times do we have to hear how happy she is? She's just happy because Liam won't have to be a surrogate husband for steffy anymore. This

    5. Repetitive dialogue is soooo nauseating. Brooke always on about "my husband '. Your husband is an asshole and you would be better on your own. Let Taylor have him awhile, it's not like any relationship on soaps last more than 2 years tops.

  2. Unreal, Ridge! I hate this storyline of the back and forth!

  3. Brooke was not harsh on Hope, oh but if it were someone else, she would be blowing her top. Ridge, did not bother to notice that Brooke called. Talking about cut back, Bell should have had more storylines with other characters besides the Forrester's and Brooke and Hope.

    1. Anyone else and Brooke would have them burnt at the stake for interfering with her “destiny” 🤮

    2. Why would she burn her own daughter for wanting to have a moment with her , parents Steffy stay campaigning for her parents together but hope can't even post a damn picture with hers!! Ridge stay playing house with Taylor spending time as a family as his please but Brooke can't do the same for her daughter make it make sense please??

    3. "Make it make sense". Lmao!

  4. One more example why this Ridge and Taylor will never fill the shoes of the originals - Ridge "can't imagine what this feels like"?! Taylor came back from the dead... TWICE. Real Ridge not only can imagine, he could remember. They both could. Or at least if we had HT playing her role she could. But no, here the past doesn't exist, which is so sad. I could never get hooked on this show starting from now. It's the history those characters had that built it in my mind and heart. It was truly bold and beautiful, so exciting.

    1. Exactly! What an asinine comment to make. He has literally lived the exact thing that Steffy is going through right now and I remember that it took him a very long time to get over Taylor's "death" despite Brooke running after him every second of the day.

      The writers do not care about history, M.D. They completely wrote out the fact that Taylor was Ridge's one true love and turned it into Brooke being his destiny. If they can do that, everything else is simply fodder.

    2. Elle agree this rewriting history is sooo bloody annoying and cheapens the show. The writers probably weren’t even born let alone watched the back episodes to have backstory to what they write now. It’s insulting to fans and viewers!

  5. Hope couldn’t stand that Steffy and Finn were there being a family again, taking the spotlight from the Logans for 5 seconds! She absolutely meant to cause trouble between her mum and Ridge.

    She was clear today that she wants her family front and centre. Love how she made it about her and Liam and Beth , because she’s always in competition with Steffy. Seriously, let them have a second to enjoy being reunited before you try to make it all about you 🙄🙄.

    Brooke does want to spend time with Deacon, she just wants to do it without Ridge finding out.. oopsie 🙄🙄. Hope is such a bad liar, you did it on purpose. Don’t be surprised if that post is still up lol.

    Brooke is correct, she’s given Ridge every reason not to trust her. Ridge on the other hand is a tosser for leading Taylor on, again… she was right to ask him why he kissed her. He knows she loves him and it’s so wrong to keep playing on her feelings. Not to mention Ridge chose to back to his Hogan so… it’s on him.

    1. @BBfan101 I be curious what Ridge will say to Brooke this time, when he tells her he saw it.

    2. Me too. I was thinking that Brooke would have down that back in the day, posting pics of her and Ridge etc to cause trouble if social media and the internet had existed then 😂😂🙄.

      I mean Ridge did kiss Taylor but again, he’s living at the house with Brooke but I don’t get the feeling he’s back in her bed or committed to her yet. More of he is there taking care of her but still on the fence about their relationship. He still isn’t wearing his wedding band, that says a lot!!

    3. Maybe someone took a picture of Ridge kissing Taylor, that would be good fodder. He can claim momentary hornyness, and aw f'it. He resisted all that time they were together in steffy's house, now Monaco overwhelms him with romance, and all that steffy boobage pouring out was disconcerting. (Remember Ridge and Bridget.)

  6. Ah Taylor, "two friends too close" - this reverse psychology is a bit tired. One of the worst things about Ridge is all this dancing around him women do, while he's just standing there like a mute, watching them debase themselves.

    1. I thought she tried to being up a touchy subject with humour to make it less awkward.

    2. And that's the problem, Bbfan. Taylor keeps trying to be the goody, understanding, "always there when needed" person for Ridge and meanwhile, he takes advantage of it. He all but admitted to her that they were having a moment so he decided to kiss her. And her response? "Okay." Has she forgotten that he moved back in with his wife?

    3. All of Taylor's psychology is boring. I think Ridge quickly realizes that it would be sooooo boring with Taylor. I don't think the constant analyzing helps. Ridge did you know it is ok to date outside the family? Going back to anyone you already divorced is bad form, and suggests you are a lazy bum.

    4. @Bbfan101 the only reason it's touchy is because she has a man before her who can't ball up for years to make up his mind. Where is her dignity!

    5. The psycho analysis is a game with them, that was so clear! It was a joke 🙄🙄.

      MD I hate that Bell has reduced Taylor to a giggling school girl around Ridge too! It’s ridiculous! She deserves better and should have more self worth than to hang on Ridge’s every word and the crumbs of affection he drops. I’d love to see her find a good man and leave Ridge to his player self. He needs to grow up seriously, he’s still acting the same as he did on the first day of the show!

  7. I hope Ridge faces mommy Brooke and tell her it's over forever and ever. Brooke deserves Deacon and Deacon her..
    Baby Hope deserves to see her mother in the gutter.i think that Taylor will get Ridge back.

    1. Deacon is too nice to deserve Brooke. She’s a nasty piece is work. He’s deserves a better woman than that.

      Hope certainly hopes her mum’s marriage will implode which it will at some point because Brooke can’t help herself… it will be Deacon or some other fella will catch her eye. But Hope wants happy families 🙄🙄🙄.

    2. If somehow it comes out about ridge and taylor kissing, Brooke can always use that against him. Maybe Brooke and Taylor are hanging on so hard because they are hoping Ridge will get as feeble minded as his dad, and they can get $ome signatures on propertie$ or other funds.

    3. Taylor has her own money, always has, Brooke will gladly add to her piles of gold lol! She has made millions and millions as the ex wife lol!!

  8. I am ready for Finn & Steffy to learn that Sheila is missing again. They may delay their plans to go home if only Li had clued them in on crazy Sheila. Inquiring minds want to know who has the biggest scar from the bullet wounds created by Sheila.

  9. They would get plastic surgery there too. They must have beautiful bodies!

    1. Ohhhhh speaking of plastic surgery, isn’t that a soapy way to keep a character around with a new actor? Plastic surgery and apparently changed their voice box out too 😂🤣😂. Sheila should get a new face and come back.. maybe nanny Amelia would have an “accident” and new face Sheila comes in as nanny to Hayes?? A wee bit of hand that rocks the cradle vibe”? Lol

  10. I don't get why Steffy isn't angry at Li for keeping Finn hidden and letting her-- and everyone else-- believe he was dead. Li should not just be let off the hook for her deception, IMO.

    1. I thought the same. It looked like Li was somehow blaming his life with Steffy for the shooting (before she knew about Sheila) and like she didn't want him to get it back, but stay with her. I think Steffy will get there to confront her or Li will be first to bring it up and apologize for it.

    2. Agreed! Steffy needs to call Li out on what she did.

    3. Steffy is very angry with Li. She’s pushing it down for Finn at the moment but it will boil over once they are home! Li never should have kept the truth from Steffy. She would have wanted to protect Finn too. It’s horrid to put her through that!

  11. I mean, I get that Steffy is grateful to Li for keeping Finn alive. But if I was her, I would be both grateful to *and* angry with Li at the same time. I think anybody would.

  12. Hope knew what she was doing.. that’s so obvious.. I think her nose was put out of joint a few episodes ago when she walked in and her big Awwwwwww moment, and ridge hit her with the , a bit of notice would be good,after brook said you r welcome anytime, in other words, no more just walking in when u want, she didn’t like that, then when he hit her about deacon, about not trusting him about Sheila and most of all keeping him away from ALL the people he loves.. she was not not happy about that at all.. I think she has realised that it’s not that good having ridge back after all.. but who can blame him where brook is concerned..

    Ridge is now removing on his kiss to Taylor, but the second he finds out she is hanging out with deacon, boom, it will be a different story then.. bye bye brook!! I don’t think steffy will b headed home once they find out about Sheila.. I love deacon, but gotta say, I was not impressed he didn’t hand Sheila over.. I know he was worried about his probation, but, all he had to do is say she just turned up right as they knocked on the door.. they would have believed him due to the time frame that they were chasing her, and the ca t he let them in.. Taylor won’t b happy when she finds out, and she will.. that will give ridge more ammunition against him.. she will still b at deacons when he gets back and I bet hope catches her there!!

    1. Colly, my mind went back to that same scene when Hope posted the photo. It was very clear back then that she did not like the things Ridge said to her and her mom that day. I like the fact that Hope is "fighting" back. It's about time they gave her character some development. This actress is my favorite 'Hope' actress thus far.

  13. And this is another thing about Ridge that he always pulls off - double standard. Even if it comes out that he kissed Taylor, it won't be nearly as big a deal as Brooke and Deacon, even though he wanted it, wasn't drunk and does not regret it one bit (and he shouldn't! If he wants to be with her, just be finally, don't go to daddy's for months to think - you're 60+!). With them it's "two relieved parents having a moment". Does Brooke get to forbid him from being in the same room as Taylor? Of course not. Nothing she did was fine, but he is worse, always has been.

    1. Ridge was ALWAYS a playboy!! He always has more than one woman all the time. Being married never changed that long. RM was a complete twat and played the character that way. TK has given him some humanity and humour but essentially Ridge is still the player he was from the very first episode!! That has never changed. Brooke and Taylor both know it.

      It does make me cross that Bell Jr has made all the females on the show needy women who accept the crumbs men throw them while putting up with constant cheating and men with no bullocks!

      I’d like to see Taylor and Brooke both give Ridge the heave and find completely different men to be with.

  14. Where did Ridges black eye come from? I noticed it yesterday but today you could really see it!😳

  15. Can we get back to the business of fashion? I like to see the Forresters earning their living.

    1. Old fan, I miss seeing Forresters at Forrester, it’s always Logans lol!

      I miss the old industrial espionage, epic fashion duels, snappy dialogue, etc of the old days too. Bell Jr has ruined so much of what made B&B fun to watch. Add rewriting history all the time and repetitive dialogue, recycles storylines and lazy writing… bring back B&B!!!

  16. Brooke has been nothing but supportive and excited regarding this Finn / Steffy reunion. Many wives would definitely push back on the idea of their husband going off to France with his ex (who is clearly still interested in Ridge), but Brooke has been 100% supportive and has given Ridge his space and then some!! Brooke had nothing to do with Deacon showing up at Forrester and said in an annoyed voice….”Deacon, what are you doing here??!!”
    And Brooke can sit at Ridge’s desk anytime she feels like it!!
    She broke her foot in real life so clearly they have her sitting down in all the scenes so she doesn’t have to put weight on it!! Give KKL a dang break!
    Taylor and Ridge’s little touchy feely garbage that’s been going on the whole time in France is beyond inappropriate! And Taylor TOTALLY wanted Ridge to see that pic Hope posted. Taylor is still so desperately hoping Ridge picks her. And someone mentioned earlier….”what’s all those crazy, ridiculous exaggerated moves Taylor keeps doing???” Yes, what the heck is that about??? She looks like she is having some epileptic fit!! You look completely ridiculous Taylor. Even Ridge asked you to stop “dancing”!!! 😂😂😂😂
    Ridge is the biggest damn hypocrite I have ever seen and I hope Brooke kicks his butt to the curb post haste!!! How dare him get mad about a stupid pic that he knows nothing about when he been playing house with Taylor for the past couple of days!! Ridge, you need a good dose of karma to hit you in the head!!
    Now on to Hope….I don’t think she had any ulterior motive. I think she genuinely did what she said she did and for the reasons she said she did it. She posted a pic of her family after seeing the Steffy family picture.
    Oh and Steffy, you don’t have to wear dresses that are 2 sizes too small so your boobs pop out like some prostitute! Dial it back girlfriend! Your whole slutty black get-up while you were in the “worst possible depression” was laughable at best! Absolutely no one gets all decked out and stands there posing like some runway model when they are experiencing severe depression! No one! And lastly, the scarf and your attempt at the Garanimals mix and match patterns wasn’t working for you, Steffy. You looked ridiculous in that scarf!
    I am soooooo proud of Brooke for the way she has handled herself through all this. Now kick Ridge’s hypocritical butt to the curb!!!!

    1. Of course Brooke is thrilled for Steffy and Finn, it solves her two biggest worries!!! If Finn and Steffy are back together and happy she doesn’t have to worry about all the time Liam was spending being a father to Kelly for a change … and being supportive to Hayes and Steffy. Hope can breathe easier too on the account, she is always telling everyone how perfect her marriage is because she’s totally insecure. When you steal your husband from his wife and child you are always looking over your shoulder.

      Secondly, and more importantly for Brooke, Ridge no longer has the excuse of being there for Steffy or helping each other through grief and trauma to spend tonnes of alone time with Taylor.

      Brooke knows her marriage is currently the most fragile détente and after Hope posting her parent photo even that is up in the air. She is well aware that Ridge doesn’t trust her and why.

      Of course KKL needs to be sitting with her foot propped after her injury and surgery. But she doesn’t need to be at the CEO desk ffs. Bell has her holding court at Forrester like she owns the place, she doesn’t! Sitting around the conference table is fine, Bell was making a point having her using Ridge and Steffy’s office and chair like it’s hers.

      Hope isn’t some innocent young lass who doesn’t understand the implications of her post and was fully aware when she made it. She was jealous of the attention Steffy’s family was getting and cross at Ridge for saying her father was banned from her life. She wanted to show everyone her happy family and let Ridge know she wasn’t going to let him dictate her life.

      Hope isn’t some idiot, she’s not the brightest but I don’t for a second believe the story she gave Brooke. The writers made sure to let us know she was lying to her mum about why and AK definitely expressed that in the way she played the scenes.

      I think Steffy’s Dolce and Gabbana ensemble is stunning and she looks amazing. Very Audrey Hepburn and suits her. No she didn’t sit around in track suits with unwashed hair screaming at everyone how unfair it is and making everyone else miserable like Hope did.

      Everyone grieves differently. As Co-CEO of a multinational fashion house and fashionista I never expected her to wander around looking like a frump. That wouldn’t be realistic at all either. Be fair, we know B&B makes NO effort to keep things realistic or true to life in any way. We all know your thoughts on the actress and her looks. She’s a breastfeeding mother so her breasts will be overflowing anything she wears if it isn’t the frumpy type Hope wears.

      I don’t expect Steffy to be jumping for joy. She’s got mixed emotions and rightly so. She is furious about Li keeping Finn’s being alive from her. Finn has been justifying her behaviour because he knows it put his wife through unnecessary torture. Steffy is still processing the horror of watching Finn “die” and being shot by Sheila when she tried to call emergency services to save Finn. Add to that months of depression and not even being able to say goodbye and the SHOCK of her husband suddenly being alive! Of course she is still processing, she’s happy but dealing with all the rest at the same time, not to mention her children! So JMW is playing this perfectly.

    2. I’ll tell you what BBFAN, let’s not reply on each other’s posts. I let your comments stand without replying to them. You need to do the same for mine. I am completely uninterested in the back and forth banter on this blog. Don’t reply on my comments and I won’t reply on yours. You feel the need to correct pretty much everyone who comments who doesn’t agree with you. And I’m extremely tired of seeing your arguments. Everyone of my comments stand as is.

    3. Yeah girl! I usually skip over certain bloggers posts, because they're way too long and they feel the need to "correct" other people's opinions, which is just shitty on so many levels. We don't all have to agree!! I post stuff to note my observations, not to argue and fight with some troll over a fictional show!

    4. Hilary, I left the blog because the arguing (which I used to participate in) was actually causing me personal stress. I just want to be able to say what I believe without all the dissenters telling me I’m wrong. I’m over it. We all have a right to our own opinions.

    5. And the truth is….just like politics and religion….no one is changing anyone’s mind anyway! Lol. 😂

    6. Expressing an opinion that is different than yours isn’t correcting… all of us are entitled to our opinions. I’m expressing mine and I do my best to be respectful of other posters. I don’t appreciate be told I’m not allowed to say anything regarding your take on the show. I’m not trolling. The point of the blog is to dialogue.

      I’m glad your back, the banter makes the show more interesting.

    7. It’s all in the approach, BBFAN, and you have the need to get the last word and “straighten everyone out” that doesn’t agree with your opinion of the Logans. I used to get into pissing matches with you on this blog almost daily. I am not gonna play that game with you anymore. I am asking you respectfully not to reply to my comments. If you insist on arguing with my comments in a “reply” mode, then I don’t think you’re going to end up liking what I will say back. So if you want to roll those dice, we are most likely going to have some nasty interactions. You are far too much of a “know it all” when it comes to this show. And that approach does not sit well with me.

  17. Im loving that outfit taylor has on and that dress with scarf that steffy is wearing. Can hardly wait till they all go home and see whhat ridge is gonna say to brook this time all because of the pic with herand decon together that hope took. You could see hope waa clearly upset about having to remove the post ñbhi felt horrible for her and brook should have not made her remove it what ridge iis gonna do or say

    1. I meant to say i cant wait to see what ridge is gonna do or say to brook over the pic and that it looked like hope was really hurt by brook making her take down her pic post. I felt really bad for her even tho im in no way a hope fan or brook lover for that matter. #teamsteffyforrester

  18. I am sure Taylor wasn't sitting around all these years as a hermit. I would love to see a guy from her past come and Brooke takes him and let Ridge have Taylor. They deserve each other her whinny azz and his thinking he's Gods gift to women. For a therapist she is one dum dr.
