Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-3-22 Full episode B&B 3rd August 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-3-22 Full episode B&B 3rd August 2022


  1. please replace 9/26/19 on this blog

    1. Hey Ridge and Taylor, Beat it, nosy nancys. Taylor wants to say this is so romantic like a soap opera. Taylor clings tighter than ever to ridge. if they got shot right now the comingled dna would confuse the nincompoop cops. Let's all talk about who is happy for whom. Ridge finally gets the hint- get out! GET OUT!!! Go somewhere and talk about how happy they are. Somewhere else. Taylor "super funny" with her lackluster play on words. (steffy) Our girl is ok, touch touch touch ridge, why don't you taylor, any excuse. The parental involvement should be over now. go home Ridge and taylor.
      Hope says lets take a picture( to throw in ridge's face.) Ridge will love brooke and deacon's closeness. Hey he's in my office at forrester! that &#$%@&! Taylor pretends to hide the photo, makes sure he sees it. Well we can't all be happy. Hope is kinda a b*tch causing trouble. make ridge jealous. Taylor pretends she didn't mean to show the picture with a bunch of bs I shouldn't have... ridge says he's so proud of...his breed sow. Cringe making.
      Steffy wearing nesting doll scarf on her head. What's next? will she stomp grapes? So so in love, until the next guy.

    2. Hope's little plan will backfire on her mom. Ridge wants to make more kids, so he cozy's up to Taylor whom he's proud of making kids with. Real romantic, good for your "fertility production" You were there for steffy. You're still a good workhorse. This is the dude they are fighting over? Touchy touchy ridge thinks what the hell I might as well go for it. Taylor takes anything of mr F she can get.

    3. Book why are you always on about Steffy and next guy?? She made a mistake get over it. Brooke and Hope have both made many but it’s okay.

      Steffy doesn’t want and isn’t looking at anyone but her husband! Her outfit today is stunning!! She’s got that Italian movie star look going on… tres chic!

    4. Book am pretty sure Steffy is wearing Dolce and Gabbana Blue Majolica collection dress and scarf there! Stunning!

  2. Hope is a dope. Shame on Ridge for not calling "his Logan" and asking some why she is with Deacon. Never assume. (We all know how to spell it:. ASS U ME)...

    1. yeah but its all good you could feel something was going to happen between taylor and ridge for a few days now...hopefully now he just realizes brooke will never just be his logan and he will stay with taylor. brooke should of known better than to take a picture and then hope to post to soical media ok that was smart

    2. Agree. Brooke’s long history hasn’t disappeared and Ridge hasn’t put that wedding ring back on yet! Ridge being home isn’t the same as him being all in with Logan. Clearly he doesn’t trust her and she’s given him a million reasons not to over the years.

      I’m sure Bell will make sure Brooke gets her destiny back πŸ™„πŸ™„.

      I had to laugh at Hope whining about it being her and Liam πŸ₯±πŸ₯±.

      Anyone else wonder why Brooke is just hanging out in the CEO seat since she’s NOT one of the Co-CEO’s?? Seriously Hope, Brooke and Katie treat it like their office lol. Ridge and Steffy need to show them the door and remind them they have their own office lol. Not sure what Brooke does around Forrester other than glom onto Ridge and put her nose in everyone’s business.

      Steffy and Finn are soooo lovely together, happy to see those rings back where they belong! The bairns are too sweet too.

      Taylor, don’t fall for Ridge, again. He needs to stop kissing her. He chose his Logan cheating wife and needs to deal with whatever she does. Let Taylor move on and be happy. He’s being so selfish.

    3. Yes, that was funny when Hope got possessive with "owning," destiny. How needy and insecure do you have to be that you insist on every one else believing your destiny. Needy clingy cringe making harpie. It's really Hope's fault about posting that picture. Anyone else doing that would look like they were executing a dirty trick Brooke has to be a lot more aware now that Forre$ter is actually up for grab$. She's looking older and has to secure any money she can get. Hope you deserve all the visiting Brooke does when she's on the outs with Ridge. Haha backfire, Hope!

    4. I agree, BL. I cannot put this on Brooke. She did nothing wrong. This was all Hope!

    5. But what I don't get it's ok for Ridge to be all cozy with his children mom ,but hope post a picture with her parents and it's the ultimate crime . Ridge don't deserve any of those women and he will go right back to lovey dovey with Brooke! Ridge is just a bias ass.

    6. I made a comment, Dezzi, when Ridge left LA to go to Monaco with Taylor, where I stated that Brooke has to basically kowtow to what Ridge wants where Deacon is concerned but he is free to travel with Taylor to another country and spend all of that one on one time with her.

      I believe that, as Ridge's wife, Brooke has to show him respect where Deacon or any other man is concerned. The way she disregarded Ridge's feelings about Deacon being in their home and in their lives was totally wrong. But on some level, Ridge has to show the same respect for his wife. He needs to stop being so touchy feely with Taylor all the time. Boundaries should be instituted and observed.

  3. Taylor couldn't wait to show that pic...smh...too bad in the end Ridge will still choose Logan...

    1. maybe not or lets hope not...why drag us taylor and ridge hopefuls through this again. i used to fight for brooke and ridge but not so much anymore i think he belongs with taylor who truly loves just him even after all these years she is so in love with him

    2. There should have been no photo to show him! Hope also posted it on Taylor’s thread knowing she and Ridge are there together! She wanted Ridge to see it. It’s not Taylor’s fault Hope posted it! At least she was honest with Ridge… and showed him what was there. Fair play, she tried to put him off the photo but he wasn’t having it.

    3. Taylor did such a fake job of not showing the post/picture! She couldn't have played Ridge more! She did exactly what was needed to arouse Ridge's interest in the picture. He probably deserves it in the long run for his own cheating.

    4. I'd like to see Brooke rail at Hope for her thoughtless posting. Brooke would have to be suspicious she did that on purpose.

    5. @BBfan101 What was up with sneaky little Hope with her taking a picture and sending it to Taylor. Did she do deliberately or was she exacted in the moment and didn't think about what she was doing? Anyway, it made Ridge want to kiss Taylor. Now, the spoilers say that Brooke will be concern when she finds out she sent the picture to Taylor and has a talk with her, really what good will it do now Brooke is far away and Brooke can't make any excuses. Brooke's faithfulness and honesty doesn't last long she ends up screwing up.

    6. @Me, I thought Ridge already chose his Logan? Stop blaming Taylor for this. It was all Hope. Or did you not see the caption that Hope posted below the photo? "Mom and Dad together"????? Really Hope?

    7. Elizabeth, Hope has always been sneaky lol she acts like she’s so innocent, not so much lol! I agree it was deliberate on her part for sure. End of the day Brooke is a serial cheater and Ridge can’t ever trust her. He needs to stop hurting Taylor though! She’s a million times the woman Brooke could ever be and doesn’t deserve to be treated like a toy.


    8. @BBfan101 I agree with you he does need to stop hurting Taylor, but then again Bradley Bell, always makes Ridge to do so. If I were living in the states, I would love to go knock some sense into the mans head.

    9. Taylor use that photo as an opportunity to get her way with Ridge because she know she is always ridge rebound. She be nothing but a rebound zero class , I am starting to lose respect for her basically there picking all ridge left over lol ..

  4. Look at Brooke in Steffys chair!!

  5. bandb you are killing me. i have cried 3 days now over this storyline. this is one that will definitly always be not one who smiles alot but today im sitting and watching it and realized i was sitting there with a smile ear to ear im just so happy for them it was an awesome storyline

  6. and one more thing if i could have a baby and in 2 months time look like steffy i would of had alot more kids..i only gained 22 pounds when i was pregnant and lost 12 of it after i had my son but it still took a good 3 to 6 months to actually look good in tight clothes again. steffy looks better now than before pregnancy well done

    1. JMW does look amazing ! Motherhood definitely agrees with her!

    2. She has every kind of lazer and celebrity weight loss thing available- look at Adele- 3 months 80 pounds!

  7. Hope couldn’t let Steffy and Finn just be there. She posts a photo saying, “Mom and Dad together!” and posts it on social media?? Especially knowing how Ridge feels about Deacon? It’s like she wanted him to see her mum and da together. I think Hope is still cross about Deacon being banned and is thumbing her nose at Ridge.

    1. That's what I got too, BBfan. Hope is up to something. It's now her turn to want her parents back together and what a way to sabotage the newly reunited Bridge.

  8. Great scenes today with Finn and Steffy. Jacqueline MacInnes Wood just had a baby and she looks amazing! WOW! I want to know who's her fitness trainer, lol. That Brooke and Ridge reunion didn't last long. He's back to lip locking with Taylor again. Hope can act innocent all she wants but she's a little trouble maker. She knew what she was doing when she posted that picture of Brooke and Deacon together on social media.

  9. wow really. ridge is such a hipocrite. he got mad cause he saw the picture of hope ,brooke and deacon.
    and deacon standing beside brooke.but then ridge goes and kisses taylor. atleast brooke and deacon were'nt kissing .

    1. Ridge is such a jerk. He and Taylor have had their hands all over each other during the whole trip. If Brooke has to stay away from Deacon, Ridge should have to stay away from Taylor. Brooke and Deacon share a child the same way Ridge and Taylor share children. Ridge is a control freak the same way his mother, Stephanie was.

    2. Joy Ridge and Taylor were married when they made their three children. They went through the loss of Pheobe together.

      Brooke had a long affair her daughter Bridget’s husband and conceived Hope. Brooke always pretended that Deacon took advantage of her and that it was all him. She pursued him and told him she loved him, she was upset when he left because he didn’t want to hurt Bridget anymore. Ridge hated Deacon for decades because Brooke lied to everyone including Hope about her relationship with Deacon. She made herself the victim of this monster and Ridge and everyone else believed her.

      Brooke has a history of running to her exes and sleeping with them every time she doesn’t get her own way.

      That doesn’t make what Ridge is doing right, he’s being a complete bastard the way he’s all over Taylor. He can’t trust Brooke, so be a man and end it! Stop flip flopping between women. If you’re home again, then put your bloody wedding ring back on and start acting like a married man not the playboy you always were.

      Taylor needs to wise up and tell him to quit messing her about. Go back to his slapper wife and be coparents for their children but set some boundaries.

  10. Hope wants her mommy and daddy together. These people never grow up or think anything past what is the next thing they want . Steffy looks terrific but come on~! Look at all the hefty actresses who get suddenly 80-90 pounds less. Rebel Wilson, Mccarthy (mike and molly) Adele, Honey do-do's mom, .by means of sono belo and whatever pills are the newest go-to. they lie like rugs and say diet and exercise. Yeah, riiight.

    1. Actually as somebody who lost over 100 kilos working out and doing Keto it’s totally possible to do!

      JMW has a video of her working out at her home gym… totally see how she looks that way… hard work.

    2. I lost 20 lbs in one month just on diet and exercise alone.

    3. Elle what was the diet? And what was the exercise? I'm happy for you πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. @M.D The dietitian had me add more fibre, fruit and veggies to my meals. I also ate smaller portions more frequently rather than larger portions 3 times a day. I walked 6000 steps daily and also did cardio at home 4 days a week.

    5. Thank you Elle. That confirms my intention to speak to a nutritionist myself. Been struggling alone with weight for 15 years. You keep up the good work πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

    6. I had to do it for health reasons and I'm really glad that I did. We have some really great ladies in here too. Feel free to reach out. I'm always here if you need and I know that Colly is a great resource as well.

      All the best! πŸ€—πŸ€—

  11. Really Ridge? Were you just looking for any excuse to run back to Taylor? Then why did you move back in with your wife?

    Taylor, please leave that man alone! You're too good for him.

    Hope, you're a bad bad girl. What are you up to?

  12. I like that Steffy hasn't gone back to bubbling over with happiness. She's happy but it's tinged with sadness for the grief she suffered and disbelief that she's got her life back. I think JMW is playing it just right. But, designer or not, I'm not a fan of the scarf.

    1. Looking at the backdrop etc I think it’s a nod to Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, etc. and the lovely old films made in Monte Carlo.

  13. Oh puleeze ridge there ya go again.. leading taylor on again by kissing her after yousee the new pic of brook deacon and hope yet we all know soon as you get back home you will run straight back to brooks yet agaijn and allow her again to get away with her behaviors.. IM SOOO HAPPY FOR STEPHY FINN AND THE KIDS AND LI. THANK GOD THEY DIDNT KILL FINN OFF THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A HUGE WASTE OF TIME FOR FANS TO HAVE PUT HER WITH A NEW LOVE JUST TO TAKE HIM AWAY LIKE THAT

  14. Worst thing Taylor could have done was to post that pic. That will get Sheila going on another rampage. And Brook will be to blame. If she had of told Ridge Sheila was on the loose Taylor wouldn't have done it . Sorry, I think all the comments here lately are just bashing and not many comments on the way this story line could go. Cheers

  15. Hope instigated that and Taylor took full advantage of the opportunity. Crazy that she doesn’t mind being someone’s second choice. Still can’t stand the actress’s portrayal of Taylor. What’s with all her unnecessary body movements- hands in her pockets with shoulders pulled up to her ears, fidgety, etc. She doesn’t carry herself very confidently.

    1. HT Taylor was much better. She was badass!

    2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    3. I feel the same about Taylor. I miss Hunter so much! Not only her portrayal of the role itself - with so much dignity, more proper psychologist voice, but even more her unbeatable chemistry with Brooke. You could see in her every move the history and exactly what events, what memories made her who she is and say what she says. She could reference the past with authority because she really did "live" it. #bringhunterback

    4. With this Taylor I always have the feeling I know her much better than she knows "herself" and that shouldn't be. Krista couldn't have possibly watched all Taylor's appearances and even if - felt with the character for so long as us.

    5. That's true, M.D. Hunter and Katherine were magical together. They quite often played off each other in their scenes. I agree that Krista maybe needs to watch and learn more of who Taylor Hayes Forrester was in order to emulate the character better.

  16. Finn Again πŸ˜… I can't help but LOL when anybody here says "forever" - they've all been married and divorced 10 times by the time they are in their 30s.

    Ridge should stop toying with Taylor if he won't finally commit to her. What a brat of 60+ 🀦🏻‍♀️🀦🏻‍♀️🀦🏻‍♀️ I hope once (if) he confesses them kisses to Brooke, she dumps him. Everyone here blames one woman or other but the truth is he is the one who is playing with them for decades.

  17. why are all the women in this soap so pathetic and/or dumb. i mean how dumb did you have to be to be in that picture w/ Deacon. I know she's from the older generation but seriously... she's on social media. that's how she saw Taylor's photo.

    And Taylor. You're super hot. You're a doctor. You got lots and lots of money. Yet the only thing you can do is sloppy seconds w/ this guy who's been yanking your chain for years! fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice...

    And Hope. Are you dippy? I have a hard time believing she's clever enough to be getting revenge. but da f*ck?

    and don't get me started on Deacon. Do you miss jail? Is that what it is? You're bigger than her. You should never lay your hands on a woman but you have every right to push her out of your home. No one would blame you for it. How do you know she didn't bring a gun w/ her? She seems to be very good at getting her hands on them. She loves to use them. Does he think he's special? That lunatic can justify shooting her own son and his wife. Why wouldn't she shoot you? She shot her husband's mom. Everyone that crosses her she pulls a gun on. It's a 20 year pattern.

    1. did i say clever enough to get revenge? i don't think Hope's the vengeful type. Far too goody goody. She forgave Thomas and he tried to rape her and lied about her daughter being alive. I'm not that forgiving. I mean I wouldn't be mean b/c that takes energy but I wouldn't want to be working with the guy every day all day long either. She's super forgiving.

    2. Love your post and I totally agree! Hope can be vengeful. We've seen it in the past but she does not do vengeance in an evil way. She does it quite underhanded. It's one thing to want to have a photo of your mom and dad together but to post it on social media with the caption "mom and dad together" knowing full well how Ridge feels about her parents being in the same room together, much less for a photo - methinks Hope is getting back at Ridge for his treatment of her father.

    3. she hurt her mom, too at the same time. a little oblivious if you ask me. maybe it was on purpose.

    4. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  18. Wow! Ridge is such a hypocrite! When will these writers stop making an accomplished psychiatrist be so weak and pathetic at the hands of a man like Ridge. This storyline is ridiculous, Taylor needs psychological help at this point.

  19. Ugh, let's take selfies🀒🀒
