Friday, August 5, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-5-22 Full episode B&B 5th August 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-5-22 Full episode B&B 5th August 2022


  1. That scene where Ridge was being affectionate with Brooke, but looking at Taylor was awk-ward! 😬

  2. Let's all focus on Steffy and Finn. That is all of us who can't think of anything else but milking their storyline. Carter and Quinn a welcome relief from all the Forresters obsessing. ok too romantic barf NEXT! Hope trying to find out if Ridge has told Brooke the one way rules of his whom you can kiss with impunity. (It's different when Ridge does it.) Hope makes posting the photo not her fault somehow? Both Brooke and Taylor obsessing about Ridge all these years is so old, his flip flopping. All they want is the ultimate win. They'll never have it because he will always vacillate, and bore viewers to death. Go with one and yet another wedding, shortly after want the other one. Boy oh Boy it pays to be rich.

    1. @Booklover 123 Today, was a great change of pace a little with having another storyline. You are right, Brooke and Taylor's desiring for Ridge is so old, but Bradley Bell won't kill his love triangle stories he likes them just the way they are, I'm surprise how this soap is still surviving with these love triangle repeated stories.

  3. Now Steffy looked Steffy today
    Baby Hayes loves his mom thank you Bob xxxx

  4. Quinn and Carter must have the MOST boring sex if Quinn’s makeup is still perfectly applied - not a smudge in sight!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. D if u see this , I have been emailing u, from that thread that we worked out, r u getting them??

  5. please replace 9-26-19 on this blog

  6. How is Deacon even allowed to just walk in that house, considering Ridge has supposedly put tons of security. And even if by some miracle they do allow him, aren't they giving the boss a report of who came and went?
    Btw the Deacon actor is also ageless beauty πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
    And nobody bothered to clean up Steffy's house while she was away 🀦🏻‍♀️

    1. Don't forget Thomas has been living at Steffy's house. Speaking of Thomas, I read where the actor who plays his son, Douglas, will be replaced this week with another actor. I will miss the "old" Douglas as he is a great actor & a special young man.

    2. Maybe because he's Hope's dad, he is allowed. 🀷🏻‍♀️

    3. Oh no, I love the wee fella that plays Douglas, he’s so talented. I guess they are going to SORAS him like they did Kelly.

      I’m glad Thomas is going to fight to get his son back home where he belongs. Especially since Hope manipulated him into signing over Douglas.

  7. Taylor have no shame like seriously , why would a beautiful be doing this to herself Ridge doesn't deserve her at all! You just make out with the woman husband and at her home smiling in her face , that's nuts!

    1. I found that scene to be very awkward as well. Why did Ridge even take her to his home? First of all, his excuse about giving Finn and Steffy alone time is crap. The house is huge AND there's also the guest house. Taylor doesn't have to be in their way.

      Secondly, you are correct. Taylor was making out with Ridge not too long ago and now she's standing in their living room. I'm not a Brooke fan but, as a woman, Taylor needed to show Brooke some respect. That's usually Brooke's MO to make out with and sleep with other women's husband's.

      I don't like Deacon for Taylor but at this point, I wish he could whisk Taylor away so that she can get away from Ridge and move on!

    2. Elle, that was in poor taste. Ridge’s face too, he looks like he didn’t want to be there. Why would he bring Taylor over, especially knowing that she and Brooke don’t get on? It feels like he’s rubbing in her face that he can be with his ex but Brooke cannot. It’s low on Ridge’s part. Bell is a tosser turning strong women into simpering girls, that vie for crumbs from a man that shows neither of them any respect.

      I’m not a fan of Brooke, but that is so far out of order. She needs to throw Ridge to the curb. Taylor needs to walk far away too!

    3. I agree all!! Was not happy about what Taylor let happen.. and u r right Ell, that’s usually brooks MO.. I don’t like brook either but that was disrespectful to brook.. ridge is an a*#hole, and does not deserve either woman.. but this is what the writers do.. so over it..

  8. Loved seeing Quinn and Carter. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I want more!

    1. Me too they are delightful together!

    2. Yes, love Quinn and carter!! I love the humour in their relationship!! Carter didn’t have that with Zoe or paris and Quinn didn’t have that with Eric.. I think, like Quinn said, she can just b her true self with carter , without having to worry about upsetting the forresters or anyone else.. I just hope the writers let them stay together for a while!!

  9. I think what hope did was very wrong, and purposeful.. I also think she sneakily told hdeacon to come to the house while ridge was not there, because she knows deacon is not allowed to step foot on that property including the cabin.. but what confused me was that, brook should have told him to leave immediately and she didn’t.. she let him stay, but told him he couldn’t b there when ridge got home.. she told ridge that she stopped him coming over for good.. that he would never been in hers and ridges home ever again.. no it wasn’t her fault he came unannounced, but she should have sent him on his way, but instead says , am I being paranoid?? What was that all about..

    This all hope stirring trouble to get her parents back together.. if she wants a relationship with him and wants him to come over, then cut the umbilical cord hope, and grow up and be a mature adult and find your own home, it’s not like she and Liam can’t afford it.. I am not a ridge fan, at all, but brook was the one who said deacon can’t come over to “their house”, in a bid to get ridge back, so she should stay true to her word.. so even though this was sneaky little hope, brook should have seen through it, when deacon said he heard through the grapevine and pointed to hope, that ridge wasn’t home.. so it’s clear what hope is up to and brook should stay true to her word , considering she used that to get ridge back.. Taylor said, well played brook, when deacon told Taylor she banned him from the property.. so stick to it brook..

    What’s the bet ridge checks the cameras to see if he came over, and catches them out!! Very dissapointed in Taylor.. she should not have let ridge kiss her.. that was as bad as what brook would do.. he was back with brook, and even though they were not fully recommitted, they had taken the first steps, it wasn’t just to care for brooks ankle… even though ridge initiated the kiss, Taylor should have backed away… she knows it ridges MO to run to her and kiss her when brook dissapointed him, so she should have stood her ground..

  10. But at the same time, I do feel for hope that she can’t even have a family photo.. no matter how old u r, family is the most important thing to u, and especially when u have your own kids and hope should be allowed to have that, time with both her parents.. I get why ridge is untrusting, but brook should have come to some understanding with ridge that perhaps deacon is not welcome at their home, but outside of that, hope should be allowed to have some memories and family time..

  11. Bob please could you repair all august episodes?
