Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-6-22 Full episode B&B 6th December 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-6-22 Full episode B&B 6th December 2022


  1. Great episode today. Hope did an awesome job speaking her mind to Thomas. Also, glad to see some major movement with regards to Sheila's storyline.

    1. True Renee, Hope was 10/10 πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

    2. Hope said, Thomas how can you show your face around here after what you've done? Thomas is dying to say, Can you be more specific? How do I know which thing you are talking about? Sheila should just move OUT.& solve deacon's problem. .Sheila said she had money. Sheila looks like lori loughlin as a blonde.

    3. I love the dynamic between Thomas and Hope. Now, if only we can see him give back to her what she gave to him today, that would be golden. I'm sure they would be on πŸ”₯!

    4. What would he “give back to her??” This is 100% on him just like Hope and everyone else has told Thomas! He’d do better to keep his lying, evil mouth shut!!

    5. Yay Hope! You go sister 😁 So glad to see her finally giving Thomas what he deserves! He's such a sick SOB and a TERRIBLE father.

  2. Omg sheila looked like Taylor but with blonde hair πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Both faces are equally pulled, if you smack them, they smack back, that's for sure.

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. God she looked terrible! Those big ugly lips and the ridiculous cheek bones 🀣🀣 All I can say is YUCK! I'd run if I ran into that face πŸ˜…

    4. Yes hilary i don’t know how they consider this as a disguise

    5. She had the mask on with the blonde wig instead of the red one.

  3. And now it’s donna‘s fault douclas got involved πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Omg I nearly missed that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ coocoo-man.

    2. And he was so damn serious πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Of course πŸ˜…
      Btw I nearly forgot that Thomas made Douglas hide another even bigger secret before - about Beth, it's not even his first strike on the son-intimidation-front.

    4. Poor douclas
      In that storyline he even raised his hand on Douglas
      And douclas was younger he was so intimidated by Thomas
      Even vinny once yelled at him to stop calling his own son names

    5. Omg indeed πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ Mmysh the you do have encyclopedic memory πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

    6. @Milla Thomas has become a heartless, cold son all because his father wasn't around, in a sense living together as a family. His lies are no longer bought by Hope, she really did let him have itπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š. She's right Douglas doesn't need that kind of a Father, and he deserved to hear that what in his face.

    7. @Elizabeth that's such a copout about the absentee father and has been debunked many times. Many other people didn't grow up with their fathers *at all* (and Ridge was always present) and didn't become sociopaths. Case in point - Liam, Wyatt (and let's not forget with Quinn as a mom it's kinda astonishing) and that's just off the top of my head. I'm actually surprised you're using this weak defense. And yes Hope is right.

    8. @Milla Isn't that what Thomas is thinking, or did I just misinterpret how he really truly feels.

    9. @Elizabeth it's true that he thinks that but he also thought many bonkers things (which made him act bonkers). He thought it was okay to use his kid twice in crime. If we go with everything Thomas thinks we may as well also check ourselves in.

    10. @Elizabeth and Sheila thinks she's done nothing wrong. They can think many things, doesn't make them right πŸ˜‚

    11. Exactly milla
      I don’t know how Taylor even guilt ridge about this
      She was the one who was absent not ridge
      Yes some was out of her hands
      But make ridge always feel guilty about and throw it in his face is so wrong
      And as you said its not an excuse
      And yes dear the memory i have sometimes its not a good quality coz i also remember the bad things same as the good ones πŸ₯²

    12. Yes, he absolutely made Douglas keep the secret about baby Beth. We have brought that up many times to the FF’s in the past, but they gloss right over it. Thomas has manipulated Douglas time and time and time again. But we should probably focus on the one time grandma Brooke had Douglas in her lap and asked Douglas to leave the Santa kiss in the past. Cuz that’s the only one that really matters! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£
      Thomas is such BAD NEWS - I love seeing everyone he cares about turn their backs on him.
      And yes, Milla….”the absentee father” has been debunked so many times, it’s not even worth discussing. So many kids have it WAY WORSE!!! And they don’t grow up to be like Thomas. Thomas has ZERO REGARD for who he hurts - it’s always about THOMAS!!! 😑😑😑😑😑

    13. Yes lynn
      Milla nailed it with Wyatt as an example especially with a motjer almost lile thomas and he turned to be ok

    14. @Mmysh So you think my statement was too much? If so, I can remove it. Do you think I over misinterpret?

    15. @ Elizabeth Absolutely not dear
      Why should you delete anything
      Its a discussion after all
      And anyone can misunderstood such a long show
      I think what you meant or what you stated is how you think thomas is feeling not how you see it
      But in our opinion that doesn’t make it right or an excuse

    16. @ elizabeth
      My reply just disappeared
      I will write it again
      Absolutely not my dear
      Why should you delete anything
      Its a discussion after all and its normal to misinterpret with such long show
      I think what you stated is how thomas is feeling not how you see it
      In our opinion that’s doesn’t make it right or an excuse for him to be like this

    17. @Elizabeth hope now my comment comes. You're not wrong that Thomas thinks that! Just like Sheila thinks she's done nothing wrong. They think many things that are coocoo πŸ˜…

    18. And for God's sakes of course don't remove your comment πŸ˜… everyone has their opinion!! πŸ€—

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. What was up with Steffy and Finn's performance today? They were being so cheesy and fake, it was like watching a spoof of a soap opera.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Terrible πŸ˜”

  4. I hope that Thomas is out of Forrester company. When does they kick him out?

  5. Yee-Haw! Some excitement for a change!

    1. Indeed, poor steffy she is so right to be that scared
      She should be more alerted now especially for her little boy

    2. MargO, I think this new story line is going to be very exciting!! I agree Mmysh, Steffy I’d terrified and no one can blame her.. The relief she must have felt after finding out Sheila was “dead” must have been a massive weight off her shoulders, only to find out she’s not.. After what Steffy went through , being shot, and remembering Finn being shot right in front of her, the guilt she felt when she thought he was dead, to now finding this out?? She would be terrified!!

    3. Indeed colly, especially when you have kids who are potentially a target
      Living the trauma all over again is enough to be devastating
      The scared look on her face say it all
      I felt bad for her
      And sheila is not like a normal person
      She is smart and dangerous
      And now she is one step ahead of them

  6. Damn, Hope was stone-cold, like with Ridge's speech that exceeded my expectations - she said it all. Thomas now feels like everyone is against him, even his son, so there's no telling what he may do next.... Or like it's modern to say here - will be "pushed" to do πŸ˜…
    Sheila... I'll have nightmares. Where is she off to? Knowing the logic in this show she'll get herself employed around the Forresters and nobody would notice her. Maybe Hope will recognize the flirty albeit silent one-night-stand of his dad's and uncover it...

    1. He was always pushed πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. And what is more funny is thomas was talking to hope like brook is not related to her

    3. Hope's reaction was expected. What Thomas did was personal to her because she put all of her trust in him.

      Thomas' only concern is for Douglas and Hope, he doesn't care about what anyone else thinks. If someone pushes him to do something else, I'm pretty sure it will be Brooke because as I always say, she never learns. She's self-destructive like that.

    4. Milla, Thomas learnt from the best - his screwed up stepmom! Her excuse was always that someone or something made her do it. Taylor, Steffy, Thomas, outside forces.... she's never responsible for her mistakes. Growing up with such a stellar example to emulate, it's no wonder Thomas is the way he is. Brooke never cared about who she hurt.

    5. Well I guess she should take some lessons from Thomas, he learns well πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the grownup who can be pushed into anything but only by one specific person - now that's a phenomenon science is yet to explain.

      And the fact that he cares about what noone else but Hope and Douglas think, is something to be even more ashamed of - not about his immediate family that he hurt so much. Commendable.

    6. Why did the blog start censoring us so early now my comments will either appear twice or none at all πŸ˜…

    7. I'm not sure why either. I responded to your above comment and to Maur's but they disappeared. I know they will appear at some point so I did not bother to rewrite them.

    8. @Milla I notice some removals happening lately.

    9. @Elizabeth true! Btw don't e surprised if my response to your question above comes twice, it was basically that we can't trust what Thomas is thinking more than we can accept Sheilas thought process that she's done nothing wrong πŸ˜…

    10. Milla it happened with me few days ago
      I write the comment then it disappear to find it there a few minutes later then i had to delete the duplicate comments

    11. That’s absolutely not true, Elle. Thomas has romantic love for Hope, and supposedly he loves his son, Douglas….although you’d never know it by the way he treats him. But Thomas also CRAVES Ridge’s approval. That’s just basic psychology 101. His dad wasn’t always around when he was young, so he desperately needs daddy’s approval now. He lives for pleasing Ridge!!! Thomas IS going to pay even more dearly for his sins! I’m betting on it!!

    12. Actually lynn
      Ridge was the parent who was always around
      Taylor the one who doesn’t
      But just like she always blame brook for her divorce deceiving her kids
      She blames ridge for Thomas

    13. Mmysh, I trust you. Like I’ve mentioned, I didn’t watch the show for decades. I just heard Ridge say to his Forrester family that he wasn’t always around and he regretted that. So I assumed there must have been some time during Thomas’ young life that Ridge wasn’t around.

    14. Ladies I think in this particular case Thomas indeed has shown shock only at Hope's opinion and hearing that Douglas doesn't want to see him. So from this perspective Elle is right that he doesn't care about others opinions (and I believe pain) about what he's done. Which is all the more awful. Means that if Douglas was okay with it and in some universe Hope didn't see it as such a betrayal, he'd write it off as a failed attempt at something that really had to be done.

    15. Milla, I just remember seeing Thomas’ face when Ridge was screaming at him. I thought he looked extremely sad that he let his dad down. Since that happened days ago in soap time, it may not be as fresh in everyone’s minds. But I will continue to think he is very upset he let his dad down.
      We can disagree sometimes. Just cuz we both tend to root for Brooke doesn’t mean we have to agree on everything. 😊

    16. I agree with Elle, and it’s good to see others can at least acknowledge that,.. I still maintain that Thomas is not a bad guy anymore.. what he did was very wrong, no argument there, but today shows, that he does care and is remorseful.. Many others on this show has done just as bad , if not worse, so nothing new there either, but to say he is back to his old ways, I feel is not true.. also, the comment he said after Hope walked out, that she didn’t let him explain? I think there might be more to this?

    17. Oh of course plus there are nuances in their facial expressions that we may interpret differently! On the bigger picture we are on the same page πŸ˜€πŸ€—πŸ€—

    18. So let me get this straight…Lol…
      First Elle says “Brooke ‘pushed’ Thomas, so he retaliated against her and made the fake CPS call.”
      Then yesterday the story changes because Elle now realizes the reason Thomas made the phone call was because “He really just wanted his Forrester family back together.”
      But now, Thomas doesn’t care about his Forrester family or what they think of him. “He only cares about what Hope and Douglas think of him”!!!???
      My head is spinning. 😳😳😳😳
      Here’s what I think - Thomas wanted to screw Brooke and get her out of their lives. He’s also always wanted his parents together. But now all his blood relatives hate him, so his last chance at redemption is Hope. Because after all, that’s one of the things that everyone loves about Hope…she’s always willing to forgive. I think Thomas is SOL!!!
      I want to see him lose his position at Forrester and be all alone!!! Now that would be some excellent karma!!!

    19. @Elle what a surprise Brooke is to blame for Thomas πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ how did I not see it coming. Apparently she is one omnipotent creature that turned him to socio. But only him. Not to her other children, not even Steffy. The phenomenon continues and should be examined.

      Again I have the feeling you're messing with me because that's the only explanation I can find a grown up can use this reasoning.

    20. @Lynn and let's not forget the glue that binds it all together - Brooke's superpowers, she can influence anything and anyone into any state anytime πŸ˜‚ that's both flattering and creepy.

    21. @Colly correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't hear the word sorry from him? How does he show remorse? He's mostly pissed that Hope and Douglas are against him. He hasn't shown one second of attitude that he wouldn't do it again, even when Steffy placed the question straight. I think he's even worse now, because in his previous crimes he actually did say he's sorry (not that it helps when you keep coming up with new ones).
      And he knows that there's no point even trying to say he's sorry because everyone will know he's not. So at least he's not lying, I'll give him that.

    22. Milla - so true! Like Mmysh always says, and we pretty much all say….according to the FF’s - most everything is Brooke’s fault!!! Maybe they’ll figure out a way to blame Sheila’s faked death on Brooke too! Stand by! 😬😬

    23. And of course he wants to explain and justify himself further in the hopes of manipulating her, but I wouldn't let him "explain" if I were her either.
      Now what next will happen is that she'll refuse to work with him and Thomas will be out of that line. I was expecting Steffy also to take disciplinary measures but now with the whole Sheila terror I don't think she'll have the frame of mind to deal with Thomas.

    24. Exactly Lynn πŸ˜‚ Brooke Almighty 🦹🏼

    25. Of course I was messing with you, Milla. My comment was a tongue in cheek response to you saying that Brooke can take lessons from Thomas so I stated that he took enough lessons from her in the past. The student has now become the teacher! Steffy was more affected by her dad not being around. That was explored during the Still romance.

      As for Brooke, let's not pretend that Brooke is the perfect mother. We ALL know what she did and how it affected her children. So even if they did not turn into sociopaths, enough damage was done to warrant them not wanting to be around her. The only one who defends her is Hope. So this idea that none of Brooke's other children have not been affected by her behaviours of the past is simply not true.

    26. I never said the children weren't affected, but I just find the idea that we put all of Thomas issues on Brooke ridiculous. Whatever he's done is on him and nobody else.

      And to me the fact that her children are not around her has more to do with the show cheapness than anything else πŸ˜… they are also grownups who are not blaming her but make their own paths in life. And were plenty around long after their issues with Brooke were resolved (actually mostly Bridget had them anyway) when the show was investing in characters and storylines.

    27. It's the same reason Eric's children aren't around. Which I hope changes. Lynn deserves to experience some glorious B&B, this childish Hope, Liam, Thomas, Steffy bleh is so far from the essence of the show as we know it.

    28. Thomas' issues are always about Brooke because she is always the one that goes after him. Noone else does! It's always Brooke. From way back on the island when they ate the berries and she tried to get him to sleep with her which led to him telling Stephanie about it and her telling him to say that they slept together, to his obsession with Hope and Brooke getting involved which led to Brooke encouraging Hope to take Douglas from him to now, her barging into his home to accost him, which led to the CPS call. It is always Brooke! Other people like the Spencer men may not like Thomas but none of them go after Thomas the way Brooke does. So who else can be blamed for Thomas' behaviour if she is the only one that goes after him?

      Brooke's children are not around because they chose to move away from her. If you want to use the show's cheapness in not wanting to pay these actors to have them around then the same should apply to Taylor when the show did not want to pay HT as full-time cast to reprise her role as Taylor Hayes-Forrester or when they cut her from the show because she became pregnant in real life which then led to a major lawsuit where she was not on the show for the duration of that lawsuit. Instead, we always have to hear that Taylor abandoned her children when we know full well that the actress was cut from the show and/or put on recurring status. This is why she was not around and why history had to be changed from her being the love of Ridge's life. There were a lot of issues between HT and B&B. So no, Milla, the show is not at fault, Brooke's kids left her because she was just horrible to them.

    29. Okay then I take my previous statement, you actually think everything you're saying about Thomas and Brooke. It's still astounding but I'll accept that's your way of thinking. Just don't be surprised if I don't engage frequently with debates, because to me they have to have some limits of logic.

    30. @Milla, just wanted to let you know that I'm in total agreement with you. At some point in life, especially when you cross the threshold into adulthood, YOU AND ONLY YOU are to blame for your actions. Putting everything at Brookes feet is just a way for the Thomas Lovers to feel better about themselves for supporting a child abusing, lying, narcissistic sociopath. Whatever helps you sleep at night, eh?

    31. Milla πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’―

    32. Thanks Hilary πŸ€—πŸ€—

    33. So when did any of brook children said that they are away because They don’t want to be around their mother
      Oh wait right that was stated by Thomas πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      At least brook was straight with her kids
      Not like Taylor who never told her kids the truth and fed them this hate towards brook and makes her took the blame over all these years
      And no brook was never after thomas before he started targeting her and her family
      They used to be friends and she was the one who supported him in taboo when his own father didn’t
      And she tried to sleep with him is so funny because she didn’t try to jave sex with him
      They both were hallucinating and mentioned it like she was aware is absurd
      Just like she would kiss deacon anyway without the alcohol
      Sure because it’s brook
      But for Thomas even murder has excuses πŸ˜‚
      And lynn go and watch the episodes with the taboo line storyline and see how close brook and Thomas were
      Even steffy
      And btw bill and justin went after thomas for emma but suddenly this storyline was cut off
      Brook was always blaming herself for her children bad behavior especially rick
      And she and eric got him the professional help he needed
      Something Taylor never did
      She put the blame on ridge or brook but sure not her

    34. @Milla Fair enough.

      Out of curiosity, which of my reasonings are not logical?

    35. @lynn actually some did blamed brook for pushing sheila to switch the alcohol drink
      Some were cheering sheila for what she did to brook
      And used to read a lot of team sheIla comments
      And brook has no business standing against sheila
      Even when brook is defending their favorite character she will be at fault
      But sheila became that hateful character and a murderer when her actions was against steffy

    36. @ Elle, I’m not buying it. It seems like now whenever you say something that turns out to be way off base, you simply say.…”Oh I was just kidding.” It’s your new go-to line. The way you wrote what you wrote about Taylor and Ridge supposedly leaving town together. It seemed like you genuinely thought that. And there have been quite a few other examples as well. As I pointed out above, your “understanding” of why Thomas did what he did, and who he did it for / or against has changed multiple times. I could say….”Oh I was just kidding” every time I guess wrong too. But when that time comes I will gladly stand up and say I was wrong. Honestly, I don’t care if you’re wrong or right in any of this stuff. It’s all just guess work on what will happen next. But I’m calling bull on all your “just kidding” stuff. At least have the guts to stand behind what you say.

    37. Oh and the reason I say you weren’t kidding about Taylor and Ridge ‘supposedly leaving town together’ is because of the way you worded it. You said…”Even Steffy knows. The only one who doesn’t seem to know is Brooke. Did you see the expression on Brooke’s face when Steffy told her???!!!” That just didn’t sound like you were kidding to me.

    38. @Elle if you read what everyone here has been saying regarding your putting the actions of Brooke and Thomas on the same level, you will understand. Starting with Maur. I think you actually do, but you want to stick to your guns. I accept that.

    39. @Lynn I saw where it was suggested that Ridge and Taylor left town together but that suggestion was not made by me. My comment which you quoted above was in relation to me saying that Steffy telling Brooke that her parents were out of town took care of the assumption (which was made by you) that Ridge did not return to the house to say that the wedding was officially off. Based on what Steffy said to Brooke, it seems like they are all aware that the wedding was officially off. My comment did not suggest that they were out of town together, I just repeated what Steffy said to Brooke. As a matter of fact, in that same post where the suggestion was made, I believe I said that everyone knows that they did not leave town together.

    40. Lynn, "It seems like now whenever you say something that turns out to be way off base, you simply say.…”Oh I was just kidding.” Your powers are at work again, I see.

      You are free to think what you want, Lynn. I don't have to defend myself to you. It's not that serious for me.


    41. @Elle after thinking, I hope you don't misunderstand me - I'm not saying I never want to discuss with you anything, because I do, I enjoy it. I just think that on this particular topic we will never see eye to eye. If you have watched "Friends" Phoebe and Ross had opposite views on evolution and he was outraged she couldn't see something so obvious to him. Then they just agreed to disagree. I think it's similar.

    42. Well said Elle!! Tired of this crap.. it’s just getting so tedious , monotonous and exhausting… I am too tired to comment once I read everything else.. It won’t change love.. I respect your opinions and you do not have to defend yourself for your opinions, and you also don’t have to take the personal insults either love..

      Mmysh, I am sure you were one of many that said that Steffy didn’t do it for Brooke, she did it for herself because she likes to stick it to ppl.. And now because I said Brooke did the same thing, your saying “even when Brooke defends their favourite character she is wrong”, well I said even when Steffy is defending Brooke, she gets no credit either, how, hypocritical can you get!! Typical Lfan mentality!! 🀦‍♀️

    43. Don’t know what happened to your comment elle? It disappeared?

    44. Elle your 5.18 comment above, well said!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ HT did have major issues with the producers, but the Lfans will keep saying she was never their for her kids.. Well she was, just not on screen.. but they will use it to justify their own narrative.. Brooke is the only one who gets constant airtime.. Not even Ridge or Eric, who the show is originally based on do.. So it’s easy to say “she was always there”.. Yes she was, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t do evil things.. or psycho things, like thinking a doll was her baby, or leaving little Bridgett and Rick alone in that house , that they set on fire and almost died, because she was busy chasing a man?? And Lfans want to talk about child abuse.. Even though Bridgett was an adult, taking both of her husbands, while she was busy saving lives and grieving a miscarriage, that’s not child abuse or evil, because she didn’t actually kill someone even though she shot at Stephanie but missed, if she was a better aim then that would have been murder, but it’s still illegal and classified by the law as attempted murder, and Lfans excuse for that is , Stephanie bought her the gun and told her to shoot herself, which I don’t remember that being said, but either way, is that a justifiable reason for attempted murder?? No!! But it’s a good enough reason for Lfans to justify it?? Then Katie, where do I start for what she did to her?? Oh, but it’s not Brookes fault?? Well, we don’t know, because whenever we bring these things up, Lfans won’t address it, or say, your lying, or I haven’t seen it so I can’t comment.. So really, they can’t talk!!

    45. @Colly this is a perfect example of what Lynn said - in order to get something on Brooke, you guys literally have to dig into the archives. What Thomas has done in the last 3-5 years would put an actual person in prison for many years. And by the by, Brooke had a mental breakdown when she got LOST in Barbados and thought she had lost her kids forever. That's where the dolls came into play. Using that as an example of "crime" or sociopath is quite sad, especially from a woman. Losing a child (or thinking you did) is no joke.

    46. That's fine, Milla. We can agree to disagree! 😊

    47. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the only hypocrite her is you Colly
      I was so careful i didn’t want to say it to you
      But here you are since you are calling me that
      And then we are the bullies πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Im bored of explaining the obvious
      Brook did a lot of mistakes
      And i always said that
      But you making excuses for murder
      So please just again get your facts straight
      Brook didn’t went after sheila and really what gain she was wishing for
      So no, no hypocrisy there
      But yeah i understand why you keep attacking me
      Exposing ur hypocrisy must be hard
      I don’t blame you

    48. @ Elle, sorry but I calls em like I sees em. And it seems that you use your new signature line….”Oh, I was just kidding!!!” whenever it suits you. I will continue to believe that you are doing that until I see otherwise. You don’t need to worry about what I think, and I don’t worry about what you think. I’m simply letting you know what I see you doing on the blog. How you conduct yourself is at the end of the day, your business.
      But as a note - you didn’t mention that “You were pretty sure that everyone was just kidding” about Ridge and Brooke leaving town together for hours and hours AFTER I called bullshit on that ridiculous theory. Prior to my comment calling you out, you seemed in full agreement that they had left to figure things out TOGETHER. Also I’m gonna point out that there is zero proof that Ridge went back to the house or communicated in any way to Taylor, Steffy or Thomas that the wedding was off. For all we know he left, then Steffy a text that he was going to take some alone time in the mountains after he was already on the way to, or had already arrived at his destination. Not one word was mentioned that he officially let them know the wedding was not happening that day. And my guess is he probably didn’t give them any information at all regarding his future or ‘lack there of’ with Taylor, otherwise Steffy wouldn’t still be holding out any hope that her mom and dad will actually be married some day.

    49. Lynn, it's right there in black and white for you and everyone else to see. I said nothing about Ridge and Taylor going away together so I don't know what you are talking about. Believe what you want to believe.

      As for your Ridge theory, noone knows what Ridge would have said to Taylor or Steffy after he left Brooke's because we have not seen him since. So your guess is just that, a guess. What we do know for absolute certain is that he would have communicated with them since Steffy knew exactly where her parents were. Your crystal ball was off that time. There's no shame in that.

    50. Sorry Elle, my crystal ball is as vividly clear as ever. Steffy knowing he is out of town means nothing. As I already stated, and you clearly glossed over…there is no mention of Ridge having ANY DISCUSSIONS with Taylor. In fact when Taylor left Eric’s that day she hadn’t heard from him at all. So your guess about him “notifying Taylor the wedding was off” is simply hogwash. I already explained a very likely scenario in which Steffy may have found out - a text from Ridge from someplace far away letting her know he won’t be back at Forrester Creations anytime soon. How does that equate to Ridge letting Taylor know the wedding is off ?? Or do you have some behind the scenes spy-cam that showed you a scene with Ridge speaking with Taylor that the rest of us all missed??? 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    51. Elle, here’s what you wrote on Monday’s episode after a number of your FF mates had posted speculation that Ridge and Taylor had left town together.

      “And that takes care of the theory that Ridge did not come back to let them know that the wedding is officially over. Seems they all know what's going on. Except for Brooke, of course. The look on her face when Steffy told her that her parents had left town. πŸ˜…”

      So you’re saying with a straight face that you weren’t implying they were out of town together??
      So then please explain to me why Brooke would have “any LOOK on her face” when Steffy told her that both her parents had left town??? Brooke already knew Ridge had left town. He told her as much. Brooke was also physically there with Taylor when Taylor made her grand exit - hence the famous Brooke smirk that the FF’s have loved to talk about for days.
      So since Brooke knew Ridge was leaving because he told her he needed to get away and think about things, and Brooke literally saw Taylor leave… then please explain why in the world Brooke would give Steffy a “LOOK” when Brooke already knew they were both out of town??? Unless of course like I already said, you were implying that they had left together??!! Just admit it! Geez!!!

    52. @ Mmysh, I really do need to go back and watch some of the older shows. More and more these days I’m spending entirely too much time on this blog. I really enjoy your comments, Mmysh and I’m glad you are here! 😁

    53. Milla, don’t even, with the “we always bring up the past”!! Lfans always bring up the past, when it’s to suit their narrative or when they need to make a point, Maur is the worst for that!! And many Lfans do.. Maybe u don’t, but many do.. Those who haven’t watched can’t, because they havnt seen it, but I have even seen you do it after you have gone back and watched some old episodes.. How many times have you seen me say to a Lfan , oopsie, not allowed to bring up the past.. It’s been constant about how Thomas killed Emma and did this and that.. come on, gimme a break.. What a load of crock.. In any case, the past is important because it has shaped the characters into who they are.. Y’all keep saying Thomas hasn’t changed his spots, and asking us why we havnt addressed something, since we watched it, but I have asked Lfans to address many things from the past and everytime I get nothing.. Maur has asked many times for past things to be addressed and so have other Lfans.. I give it to you that you don’t do it unless you have gone back and watched old episodes and when an opportunity arises you will use it, although not often in your case, but it’s bull that Lfans don’t bring up past crap when it suits them.. absolutely they do, that’s all we have heard about Thomas.. So, sorry but I call BS on this one!! And Elle, it was very clear what you were saying those comments.. a two year old could enterprisers it correctly!

    54. I meant don’t *even go there, not don’t even..

  7. And the medical examiner and detectives didn't study the toe?
    No animal DNA? A clean cut?

    1. That would require that they actually do some real work.

    2. I mentioned that yesterday.. but commonsense doesn’t apply to this show!! If it did there would be no storyline’s!!

  8. Great job, Deacon. It's about time you put your foot down with Sheila! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    Thomas, stop pandering to Hope and tell her to get off her high horse. Remind her about the secret her mother tried to get Douglas to keep and her (Hope) role in it.

    So glad we're getting some traction on the Sheila faking her death storyline. Loved how Finn stood up for Steffy today. "She shot you!"

    1. Elle, Finn is a woman’s dream man!! He has it all and a smart foctor to boot!! I am so glad he is back!! So happy that Deacon finally came to his senses.. “the outside forces” must have warned him that Finn was on to her!! Looking forward to this sl…. Yes, Thomas should have reminded Hope of that!! Some think what Brooke did and Hope and Liam going along with it was no big deal, but sorry, she did the same thing, and Hope went along with it, so hypocrite if you ask me!!

    2. Elle, I am wondering what Thomas meant by, you didn’t let me explain? It seemed ominous when he said it after she left, like there’s more to it?? It was weird?

    3. Colly, I felt like Thomas was disappointed in Hope's reaction to what he did. He probably thought she would understand since she has been the one person to stand up for him. He wanted to explain but every time he said something, she shot him down so I believe that's why he said what he said.

      My worry is that if she continues to reject him, that he would revert to his old ways and try to get her back on his side at any cost. That's why I felt so strongly about him pandering to her. It's like he is so dependent on her for his own sanity. He needs to stop that and fight back just like he did with his father, his sister and Brooke. He needs to bring up the fact that she was a willing participant in helping Brooke get Douglas to keep her secret.

    4. Exactly Elle, Brooks did exactly the same thing, and I know the FFans justify it , but at the end of the day, it was wrong..period.. Hope and Liam went along with it.. period.. they can justify it all they want..but she did it.. period.. and I truly hope Thomas doesn’t go down that path again either.. but I have a feeling that is the way it’s going to go..

  9. Well Bell is working hard on logan Emmys lol
    Sinn know Sheila is alive
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  10. Are you for real Elle?! Pandering to Hope, the woman who has kept his son sane...if it weren`t for Hope that poor little boy would have lost his mind. Have you forgotten this isn`t the first time this whack job has abused his son like this to try to steal a married woman away from her husband? Only this time he got caught before the abuse become terrifying for Douglas, like last time when Thomas was scaring the hell out of him in order to win Hope over.
    Wow!!! Justifying child abuse, that takes the cake Elle! There is no way for you to see the light is there?
    I was so proud of Hope the way she gave Thomas the truth he so badly needs..."I love Liam", all for nothing Thomas the whackjob!
    Furthermore to try to compare what Brooke did to keep a secret with what Thomas has done, there is no comparison Elle, it smacks of desperation to condone Thomas`s behaviour, no dice there!

    1. I am for real, Maur. Are you??

      Let's not go down that comparison road again. I know what the LFs think and I don't agree. So let's just leave it at that.

    2. Maur he was pushed to
      Can’t you blame him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Elle, Maur is CORRECT in asking if you’re for real!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      The reason Thomas won’t bring that up to Hope is because EVEN THOMAS can recognize the two aren’t comparable. And while it was brought up today by Mmysh I believe, what tall tale are you gonna spin about Thomas’ role in the baby Beth secret and how Thomas demanded Douglas’ silence then too??!!! Just stop defending the monster Thomas. At some point it truly becomes embarrassing…don’t you think??!!!

    4. Hope isn’t on any high horse. The reason no one on the show brings up the Santa kiss incident as something Brooke did to Thomas is simply because even the characters on the show know the two aren’t remotely comparable!!!

    5. I meant as something Brooke did to Douglas, not Thomas.

    6. @Lynn I sometimes have the feeling Elle is sticking to some theories not because she believes them but to mess with us and keep the debate going 😁😁 keep things interesting and see how long we buy it. That little minx 😁

    7. Yes Maur πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ You are πŸ’― right πŸ‘πŸ‘

    8. @ Milla, I hope so! Otherwise my head just spins when she defends Thomas like she does.

    9. Lynn, if you are not embarrassed about defending Brooke, why should I be embarrassed about defending Thomas? You like Brooke and you will defend her to death. I like Thomas and I will also defend him to death. There is nothing embarrassing about that. What you don't get is that this is a fictional show where reality is suspended. It doesn't mean that I would feel the same way in REAL life.

      Maur cannot be CORRECT in asking if I am real because I think she already knows the answer to that. As such, I took it as a rhetorical question and returned the same question to her. I am certain she also knows that it is a rhetorical question. Maur seems to be quite the intellect, in that, she does not confuse fictional from reality. At least, from all of the posts I've read from her, she seems to know the difference quite well. That's why I like her and I like the way she posts.

    10. Milla, I have always contended that this is a fictional show and I treat it as such. The LFs take things personally when the FFs say things about their favorite fictional characters or when we defend our favorite fictional characters. It's not that serious for me. I love who I love, despise who I despise, and hate who I hate because it is all fiction. When it comes to the posters, I respect every one of you even though some of you ride my last nerve at times, and there are others I just do not interact with or respond to because I do not want to be disrespectful to them.

    11. @Elle I know and I believe that this applies to all of us. But sometimes your defense of Thomas looks so divorced from basic logic that I can't really buy you mean it. When you put on the same level how he's used and abused his son, with what purpose and what consequences AND how Brooke asked Douglas to keep a secret of a kiss. And again nobody said it was okay what Brooke did, it wasn't, but what Thomas has done multiple times is a whole other league.

      You can't possibly in your right mind (and I believe you are in it) think it's the same. That's why I think you are messing with usπŸ˜€

    12. Milla, the LFs attempt to highlight all the different aspects of what happened with the Breacon kiss to deflect from the fact that Brooke asked Douglas to keep the secret. That is my opinion. I just look at the fact that Brooke asked Douglas to keep the secret just like Thomas asked Douglas to keep a secret. All of the other fluff is inconsequential as far as keeping a secret is concerned. It is bad when a parent or grandparent or adoptive grandparent or whoever, asks a minor to keep a secret - whether it's a kiss or it's a major setup. It is wrong, period!

    13. My defense of Thomas is not outrageous when compared to the LFs defense of Brooke for every hideous thing she does. She took Thomas peeling an apple way out of proportion and there were the LFs supporting that BS and talking about Thomas pointing the knife at her. He was not even doing that. It was Brooke who saw it as such and the show made sure to show that it was all in Brooke's head, by the way they kept showing her face then showing the knife. So if I am guilty of defending Thomas beyond basic logic, so are the LFs.

    14. "Milla, the LFs attempt to highlight all the different aspects of what happened with the Breacon kiss WAS to deflect from the fact that Brooke asked Douglas to keep the secret." Forgot the word 'was.'

    15. That's like saying running someone over with your car is the same as bumping into them in the store. "It's wrong, period".

      I guess that makes sense... In some parallel reality. But I accept that's your reasoning.

    16. Those scenarios are completely different, Milla. It's not logical to compare someone bumping into someone at the store with running over someone with their car. Now, if you were to compare running over someone with a bicycle vs running them over with a truck, that would be a more logical comparison, and running over the person would still be wrong, bike or truck.

    17. And I'm out 🀣🀦🏻‍♀️

    18. Elle, it’s also not even remotely logical to compare the level of manipulation from Thomas to Douglas to that of Brooke to Douglas. I seriously think for once you need to concede here. As I said before, you are wrapping yourself into a pretzel trying to defend what you say when it’s simply pure nonsense!!

      And your breakdown above of the comment….“Are you for real??” was ridiculous and unnecessary. Yes, it was obviously rhetorical. Do you honestly believe that only YOU were able to figure that out??? LMAO!!! Maur simply finds the things you say so entirely absurd at times that she felt the need to say the quiet part out loud. 🀣🀣🀣. I’m pretty sure I am also “smart enough” to figure out you aren’t an alien being, since your snark was somehow a dig at my intelligence…which by the way, I’m very secure about. So have it!! Make your little snide comments. All any of this proves is that many of us think you are soooooo determined to defend Thomas at every turn, that you are just making yourself seem ridiculous in the process.

    19. Elle, and your lecture about a fictional show vs real life and all that nonsense is just bull. As myself and others have said 100 times over, the FF’s love to blame the writers when it suits them. And when it suits them only. At least I am consistent in my approach to the show and don’t blame the writers when my favs behave badly. Because only people lacking in intelligence would do such a thing. Yes, we ALL realize it’s fiction. But you don’t get to flip scripts every time it benefits your narrative.

    20. And no wonder Milla is “out”. You drove her to a place of non-belief with your total crazy logic above. When Milla (the most fair minded person on the blog) is inclined to walk away from a conversation, you gotta know that you have reached a whole new level of absurdity!!!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    21. I think what bothers the FF’s the most is that they can’t actually point to any “hideous” things Brooke has done unless they dig through the archives!! So they try so desperately hard to make Brooke’s deeds seem as bad as Thomas’. But it simply can’t be done. That’s why the FF’s are forced to dig through scenarios that happened decades ago to try to make their points. Thing is…nobody’s buying it!!!!
      Thomas is THE ONLY ONE who needs intensive mental therapy! Even his Forrester family agrees!!

    22. @Lynn thank you and also for the "wrapping yourself into a pretzel" - another gem I learn from you! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

    23. Lynn, Maur and Mmysh are the absolute worst for going back to the past when it suits their agenda!! You talk about us being delusional.. Then you must be blind!! You never say a word to them when they do it?? Why is that??

    24. Lynn, what you, Milla and the rest of the LFs are not getting is that the level of manipulation is of no consequence when it comes to Brooke and Thomas asking Douglas to keep their secret. That is just the excuse used to deflect from the fact that Brooke was wrong. Y'all just don't want to admit that she was wrong for what she did so this grand excuse comparing the 2 scenarios was used to minimize her despicable behavior. Justify away.

      And my remark about Maur's intelligence was simply to acknowledge that I like the way she posts, it wasn't a dig at you or any other LF. As a matter of fact, I remember it was some time ago during one of those long, drawn out and incensed discussions the LFs and FFs used to have, that I told you that you should take a page from Maur's book in the way she posts. And that was at least 2 months ago.

    25. Exactly Elle, and they talk about us deflecting, and making excuses and justifying!! 🀣🀣🀣 they are experts at it!! 🀣🀣🀣 and they talk about you not giving it up, omg, if that is not pot kettle black, nothing is!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣 and I remember you saying that too!! 🀣🀣🀣

    26. Colly, they do it all the time. The difference is that we don't complain and moan about it the way they do with us. On this very blog, Milla used the show being cheap to explain the absence of Brooke's children. But when we do it, all hell breaks loose. I absolutely had to respond that if that excuse could be used for them, then it could be used for Taylor too.

    27. @Lynn thank you and thanks for the "wrap yourself into a pretzel" gem πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ€—

    28. @Elle one last thing - I didn't "justify" the absence of Brooke's children with the cheapness. I explain the absence of any old characters with the cheapness. And I've said that many times. I've also pointed out many times that the number of actors is proportional to the quality/variety to me and this applies to Brooke's kids. They aren't here because there aren't parts for them.

      I then went on to say that I don't believe they have such issues with her (actually Bridget is shown to be in LA, if you haven't noticed, and none of her other kids had issues with her), so your initial premise that Brooke is so awful her kids run away falls apart.

    29. One thing is pointing out the lack of storylines/characters (it's obvious to anyone who knows how it used to be), the other - blaming the storylines whenever we are not happy with what our favorite character is doing.

      Also, when you say that Brooke's children don't "want" to be around her, you're assuming the character has free will and is doing something independent "behind the scenes", in the other situation - when you blame the writers - you switch to the mindset that it's a written figure that does whatever an actual person is writing. That switch is also quite self-serving.

    30. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ what is funny and crack me up that we always bring up the past in response to your comments πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      I never started a conversation with some events from the past
      Its only a reply on some of you‘s comments especially the once with intentional missing information or a total lies
      So please next time get your facts straight

    31. Milla, I remember you saying that about the minimal cast and it was a perspective I agreed with.

      Milla, I personally do not blame the writers although I've seen it done many times. Even when it is being said that Taylor abandoned her kids. Even also with the progression of Thomas' character. Well, except for recently when I got really upset at the writers for seemingly redeeming him only to have him go down the same old road.

    32. Well Elle, I am not sure what you mean when you say I should “take a page from Maur’s” book when I post. That means nothing to me. We all have our own style. I love that Maur has the history on her side, while I do not. So I am pretty competent in making my points without having to go back decades. So good for me!! And ironically, my best bud Colly has in the past accused Maur and me of being the same person. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. So I guess I should take that as a compliment. Maur is great! She writes clearly and doesn’t mince words, which I respect!! But as I already said, each of us have our own unique style. I will continue using “my style” thank you very much.

    33. Milla, I lean things from you all the time. Glad I can contribute a thing now and again too. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»

    34. Elle, your ABSURD comment about “level of manipulation doesn’t matter” just makes me lose respect for your intelligence. OF COURSE IT MATTERS!!!!
      If I manipulate my husband into wanting to take me to a fancy dinner, that is no crime. If I manipulate someone to be part of an illegal act, that is a crime. I am very concerned about your ability to differentiate. It seems as though you are lacking in that department. Or possibility 2, you are just acting ignorant because it suits your narrative.

    35. There you go again, talking about manipulation. I did not address any manipulation of any kind. I must also question your intelligence as to whether it's a lack of it or just pure ignorance in your refusal to separate the act of Brooke asking Douglas to keep a secret from the way she went about asking him to keep the secret. They are 2 separate things. I am looking solely at the act, not what led to it. Asking Douglas to keep her secret was WRONG! Whether she spoke to him nicely and tried to convince him that it was in the past and should stay there or whether she threatened him to keep his mouth shut. It was wrong of her to ask him to keep the secret just like it was wrong of Thomas to ask him to keep the secret whether Thomas manipulated and threatened him or whether he sat him down and explained nicely about his grandparents finally having the chance to be a family again. It was wrong. Both instances were wrong! If that's too difficult to understand, then continue to deflect, Lynn. It doesn't matter to me because as far as I'm concerned, Brooke was wrong for what she did and nothing you say can make it right or true.

    36. Elle, you absolutely mentioned the word manipulation above. I think you need to reread what you wrote. So I’m not even going to justify that comment with a response. And oh by the way, YES Thomas WAS pointing the knife toward Brooke and he WAS THREATENING HER. And that was WRONG of him!!!
      And you’re simply doing your pretzel act again. It’s getting tiresome. So in your mind all wrongs are equal?? That’s what you have said multiple times in an attempt to make your point (which absolutely NO ONE IS BUYING by the way.)
      The reason they are different is because the circumstances are not remotely the same. Thomas had done something illegal to frame Brooke who was innocent. And as a result of that fraud, Douglas’ grandfather was going to marry another woman and divorce Brooke. Thomas was inflicting harm on another person who was innocent of a deed she had been accused of, and Brooke was going to end up paying the price. And if Douglas didn’t tell the truth, it would be too late to right the wrong.
      How in hell does that compare to a drunken alcohol induced kiss that happened on New Years???
      Not even close. And Thomas did a hell of a lot more to Douglas than simply ask Douglas “to leave it in the past” as Brooke asked.
      Thomas yelled at Douglas, scolded Douglas, blamed the actual act on Douglas, and threatened Douglas. 1,000,000 times worse than what Brooke did. And as I keep saying, that’s why no one on the show is bringing up what Brooke did as a comparison. But since we are on the subject of MANIPULATION….why don’t you try to explain away the secret that Thomas made Douglas keep regarding baby Beth, which happened LONG before the Brooke / Deacon kiss!! Please please - we’d love to hear you explain that one away. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      I expect round 6 of your human pretzel act!!! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    37. What’s even more interesting here is your rationale that the circumstances don’t matter at all. To you, all that matters is the fact that both Brooke and Thomas wanted Douglas to keep his mouth shut. Like context plays no role in how bad a deed actually is. So by that logic, Thomas should probably be arrested for threatening Brooke with the knife. I mean after all, according to you…context doesn’t matter. So it shouldn’t matter that he was probably NOT going to stab her. The mere fact that he held it pointed at her should be enough for the cops to arrest him. Because as you have said multiple times, the circumstances are irrelevant. All that should matter is that he held a sharp knife pointed at her as he used threatening language against her.

    38. @ Colly, the only reason Maur and Mmysh bring up history is because that’s literally ALL the FF’s ever do. So they fight fire with fire. Not just that though, they also bring up history to call the FF’s out on their fake news. Both Maur and Mmysh have pointed out multiple times where the FF’s recollection of what happened is completely and totally wrong. But you ladies shout it out like you just watched the scenes yesterday your memory is so clear. It’s always amusing how some of you ladies remember EXACTLY what happened 15 years ago. It’s completely ludicrous that you would even pretend to remember that kind of detail from something that happened so long ago. So they bring up “history” to call out the FF’s on their outright fabrications of the past show details. A perfect example is that story one of you ladies told Milla, in which supposedly Brooke set up some other character to be raped! And Milla called the person out and showed that that NEVER HAPPENED!!!

    39. @ Elle, I think the real reason you like the way Maur comments is because she comes in ‘guns ablazin’, makes her comment, then she is done. She doesn’t stick around for lots of back and forth banter. I, on the other hand, do keep responding. The banter that continues, I’m very much a part of. So of course it’s easier for you to respond once and know that Maur probably won’t counter what you say, because she’s already done with the blog for the day.

  11. Why the writers don't develop the chemistry between Hope and Thomas, there are a lot potential of chemistry there. Just saying!

    1. There is, Miah! I think they're doing a good job of developing it. We have seen thomas and Hope in varying scenarios together and how well they play off each other. The only thing we haven't seen is a good fight between them. I think this current CPS reveal storyline can be a good opportunity for such a fight.

    2. Because sane fans may not respond well to her getting it on with a man who tried to kidnap her on a helicopter to keep her from her daughter.

    3. Miah, we were hoping for that, they have great chemistry!! Much better than Liam and Hope..

    4. @Mila, yeah, your really think that you are sane? You really believe there is just bone sane fan between us here?? Brooke went from the son to the father, tho the brother, to the half brother, the son in law( she tried). Bill went from a sister to another even to the daughter in law, don't want to mention Erick, Taylor even Hope two brothers bin the same time ( though she was pregnant not knowing who's the daddy was) , and we are still here watching.....so far I am concerned, we are not that saneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. Lol Miah. This show has certainly taken us to a level of insanity. What makes it worse is that we enjoy it! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Thomas and Hope getting together is nothing different or set apart from what has already been done on this show for years. If Brooke can hook up with and get pregnant by her daughter's husband who was in and out of prison, why can't Hope fall in love with Thomas whose only fault is that he loves her too much to the point of insanity?

    6. Miah that is true to some extent, I myself often wonder why I still watch it πŸ˜… what I meant was that it is just so far from what is plausible - after everything Thomas has done to Hope and people she loves for her to get together with him. It's not improbable, it may happen but it still won't be taken well by her fans I suspect. I personally wouldn't mind because it will be more opportunity for exciting drama.

    7. Thank you @Elle and @Milla...we need some drama πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ decency and sanety is for my private and personal life....πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚The chemistry between Thomas and Hope it's almost the same between Steffy and Liam, but noooo the writers don't like chemistry....

    8. Agreed on both fronts, Miah!

    9. True Miah!! 🀣🀣🀣

  12. Why would you put someone who is as crazy as Thomas is with a decent person like Hope? It just doesn't make sense.

  13. Why would Thomas fall for someone like Hope?? He could have had a better ending to the story.
    Doesn't Hope know who her mom is?? In my days women like Brooke were called in a certain way!!

    1. That goes for steffy and Taylor too BTW πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ they would be called by the same certain name πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Tina, Hope said those exact words to Donna, when she caught her out with Eric!! Donna was worried Hope was judging her for having an affair with a married man, and Hope said those words, “do you know who my mother is”, and Donna’s reaction was that she couldn’t believe Hope said that!!🀣🀣🀣 it was hilarious!!

  14. @Bob do you know what's happening with the comments? I can't post any and I'm sure I can't see many that are posted.

    1. Milla, I think it has something to do with Google, i read Bob said their system for keeping trolls away is not very efficient and Bob has to keep going in to their system and manually approving the comments.. this is a recent thing.. that’s why they appear at random times, cause Bob goes in every now and then to approve them so that they post..

    2. Yes for sure Colly it just drives me crazy - I see my comment posted, I refresh and it's gone πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ and it happens randomly - under my own comment it allows me, under others not, when I respond to certain people it sticks, to others not πŸ˜… crazy!

    3. Yes, Google programmers can't do normal antispam on Blogger (Blogspot). Comments end up in the spam section. Comments with obscene words are automatically sent to spam. But now messages have been sent to this section randomly. Today, a record 22 comments were automatically sent to spam. There were no obscene words in any of them. I have to manually approve comments, but I don't have the ability to constantly update the spam page. When I update it, nothing appears in it, and then suddenly a lot of comments appear at once, including those sent many months ago.

    4. Thank you Bob, I appreciate it that you approve them and that you respond to me :)

  15. So proud of Hope today!!! She let Thomas have it and didn’t even entertain his lies and manipulations!!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» More fallout for Thomas remains on the horizon. Hope said she won’t let Thomas design for her any longer. So maybe he really will lose his position at Forrester!!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» I have never seen Hope get upset like that!!! Loved it!!
    New stuff happening with Sheila too! πŸ‘πŸ»
    I don’t know why Deacon just doesn’t call the cops now??!!! He has waited FAR TOO LONG already!! Don’t let her come back into your home, Deacon! Change the dang locks!!! And it’s great how Finn has solved the case because the police are useless. Go Finn!!!

    1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
      I felt sad for steffy
      She looked so scared and its more terrifying when you have kids

    2. @Lynn: 🎯🎯🎯

  16. Was Sheila at Steffy's cliff house?

    1. No, she was just outside Deacons door putting on the blonde wig.. But I bet she is headed there very shortly!!

  17. Finn, you are trying to prison your Mother for two FAMILY''S (Logan's and Forrester's)that are Guilty of Lies, Adultery, Deceitful and Madiness, etc!!!

    1. Comment of the year πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Pauline, sorry love, but Sheila deserves and definately should be put in prison for life.. If someone shot me and my wife, and especially if they posed a threat to my children, I would want their blood!!

  18. I feel sorry for Thomas being raised with Brooke in his life. Brooke is a Poor excuse for a Mother, her son Rick left, her old st daughter, Bridgett(Hope is a result of Brooke affair with her husband) left her as well!!!!

    1. So true Pauline!! She would not know how to be a good mother because she is too selfish.. She always put herself before anyone including her kids!!

  19. I will NEVER forget Brooke trying to have sex with Thomas on the Island (photo shoot), and THREATEN to Fire him if he told Ridge (his Father).

    1. I distinctly remember that scenario and I am one who feel for Thomas because (boys especially) need fathers to be around to mold them, to be exemplars, so if they are a sometime father because you're chasing another woman and you watch your mother being left out in the cold, it must affect a child. So for people to rationalize and say that , hey , lots of children grow up with only one parent, not all children have the same mindset to deal with such situations. So I understand Thomas's propensity for lashing out at Brooke, as she is at the ❤of his ❤break.

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. That's very true, Krossbreed69.

    4. Pauline wow remembering something never happened is such a great ability πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. Mmysh I have it on my list to watch those episodes and see what exactly happened. My intuition is telling me it will be similar story as "Brooke set up someone to be raped twice" fake news. Which we debunked together πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

    6. Its the same πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ especially the part were she threatened to fire him if he exposed her
      Actually i used to like thomas in these episodes
      And there also the episode when steffy and liam get back from aspen as a married couple
      Thomas was telling brook he is crazy about hope
      She didn’t lash at him or disagree
      So saying she was always against him is lies and absurd just like you said any fake information to blame her for his disgusting actions so they can feel good about defending him

    7. Oh I remember some of these episodes Mmysh like how she was supporting him with his first major line at FC. Thanks for reminding me and generally for being the person to call out "inaccuracies" here. It's amazing how people want to believe something so much they just perpetuate it and spread it. We should have a "report fake news" button or filter here πŸ˜… much more useful than whatever is censoring our harmless comments in the background.

    8. Indeed my dear
      A fake news button and a like button

    9. Milla and Mmysh - wouldn’t that be awesome! And I’m at such a disadvantage cuz I can’t debunk most of their lies. Dammit!
      I wish I would have watched at least the past 10 years of episodes. 😞

  20. Fans, really you don't feel any sympathy for Thomas?

    1. @Pauline, I do, the impact of his parents divorce has driven him to become who he is, it's his father's fault

    2. @ Unknown, can you please explain what exactly it was that Ridge did or didn’t do to Thomas to make him turn out to be a sociopath?? Did Ridge lock Thomas in a room for days without food or water? Did he sexually abuse him or or beat him with a baseball bat when he was young?? I’m really just trying to understand the level of neglect that must have occurred all those years to make Thomas turn out the way he did. And what happened to the ever present “It’s all Brooke’s fault” diatribe we are usually fed by the bucket fulls??
      In real life, kids have absentee fathers ALL THE TIME!! And some never even get to know their dads. Yet they somehow manage to grow up and be a person with morals and a conscience and not some complete sociopath.
      I honestly would love to hear your justification as to why it’s all Ridge’s fault.

    3. Oh and FYI…I think at least 50% of children grow up in broken homes. So how is it that all those millions of kids grow up normal????

    4. Lynn there is no such thing to be justified
      Its only Taylor’s words
      Even the new Taylor make ridge feel guilty
      He was there for his kids always
      Even he give up on hope who used to call him dad coz he raised her
      And he was the only father she knew growing up for steffy
      But sure everything is brooks fault

    5. Pauline , I do too.. I think all kids cope with things very differently.. Each child is an individual, and boys in particular, if they are going through something when they are young, and it’s making them unhappy, some don’t know how to cope with grown up emotions, so they get frustrated, then that turns to anger, then they lash out.. Boys tend not show emotions because of the ideal that boys should be men.. Boys don’t cry stigma.. I know this is just a show, but I keep reading, that other kids don’t have fathers and they don’t act like that.. well in reality , sadly some do ..

    6. Its so funny that the psychological analysis only applies for tommy boy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    7. Sadly some do because they have some gene that makes them a psychopath. Wouldn’t it be great if a serial killer could walk into a court room and say, but my daddy wasn’t perfect when I was young, judge. So I get a get-outa-jail free card, right Your Honor???
      Sorry it doesn’t work like that in life.
      Colly as you stated, EVERYONE has challenges in life. Not a single one of us has had a perfect life. Doesn’t give us license to be malicious or break the law like Thomas does over and over again. I say - Get the hell over it!!!!
