Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-8-22 Full episode B&B 8th December 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-8-22 Full episode B&B 8th December 2022


  1. Liam says to Bill Oh dad not the necklace. Hahah Scorched earth mode. Boo Hoo no one bought his machismo. They should all drop at his feet for at lea$t the money.

  2. Watch out carter, the narcissistic pig has a target on your back and when he doesn't get his way he becomes a raging bull, oops a raging Bill.

    1. Bill looks psycho when he gets angry. Now, that Deacon is throwing Shelia out, maybe she & Bill can hook up.

    2. Now I know my ex was narcissist, he still wants to kill if I'll find a new man. Just like him. And he says noone's gonna leave him. I'm living with my parents now. This feels real life now

    3. Meaning Bill is acting like my ex

    4. Patologi, that is so sad love.. Please stay safe ❤️❤️

    5. Bill has looked ineffectual since he threw the Dollar Bill funny money at Deacon. Lost all affect- might as well have thrown monopoly money. Not even a statement. Now he's dancing around with his little macho necklace and looks like a boob for proposing to one than the other (Brooke and Katie) and getting caught- not once but 2 or three times! The leading men are real wads,more than wads- They are
      "Worse -Wads"

  3. The irony of Liam telling his Dad, $Bill, that he can't have both women. 😂 The 🍎 doesn't fall far from the 🌴. Right, Liam, like when you were going back & forth between Hope & Steffy. You are saying that your Dad can't do that with Brooke & Katie. Pot meet kettle. 😂

    1. I thought the same thing, Renee! Liam's a hoot! 🤣🤣

    2. The difference is that both women wanted Liam and now none does Bill 😂 so the "you can't have them *both*" is kinda moot. He can't have either! 😅

    3. @Milla So true! 😂😂😂😂😂

    4. Liam nailed the part about it being Bill's ego!

    5. Bill is scary when he breaks into psycho mode. Liam is absolutely right about it being an ego thing. Bill can't stand it that he's being rejected bot not 1 but 2 women 😂

  4. Carter enough with the high school puppy eyes love, go seal that deal 😍
    Bill... Honestly you're too much, I thought I'd love him forever but he's being just pathetic, this growling and "I am.
    Dollar. Bill. Spencer." 😅🤦🏻‍♀️ Just do whatever idiotic thing you're about to do already.
    Deacon Deacon Deacon.... The walls are closing in on you. Totally deserved. Why do you always have to do the wrong thing?! And now for sure he'll find a way again to either find Sheila and warn her or otherwise help her 🤦🏻‍♀️ that will blow up in his face.

    1. I still don't understand why Deacon even went along with Sheila for so long. He clearly cared about her more than he cared about himself or his relationship with Hope. Now, he's frustrated because Finn and Steffy are on to Sheila. I want to see how he gets himself out of this one.

    2. Me too but I don't see a bright future for him 🙈 even if he does help them and they catch Sheila the first thing out of her mouth will be how he was hiding her for half a year 😅

    3. I truly hope Sheila doesn't do that to Deacon. I hope she remembers that he was there for her when she had nowhere to go and chooses to honor that by not ratting him out.

    4. Elle that won’t happen, remember, she left Mike for dead, so I don’t think she would have any issues dobbing Deacon in?? Milla I not sure how he will get himself out of this one.. maybe he will say he kept her there so he could keep an eye on her, make sure she didn’t do anything…?? But that won’t fly either!! Steffy and Finn obviously know Deacon is helping her.. it’s so obvious!!

    5. I wondered about that, Colly. The way they kept looking at him then at each other. They may be on to him.

      Today was such a good episode with the whole Sheila faking her death mystery.

    6. Exactly Colly, if Sheilas with the back against the wall, she'd drag Deacon with her. Especially if she feels betrayed by him. But I expect her to flee the country, she's not one to be stopped so easily 🙈

  5. @Milla Yes, the "Donald Trump" of B&B is back! Deacon is about to burst, now that he knows Finn & Steffy are on to him. You know Milla I was thinking, how dumb can the forensic team be, they say she was attack by a bear, right! Finn was the Einstein 🕵️‍♂️who could see that she wasn't. The police for B&B certainly don't show me that their smart cookies and Finn just proved that. 🕵️‍♂️Where's Mr., Detective hotdog man? 🌭

    1. That's exactly what I've been thinking about the police on this show and for a while. Do you remember when there was actual mystery like in the very early days Thorne (original) shot Ridge and I believe the police were much more useful to uncover that. Now they are like the business talk - just so that the show can say there's business or police. It's so lame. Liam coming over to talk business and the whole extent of the topic was "yeah that takeover... I'm not sure about it and neither is Wyatt." 🤦🏻‍♀️ugh. And it's always been like this.
      Good that Doogie Howser will put Hot Doggy to shame 💪🏼💪🏼

    2. @Milla Yes, I remember part when Ridge was shot by Thorne, but I can't remember the reason behind it if it was because of the position Ridge got at Foresters or because of a particular woman.

    3. I mean, the fact that all they found was a toe and NO OTHER BODY PART should have been a clue that something was not right.

    4. Elizabeth I think it was about Caroline 😁

    5. Yes, you would think a coroner would know what a bear attack would look like!! They don’t eat skeletons!! Generally they don’t eat humans.. they are actually easy to scare away if you make a lot of noise.. but, it’s a soap and it opened up this story line, so ??

    6. Elizabeth 😂😂 The Donald trump of b&b. Seriously though, as bad as Bill is acting, I'd never curse him that bad 😂😂

    7. @Hilary, 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😬😬😬

    8. How about leaving politics out of this discussion about a make believe show. Some of us have woke up and don’t really believe fake news and their lies anymore. Don’t we get enough in real life, this is a way to get away from it, don’t bring it here too.

    9. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  6. Milla, in regards to yesterday about the comment’s disappearing, once it hits 200 you can still comment and they will still show up, but to see them, you have to go to the bottom of the page, and tap on “load more comments”, then it will show all the comments that were made after the 200 mark, but the comments will show where you posted it, for example if you replied to someone up the top of the page, it will be there, so you have go to where u posted it? Does that make sense? The best way is to tap the load more comments then start re reading from the top of the page..

    1. Hey Colly yes I did figure it out after reading your comment! And it worked thankfully only in the very end it still showed me comments all jumbled so I left it. But it’s definitely good to know for the future because there were many a days when I thought it was just blocking me 😂 and wouldn't have figured out soon without you telling me! Thanks!

    2. The reason the comments look like they are jumbled, is because, if you respond to someone further up before the 200 mark, your comment will be where you intended it to be.. for example, if it hits the 200 mark, and I wanted to respond to a comment you made earlier, before it got to 200, then it won’t show, until I tap load more comments, then if I scroll back up to where I responded to your earlier comment , it will be there, where I intend d it to be.. that’s why it looks mumbled up, but it’s not.. any comment made after the 200 mark, doesn’t just show up at the bottom.. it shows up where you originally made it..

  7. I’m starting to like the Carter / Katie thing. At first it seemed kinda far fetched to me, because Carter is kinda god-like in his appearance. But I’m starting to sense some chemistry between them and they seem sweet together.
    Not sure about the rest of you ladies, but I felt myself being nervous Sheila was gonna walk into Deacon’s house the whole time Steffy and Finn were there.
    There’s going to be some serious action happening on that front pretty soon.
    And I know it’s been said before, but I just have to repeat that Sheila’s mask with her mouth hanging open all the time is just so ridiculous looking. Looks like she’s trying to catch flies!! Who in the world couldn’t tell that was a mask??? Too funny!! 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Ikr? I kept expecting her to walk in as they were leaving in her "disguise"! Poor stupid Deacon. I know he brought it on himself, but I can't help but feel bad for the guy. Hasn't he paid enough by getting it on with Sheila 🤢

    2. And just imagine Deacon kissing up on that mask. Blech!

    3. Yeah the mask is beyond gross🤢😂

    4. @Elle all night long 😅🙈🙈🙈 that was even worse than the bear theory!

    5. @Lynn the mouth hanging open lol 😅 indeed!

    6. It reminds me of Donna when she’s, shocked, angry, trying to be sexy, donnas mouth is always open just like that 🤣🤣🤣

  8. Well, what can I say about Bill?? He has returned to the dark side!! Feeling sorry for himself is an understatement!! What a pompous pig he is.. I was waiting for him to start beating his chest.. Best line of the day is Bill “they stabbed me in the back”!! 🤣🤣🤣 this from a man who threw Ridge out of a helicopter🤣🤣🤣 geez, Liam near shat his pants!! Bills not used to being told No, and when he is , he acts like a spoiled little kid, stomping his feet, crying “what about me”, I am dollar bill, no one says no to me”, boohoo!! Liam, dad it’s ok to feel sorry for yourself!! 🤣🤣🤣 watch out Liam, he is going to pull of that necklace and stab you with it if you don’t behave and tow the line!!

    1. Or maybe take it off and peel an 🍏 for you!! Sorry, I left the door open for myself on that one!!

    2. Bill's a Grade A jerk making that remark about everyone stabbing him in the back. Liam was right about Bill's ego because he cannot even see how his own actions got him to where he is. Going back and forth between 2 sisters could never end well.

      Also, with all his talk about needing Katie and she being the only one for him, he never once stated that he doesn't love Brooke,.

    3. @Elle, I noticed that too. Bill kept telling her how much he “needed her”…to me that simply sounds selfish. He ‘needs’ her because he’s in a dark place. But what about wanting / desiring and loving only her??? He can never say those words to Katie because they are not true. I think Bill just needs to buy a dog. Lol.

    4. Elle, Bill seriously thinks he is gods gift to everyone.. that’s why he says what he does..because he didn’t get his way, he thinks that all the good he has tried to do recently isn’t working, and he is arrogant enough to think that his sword necklace is what makes people respect him and bow down to him, which is why he put it back on.. he’s a manipulator, look at everyone saying “oh no, not the necklace” “please don’t”.. let’s see what pain he causes people now..

  9. Yeah, Milla….Bill’s definitely going to the dark side. I know you rooted for him for a long time. 😞
    I don’t even know the history behind the sword necklace, but to hear people talk about it, it’s like it has some secret demon power or something. Kinda comical. And when Liam did the ‘shudder’ as Bill walked out of his house, I laughed.
    Poor Bill, I think we’ve lost him as any potential Brooke love interest.

    1. Lynn I'm also worried, unless he does some grand gesture to redeem himself, he won't be right to root for for Brooke.
      And about the swords - I also don't know all of it, maybe Mmysh can fill us in on it, all I remember is way back when he appeared he was wearing it like "look at me I'm the big fighter" sort of token. Also I know it was designed by Quinn (probably when they had their relationship that produced Wyatt). Then when his sons appeared one by one - first Liam and then Wyatt - once he recognized them he gave them each one necklace and they were very happy to wear it as a sign of belonging as being a Spencer man. He gave one to Will too (his kid with Katie) even one to RJ to piss off Ridge.
      Then years later he had the one night stand with Steffy and then wanted her forever 😁 (unlike Ridge he meant it) and went after her with very low methods. And convinced Liam they were carrying on. Then there was some showdown between him and Liam when Liam yanked it away from him and yanked his own and said he's no longer his son or sth similar. And they had a very long falling out. I think back then the necklace got the bad rep and Wyatt took it off too 😀 now I believe it's the first time since then the sword appears and that's why everyone so upset.

    2. Oh OK, thanks for that. Interesting! 😊
      Just don’t know who is left for Bill in today's current character pool. I think Li is too proper for Bill. She doesn’t seem to have much of a wild side.
      And it’s hard for me to picture Steffy with Bill, that has that dirty old man creep factor to it. But I had heard that they had a short lived fling.

    3. @Milla He gave Steffy a sword necklace as well, as a sign of his love for and commitment to her.

      Lynn, they were more than a fling. Bill was leaving Katie for Steffy and when Katie found out, she had a heart attack which could prove to be fatal given her heart transplant. As such, Bill ended things with Steffy and stayed with Katie.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Elle indeed, wasn't it even a diamond sword for her? And that which you describe was in the early years when Steffy wanted him. They would have had a happily ever after if it wasn't for Katie's illness.

      After their ons years later, is when he was obsessed with her and wanted to split her from Liam😀it was totally psycho and still kinda hot 😅 but she didn't want him. For some reason she tried to fool him that she would though, I don't remember why, was it to get back some FC stock?

    6. I just watched one of the episodes from when Bill was obsessed with Steffy and proposed and Ridge said "he's a pompous old man!" and I had to laugh so hard. If anyone would know, right? 😂

    7. @ Milla Is this the one where Steffy was prego with Liam baby or when he was going to break up with Katie?

    8. @Milla Yes, Steffy pretended to be interested in him to get back the 12.5% of FC stock. He proposed and told everyone that he was going to marry her. I remember Justin and Wyatt trying to talk him out of giving her the stock but Bill was adamant that he loved her and the stock was going to be his wedding gift to her.

    9. @Elizabeth the diamond sword necklace was back in 2011 when their romance first sparked 🥰 it was so hot...

    10. @Elle indeed. But in the end he gave it to her anyway, no? Or sold?

  10. Carter changing clothes in an office. A few weeks ago it was Thomas. There aren't any bathrooms at Forrester Creations? Hey, I'm not complaining. If I were Katie I would have asked to see more. 🥰

    1. What fun would that be!! I don’t mind at all!! I could look at those pecks and abs aaaaall day long 🤤🤤🤤

    2. Isn't there gym equipment on the rooftop? So, you would think wealthy Forrester Creations would have a locker room...

  11. Brook, Brook, Brook, Brook, Brook!!! LOL Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
      🎵 There's a story about a man named Brady ... 🎵

    2. LOL! I thought that was funny as well! And, when they are talking about her toe....? LOL!

    3. And, Steffy carrying the toe in her designer handbag. While at Deacon's she hands the purse to Finn who proceeds to remove the toe from Steffy's bag. It would have been hysterical if Sheila returned at that moment & someone asked, "looking for your toe?"

    4. Hi Jolene!! Thanks love!! I only just saw this, sorry love.. I am a day forward, so my day is the USA night, sometimes if I satay up late or get up early I catch things.. But even though I am a day forward, I don’t get to watch the USA Monday until our Teusday.. so my comments come after everyone else’s, I know it’s weird?? But hope to see u here more often love!!

    5. Oops! 🤣🤣🤣 I meant *stay up late, not satay 🤣🤣🤣

  12. Oh Bill what an arse you are. Thank goodness Brooke wasn`t interested in him.
    It`s a shame he`s slipped back into being THAT Bill, I really thought he had changed his colors. He is just as bad now as Ridge and that`s saying something.
    Thank goodness Steffy has something else to concentrate on other than her parents lives, now she may starting watching out for her husband and son.
    Katie and Carter look really good together, I hope this storyline progresses well.
    Colly where in Australia are you from, also curious about Aussie Deb?

    1. @Maur I'm from Carnarvon Western Australia. Gascoyne country. 🙂

    2. Hey Aussie Deb, how are you going over there love, with all the weather issues? Hope you are safe and well love..

    3. Maur, I am stuck in the Nations Capital Canberra.. I hate it here, although there’s some great things here, but with all the developements going on, it won’t be long before we are as big as some of the bigger cities.. But I would much rather be on the coast line somewhere, which my husband and I retire, that’s where we r going.. I loooove the ocean, so that’s where I want to end up!! My sister lives in Brisbane, and she loves up there..

    4. You are right about Bill.. I am still adamant the producers are struggling to keep the show afloat and they are bringing old characters and story lines that were popular in their day to try revive it.. Bills too boring as a good guy!! He is more exciting as the evil bad guy!!
