Monday, November 13, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-13-23 Full episode B&B 13th November 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-13-23 Full episode B&B 13th November 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Sis asking madwoman Li if she's happy- HAHAHHAHHHA. Li thrives on misery and dictating to other people. Li should have her hands full with big mouth Steffy and her own brand of making people miserable. Deacon looks like a little kid next to Finn. Finn needs to quit pretending Steffy hasn't committed the exact same crimes Sheila did. Steffy shot Sheila, but it was ok when Steffy did it? Steffy put her child in danger during her drug stupor. Finn has to see Sheila is no worse than Steffy.

    1. I agree. And Steffy should tell Liam that he has to stop!! I'm so tired of Liam and Li!!

    2. Steffy should tell Liam that she LOVES her husband, not just that she is "commited to" her marriage and her husband. She's giving him hope and she knows it.

  2. Li shut up smh Steffy don't take Liam back....

  3. Liam is creepy as hell, has be always been this desperate and creepy when trying to win someone back

    1. It's the first time I see him that creepy, to be honest. I remember when he was trying to get Hope back after they "lost" Beth I don't think he looked that weird. Now he gives Thomas vibes.

    2. Exactly no talking to pictures 😂😂😂😂

    3. What happened here? Steffy comes home to be the "Xena, the Princess Warrior" to Sheila, and with Liam, she just allowed himself to speak his feelings for her and NOT ball him out, slap his face, or to kick his butt out of her house, in spite she says she loves Finn, she also didn't mind either hearing Liam saying sweet nothings to her either, what is wrong with that picture.

    4. Elizabeth it’s quite expected, that’s Steffy. Finn or no Finn, she’s waited a long time to hear Liam say those nothings to her.

    5. But she should also know by now that he's saying this ONLY because Hope rejected him. Steffy is nothing but a spare tire to him, always have been. She has a husband that only loves HER, unless she wants to live her mother's life she should tell him to stop and find someone else. Liam is pathetic, like always.

    6. @Miss_sushi Of course Steffy knows what Liam is doing. That's why she kept telling him at the start to go back to Hope and talk to her. That he needs to focus on fixing his marriage. That Hope made a mistake. Steffy did not just lap up everything Liam was saying to her, she continually sent him back to Hope.

    7. True Elle, she has made it clear to Liam everytime he tries something.. coming home to Finn after Liam’s stunt with the message, telling her to come home to him, should have been a big enough indicator, and it was, that’s why Liam was drowning his sorrows with scotch when he spoke to Bill!! And the fact she didn’t even tell Liam she was coming home and he had to find out from Kelly was an extra kick in the pickle balls.. He is not stupid!!

  4. I am having fantasies of Sheila strangling Li... Li is officially the most insufferable woman on this show.
    She doesn't even know if she is ranting over Sheila or over Poppy. I hope that muddle of a story makes sense eventually.

    Good for Steffy for saying clearly that she won't give up Finn for anyone including Liam. She could have delivered her message with less smiles and "I love you"s. But the words were there so good for her.

    Liam has photos with both women and both families on his desk 😀 whoever came up with the weird claims that he doesn't love Douglas? Well here is Douglas right along with his other kids! The way he talked to picture Steffy was kinda disturbing... I hope he's not losing his mind although would explain a lot.

    1. Good for her but she needs to be more firm and be honest with finn like she demands from him and tell him rhat liam step by

      Maybe the picture now will tell him to kill finn 😂😂😂

    2. Aaaa Mmysh, new nightmare unlocked 🤣🤣 but I'd kinda like to see that!

    3. I'll hope Sheila will kill Li 😁 Steffy should tell Finn that Liam wants her back. I'll hope he finds out!! Liam will never stop

    4. Sure patologi when she smiles at him and tell him she loves him and will always do with the sick condition he is in sure that’s all what he will hear and will never give up

    5. Or milla he can get a picture of steffy but Gladys still so he can imagine her talking to him 😂😂😂😂😂

    6. I meant gladys style but its goid you got it
      No need to delete the whole comment
      Typing on the phone is like that unfortunately

    7. Hahah Gladys and Glynnis "jump out at you" 😅 if they go this way with Steffy's pic I'd freak (in a positive way!!)

    8. Since they have no imagination apparently maybe they start stealing stories

    9. Anything to get us out of this boring repetitive limbo, Mmysh.

    10. I'm happy Steffy told Liam that she is not leaving her husband for him - not that it mattered to Liam since he is determined, more than ever, to get her back.

      I think the fact that Steffy has such a great relationship with her daughter's father is why she remains friendly with him. I agree though, that she needs to be more firm in her dealings with him (like how she was when he kissed her the second time in her and Finn's home) otherwise, he won't take her seriously, and also because she knows that Liam is trying to break up her marriage to Finn. She needs to be more protective of the family she has with her husband.

      Regarding Douglas, I don't think Liam cares too much about any of his children, much less for Douglas.

      Li needs to mind her own business!

    11. Both women have said that Liam is a fantastic father so I think at least in that department he's fine. No idea where this notion came that he's a bad father. The same people who bash him for that are those who keep saying that there's way more we don't see on screen which is "happening". From Steffy and Hope's words it looks like the relationship of Liam with his kids has always been great.

    12. Yes, they've said it to his face but a lot of the time, we see something different. A man who can walk away from his children because his wife kissed another man (she didn't sleep with him) and refusing to even attempt to keep his family together. Then at the same time, vigorously chasing after another woman, is not a good father if he can so easily walk away from them. But that's just my opinion.

    13. Elle I also feel the same way about parents - including Hope. You are right that it's selfish parenting to only look at your own ego and ruin your family (in Liam's case - over an indiscretion you yourself are sooo not above). It's what I was most angry at Hope for and it applies to Liam too. I agree.

  5. Steffy, reach out and cold-cock Liam aside the face like you did Shelia !
    But nooooo... you love all the attention !

    1. I agree. I'm angry to Steffy because she is too kind and caring for a man who wants to break up her marriage. She would never accept that kind of behaviour from Finn

    2. Yes, Steffy LOVES LOVES LOVES the attention!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. Lynn i guess its not only steffy who is desperate to the attention 😂😂😂
      How pathetic

    4. Mmysh, what is it you said again?? Don’t be a coward, or do a 5 grader act , and just say my name 🤣🤣🤣 now that’s pathetic!! To say that to someone then do it yourself!! 🤣🤣

    5. Good you know yourself 😂😂😂😂😂

    6. Where did the idea come from that Steffy loves the attention that she is getting from Liam? If that were so, Liam wouldn't have had to find out that she was back in town from their daughter. Also, Liam is the one that keeps showing up at Steffy's. Seems he is the one that is trying to get her attention.

    7. Elle it comes from all the smiles and batting eyelashes for me 😀😀 but mostly because she is not telling him to forget the idea about a reunion. She says that *she* won't do anything with him but if I really mean it, I would say "so please stop doing this" - what he should do. Something will happen between these two, it's a matter of time.
      Btw I don't know why her fans are so offended that we say she enjoys the attention of the man. Like you said below, that's not as bad as what Hope is doing - outright begging for it as a foreplay (a bit s&m vibes) - so Steffy is still within the line.

    8. I can't speak for others, but I am not offended, just curious as to where the idea came from. Because I've seen Steffy tell Liam in no uncertain terms that he cannot come around kissing her when he feels like it or because his marriage is in shambles. She has also told him that she is not leaving her husband. To me, a person who enjoys the attention of a man will not actively push him away. I agree that she needs to be more aggressive in her approach, but the fact that she tells him nothing is going to happen between them does not show me that she is craving Liam's attention.

    9. Exactly Milla. Not sure why this has become so complicated. Lol.
      And yes, something will definitely happen between those two. Then there will be a whole new set of excuses as to why Steffy is completely innocent. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    10. The real question is….what would Finn think if he saw the interaction between Steffy and Liam?? Well for one, he would sock weasel Liam to the moon. But Finn would also be furious with Steffy for allowing this type of nonsense to continue without shutting it down. I am sure there is not one Steffy fan on this blog who could honestly say that Finn would be fine with Steffy’s behavior around Liam. So there’s your gauge on Steffy’s appropriateness. Finn WOULD NOT approve!!!

    11. I am trying to imagine it Lynn and I am not sure. On one hand, Finn has developed a lot these past weeks and shown thar he grew the proverbial pair. On the other, I feel he blindly loves Steffy and has loved her blindly from the beginning, considering how he directly forgave her the humiliation of the cheating and the paternity debacle that kicked off their relationship 😅 and we can assume he's only grown to love and adore her more ever since. So I don't know if he'll see her clearly enough to give her any blame even if he saw them kissing. But he may surprise us!

    12. Milla, the way I see it….Liam is Finn’s Thomas. Finn can’t stand Liam. And clearly Liam has crossed sooooo many lines, most of which Finn doesn’t even know about. Finn puts Steffy up on a pedestal she has no place being. Right now Finn is focused on keeping Sheila out of their lives. But, if and when all this Liam nonsense comes to light, I think shit will hit the fan. And honestly, if it didn’t, I would lose respect for Finn.

    13. C'mon M. Batting her eyes? Smiles yes, but I have not seen any batting of eyes from Steffy towards Liam. 😅😅😅

      The interaction between Liam and Steffy has not warranted anything for Finn to be worried about. She acts the same way she has always acted with Liam whenever he came over so I don't see Finn being furious. However, I don't think it's because he loves Steffy blindly but more because he has known what Liam has been up to. Finn and Steffy have a more mature relationship than most on this show. There are no petty jealousies or allowing others to dictate the course of their marriage. From what we've seen, they tend to talk things out with each other.

      However, even if Steffy does not tell Finn about the kisses, she should at least tell him about what Liam is up to. That way, they can both deal with the matter together. But I also get that Steffy is headstrong and feels that she has dealt with the situation by letting Liam know she is not interested in leaving her husband for him. She should still tell him though so that Finn knows exactly what he is up against.

    14. Elle the eyelashes go with the smile 😀 it's the package of "I like hearing you say those things to me" no matter how inappropriate to her husband. If the roles were reversed she would not tolerate her husband not putting very firm boundaries. Like Miss sushi said below, if you really want to make a point, you don't go with "I love you". When Steffy was rejecting Bill, that was real, determined rejection. When Hope was in her right mind and telling Thomas that they are only co-parents, that was too. I don't think she really wants Liam to stop even though she has made her position clear that it won't bring him anything. But if she didn't enjoy it, she would be firmer.

      I understand she doesn't want to make a bigger deal than it is to her husband and that's why keeping it quiet. But she should know that their marriage is not immune. Secrets come out and when the spouse is hurt, they react.

      Lynn I also would be surprised and take my statement about the grown pair if Finn doesn't show self-respect if (when) things with Liam come out or even go further.

    15. Elle, It was very recent (last couple of months recent) that Finn was obsessing about Liam the “Little Puke”. It was always….Liam this and Liam that. I even made a comment that Finn was turning into Liam in his obsessive tendencies (how Liam obsessed over Thomas.)
      I think if Finn knew about the conversations that Steffy and Liam were having he would be furious. Time will tell.
      It’s always Finn on the hot seat over his relationship with Sheila. But I expect things to take a turn, and it will soon be Steffy on the hot seat over Liam. Things continue to get dragged out FOREVER on the show….so only time will tell.

  6. Liam has crossed over to creepy stalker zone. Perhaps, Thomas can get Liam a Steffy mannequin because it doesn't sound like Steffy is going back to Liam anytime soon.

    1. Exactly Renee!! That was made crystal clear!!

    2. Liam cannot fathom that Steffy wants nothing to do with him. He is used to her just melting at his feet so he thought if he just told her a few nice words and wagged "the fear of Sheila" in her face, she would leave her husband and family and come running to him.

      The last time they slept together, she and Finn were only just getting to know each other. Now that Finn has taken a bullet for her, went all the way to Italy to find her, and has actually fought (not run to someone else) for her to return home by turning his back on his own mother, Steffy has realized what's important. And it certainly isn't Liam. Kudos to both her and Hope for wanting better for themselves!

  7. RJ’s arms resemble the Incrdible Hulk’s arms. Good job, young lad!
    Oh Steffy, look at you letting Liam spill his disgusting heart out to you and you just eating it up!! Way to deter him, Steffy!! Such an attention whore you are!!!

    1. I don’t know if steffy should have boundaries with liam since he is not only disrespectful to finn but also to her marriage in her family home
      But oh yeah that’s only applies to hope
      Because steffy do nothing wrong its all on liam like it was with hope
      Thomas do no wrong but hope should be careful and responsible for him 🥱🥱🥱

    2. Mmysh, if Finn knew about the discussions, kissing, etc. that Steffy and Liam have been sharing, he would go ballistic!

    3. Oh lynn you have no ideas how much im happy to see my point got proven like every especially the whataboutism but with twisting the events i wish fir once to be brought un as it is
      But i feel pity at the same time
      Don’t waste your time dear
      Its in vain

    4. RJ remind me of "Popeye the Sailor Man" with his out of proportion arms. 😂
      As for Steffi when TF is she going to tell Liam to STFU and get out of her face and her marriage. She is cheating on her marriage by entertaining Liam with his verbal BS. How much rope are the producers going to give her with this storyline? Or is she not accountable and won't be found out. She is just a self opinionated and self centred cheating bitch as far as I am concerned. That's why she has got no girlfriends. She keeps it close so her indiscretions can't be found out, the cow!! 😡

    5. Absolutely Aussie. Steffy as always thinks none of what she's judging others on applies to her. That's the ugliest thing about her and Taylor - their judgment and total lack of self-awareness.

    6. "Oh Steffy, look at you letting Liam spill his disgusting heart out to you and you just eating it up!! Way to deter him, Steffy!! Such an attention whore you are!!!"

      If we replace the words Steffy and Liam with the words Hope and Thomas, we have the exact scenario EXCEPT Steffy isn't begging Liam to tell her over and over again how much he loves and wants her. Steffy has the attention of her husband and family, who are all very concerned for her and who all love her very much. Why would she need attention from Liam who is trying to get her to leave her husband?

      Also, Steffy detered Liam (at least in that moment) by letting him know point blank that she is NOT leaving her husband for anybody INCLUDING HIM. Lol! I thought that was golden. All Liam could do in that instant was hang his head in disappointment. Way to go Stef!

    7. Elle and have you read anything other than scathing critique towards Hope for her behavior? 😀 I personally have been bashing on her every time she says that.

    8. Oh yes, I've read it, M. Lol.

      I feel for Hope because Liam has done quite a number on her. She genuinely believed that Liam loved her more than he did Steffy however, as she has come to realize, he still kept Steffy in his heart and once she (Hope) messed up, he went running right back to Steffy. So yes, Hope is craving attention from Thomas because in his eyes, she is the only woman for him.

    9. Elle, exactly what Milla said is correct. We have done nothing but rip on Hope for her behavior with Thomas. It’s awful and puke worthy for sure. But that isn’t who we are talking about at the moment. We are talking about Steffy’s behavior on Monday’s episode. And there is no doubt ‘bad ass Steffy’ (as she likes to think of herself) is handling things with kid gloves as far as Liam is concerned. She is NOT being firm with him. And the reason she isn’t is because she loves the idea that Liam is finally chasing her. It’s a big ego boost to that already huge head of hers. And I still maintain she is afraid to piss Liam off because she fears that if she does, he may tell Finn about their kisses. Steffy likes her secrets and deception, so she certainly doesn’t want that coming out!! 😂😂😂😂😂

    10. Telling him to say the words one time and sure he says them its not BEGGING
      But sure she still sick and disgusting

    11. Aussie Deb, yep….Popeye the Sailor Man arms….nailed it!! 😬😬😬😬

    12. Mmysh, correct! Hope doesn’t have to “beg” for anything when it comes to Thomas. He is just so happy to be getting some attention from her. 🤣🤣🤣. He knows all the buzz words and is MORE THAN HAPPY to oblige!!!
      And yes, it’s still disgusting for sure. I’m so glad we haven’t had to go down the path of Hope and Thomas becoming an actual couple. I truly wouldn’t be able to stomach it!! The day she tells him she is in love with him is the day I stop watching.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Hah to me it even sounded like begging from Hope but I guess whenever they start going at and she says it, I only see red and don't differentiate 😀😀

    15. And Elle yes if one comes from a place of sympathy for Hope (as we probably should from time to time) it is understandable the attachment to Thomas' unconditional adoration. I still hope he's not squeaky good though 😂 we need bad Thomas!

    16. I like Thomas as he is now. The consistent mutilating of his character has grown old to me. They need to peel back his layers one by one so that we see more of who he is. If he does revert to past behaviors, it should come at some time down the road. Next couple of years, maybe. 🤭

    17. Okay but if something was *happening* with good Thomas… bad Thomas always had something going on, some suspense what he’s up to and if he’ll get away. If it’s not him than maybe Liam will turn cray cray. Someone other than Sheila should provide for some excitement 😁

  8. Li, you are soooooo 🤢🤢🤢 with envy!! How sad for you. And speaking of green, that 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 scene with Finn and Steffy was vomit inducing as usual. Give me a dang break, Finn… could do so much better than Steffy!!!

    1. Liam is skeevy and gross! I hope he becomes mentally unhinged! That would make for some excitement on the show! Better than Li"a ridiculous griping about EVERYTHING! She sux

    2. Hilary, you sure nailed it on Liam. Maybe Liam is going to the dark side as well.

    3. I also thought "here we go again with the Stinn perpetual suckface..." 🤦🏻‍♀️ ngl a little bit rooting for Liam to put a stop to it.

    4. I'm sure Finn has never had, or will never have, a woman who would take a bullet for him and who would oppose the same woman who tried to kill him, all for the sake of protecting her husband and family. Finn can never do better.

    5. Just because Steffy took a bullet for him does not mean he can’t do better. Finn is honest and ethical. In my opinion, Steffy is not. She is controlling and manipulative. So in that regard, I think Finn can definitely do better!!

    6. She didn’t took a bullet for him
      There was no bullet that meant for him in the first place

    7. *Sheila Carter liked your comment* 😅😀

    8. Manipulative in what way? I've not seen that.

      Steffy is a loving wife and excellent mother. She is very protective of the people she loves and stands up for what is right. However, perfect she is not.

      Mmysh, when Finn was shot, Steffy wanted to call 911. Sheila threatened to shoot her if she called them. Steffy pulled out her phone to call them anyway. That's when Sheila shot her. She did take a bullet for Finn because she was trying to save his life.

    9. Thanks elle for explaining the scene for
      You are right now i recall what happened
      She did took a bullet for him
      But don’t got ne wrong its not against steffy’s protecting finn
      But sheila after shooting finn she was gonna shot steffy anyway
      But sure steffy didn’t know that at that moment

    10. Elle, I see Steffy’s character as a whole as being very manipulative. She will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She very much manipulates situations.
      I agree she loves her children and husband very much, but that doesn’t make her personality change into someone who is more easy going. At her core she wants things the way she wants them and has VERY LITTLE PATIENCE if things don’t go her way.

    11. Many people are that way, Lynn. It doesn't make someone else better than them though. Someone else might be able to approach or handle situations better but, at their core, they may be horrible. That's not who Steffy is at her core. She acts that way, at times, out of love and wanting to protect those she loves. For example, the way she accosts Hope. It's not because she just wants to be a horrible person to Hope, but because she is protective of her brother. She experienced firsthand how that kind of selfishness can affect people and she does not want her brother going through it again. She got shot because she learnt of Sheila switching the champagne which led to Brooke falling off the wagon and so, she told Sheila that she was going to let her father and Brooke know what Sheila did. It wasn't because she was just being a horrible person to Sheila.

      I still don't get the manipulative part. I've not seen that from Steffy.

  9. Steffi is definitely eating it up, so disgusting! She's the queen of teases!

    1. I believe Hope holds the title of 'tease' for now. All while using the excuse that "Thomas knows where she stands."

  10. Just half ass watched again tonight but my first thought was wow, RJ has gained alot of weight over the weekend or he's pumping steroids with the weights .

    1. There still has to be alot more to this Poppy, Luna and Li story or she is a really bitter bitter woman. I think there's more...

    2. This Li stuff is boring and going nowhere. I don't think the writers even know where this story is going.

    3. D, I think the writers r all over the shop with this Li story line.. Li is a very bitter woman, but in a way after today , I can understand why!! But still, the bitterness spewing from her, is just aweful, and that’s obviously why she has it in for a young girl Luna.. despite everything, it’s immature to take your issues out on a young girl and hate her simply because you can’t have children.. and Luna is family and Li is determined to ruin her career despite Luna doing everything that Li expects..

    4. I get that Colly and can see the anger she might feel toward her sister for being able to conceive, but the anger towards Luna?? and how she keeps bringing up it will destroy Finn's life? Still feel like there has to more to the story but as you say, the writers might be trying to figure out a new story line.

    5. This SL is just there to fill the blank and their lack of imagination. Plus the actress playing Li is SOOOOOO bad.

    6. They started the story as though Luna knew a lot more than what she was saying. Only to have it boil down to Li being jealous of her sister. This can't be it.

    7. I always knew Luna was a good person and from the moment Li showed up in her life it was clear that she's not the one with the secret. It's her mom and aunt.

    8. I'm still not sold on Luna, mainly because I like RJ and don't want to see him get hurt. Also because Luna was acting like she was not being completely honest with him about her family drama. Once the whole story comes out (if there is indeed more to it), maybe then I can start liking her.

    9. Elle I think it's a safe bet that dear RJ will get hurt eventually and very likely in the love department.

    10. Well yeah. But it shouldn't be from some girl who is not on the up and up with him from the get go. Lol!

  11. His arms are GIGANTIC! I couldn't believe my eyes 👀

    1. It was almost like trick photography or something. Lol.

  12. I think RJ might b on the steroids, he tripled his muscle mass in a very short period of time.. Either that or he is eating a whole cow and fifty chickens a day!!

    1. lol... To me, I didn't see every show last week, but it seems to me over the weekend he ate alot of cows, chickens, pasta. It was really noticeable.

  13. And look at all the Steffy haters go!!! Despite the fact she made it crystal clear to Liam that she loves her husband and family and is not leaving Finn or her family for anyone including him!! She can’t win!! Just nit picking.. yet if we do it to a Logan, we r just nitpicking finding anything we can to pick on a Logan!! Of course she loves Liam and will always care deeply for him, he is the father of her daughter.. how stupid to think she will just hate him.. Ic telling him off for kissing her twice and kicking him out of Erics the third time he tried, and coming home to Finn, after Liam’s stunt with the voice mail, and now telling him she won’t leave Finn for him and that she loves Finn, is just not enough in Lfans book??!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I think she has made it crystal clear more than once, but Liam still keeps pushing.. But let’s find anything we can to bag her out!! Liam, you need to give it up mate!! And that wink to Steffy in the photo?? Wth was that about!!

    1. And it was OK when Brooke lapped up all the attention Deacon gave her while married to Ridge.. Ridge didn’t want him in the house they shared, and what was Brookes response!! It’s her house and deacon is welcome there because he is Hopes father!! Despite him spilling his feelings to Brooke every opportunity he got!! And let’s not forget the infamous night she felt so comfortable with Deacon she didn’t bother to change out of her lingerie!! Prancing about, kissing, despite being sober enough to stop it, admitted that herself.. I wonder if Ridge made it home and walked in on her prancing around like that!! Now that is what you call lapping up attention and disrespecting your marriage , oh but, oops, it is HER home 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that Ridge bought her!! Never heard boo from Lfans then!! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Of course things from two years ago are brought up because looking at the current situation, only Steffy is the attention whore. Same exact point I made on Friday’s episode. Sorry Colly, but you are far too predictable. The only attention seeker in today’s soapy world is Steffy. Well actually, Hope falls into that category as well. But at least Hope is separated and not “happily married” 🤣🤣🤣 like Steffy supposedly is.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣 oh, but according to you Lynn, Brooke has been a completely changed person since you have been here, what 5 or more years now 🤣🤣🤣 ok, you just don’t like the fact that precious Brooke has done soooo much worse in last couple of years!! Kissing bill cause she was “stressed out” 🤣🤣🤣 she loved loved loooooved the attention from Deacon.. So much so she felt she could prance around all night in sexy lingerie.. if Ridge walked in on that??!! 🤣🤣🤣 but yes, if it makes you feel better love, that this happened in fairly recent times, and Brooke was apparently completely changed since you got here, so b it!!

    4. I’ll take your “romping around in lingerie when Deacon stopped by unannounced” and “kissing Bill” and raise you a “screw with Liam” while dating Finn….cuz that’s what the attention seeker, Steffy did!!
      If we are gonna go back a few years, then I can play your game too. And by the way, Brooke’s kiss with Bill was impromptu, Brooke wasn’t seeking attention from Bill at the time. But this thing with Steffy and Liam has been going on for quite a while now. And Steffy is doing nothing to truly shut it down. We have all seen Steffy be VERY NASTY to various people….many, many times. So if she truly wanted Liam to stop, she could be a lot less smily and a lot more snarky to Liam. Liam is clearly out of line!! And Steffy would have every right to put him in his place. But she lets him go on and on about how they belong together. Cuz she loves the ongoing attention. And that is exactly what an attention seeker does!!!

    5. "an attention whore"? and the past is allowed to be brought up now? lol What is Steffy suppose to do. Slap the shit out of Liam and tell him never to come around again?? They are co-parents. She made herself clear. She does love him, which is understandable with the history they have and their daughter, but she is in love with Finn and won't give up her family for him. Now Hope (who was happily married at the time) had fantasies about Thomas and seduced him in Rome but she's not a whore???

    6. An attention whore and an actual whore are two different things, D.
      And the answer is that Steffy take some of that “bad ass” personality she claims to have, and tell Liam that conversations like the one they had today and the ones they had all the other days need to stop!! Otherwise she will let Finn in on their private little talks. Of course Steffy won’t do that, because she doesn’t want to piss Liam off. She probably fears that Liam may tell Finn about the multiple kisses he and Steffy shared. And clearly Steffy does NOT want Finn finding out about the kisses. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7. D - in answer to your question….Colly likes to live in the past. She does that with her comments when it suits her narrative. So I simply responded in kind. I would prefer to stay in the present. But that doesn’t seem possible given the comments here.

    8. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 really? And I am the only one who does that?? Sure Lynn!! Turn a blind eye to yourself and other Logan fans when it suites their narrative!! Seriously hypocritical!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hmmmm🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🥱🥱🥱

    9. Too funny Lynn!! 🤣🤣🤣

    10. Wow, Colly……way overkill on all your “🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣”. My comments are current to the show’s set of events on most days. Not sure what you find so incredibly hilarious. I want some of what ever it is you’re smoking! Because absolutely nothing you said was “🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣” worthy.

    11. There is definitely a reason why Steffy is so obviously enjoying a behavior from Liam, which if Finn had with another woman, she would go through the roof. That's disrespectful. And not mentioning it to her husband, but always looking constipated when he brings up Liam. She won't tell Finn about the kisses until it's too late.

    12. Sorry Milla, but no different than Brooke in recent past!! So it’s safe to say that ALL the women on this show loves a man’s attention.. that’s pretty standard on a soap 🤣🤣🤣 and Lynn, as you would say “too funny” 🤣🤣🤣 I write what I am thinking, and if read a comment I think is funny, I add a couple extra!! U r the worst for overkill on laughing faces, especially when your actually firing back on something someone said that you don’t like, 🤣🤣🤣🤣 hilarious!! And how many times you gonna use the “I want some of what you’re smokin”??🤣🤣🤣 it’s so old, and is that all u got!! U know, if u really want it as bad as you keep saying, u can just go buy some, it’s not illegal over there anymore!! 🤣 🤣🤣Anyway didn’t we make an agreement yesterday not to talk to each other?? I am pretty sure I told you and Mmysh that!!

    13. So now it’s multiple kisses Lynn? She kicked him out on his third attempt!! Really!! Got to make it look worse than it is, typical!! And impromptu doesn’t excuse it, she actually did kiss bill back and quiet passionately, and it was her “sisters” husband of all people.. and prancing around like a show horse in lingerie isn’t all she did with Deacon is it now!! deflecting, excuses and hypocrisy once again!! Yes Steffy slept with Liam, don’t deny it or excuse it or approve of it!!! But you’re trying to make Steffy out like she cheated on Finn now and it’s simply not true!! But it wont stop u finding any little thing to bag her out, no different to what u accuse us of doing all the time.. at least what I said about Brooks is true and a lot worse than Steffies supposed behaviour now!!

    14. I don't know how you females in America or elsewhere feel about it but here in Australia I would be creeped out and feel threatened much, by my ex baby daddy waltzing into MY house that me and MY HUSBAND share and declaring his undying love etc to me. I mean , where does this shit happen at all? Unless your a stalker with no boundaries, and then the local Constabulary should be called.
      Steffi acting like a slut in heat, lapping every word up, in the pretence of because Liam is Kelly's father he has every right in the world to do this. O.M.G. 😲 😲 😲

    15. Colly I'm so not biting anymore on the Brooke whataboutism and I hope the others also don't bother.

    16. Poor confused Colly. Let me explain a few things to you…..
      You deciding that we won’t address each other any longer is not “an agreement.” An agreement happens when two or more agree, not because Colly decides. I find it HILARIOUS (that word I love to use) that you would assume anyone would listen to your directives!! What are you smoking???!!! Another one that you love. 😂😂😂😂😂
      Newsflash - you are not in charge of the blog, Colly!!!

      And the definition of the word “multiple” means more than one. They kissed twice, so yes….MULTIPLE!!!

      Just look at all the people on the blog bagging on Steffy!! It seems to be a common thread among many viewers. Too bad your precious Steffy is getting the criticism she absolutely deserves. That’s gotta be killing you!! And here’s lots of 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 just for you!!!!

    17. Aussie Deb, you are correct, it doesn’t happen. What Steffy is allowing to go on is so disrespectful to Finn. Especially since Steffy knows how much Finn despises Liam. But Steffy doesn’t care. That’s just who she is. It’s all about her, all the time!!

    18. Let’s face it guys steffy is one big fat whore end of story , and always will be so enough is enough once and for all

    19. Lynn, I seriously are so full of yourself!! You have demanded people don’t address you anymore, you have done that “multiple” times, and x that by a hundred.. but when someone tells you not to address them, you’re ego just can’t handle it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 because u have a narcissistic personality, 🤣🤣🤣 look it up, you might get a shock.. 🤣🤣🤣 fine, have it your way love!! But don’t expect a response back from me!! 😬😬😬

    20. Unknown, all the women on the show are whores, especially Brooke!! She earned a title for it, however, please don’t tell others what to do on this blog… but thanks for the advice!!

    21. And it’s only a common thread atm because most of the commenters at this point are Logan fans, so what else would you expect!! 🤣🤣🤣 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    22. Oh Colly, if I could only be so lucky that you wouldn’t address me anymore, but you just can’t help yourself!! Even when you don’t address me directly, you refer to me in your comments. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who you are talking about. But you try to act all innocent. HILARIOUS!!!
      And as far as the narcissist comment, it takes one to know one, lady!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    23. And my how the tables have turned if most of the bloggers are Logan fans!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      Not even sure that’s the case, I think more like lots of Steffy haters on the blog. 😂😂😂😂

    24. Unknown, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 😁😁😁😁

    25. If only Steffy told Liam that she loves her husband but she just she she's committed... not the same, it was as simple as "Liam stop it right now, I love Finn, he is the love of my life and I will not leave him for the man that abandonned me because he was in love with another one" that is crystal clear. What is not is saying "I will always love you to an ex" whom only heard "love you"

    26. Colly, I love that Steffy has told Liam more than once that he can go kick rocks. She has made it very clear to him. Guess she really does not want his attention.

    27. That's very true miss_sushi esp the last sentence.

    28. They are funny, all of them loves their ex. I don't understand that because I don't love them 🤣 Steffy is too nice. Liam can't understand just words. He needs a slap to his face. But of course when you're co-parenting, you can't do that. But say in louder voice that why can't you understand that I'm not going to divorce. Liam keeps begging her back for months.. I'm so tired of Liam!! And yes, all the women :in soap loves attention. I'm waiting for Liam to walk in when Thope having sex 🤣 Was it on thursday? I think all the younger women has the same thing with men. They like having attention. Brooke was just like that when she was younger. And Hope finally also does that. I'll hope that they're gonna have a real loving relationship with Thomas. And Liam sees that Hope is much happier with Thomas than with him!! That could be sooo good for him!

    29. They are funny, all of them loves their ex. I don't understand that because I don't love them 🤣 Steffy is too nice. Liam can't understand just words. He needs a slap to his face. But of course when you're co-parenting, you can't do that. But say in louder voice that why can't you understand that I'm not going to divorce. Liam keeps begging her back for months.. I'm so tired of Liam!! And yes, all the women :in soap loves attention. I'm waiting for Liam to walk in when Thope having sex 🤣 Was it on thursday? I think all the younger women has the same thing with men. They like having attention. Brooke was just like that when she was younger. And Hope finally also does that. I'll hope that they're gonna have a real loving relationship with Thomas. And Liam sees that Hope is much happier with Thomas than with him!! That could be sooo good for him!

    30. I'm not a Steffy hater. But she should be harder to Liam. He is too obsessed to get Steffy back. Steffy should tell the things in different ways. Say that hey you must stop that right now. He doesn't understand if Steffy is smiling to him. He can get worse.. I'm so tired of Liam!! He should get a life..

  14. 🤣🤣🤣 yes, I just crave her attention!! Can’t live without it!! 🤣🤣🤣

  15. That was funny Jason!! Truly, good one!! 🤣🤣🤣
