Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-21-23 Full episode B&B 21st November 2023

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-21-23 Full episode B&B 21st November 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Very bitter. And doesn't want anything good for Luna either. She is sick minded

    2. Li passed bitter a long time ago. She is now full fledged secret Voodoo Shaman sticking pins in dolls and dreaming up toxic potions for everyone. (Not to be confused with her cooking, that's noxious by accident.)

    3. Sucking on lemons bitter 🍋🥴

  2. Another lost child for Bill???

    1. i'm thinking that also. and like someone said in another comment Bill probably knew Luna's mom as Ponelope instead of Poppy.

    2. Poppy just pretends that she don't know who he is...

    3. Agree, after watching today Colly, Milla I stand corrected on my comments yesterday. It's looking like Bill might be the father of Luna. We or I for one, was lead to believe Luna's father was a doctor but the more I hear from Luna, her mother lead a free spirited life style sounds like she slept around a alot. It might have been a one night stand with Bill but they both know they know each other.

    4. D, now it will turn out he's not 😅 often, they love twisting the common logic into a knot and then give us something completely wtf.

    5. D, I actually made a joke about a week ago to Milla that wouldn’t it be sweet karma to Li if Bill got together with Poppi and it turned out Luna was Bills father.. Li wouldn’t have a leg to stand on!! Milla, 🤣🤣🤣 true, they quite often do that to throw us off!

    6. 😅😅 Now we might see more of Bill and see what dark secrets he has stashed away in his past. There has to be some that was never shown on screen.

    7. The reason for Bill's confusion is that, no one here seems to remember that he cared for Li at his house after Sheila's murderous rampage. He is obviously mixing up Poppy with her sister Li....

    8. But he met Luna also, who Poppi said is her daughter. Bill knows that Finn is Li's son. If it was a mixup, he might have made a remark about Finn having a sister.

    9. He doesn't confuse them but as they are sisters and he shares a history with Li, he doesn't make the connection and thinks that Poppy looks familar to him. I know how it feels, I once met a guy and I was sure I knew him but it happened to be the brother of a long lost friend. It was only the resemblance that made me think that.
      I hope Bill doesn't have another "lost" child!!! Enough with that!

    10. "Now we might see more of Bill"... Here's to hoping 😏😏🥰

  3. WOW...Zende is on fire...best acting I have seen coming from him. Give the guy a good script and he is lit 👏👏👏👏 watch out Luna.

  4. so zende goes from the sweetest guy in the world to vindictive evil guy in a nano second? not believeable.

    1. And loud! Zende didn't use to boom like that.

    2. I don't understand why Ridge didn't tell him about Eric! Even if Eric told him not to say it, he already did with HIS children so Zende has the right to know too.

    3. I also don't know. Zende is as much Eric's grandson as RJ, Steffy, Thomas. He is part of that family. It's quite ugly singling him out like this.

    4. It certainty won't make him more fond of RJ and Ridge when he finds out.

  5. 🥰🥰Bill. Yes Poppy you know him. But does she know Bill is the daddy? If he really is... Maybe he knew Poppy as Penelope.

    Hahah the Zende granade 💣😅 falling on Thope. Thomas is already riding the train to delulu "you're in love with me" land.
    "Did I say that?" was the BEST response 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 No you didn't, Mr President. We have the transcript.

    Is Zende really so loud and obnoxious all of a sudden?

    1. Hope wasn't so in love with him today. She was different than yesterday

    2. She's not so sure about what she said yesterday. She was kind of avoiding of talking about love. She some kind loves Thomas but that's not so sure

    3. I'm thinking about what happens if Hope says that we must have a break. Of course I hope it becomes just love and happiness and Liam sees that Hope is very happy now with Thomas. But I'm not ever going to be sure about it

    4. Same, Patologi. She even put that folder between them 😂 hard to misinterpret that.

    5. Its so unbelievable how the just ruin character without even building for such a change
      The same the did to dynesres in game of thrones
      And going after luna that’s very low
      But as the show us at the end and what ridge say i guess RJ is going to figure it quickly
      And i got a bad vibe from poppy
      She seems to be not that sweet as we think she is
      But time will tell
      And its not RJ’s fault that he is ridge’s and brook’s only son
      He is sweet and compassionate and tell now he stands up even to his dad where he should be standing
      So zande should take his frustration at eric or ridge not RJ
      but he thinks he can hit him under the belt but i don’t think he can and how a fool he will feel when he knows the truth

    6. That's the sad part...if Zende knew the truth he wouldn't (or shouldn't) take it out on RJ. But yeah he's going to try and hit RJ below the belt and that means going after Luna.

    7. Knowing the truth or not
      Its not RJ’s fault that eric chose him
      Even if it was because he is ridge’s son
      Still not his fault
      If zande wants to hold someone accountable he should go to eric himself
      But he thinks RJ is the easiest target

    8. They are so desperate for storylines and yet so lazy and cheap 😅 deadly combination.

    9. Indeed milla
      As renee said a lot of holes
      Like before today thomas was the one who save Hftf But now oh they decided to give zande a credit
      Such a crap they don’t know what to do

    10. I loved how even today Hope could not spit out the words. 😂😂😂. And the worst part of all this is now Thomas is convinced she does love him!! Uh oh!!! 🫢🫢🫢🫢
      I don’t like the new Zende. It seems too random.
      I still don’t think Bill is Luna’s dad. What would all this Poppy / Li drama be about if Bill is Luna’s dad? I think we are still missing a very important piece of the puzzle.
      I did like how Finn stood up to Li today!! Good job Finn!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    11. Lynn, I agree we are definitely missing a piece of the puzzle regarding the drama between Poppy and Li. But that may be still only between the sisters and not necessarily have to do something with the paternity. Li is a little unhinged 😅🙈

      I also think that change in Zende is too random and out of nowhere. If they had build up to it (like back then with Thorne) it would be one thing but him just deciding one day to start yelling at people and seducing the intern... Nah.

      And haha omg poor Hope 😂 that was a really uncomfortable expression she had. Either Hope or the actress is really not enjoying these moments.

    12. Milla, you could be right on the Poppy / Li thing. Maybe the sister’s rivalry is unrelated to Luna’s bio father. The only thing that I would say is…..then why did Li tell Poppy the same thing she told Finn about the affair with the doctor at Li’s hospital if that wasn’t what really happened?? Something is just not adding up here.
      Oh and yes, Hope’s expression was classic!! 😂😂😂😂 And like you pointed out, bringing the folder up between the two of them was perfect body language as she suffered from cat’s got your tongue! Lol.

    13. That’s true Lynn, maybe Poppy had multiple affairs 🙈 I hope we get to know soon, it’s been dragging for a while.
      I’m sure they will continue the hot and cold dynamic between Hope and Thomas, perfect way to keep both their fans and the opposition on their toes 😂 in some ways the writers are smart, but plot-wise it's just 🙈

    14. For sure, Milla. This Thomas / Hope thing prompts lots of commentary. You could be right, the writers may be smarter than we give them credit for.

  6. Zende is certainly out to get REVENGE on R.J.😤😤🥊🥊

  7. I can't stand Li. I'll hope that Finn and Luna get closer and Li doesn't know everything. Zende wants Luna. He's bitter to RJ and wants a revenge. They should tell him about Eric. Poor Zende thinks it's just nepotism to Ridge's kids.

    1. I agree Patologi, I think Zende has a right to know if the others have been told.. it’s a bit unfair for Ridge to pick and choose who knows.. even Hope knows and she is not even related to Eric.. so it’s only fair that zende knows.. he will b even more upset that everyone including Hope knew and he is the only one who didn’t.. and you can’t blame him..

    2. I wonder when they would bring Dominic on the show, yet another Heir whom would reclaim the throne LOL

  8. Now, I am starting to FF when Hope & Thomas is together.... really not interested! (not saying Hope should be with Liam!)

    1. I'm not sure they are together yet. Hope haven't committed that yet

  9. Bob it says buffering again. Can you fix it??? TY

    1. Is this the only problem with this video? Check out yesterday's and the day before yesterday's videos now. If there is buffering in all, then it is because of a weak Internet signal. I checked the video, it works without buffering in the latest version of Google Chrome browser. Maybe you are using a browser that is too outdated, although this is hardly the cause of buffering. Measure your internet speed. To do this, enter the word speed in Google search, go to the first site in the search results and click Go. What is the incoming and outgoing speed of your Internet?

    2. I use firefox because it was buffering with Chrome and it's perfect, they even remove the ad while you have to watch it on Chrome. Perfect, I just have a sound in the background, like people yelling on the street...

  10. Is Kelly also Bill's kid or not???? I mean I know there was a paternity test. But a paternity test isn't a DNA test.

    1. LOL what do you think a paternity test is?? It's a DNA test to prove that the father share half his DNA with the baby... And Kelly is not Bill, this SL is over.

    2. Miss sushi
      You never know what will come to these writers heads
      Bill being in the lap the day of the test just make a loophole in the story
      Maybe they will go there someday

  11. Why did Zende wait until after the fashion showdown to object to RJ working with Eric? Why didn't he say something earlier?

    1. Because now it's affecting HFTF. No funding or backing for that division of Forrester.

    2. Zende seems more bothered by RJ (the golden child) working with Eric than the funding cut. Hope & Thomas don't seem that bothered by the funding cut either. I think Zende is jealous of RJ, but RJ has been working with Eric for quite some time.

    3. Exactly renee
      Its not even applicable
      Its like hey there is a job available in department b i don’t care i have my own job
      Next day i lost my job so why i wasn’t selected
      Its really has been months and he knows about it but back then he didn’t care but now he does
      Go talk to your grandpa about don’t take it at RJ he didn’t ask for it

    4. It is like the writers have a hole in their story. Instead of a cake, we got a donut! 😂

    5. Chris091 who knows 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Sounds like Bill was a busy man in his past. And paternity tests can be bought. He has the money to change the outcome.

    6. Indeed renee so many holes
      Like before you Can’t Talk About Saving HFTF Being Team Effort But Thomas Getting All The Credit And Praise Meanwhile Zende Was Afterthought Until They Decided To Give Zende His Credit
      They are absolutely lost

    7. The way Zende is behaving now is how I wish he would have behaved with Paris when she chose to be with Carter instead of him. Instead, Zende was a total gentleman & gave Paris a pass. Zende will regret his behavior when he finds out the truth about Eric.

  12. Oo, I'm liking this dark and vengeful Zende. I guess with Thomas and Sheila trying to be reformed, the show needs someone to be bad. He's really trying to shake things up. Going after Luna. That's low! But good to watch. Whatever damage Zende does will be all Ridge's fault for keeping this secret about Eric.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣, yes, they are changing the crazies up now, so now it’s Liam and Zende that have turned to the dark side!! Talk about backflip!!

    2. 🙃🙃 and Zende is showing with his new personality now he could fit right in with all the others.

  13. So Zende is not privileged enough to know about Eric. What is going to happen when Thorn an Bridget turn up next week? They would have to know judging by their appearances on the show, but Zende is still kept in the dark? Ridge said today already too many know about Eric, hence he didn't want to tell Zende. RJ thinks he should know. But Ridge thinks different. SMH.

    1. Someone needs to hit Ridge in the head with a pinecone! 😂

    2. Agreed. It wasn't fair of Ridge to say that Zende shouldn't be told. Even the cat they don't have knows. Why shouldn't Zende?

    3. Is there an episode for today 11/22? Thanks Bob.....
