Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-18-24 Full episode B&B 18th January 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-18-24 Full episode B&B 18th January 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Brooke looks lovely in this outfit 🥰
    And Bill 🥰🤤 If I could just exchange Brooke and Poppy like two dolls 😀 even though Brooke's reunion with Eric was lovely.

    Poppy busting a move 😅 quite cringe, although not as much as Bill playing music off his phone. Sheila's face said it all when they kissed 😂

    If Carter says once again how Eric has been like a father to him 🤦🏻‍♀️ Eric should just adopt him already.

    1. Brooks outfit was gorgeous.
      Bill and Poppy's little dance number was cringe worthy. I don't think those are herbal mints she keeps popping. Then again when they keep reminiscing how they both met sounds like they were stoned. We all know what goes on at music festivals.
      Had to chuckle. Deacon was getting right into watching Poppy dance and Sheila smacks him and looks like she said to him "what are you doing"
      Eric really seems like he's not to happy being back.

    2. Brooke always looks lovely in her outfits so nice

    3. Sheila and deacon were funny to watch and they look so normal
      The rest as you said milla and that dance was stupid

    4. Agree with you ladies everything, also about Eric.

    5. I continue to be very impressed with John McCook’s acting. Everything about the way he looks, talks and moves makes it look like he truly just came from the hospital after undergoing major surgery.

      And yeah, Deacon and Sheila seem oddly normal now. Lol.

    6. Milla, yes Brooke always looks lovely in how she dresses, very classy!! D, I get the same impression, he seems happy to b back one minute, then he gets this look of disappointment on his face, and I think Ridge senses it.. Lynn, JM is playing the part perfectly!! He is an awesome actor!! The dance in the restaurant, was so cheesy.. but Bills face, the way he was looking at her, I think was a little more than acting the part.. She is a very sensual woman, and extremely attractive, but the scene, very cheesy!!

    7. Colly, I agree. It’s hard to tell if Eric is happy or sad to have been brought back after his “crossing over” experience. I read weeks ago that he was going to be mad at Ridge, but we haven’t seen that yet. It seems that if he fully recovers, he would be happy!
      If that were my father I wouldn’t tell him….Sorry I didn’t honor your wishes and let you die. That would be a horrible thing to tell a loved one. Lol.

    8. Colly, Lynn I'm sure Ridge is feeling a lot of guilt. Things Eric is saying makes it sound like he's not so happy about being brought back. Even Donna had some looks of doubt.

    9. Yes, especially after explaining what the other side was like and saying he was ready to go there, then he ended back here, they all look confused at what he meant that that, hence Ridges question to him?? I don’t think even he himself is sure wether he is happy to b back or not.. He is saying a lot contradictory things that make it hard to tell??

    10. Ridge was in the least enviable position to be in and I'm sure Eric will realize that. How do you decide to switch off the "life" of your dad when doctors tell you he has more of it? How do you go against his wish not to suffer? Coming on top was the pressure from everyone else, who wanted not to deal with Eric's death (of course they love him but they want not to suffer more).

    11. Lynn you're right that JM is brilliant playing this sl so convincingly. I wish him all the health for years to come.

  2. TY Bob. The program kept on saying "buffering" almost til the end. TY the same.

  3. Good to see Shilla and deacon again 😀😀😀

  4. the little dance and make out session was so out of place. the writers are slacking. it was just weird.

  5. Okay, a few things to say. That scene at Deacon's restaurant. That was odd. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think I'm brave enough to stand up in a public restaurant and do a seductive dance. And then the other customers applauding. Uh?
    And why does Carter think it's okay to be at Eric's homecoming when there are so many other actual family members who could be there. And when Eric was talking about crossing over to that other place. When he told Ridge "I saw your mother". Am I the only one who thought: Oh, so he was in hell? 😎
    Sorry, but Stephanie Forrester was quite mean and vicious at times, especially to Brooke and her mother.

    1. I thought the same 😂😂😂
      That’s why he didn’t pass 😂😂

    2. Was he in hell 🤣 I believe in God so I thought just about heaven 😁 But that was funny thought 😅

  6. And it was kinda funny to see Deacon and Sheila talking about Bill and Poppi. I almost forgot about Sheila being a psycho.

    1. Exactly they seemed so normal
      So if thomas can change so does sheila 😂

    2. I'd love to see Sheila and Deacon always like that, normal human beings. That would be nice. But The Bell's aren't listening to my wishes 😁

  7. Popping pills Poppy! I think soon we're gonna see why Li dislikes her sister so much.

    😂😂😂 at the looks of disgust on Deacon's and Sheila's faces while everyone else was applauding. And was it just me or did anyone else get a sense of foreboding when Sheila kept feeling sorry for Poppy falling for Bill's smooth talking? I was thinking that Bill is going to be the one that might live to regret meeting Poppy.

    1. Elle, that’s funny. We can call her PPP for short!

    2. Yes, Pill popping poppy!! 🤣🤣🤣 deacon and Sheila were hilarious to watch!! Maybe Elle?? Sheila doesn’t know Poppy is Li’s sister yet, so?? U may b right??

    3. Elle 😂😂. Colly maybe Sheila is about to find out she has a new enemy that might be a little smarter than her.

    4. D, it would be ironic if somehow Poppy ends up being the one who sends Shiela to jail after every one else tried and failed!! Maybe Poppy goes after Deacon to get to Sheila?? It would send Sheila off the rails after the way she reacted to Deacon dribbling over Poppies sexy entertainment!!

    5. Elle? Your last comment disappeared. Colly yes! We need something new with storylines. Deacon did enjoy Poppies little performance and that got to Sheila

    6. Yes, my comment disappeared! I was trying to have some harmless fun with Lynn. 😂

    7. No need to mention spammers in the comments, otherwise their activity will increase. You can enable the PC version of the site to avoid seeing spam texts.

    8. Elle is the bad girl of the class 😁

    9. 😂 Milla.

      Apologies Bob. Thanks for the tip!

    10. Elle, I’m sorry I missed it! 😂😂😂
      I saw Bob’s comment and didn’t know what he was referring to. Lol

    11. Lynn, I was channeling a certain spammer who adores you! 😊

  8. My mama is dying here at home and she has only weeks to live and I tell her this all the time... the journey, the beautiful journey she is going to take... this hit home...

    1. MissKB, I am sad to hear your mother is passing on; please tell her I love her!

    2. MissKB, I’m so sorry you are going through that. A virtual hug is coming your way. ❤️

    3. MissKB, my heart breaks for you and your mama … Also sending virtual hugs love ❤️

    4. MissKB, I am so sorry for what you are going thru. I am sure your voice is music to your Mama's ears. Hearing is the last thing to go, so keep reminding her about the beautiful journey as the time nears & tell her anything else that you think will bring her comfort. Prayers for peaceful passing. ♥️

    5. MissKB my thoughts are with you. Just being there and assuring her there is nothing to be afraid of, and your voice and touch will insure her of that.❤️. My heart goes out to you. TAKE CARE of yourself too.

    6. If Bill thinks Sheila is dangerous, why does he comes to this restaurant? Is there no other restaurants in LA? This so little town... 🙄 You don't want to see someone, don't go where the person is.

    7. Miss kb sorry to hear that and my god be with you and give strength my dear ❤️

    8. Also sending you love and strength MissKB ❤️❤️🌸

  9. Thank you Bob ❤️ have a good weekend 😘

  10. Thanks BOB
    Ridge got fillers and botox?
