Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th January 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-4-24 Full episode B&B 4th January 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Finn is going to lose steffy again

    1. Steffy's rationale thinking: "My crimes were swept under the rug, it's Thomas' turn for the broom." All evidence was lost, just like when dad bought off the cop for me. Besides she was a nobody, wasn't even rich." Finn lose Steffy, or his chance to get away.

    2. I didn't even know that Finn was close to Hope. That they do know eachother so well. Finn acts like Hope is his close friend. Or does he want Hope back with Liam.. no, I just think he is so caring person. He's gonna be together with Hope someday, I'm sure. He cares for her like friends do. But.. more than a friend in the future 🤔

    3. Don't forget that Finn's birth Mom (Shelia) is engaged to Hope's Dad (Deacon). Finn was the one to break the news regarding their parents' relationship to Hope. So, Finn & Hope bonded over that.

    4. Oh yes, I forgot the bad news they shared together 😃 It would be fun if they were together too

  2. Replies
    1. Looks like Liam & Wyatt have a new step sister

    2. Too bad Wyatt will never get to meet his baby sister.

  3. Really Finn, calling Hope behind Steffy's back. Such a loser 🤮

    1. He did that even before. He called Hope to visit at their home when Steffy was away. And he talked that Hope deserves someone better than Thomas. Then I thought that why is he involved with that. I didn't know they were so close

    2. No patologi he didn’t call her to come
      Kelly needed her pillow or something and it was at hope‘s and liam asked her to drop it off at steffy’s because finn was shipping some stuff to her

    3. Oh Mmysh now I remember 😃 I hate my memory 🤣 I all the time forget something

    4. Its ok my dear
      I remembered also he came to the office and told her to go see her father
      After she saw sheila there and knew about the relationship i remember she was furious and went to talk to finn

  4. I don’t think bills the father at all , it only makes it look like that it he is

    1. Maybe you are right they want us to believe that

    2. I hope you're right Unknown because it's getting annoying all the "hints".

    3. Not sure that he can be (but time lines mean nothing in a soap). Didn’t Bill say to Poppie 20 years ago? Shouldn’t Luna technically be 21 at least as both she a RJ were drinking at the going to not die wake for Eric? Age of drinking is what 21 in California. Doesn’t matter in the family mansion but the time of meeting isn’t right. But the writers will change it if they want to.

  5. Hehe Steffy 😅 drop it baby… baby ain’t dropping nothing.

    I still wonder how much exactly she knows about that night. She can’t be that cavalier if she knew how Thomas left Emma to die? Can she?

    The whole Poppy and Bill and Luna story is getting a little boring because of that terrible writing. The only thing that can make this it better is if Poppy turns out to be a psycho or have some exciting secret. Because so far…

    1. It seems steffy doesn’t know any details
      But ridge knows
      I don’t see steffy that bad to believe her brother did it and cover for him
      But what is funny for me is hope
      She got so nervous and angry hearing xander‘s name
      Brought a the worst memories to her
      But she do not feel then while kissing and bedding thomas

      And for bill they are for sure indicating that luna is his

    2. But Mmysh it seems Steffy knows at least that Thomas was chasing her, no? Otherwise she'd be like "wait Thomas wasn't anywhere near, what the hell?"

    3. I think that Steffy sure knows about Emma. She covers her brother. I can believe it on her. But she believes when Thomas said that he is innocent. But she should think about that clearly.. she knows that it sure is something weird at Emma's death. Steffy can be so cold person

    4. Milla since liam knows he was chasing her so probably she knows that too
      But i guess she didn’t say anything so finn will not be more determined to look into it

    5. Patologi i think she will always choose to believe her brother

    6. “Baby ain’t dropping nothing” is about right, Milla!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Let’s see what the rest of the conversation between Finn and Hope looks like tomorrow.
      My guess is….Hope is going to start to doubt the trust she’s placed in Thomas. And I think Thomas and Xander are gonna go toe to toe in coming episodes.

    7. Lynn I am so excited how they plan to play it. I am getting a little confused who knew what, maybe should find the time to rewatch the eps after Emma’s death. Steffy said that Xander went to the police back then, so he told them about Thomas chasing? But we also know Thomas deleted his gps history… I def will rewatch.

      I really hope Xander stays on, he’s one of the few who saw Thomas‘ real face back then. And I hope you’re right about Hope.


    8. I will watch too milla because i don’t remember Xander went to the police
      I remember he told thomas that
      But thomas told him who do think they gonna believe im rich and powerful I laughed back then because he should have add and white 😂😂
      But flo got out of prison because ridge didn’t want the police to look into thomas

  6. Finn you are overstepping
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  7. Is there anyone who doesn't think that Bill is Luna's father? I can't possibly be more obvious that this is the direction this story is going.

    1. Hilary, nice to see you on the blog! 😊
      I am still skeptical in believing Bill is Luna’s dad….even with all the over the top obvious hints. I still remember Luna’s comment that her grandfather is a famous doctor or surgeon? So maybe Poppy just made that up when she told Luna? And why did Poppy act like she didn’t remember Bill during their first encounter at Il Giardino, but in today’s episode she told him she had “never forgotten” about them meeting decades ago. And how does all the Li anger toward Poppy fit into this Bill / Luna scenario?? Things just aren’t adding up. My guess is the writers changed direction on this storyline and now it’s not going to make sense based on the clues they already gave us. So far, I’m bored, very bored with Bill and Poppy.

    2. I think that Li doesn't want her sister and niece to become a rich people. She wants to be the best child in the family 🤔 Li don't want anything good to their lives

  8. Finn is working overtime to send Steffi into Liam's waiting arms someone needs grab him smack him and tell him he's doing 2 much

  9. Are Poppi's pills edible cannabis, perhaps? "Like your whiskey,"she said. I hope this doesn't go down the opioid-addiction drain.

    1. Me too. We already watched the pain pill addiction with Steffy. Not interested in that story again.

  10. Just finished watching the movie 'John Q', where Denzel Washington's son needed a heart. I am mentioning this, because the boy playing his son on
    here is the original Zende. That is how small he was, when he started on B&B.

  11. One more child for Bill Spencer?! I don't think so. Maybe we all are Bill's sons, at this point, but we haven't found out yet 😂

  12. Another child for Bill . You all will see at the end Finn will be with Hope
