Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-3-24 Full episode B&B 3rd January 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-3-24 Full episode B&B 3rd January 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy cornered and trying to think up a plausible excuse for Thomas running Emma off the road. Need to rewatch that scene of Emma in the car, people saying he pushed her because she shoved forward at one point. Sounds about right. Steffy can say he was trying to teach Emma some evasive manoeuvers but she just couldn't drive worth beans.

    1. The whole story line was young speed and texting whilst driving
      Thomas didn't kill Emma
      Emma killed Emma
      She was rushing to tell Hope not because of Thomas but Emma was jealous of Zoe
      Everyone forgets the scenes

    2. Blaming the victim is beyond disgusting 🤢

    3. No one is forgetting, Mandy. We saw Emma texting. Then we saw Emma put her phone down. Next we see Emma is blinded by the headlights from the car speeding up on her butt! So she looks up in her rearview mirror at the car racing up behind her, then she looks back down at the road and crashes. It was Thomas’ speeding up behind her on a windy road that caused the crash. Not the cell phone. The cell phone was already on her passenger seat at that point. If Thomas hadn’t raced up behind her on a dark and very dangerous road, she would not have crashed. And if Thomas had called 911 after she crashed, they very well may have saved her life!!!! But Thomas didn’t want her saved! Thomas wanted her dead!!

    4. Exactly lynn
      And even if emma was jealous of zoey i don’t know how that can be ised to defend thomas 😂

      And before emma crashed she said get off my pumper

      Look how he treated her before he drove her to her death
      I don’t know how this is ok with anyone and still able to defend it

    5. Mmysh, exactly. What does the relationship between Emma and Zoe have to do with Thomas threatening and subsequently chasing Emma to her death? They have zero relation to each other. If Zoe would have chased Emma to her death, then we would be having this discussion about Zoe! But that’s NOT the case.

    6. Indeed lynn but i guess anything to defend Thomas
      When Li‘s car crashed its has exactly the same circumstances as Emma’s
      What is funny that if Li died in that crash those same people who are saying now that tommy boy didn’t kill emma, they will say that sheila killed Li

    7. Thomas whent after Emma he talegated Emma on the road to hopes house Thomas wanted to stop Emma from telling hope the truth about Beth is alive at anny means he didn't even call 911 for that's similar to a hit and run and and it's crime

    8. Indeed its a crime by the law lady knorr
      But our main issue with thomas is more than that
      Its his psychotic behavior and how he was happy she is dead to the degree he enjoyed watching her losing her life

    9. It's not a hit and run , there is no hit.No law obligate Thomas to call 911 .

    10. Xander could tell the truth about Beth months before,Thomas was involved.

    11. Morals obligate him to call 911, but since he has none so yeah he is excused 😂😂

  2. There it is! Hope is terrified. Look at her…her expressions say it all! It’s your own dang fault, Hope. You had to see this coming! Or maybe it’s that you are so naive to think that everyone can change…when deep down inside, they simply are who they are! Oh and she is going to take that ring off her chain and put it back in the box.
    Finn and Steffy’s conversation was very interesting as well. And Finn even got Steffy to admit they need to keep a close eye on Thomas. It’s gonna come out….what really happened to Emma and the circumstances behind her crash. Thomas is not going to walk away from this scot-free! He played a part in her death and needs to be held accountable.

    1. The whole gang caused a knock on effect and Emma was jealous of Zoe
      Don't forget she tried to get her fired from her model job before this

    2. Exactly my thoughts lynn
      The look in her face is priceless
      Like she was saying to herself what the deep shit i put myself into
      And its her fault being that stupid
      If she had any shred of respect for her pain back then or her daughter she wouldn’t be in that position
      She can forgive him sure but bedding him 🤮🤮🤮🤮
      Let us see how she will feel when she knows the truth about emma maybe she will give her father some slack 😂
      And steffy didn’t mention that Thomas was chasing emma since liam knows that im sure she knows also or maybe she isn’t
      And the things she mentioned about xander actually didn’t make him look bad to finn and she didn’t wanted really to tell finn that Thomas threatened him
      So when finn hear all the details xander knows plus charli im sure he will starts to believe the truth
      There is some details only thomas knows and some only ridge and Thomas know
      But in good to see steffy in the seat of having a psycho in the family 😂😂
      And it was good in the last episode to see steffy agreeing with brook so we didn’t see oh look how brook bashing thomas (while she didn’t but anyway 😀)
      Let us see if will get involved in this storyline also

    3. Steffy didn’t admit jack squat. She is appeasing Finn. Simply not wanting to carry the conversation further with him.

      Thomas was following Emma yes. He wanted to tell his side of the story at Hope’s or at least try to interject at Hope’s before Emma could talk so that he could steer the conversation.
      Emma was texting and driving simple as that. Whether she was at that second or not is beyond the point. She did not have HER DAMN EYES ON THE ROAD!!!!!!!

      This is why so many people die from people texting and driving and why it is illegal to do so in many places - like where I live.
      Ask any paramedic how often they see motor vehicle accidents and DEAD PEOPLE because of the stupid people doing this 🤦‍♀️

    4. Mmysh, I think it was you who pointed out not too long ago that if Thomas was so innocent, then why did he feel the need to erase his GPS history that showed he had been on Mulholland Drive at the same time Emma was on the road?? Innocent people don’t feel the need to erase their GPS history!!!!!

    5. Big fan, too funny!!! Thomas wanted to tell Emma “his side of the story” ??? What was his side of the story?? That he wanted to keep the secret so Hope would marry him???!!! That’s Thomas’ side of the story. And he did not want to “tell her” anything. He wanted to STOP HER! He wanted the secret to stay hidden forever!! So with Emma dead, the secret would stay hidden. Thomas is going down!! Stay tuned.
      Oh and people also die when they are being chased by a madman on a dark, narrow, windy mountain road!!! They take a turn too fast and plummet to their death. Just like in the case with Emma.

    6. Yes lynn it was me
      And isn’t bad enough for the ones defending him that he wanted her dead
      An innocent good young woman

      And big fan

      He already violently told her his of the story
      No wonder she got so scared after she recognized him chasing her AFTER she throw her phone on the passenger seat

      We remember what happened and we don’t like to fool ourselves

    7. Yes lynn it was me
      Another this isn’t bad enough for him to want an innocent good young woman dead because he sure did with no remorse even or a struggle with his conscience
      Isn’t that bad enough for the people defending him or make lame excuses

    8. Mmysh, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    9. Big fan

      He already violently told her his side of the story
      But thanks to pam she was able to run
      And no wonder after that confrontation she was so scared when she knew he was chasing her AFTER she threw her phone on the passenger seat
      Yes a lot of people crash because of texting but not this one since we saw what really happened but simply we don’t like to fool ourselves

    10. Big fan
      Here you go

      He violently already told her his side of the story
      Thanks to pam she managed to run away
      She was already scared and git more scared when she knew he is the one chasing her AFTER she throws her phone on the passenger seat
      And yes we know a lot of people crash while texting and driving but we know what saw but simply we don’t like to fool ourselves

    11. And lynn in my last line
      I forgot to put liam
      Let us see if he will get involved with this storyline
      Since his appearance today was useless

    12. Lynn the tension between Steffy and Finn is definitely rising. Please let Finn keep his balls and keep digging. Hope should know! Everyone should know.

    13. Milla i think finn will not give up
      For him its a moral issue according to his character its not about making steffy happy this time

    14. Mmysh I really hope so. I like Finn when he has his own strong storylines and is not there just as an attachment to Steffy's mouth.

    15. Mmysh and Milla, very true! Finn already has some pretty negative opinions of Thomas. He’s gonna get to the bottom of this, for sure. Finn actually has a moral code unlike some others on the show.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    17. Finn begins to be unpolite or somekind of raising his voice to Thomas or something.. and Thomas wants to get rid of him. Finn is nice peaceful man.. but I don't think he's gonna be like that never again with Thomas. That makes the relationship hard with Steffy who loves her brother

  3. You mean the way the logans always walk away Scott free
    Well Thomas did tell them to keep quiet but this was months after the group were already keeping Beth secret.
    And Xander kept the secret for Zoe Let's not forget this
    Bill is Luna daughter
    Bell let go Darren Brookes to bring in a daughter for Bill
    Oh great to see Liam I love Liam
    Thank you Bob xxxx
    Thank you Bob

    1. 😂😂😂 who got away with murder from the logens ??
      And big difference between keep silent and if you talk you will face emma’s fate
      And there is no comparison between a co worker keeping a secret out of fear and a family member because he has a selfish agenda

    2. Brooke did try to shoot Stephanie, only she either missed or the gun didn’t go off, one or the other, can’t remember, but she tried, but was unsuccessful!! It’s still attempted murder!! She also tried to hide from Ridge that Thomas was his and also tried to convince Taylor to stay dead for the same “selfish reasons”, so she too, also tried to hide a child from Ridge and the fact Taylor was alive, and she also tried to con Ridge into believing Bridget was his child, and not Eric’s, and that she wasn’t sleeping with Eric, which was a lie, so she was trying to keep a child away from her father, and make someone else believe it was theirs, again for her own selfish reasons to hook Ridge!! She may not have tried to murder anyone then, but she tried to keep babies away from their fathers by lying and keeping secrets.. So she has attempted murder and lied twice about someone else’s baby (Thomas) and her own out of desperation to hold on to Ridge, so how this different to Thomas?? Same scenario’s!! Sorry but no excuses for that!!

    3. Yeah Brooke in a heat of moment shot at Stephanie and missed, nobody not even Stephanie cared about this. Only Brooke haters on this blog who need something to suck out of their fingers to compare the horror which Thomas deliberately caused to multiple people over years with. And the baby thing is older than all of us together. It was the damn baby's mom to tell, not on Brooke. It's like comparing me blowing air through my lips and a hurricane. Sure both is air moving, so same 🤷🏻‍♀️

    4. Exactly milla
      And none of us at least defended brook’s bad deeds or deny it when its indefensible
      And we all know why brook did that don’t we
      Not an excuse but still the circumstances matters in some events while stephani herself assaulted brook
      Almost choked her once and she caused her mother’s death
      But doesn’t really matter because all of her bad deeds is not compared to murder

    5. While was my exact question
      When did a logen got away with murder ??

    6. Lol..Only the Brooke haters on this blog need something to suck out of their fingers to compare the horror Thomas has done?? It's a damn soap, everyone has done evil things. Why so serious? Because you're all Thomas haters?? Won't it be a slap in the face if it's Xander and Zoe that are the main culprits.
      The way the writers just introduced this whole Bill and Poppy story is so corny. Sounds like they were at a strip club type scenario and her dancing had every man but $Bill was the winner and now the father of Luna.


    7. D I don't know what you're trying to say with Zoe and Xander, but my statement still stands. You need to collect all the "evil" (meaning malicious CRIMINAL hurting people, not sleeping with men) the Logans have done over the whole span (decades) of the show to begin comparing with one year of Thomas (before last one). And I don't mind you calling me a Thomas hater. I know the crimes he did and you bet I hate crimes. But nobody is "so serious", don't worry.

    8. OMG all one reads is Exactly Lynn, Exactly Mmysh, Exactly Milla, you bunch of idiotic woman arguing over a damn Soapie SO determined to prove that you are all right is the joke of the century.......we need to name this gang of 'i'm always right' to the 'E (EXACTLY) GANG' aren't you ladies ashamed of yourselves :D bunch of losers!

    9. unknown you're right and you're the winner 🥇 nothing says winner like coming to whine about us so please - take your medal.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Milla, EXACTLY!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Hey Little u, no one is arguing. We are all agreeing with each other. You said so yourself. And if you don’t like it, then don’t read it. Simple.
      You should seriously work on your anger issues so you don’t stroke out! Lol

    12. Milla and lynn indeed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Please take your pills 💊 because we can’t bare that guilt if you died because of us 😂😂😂😂😂

    13. Lynn united we stand 😀❤️ I don't mind being part of an E gang, especially as opposed to the alternative - a lonely little u that only comes to spew hate.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. That's pathetic. To wish a stroke on anyone.

    16. Why did you delete your comment Mmysh?

    17. D the bully supporter 😂 don’t care about your opinion or comment but its not that hard to get
      My original comment appeared so i deleted the replacement
      But unknown with little u shouldn’t miss a pill fir sure
      You see our comments but u don’t see its comment how hypocritical and pathetic then come to preach us 😂😂

    18. No Mmysh your original comment was pathetic. To wish someone a stroke for "real". I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. But that's me.

    19. Yeah that’s u 😂😂😂😂
      Go take a look in the mirror
      Next time u play the angel (not)
      And practice what u preach so u will not look hypocritical and just stop obsessing over my comments 🥱🥱

    20. I have thought that when Lynn, Mmysh and maybe Milla too, are commenting to someone's post.. you write like "We don't like Thomas ". But when you're alone at home, why post the word we? Now of course in the conversation says we. But a reply to someone's post is by the word we. That makes me think that you are the best friends and spend a time together 🤔

    21. Patologi, I try to give credit to others for saying something they may have said days ago rather than acting like I am saying it for the first time on the blog. So yes, the word ‘we’ gets thrown around a lot.
      Milla, Mmysh and myself agree on Thomas almost always. So it’s a safe bet to say ‘we’ when it comes to him. And that’s true when it comes to Steffy as well.

    22. Lynn I have nothing against your comments. But the comment Mmysh deleted?, sorry was pathetic. To wish someone a stroke for "real" I had to say something. I'm not defending what unknown said or the "bullies" as Mmysh says. Her comment was uncalled for.

    23. D - I was just going to stay out of the back and forth between you and Mmysh. I was just replying to Patologi. Little u (AKA unknown) is a trouble maker for sure. But per my New Year’s resolution, I’m trying my best to be less reactive. Because I can very easily get wrapped around the axle as well. And I recognize I need to work on that personality trait. Lol.

    24. 🥰 alls good Lynn. I just couldn't help to react to that comment.

    25. So D next time right a comment to unknown and let it know that you are against its comments alright 👍
      Don’t just come and right to me or one of us and then exchange replies with unknown
      So saying here to lynn that oh i do support it mmmm not that much convincing
      Still look hypocritical and pathetic
      And next time you start crying about calling people names AGAIN take a look in the mirror before preaching others 🥱🥱

  4. Don't you call our Queen Steffy Honey!!!

  5. Did any one understand what steffy said at the end about if hope finding out , get what she said

  6. All good I’ve heard it now , she said she’s worried if hope lets him down

  7. TY Bob and have a great and Happy New Year

  8. Bill 🥰

    Yes Finn Thomas is more dangerous than you realized. But you are realizing it now. Pls don't let go of your gut feeling, Finn, please! Dig deeper into the Emma story.

    Ah that flashback in Hope's mind, there's a reason she didn't mention. And that tortured face in the end 😅 Run, Forrest, run!

    Btw did Steffy know Thomas was after Emma that night? Who knew about this, Mmysh?

    1. I don’t know if she know
      But liam told hope once that emma died trying to tell her the truth
      And Thomas was chasing her that’s all he said so maybe or supposedly he told steffy too
      Sure flo, zeo
      Xander and charli knew about the GPS
      And ridge

    2. Mmysh I have a vague memory of Brooke bringing up Emma to Ridge in relation to Thomas and him gaslighting her with "why would you bring Emma?" So I think also Brooke was clued in that he was involved.

    3. Oh yes when the detective was at brook’s
      And also bill came once to her wanting to check thomas’s car and i remember brook told him she already did
      But of that was after he deleted his car’s GPS records because xander already confronted him about it

    4. Yeah that's a behavior of an innocent man. God save us from such innocent ones. I'm so glad this storyline didn't stay buried Mmysh, I still can't believe it 🤩🤩

    5. I’m so happy with the show these days! I actually can’t wait to see what happens next!! 😁😁😁😁

    6. Lynn same. Finally some justice and I can't wait to see Thomas finally be confronted by someone (other than the interns) and face his actions himself. And of course Hope getting the slap in the face she needs to open her eyes where he is concerned.

    7. Im glad too
      But i hope they will play it out right

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. On some other B&B chat sites people were complaining that the writers had brought Xander back. They were all saying it was “OLD NEWS” and the writers were just making Thomas go back to his old ways with this storyline.
      I laughed and said that justice being served is NEVER OLD NEWS!!!

    10. Indeed lynn 😂😂😂
      The thing with those people is now its old news and oh why bring up the past and people don’t care about emma
      But its ok for the writers to bring up brook’s past like every episode
      And the most funny one thomas redeemed himself 😂😂
      Since he was behaving for a while / while he has everything he wants
      Such redemption
      Sure a lot are having a cow 😂😂

    11. Lynn people are so blinded by the "chemistry" with Hope. I see the same on Instagram. Give them chemistry and it's all good. But to me justice is sweeter than chemistry 😁 when it comes to crimes.
      Mmysh spot on "he redeemed himself while he got everything he wants"

    12. What chemistry it’s disgusting 🤮

  9. Feels like Ol Dollar Bill will be ordering the lobster stuffed mushrooms along with a side of DNA!

  10. So obvious... Poppy and $$Bill got together 20 sum yrs ago?? Sounds like he is Poppys bby daddy...ur welcome... 😂

    1. Do you think Li knew Bill fathered Luna & that is why she has been trying to run Luna out of town?

    2. Renee yes, I do after seeing today's episode.

    3. It is strange that Poppy doesn't know or is claiming to not know...


    The bounce scene bill/liam
    A special for you milla ❤️😀

    1. Mmmm I'm purring 🥰❤️thank you Mmysh!

  12. So Bill will going to find out that he has a daughter and Hope if u don't want anyone knows about the proposer u should take out the necklace 😉

  13. So Bill will going to find out that he has a daughter and Hope if u don't want anyone knows about the proposer u should take off the necklace

  14. The Bold has got off to a cracking start
